O'Connor's Cream

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Butter, Cheesecake, Cocoa, Cream, Irish Cream, Malt, Tangy, Whiskey, Smooth, Creamy
Sold in
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Edit tea info Last updated by Lisbet
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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36 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh tea with the ridiculously giggle-causing name, you are SO good. Tonight, with a bit of Jamieson’s (because it’s in the cupboard), some maple syrup and a touch of coconut milk. I know, I know....” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow. This is… wow. The description sounds delicious, and I’ve loved everything tgtea now that I’ve had. I’ve shared this with a few people, however this is the first time I’ve tried it. I must say,...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown! (168) I pulled this one out tonight so that i could try another tea Gschwen34u0234uweiroweri tea before i am back in CHicago. Yeah that’s right…stupid letters i never put in the right...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wanted this tea after reading OMGsrsly’s giggling review. And this name does deserve giggles! But it’s also actually pretty tasty! It’s a nice black, with a bit of creaminess. Quite...” Read full tasting note

From TeaGschwendner

Cocoa bits melt into a warmth reminiscent of whisky and cream. A full-bodied black tea is the base for this special winter treat.

Ingredients: Black tea from India, Sri Lanka and China, cocoa pieces and flavor.

Preparation: 1 heaping teaspoon per 8 oz cup of filtered, boiling water. Allow to brew 2 minutes.

About TeaGschwendner View company

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36 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Oh tea with the ridiculously giggle-causing name, you are SO good.

Tonight, with a bit of Jamieson’s (because it’s in the cupboard), some maple syrup and a touch of coconut milk.

I know, I know. All those additives might hide the flavour. BUT THEY DON’T! It just amps up the delicious sweet honey chocolate booze notes in the tea. YUM.

Definitely on my shopping list.

Thanks, MissB!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

i forgot to buy more of this when i was there haha but that’s ok.


GASP! But it’s SO GOOD! (I’m gonna order this and Kapha at least, closer to my birthday.)


Honey chocolate…I think I might drool. :P


Omg… I was distracted…they had A caramel cream decaf…but not a regular version, so I got both caramel and cream to make my own….


Oooo, nice one Sil!

Yvonne, to me it’s definitely an Irish Cream type tea. Not really, but that sort of theme. It’s why it goes so well with whisk(e)y!


I think it’s meant to be an Irish Whiskey kinda tea… and thus the silly name (which, BTW, no one at tgteas had any idea it was that silly when I mentioned it). I still have quite a bit of this left, I keep on forgetting to drink it. Will do some tonight! Kapha too.. 100g is a LOT for that tea! I also grabbed some of the caramel creme decaf, I’m curious to see how it fares.


I look forward to your tasting notes, MissB. :) TG is DEFINITELY a birthday order.


can you get 50g online? or just in store?


I think you can only get 100g online.


BOOOOOOOO heh store let me pick up 50g :)


Nice! But I won’t mind 100g of this one. Only… I might not be able to get any due to exchange rates. BOO exchange!


Exchange rates? Boo. I get paid in US $… if you want I’ll order some for you. Also, I think you should bring more of this with you this weekend. Then when people ask what you’re drinking, you can just say, “O’Connor’s Cream”, and people will ask you, with nary a blink of the eye, if you can point out Monsieur O’Connor. ;)




I tried that tonight! Nothing. ;) I don’t want to deprive you of extra tea cash, MissB! It’s lovely of you to offer though.


And now I’m having another steep of this tea with MOAR whisk(e)y and honey and coconut cream. Ohhhhh. Whisk(e)y and tea is one of my new favourite things.

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1501 tasting notes

Wow. This is… wow.

The description sounds delicious, and I’ve loved everything tgtea now that I’ve had. I’ve shared this with a few people, however this is the first time I’ve tried it. I must say, I wish I’d tried it sooner.

It smells like cocoa and malt out of the bag, and even more like cocoa after steeping, with a bit of the black base shining through. I taste cream first, then dark, dry cocoa, then something sweet and almost cloying after the sip – so much so that my mouth is watering. Vanilla? Ice cream? Burnt caramel? It’s lovely whatever it is, and I want it to linger forever. Zero sweetener in this one, although I can imagine it being fantabulous with milk and sweetener.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Mmmmm. I’m extremely impressionable this evening—-haven’t read a tasting note that doesn’t make me covetous.


gmathis, i know right?! haha.


hmmmmm…… tempted to go and get into my sample!


Oh I like the sound of that.


Tempted? I’m just worried JustJames that the best part of this is the part you may miss? It was hard to tell. As it got cooler I liked it less, it got a bitter quality to it – bitter like unsweetened chocolate bitter.


… aw! no! caramelly stuff? hmph. what is my problem? and what does butiki do differently from EVERYONE else? maybe stacy uses magic words. you know what they say… try try … try, try, try….. try……….. try again. =0)


It’s only at the very end, and for all I know, it’s vanilla. It’s something really sweet though, maybe ice cream -like. Try it? If you hate it, pass it along to your caramel-loving Steepsterites. ;)


so… to sil. fiiiiiiiiiiiiine!


Hey, I’d try it first. It is one of those tgteas. ;)

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15267 tasting notes

sipdown! (168) I pulled this one out tonight so that i could try another tea Gschwen34u0234uweiroweri tea before i am back in CHicago. Yeah that’s right…stupid letters i never put in the right order. the Tea G! ;) While i don’t love this nearly as much as my friends to the west, it IS a lovely tea. I like the body of the tea base that doesn’t get lost that flavours. I may need to look at picking up a bit more of this to play with it some more. Thanks again MissB!


LOL re tea Gschwenasdaposdinfoasdfklna. I feel that way about the name too. ;-)

Terri HarpLady

Have fun in Chicago…again…


going to be so peeved if i don’t get to go to St Louis because of other ppl’s ineptitude!

Terri HarpLady

So that’s still undecided?


It’s so good with a shot of whisk(e)y and some honey… :D

Terri HarpLady

I’m keeping my schedule open, just in case.


I am trying to get it settled as quickly as possible. :(


Sil, did I miss something and Canadians can sign up for steepster select now?


I noticed she was a sneaky Select member! I’m guessing she’s getting it shipped to her tea mule…


haha well, it’s a weird “i’m not sure what’s going on” sort of thing. I tried to take advantage of Jason’s offer on the free box for my tea mule so she could try out some new teas. As a thank you for all that she does. The code and everything didnt’ work, it was all wonky… long story short..uh i’m now the proud owner of a hideous orange growth, but only for a month or so unless my tea mule wants to continue with the box. I will wait until canada i an option.

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1598 tasting notes

I wanted this tea after reading OMGsrsly’s giggling review.
And this name does deserve giggles!

But it’s also actually pretty tasty! It’s a nice black, with a bit of creaminess. Quite enjoyable!
Thanks MissB!


I just noticed one of your reviews on another tea. 1200 tasting notes! Woo!


Holy! I didn’t even notice!!! :P So much for doing a special review. :P


lmao that happens to be all the time haha


This tea is also awesome with some alcohol tossed in. :D

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95 tasting notes

Who says you can’t drink at work?

I had a Groupon to TeaGschwender (I can only spell that because it’s listed at the top of this box) because I simply cannot resist a good deal on tea and it gives me an excuse to try something new. This place is not terribly easy to get to….well, strike that, it is easy to get to if all you want to do is drive past. My husband let me out and went to find parking so I ventured into the store alone. It was smaller than I imaged (that’s what she said) but cute with a few smelling jars along one wall and the majority of the teas behind the counter (a pet peeve of mine). We were on a bit of a timeline so I had to quickly pick out my teas and the gal was bagging it up when my husband walked through the door. Good thing too as he was only able to find parking in a 15 minute loading zone that was a 5 minute walk away…

I asked if they had anything chocolate since I didn’t see anything with that moniker behind the counter and the girl brought me this and a few others to smell.

I’m not a big drinker. I’m not even a little drinker really so I wasn’t wooed by the thought of a whiskey tea (when I do drink it’s more of the frou frou, hardly taste like alcohol drinks but this tea had a nice aroma to it. Mello, chocolately, but subtle.

I picked this one out last night to make this morning (mainly just so I could make the drinking at work joke) and it still smelled wonderful. It was one of “those mornings” so I didn’t get to smell it while steeping and it’s currently in my thermos travel mug but I’m sure it smells pretty good. The taste is mellow and smooth with a chocolate aftertaste. I never thought I’d be one to call a tea full bodied, but that’s exactly what it is. I don’t know if it’s the whiskey, the cream, or the chocolate, but whatever it is, I’m liking it a lot. I hope it’ll hold up for a few resteeps because I really don’t want to have to make my husband park in a loading zone again.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I had a LivingSocial deal for TeaGschwender in NYC, but they closed the store not long after the deal! This tea was on my list, so I’m glad to hear it’s good. Next time I’m in Chicago, I guess!


It’s totally worth it although the second steep doesn’t have much flavor.

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102 tasting notes

This is one of my favorite wintertime breakfast teas. It is rich and slightly chocolatey, but unlike many other “chocolate” teas I’ve tried, it lacks hazelnut, almond or minty flavors. It’s straight-up strong, robust breakfast tea with a hint of chocolate and a bit of “boozy” richness (this must be the whiskey flavoring). The other day I made this as a tea latte (half strong tea, half foamed milk) and it was incredibly good. I’m going to have to do that again soon — and I’m going to have to stock up on this while it’s still available. It’s one of TG’s seasonal teas.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

This sounds really good!

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2955 tasting notes

Ashmanra shared a little sample with me, which I gratefully enjoyed outdoors in the glider. (Cooler! mosquitos are on hiatus!) The cream scent and flavor definitely take the lead here, with the bourbon-iness sneaking up on you from behind. Very sweet; very pleasant; and Tazo-approved. He liked the scent and sat on my lap sniffing while I drank.


I have really enjoyed this one and may re-order soon. I like the cocoa in it. The new Irish rum one doesn’t have chocolate so I will probably get some to try just to see how it differs.


Ah, I see now that the Irish Cream Rum tea is originally from Capital Teas! Tin Roof buys most of their teas from tg but they do have other suppliers. It is nice and convenient to be able to go in and give a sniff to the actual product, or have them make a cup to go.


Third and final comment! It is MUCH cheaper through Tin Roof Teas.


(…and it was perfect for Pirate Day, although I wasn’t aware of it at the time!) I’ve got enough left for one tiny cup—I’d like to put it side by side with my TeaMaze Irish Whiskey; they’re very similar.


Good to know about TeaMaze and Tin Roof Teas when I finally look to restock :)


If we can ever get our calendars coordinated for an Ozarks run, TeaMaze is the primary destination!

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3374 tasting notes

For the prompt: A tea from a place you’d like to visit…what do I do? I don’t want to visit anywhere. I want to stay home. I am a dyed in the wool homebody.

Well, the only place far away I have been is Ireland, and I would love to go back there someday but I don’t have any tea from there that I can recall, so a tea that evokes something very Irish and Scottish will have to do.

This was a gift from White Antlers and there was a whole bag of it. It is nearly gone, and this is a definite re-order unless I come across a better boozy, rich tea and I don’t expect that to happen. Thankfully, it is sold at Tin Roof Teas in Raleigh, NC and easy for me to get.

Ashman and I don’t drink, but I bet this would be an awesome tea to add a little burble of something on a cold night. As it was, I enjoyed it for a lovely breakfast alone on the patio on a rare, cool, low humidity morning. Perfect.


I definitely relate to that! I love a little weekend trip, but anything longer really wears me out. I love staying home!


Deep roots here, too.


Ha! I will visit y’all as I travel across the country, I’m getting itchy for a road trip. We will have tea at your favorite local tea shop!


Michelle: Come on! We will meet at my house! :D


Ha that would be delightful, like a real life TTB traveling around the country having tea.


AJRimmer: oh my gosh, a real life TTB sounds amazing! I love it!

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1442 tasting notes

I’m worried the tangy cream aroma is starting to age so added a shot of Bailey’s to really build that Irish Cream flavouring. It’s nice. Maybe too nice.

Flavors: Cream, Irish Cream, Tangy

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Evol Ving Ness

Haha! We may be the same person.

The easy way for me to get around ATM withdrawal charges, which are hefty because of credit union banking, is to get cash back at grocery stores or LCBO. Bought a bottle of Bailey’s at the latter just last week.


An excellent choice! ;)

I’m also with a credit union so I know this pain.. sort of (I live close to my Credit Union now but not always).

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177 tasting notes

This had been on my wishlist for quite some time, and since I was ordering more Green Coconut (the weather is slowly warming up, and this is a solid, refreshing tea in iced form), I tacked O’Conner’s Cream onto my order. I really think Teagschwendner should offer smaller amounts for online ordering (100g minimum? Really?), but I just went for it.

Basically, it’s an Irish Cream-flavored black tea. I happen to love that, and I also happen to love flavored blacks in general. Not to say I don’t love unflavored, “pure” teas, but there’s room in my cupboard for pretty much all kinds of teas. Except rooibos. I will never love rooibos.

Upon opening up the package, there’s a strong alcohol scent from the flavoring. Not the first I’ve experienced this, but it’s still disturbing. If this goes as I expect, after awhile that will dissipate and the flavoring will be intact. If you love Bailey’s, then this is the tea for you. I imagine this would be a great tea for one of those raw, damp, November days when you crave something comforting. Definitely has a taste of whiskey and cream. Does it crowd out the black tea flavor? No, it still tastes like tea. Would I drink it black? Nope – this cries out for milk. Just the way I like it. Great dessert / treat tea.

Flavors: Cocoa, Cream, Whiskey

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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