drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
1220 tasting notes

blahblah tl;dr
So…I completely failed at donating blood, and was given a reminder as to why I haven’t tried in years. I should have known there was going to be a problem when I woke up in a panic half an hour after I went to bed. I just get my heart racing so fast, and apparently they all have a 3 tries policy…but they wouldn’t give me enough time to calm myself down. It was incredibly rude too because NOBODY else was there and I’m trying to donate double red blood cells from my O- blood. Like SERIOUSLY give me a chance.
So instead I got to feel bad because I wanted to donate SO BADLY, and then I was made to feel like there’s something wrong with me, and I drove in the most ridiculous rain I’ve dealt with in the longest time to be able to do nothing for people.

And instead of going home to sulk in bed, which was my plan, since I drove past the mall I ended up in Sephora and spent $90. I can’t get over a stupid brush being $32 but whatever, hopefully I’ll never need one again.

So even now, it’s been like 5 hours since I left and I’m all pretty, and I’m still really angry. I just have no idea what I’m supposed to do cause “just calm down” is the least helpful thing you could tell someone?? Yeah.

So I avoided drinking actual tea for a couple days, getting caffeine withdrawal headaches, for no reason and now I don’t even want it.

I guess if I can bring myself to try again I’m not going back to them.

Okay finally this tea. It is comforting, all I wanted was something minty and sweet.

I’m glad when I kept repeatedly ordering from Davids they kept giving me samples of this, so I have enough for the time being.

It’s such a refreshing, awesome mix. The apple kind of ends up tasting like apple instead of just being sweet, but it actually does work with coconut and mint (though I think apple would be good w/either by itself, altogether can seem a bit worrying).

And it’s even so good cold! I might actually like it better cold.

And maybe eventually I will feel better. I’m going to plant stuff in my garden plot tomorrow so there’s that.

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tattooed_tea 12 years ago

I won’t even attempt to donate blood, because my nerves & anxiety get the best of me. And I’m also O-. I was the recipient of a blood transfusion last April & eternaly grateful.
At least you tried. There are people who don’t have the anxiety around it & won’t donate.

Novi 12 years ago

Been there, sort of… had a panic attack when my old dentist was trying to novocaine me, and instead of waiting for my lips to stop shaking, he stuck the needle in my bottom lip and numbed my face. Haven’t been back since, and I agree that if that particular place didn’t suit you, but you still want to donate, try somewhere else. Because a bad experience in a place like that won’t go away in your mind, and you’ll likely feel just as anxious there next time.

Gardening always helps, doesn’t it? Jealous that you can start already.

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. With donating blood, the staff really does make a difference. Hopefully if you try again, you can find a place with a more supportive staff. I really need to schedule my next platelet donation for after I finish my next running race.

Oh and the tea sounds yummy! :-)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Me & 3 of my 4 kids are O-. The boys donate blood regularly. I haven’t for awhile, as every time I did I passed out half way through the process. Not because of nervousness or anything like that, I actually find most medical procedures fascinating to watch. I also have trouble giving blood because my veins are hard to hit, so I end up leaving as a pincushion every time.

momo 12 years ago

Thank you guys. I thought the first girl was nice then I guess she really didn’t want to bother with me and handed me over to someone else and just ugh. I don’t think the right thing to tell someone with anxiety is “it’s mental.” Preeeeetty sure we know that. So I think when/if I try again I’ll go to the Red Cross instead.

I’m hoping everything I have outside right now is going to be fine, it just randomly got cold!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Where did you go? I didn’t know there were places besides the red cross where you could donate.
I take Rescue Remedy for situations like that. Had to have some yesterday actually.

momo 12 years ago

Different areas have other donation centers, the one I went to is like AL/GA/FL but only around Atlanta in GA, kind of weird. Up where my parents live the Red Cross chapter doesn’t even do blood donations.

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tattooed_tea 12 years ago

I won’t even attempt to donate blood, because my nerves & anxiety get the best of me. And I’m also O-. I was the recipient of a blood transfusion last April & eternaly grateful.
At least you tried. There are people who don’t have the anxiety around it & won’t donate.

Novi 12 years ago

Been there, sort of… had a panic attack when my old dentist was trying to novocaine me, and instead of waiting for my lips to stop shaking, he stuck the needle in my bottom lip and numbed my face. Haven’t been back since, and I agree that if that particular place didn’t suit you, but you still want to donate, try somewhere else. Because a bad experience in a place like that won’t go away in your mind, and you’ll likely feel just as anxious there next time.

Gardening always helps, doesn’t it? Jealous that you can start already.

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. With donating blood, the staff really does make a difference. Hopefully if you try again, you can find a place with a more supportive staff. I really need to schedule my next platelet donation for after I finish my next running race.

Oh and the tea sounds yummy! :-)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Me & 3 of my 4 kids are O-. The boys donate blood regularly. I haven’t for awhile, as every time I did I passed out half way through the process. Not because of nervousness or anything like that, I actually find most medical procedures fascinating to watch. I also have trouble giving blood because my veins are hard to hit, so I end up leaving as a pincushion every time.

momo 12 years ago

Thank you guys. I thought the first girl was nice then I guess she really didn’t want to bother with me and handed me over to someone else and just ugh. I don’t think the right thing to tell someone with anxiety is “it’s mental.” Preeeeetty sure we know that. So I think when/if I try again I’ll go to the Red Cross instead.

I’m hoping everything I have outside right now is going to be fine, it just randomly got cold!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Where did you go? I didn’t know there were places besides the red cross where you could donate.
I take Rescue Remedy for situations like that. Had to have some yesterday actually.

momo 12 years ago

Different areas have other donation centers, the one I went to is like AL/GA/FL but only around Atlanta in GA, kind of weird. Up where my parents live the Red Cross chapter doesn’t even do blood donations.

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