Started having a typical morning – I got up, let out the rabbit, Benson, then attempted to leave the area to make tea. Benson was not having a typical morning of running around and he trapped me in the room by jumping on my feet and nosing me. So I sat with him, petting and feeding him snacks for awhile. I’m dying for my morning cup of tea and noticed his fur has been changing colour again. When he was a baby it was black and grey. He then got more and more black. Now he’s shedding and he’s looking kinda chocolately brown black. Mmmm.. chocolate tea? I finally was able to leave once he started playing in the cardboard boxes on the other side of the room.
Chocolate Cake Teaaaa! (from Kittena)
DRY: forgot, lol! Dying for tea!
STEEPED: Dark brown tea that is slight cloudy. Chocolate liquor smell. Quite a lot of debris on the bottom of the cup.
TASTE: Slightly creamy, chocolately and pretty sweet. I found the black tea a little weak, but that could of been me skimping out on the dry leaves or needed a long steep.
I didn’t realized this tea would be so sweet, but I saved a half a cup sweetened with rock sugar. With that, it’s really sweet and still creamy chocolately.
OBSERVATION: this tea left a weird residue in my steeper that I had to scrub out with soapy water. Globby white blobs, I’m guessing from the sprinkles.
COMMENTS: Not bad, I’d love to try this one again. Would love to just go heavy on leaves and have a chocolate overload.
Excuse me, need to feed the bunny some bok choi.