Birthday Cake

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Green Rooibos, Honeybush, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Red Rooibos, Sprinkles
Cake, Sugar, Sweet, Vanilla, Caramel, Maple, Rooibos, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar, Cookie, Frosting, Pancake Syrup, Sugarcane, Candy, Cheesecake, Cream, Honey, Smooth, Almond, Coffee, Anise, Butter, Butterscotch, Creamy, Cinnamon
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 19 oz / 559 ml

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284 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ok, so the tasting note for this is technically being posted AFTER my birthday has ended, but I did manage to squeak this cup in before the clock ticked midnight. Hooray! But yes, what better time...” Read full tasting note
  • “This cooled quite a bit as I got distracted by Lupicia and other tea related things. Now I am sipping on this as I continue to watch Homeland. It is always a nice, pleasant cup. It is also one of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Inspired by MissB, I made myself a giant mug of this. Topped with maple whipped cream, of course, since I have SO MUCH of it in my fridge. My apartment smells like candy, and the tea tastes so good...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipping this delicious little treat while catching up on paperwork and anticipating my birtday…which is Saturday…I’m not the kind of person to try to keep their birthday quiet. Anyway, such a...” Read full tasting note


Party like it’s your birthday

What’s the best thing about birthdays? It could be the presents, or spending time with loved ones, but let’s be honest. It’s all about the cake. With vanilla icing, and lots of sprinkles. And this sweet and festive rooibos blend brings the taste of birthday cake to your cup any day of the year – sprinkles and all. Best of all, not only is it low in calories, it also has all the goodness of rooibos. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

Ingredients: Red and green rooibos, honeybush, freeze-dried ice cream bits, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavoring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and eggs

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

284 Tasting Notes

180 tasting notes

This is amazing. Tastes like cake batter and frosting. Not “real” frosting, though, more like grocery store frosting. Funfetti, specifically, and it’s just as comforting.

The cakey flavor is very similar to DavidsTea Red Velvet Cake – more like batter than the final, baked product.

6 min, 45 sec

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26 tasting notes

One of my most favourite teas. It suits me perfectly every time. I love rooibos and the taste is perfect. I love how it tastes like a vanilla cupcake without the frosting (or the calories). I cannot give a better review. Warms my heart a little.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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29 tasting notes

I remember in design school my professors used to say that if you want it to look like wood, make it out of wood. Plastic, metal and other materials with wood grain were not acceptable. And, if you believe that, this tea is not for you. You should stick to traditional tea, like English Breakfast, Earl Grey etc.

If you want something a little fun, a little whimsical, a little daring, and a way to get cake taste without the calories this tea is for you! I was surprised by some of the other reviewers here – of course it is sweet! Of course it is strong! It is tea that is supposed to taste like birthday cake! It is a very fun celebration of tastes! I have a little sugar and milk in it (amounting to 40-50 calories in all), and it does taste exactly like birthday cake (400+ calories). Usually rooibos teas make me gag a bit, but this one tastes really smooth. Nice to be guilt free with a Note: it looks pretty before you steep, but not during.

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33 tasting notes

I visited David’s Tea yesterday with the sole purpose to pick up some of the much anticipated Birthday Cake flavour. Needless to say – I was not disappointed, this is one of the best flavoured rooibos, or any type of tea for that matter, that I have ever had. David’s Tea was offering samples of Birthday Cake yesterday in the store, and the store smelled like the candles on a cake had just been blown out. It was fabulous. I sampled the tea, and it was delicious, and bought some to take home. I went home and proceeded to drink 4 cups of it – it’s just that good. Yes, it was a tad sweet, but I do enjoy sweet teas – especially in the form of rooibos! So skip that piece of cake after dinner, and skip right over to this healthy version of the delicious dessert!

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75 tasting notes

Enjoying a cup of this while I review coursework. I’m on a big Davids Tea kick right now, thanks to a certain someone (thank you Ali) who showered me with samples.

The tiny sprinkles in this tea give it just enough sweetness (for those of us who like to add sugar). I also like that it smells and tastes like vanilla frosting.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 45 sec

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3 tasting notes

Oh Birthday Cake, how I love you. It’s sweet and vanilla-y and cake-y. Dessert in a cup. When I add some milk to it, it’s a perfect substitute for cake that is both low-calorie and satisfying.

Will repurchase.

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10 tasting notes

I actually drank this tea on my birthday! I bought it the day before and saved myself from tasting it until my birthday.
I can’t really taste the tea in this, but I’ve actually never tasted just Rooibos so I’m not completely sure. This tea is actually quite good. I don’t taste or see the ice cream bits that it say it has, but the sprinkles are plenty. The smell in intoxicating, both in the dry tea and in the cup. I’ve had some issues with the steep time though, but am trying to figure that one out.
This is plenty sweet though so it’s going to be one of my “special teas”


Happy Birthday!

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24 tasting notes

Cupcake teas…..seriously…SERIOUSLY?!!?!? 8D
Wow…I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised considering DT has little numbers such as a caramel popcorn green tea….buuuuut, I had to try at least one of them. ’Freaking love cake c;

So I settle for this one. The girl who was working that day said it was her favourite out of the cupcake teas. I didn’t want another chocolate tea since I have plenty of those that I need to drink down, and the ice cream one smelled like astronaut ice cream but also super artificial. This one just looked so cute in the tea of the month package x3
And like DT always boasts, this one really smells like birthday cake. Sugary, sweet, and I want it in my mouth…;O

I first try it iced with agave. Delicious! Kinda birthday cake like, but more a general vanilla rooibos kinda thing. I must admit, while it’s tasty it’s not that different from other vanilla rooibos teas I’ve had. Then I had it hot. Ahh, there’s that birthday cake sensation! Doesn’t even need sweetener! Good thing to boot since there’s already unneeded calories from all them sprinkles. I think it was a good choice to have the birthday cake flavour in a rooibos. Any other tea would be really weird or the tea itself would overpower.

But as I drain my mug and I think about the taste…while it’s sweet like frosting, the cakey-ness is more batter like :c Kinda gross really. It’s weird though, some days this is delish, and other days I’m all, “wtf, why did I even buy this?” I really have to be in the flirty, bubbly kinda mood to drink this one.

Then I made it into a latte. Ew. NEVER USE SOY MILK FOR THIS TEA! If I thought it was batter-like before, just ugh…this as a latte using vanilla soy milk..I had to throw my whole mug down the drain! It was the thinnest nastiest batter taste ever D: I’ll try it sometime with regular cow milk and brown sugar, but soy milk….never again. I’ll reserve that for my matcha lattes only!

Iced, it’s always good, but nothing special.
Sometimes good hot if I’m in the mood, otherwise weird batter taste.
Gross with soy milk.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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8 tasting notes

I found out this was actually available today since the other cake-like-teas come out on the fourth, but my god. It’s amazing! I tried both iced and hot and they both taste equally yummy. From smelling the inside of the bag to steeping it; it always maintains the cake flavour. Plus the sprinkles inside make it super cute. I personally have a huge sweet tooth, so kudos to davidstea for this!

5 min, 0 sec

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14 tasting notes

The tea of the month for April, who would have thought they would all be about cakes!
Dry this tea smells amazing. Definitely a cake smell, but there were a bit of lemon notes to it.
I had this as a latte. I have to admit I was so excited to try it but it did live up to what I thought it would be. It smelled so amazing steeped I thought there was cake in my cup. It wasn’t a very strong taste, and Rooibos was the most dominant taste of the tea. There were still hints of cake but not much.
Honestly, I am more excited for Chocolate Cake, I hope it lives up to my expectations.
This is still a yummy tea and I will probably still drink it often. :)

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