Jolly Jellybean

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Blue Cornflowers, Calendula Petals, Coconut, Green Rooibos, Pineapple, Red Rooibos, Strawberry
Fruity, Strawberry, Coconut, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Sugarcane, Tropical, Creamy, Dust, Mineral, Musty, Pear, Candy, Cherry, Medicinal, Mint, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 g 15 oz / 429 ml

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88 Tasting Notes View all


A smile a sip.
One sip of this sweet, rich rooibos blend and you’ll know spring is right around the corner. It could be the sunny taste of pineapple, or the exotic creaminess of coconut. It could be the pretty calendula and cornflower petals. Then again, it might just be the jellybeans. You heard us right, jellybeans – that’s what gives this tea its irresistibly sweet and fruity kick. So why do jellybeans remind us of spring? Because they make us happy. Why else?

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

88 Tasting Notes

4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: I couldn’t help having another cup of this. I planned on having one on Easter but it ended up being the day after. oh well. I ate enough actual jelly beans anyway. This one is nice!

As another note, I noticed on a bag of jelly beans that the black ones were labeled with anise flavored. I guess I had no idea that “licorice” is from anise. It applies to some teas, I suppose!

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658 tasting notes

I like this! Hooray! It’s actually the one I didn’t really want to like as it’s highly ridiculous. But it’s fruity, it’s creamy. It’s a nice-looking blend, too. It smelled like Swampwater to me, and tastes like a sweeter verison I think. In fact, it tastes rather sugary to me! So sugary that I decided to be a diabetes nerd and check a drop of it with a blood glucose test strip. I was kind of surprised that the result was 3.6 mmol/L though I didn’t know if I should be, so I tried to calculate it. I don’t know if the unit conversion works the same way, but if my calculations are right that translates to 65 mg/dl, so I think this 500 ml jumbo-mug equals an almost disappointingly undramatic .325 g of glucose plus, I guess, probably the same amount of fructose? This is all very highly unscientific and I don’t know what I am talking about, but it was interesting and makes me better trust that DT’s assertion “our teas have all tested below 1 g of sugar per cup of tea (according to our steeping instructions)” applies even to a tea with jelly beans in it!

Also, I wish I understood science/math/WHATEVER.


I actually thought that this tea would be interesting. I don’t know if you ever had those really awful plain-ish jellybeans people get on Easter, but hopefully this tea isn’t at all like that!


It’s been a while, but no I don’t think so! Just very sweet and fruity.


Okay now I have to try this one… the jelly beans kinda threw me off but now I’m intrigued! The sample I had in store was ok, maybe the at home version will be fruitier :)

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814 tasting notes

a local friend gave this to me cuz she said she really didn’t like the smell. and i understand cuz i do think it smells a little strange. but the taste is pretty nice. it’s similar to other rooibos from davidstea. but it’s a nice slightly sweet nighttime tea. and there’s a little creamy tone that gives a soft coziness to the cup.

i moved my bedroom furniture around drastically. i do it often. just randomly move my furniture so that things feel new and interesting. i like to change things up. get a new perspective.

i also had a dream that i dyed my hair black. so yes it’s true i’m tempted. though the roots are awful and rarely worth it. (i’m a dark blonde. so as it grows out i end up looking like i’m going bald.)


Aw, I was going to have some of this today.. but I guess I didn’t.


A bald Shmiracles sipping tea? Just stay blonde please and keep moving furnitures :-)

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51 tasting notes

Huh. Well I dug this out since it was Easter the other day and decided this was my most Eastery tea. I recall not much liking it last time I had it, but that was a long time ago.
I brewed it up and it smelled pretty nice at first. Fruity, not bad at all. This brew didn’t have a jellybean, but whatever, I was adding sugar anyways.
So, the thing with this tea is that it taste quite pleasant. You’re getting some citrus and sweetness, and it’s nice. But as it starts to cool, it starts to smell like stomach bile and/or vomit. Seriously. I have to go back in my notes to see if I smelled this the last time I drank it, but I seem to recall that it did smell off. If you just drink it without inhaling, it still tastes nice and pleasant. But if you inhale as you sip, God help you.
I just…yuck. Drink this one hot guys, real hot. And don’t inhale as you sip. Yikes. Would not repurchase and will be hard pressed to finish the bag I have.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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440 tasting notes

Went to the store today and made sure they gave me at least one jellybean in my 10grams. Being a good customer must have paid off because I got three!

The jellybeans are awesome since they are Jelly Belly. But the tea itself is a novelty tea to me. There’s a slight peachish fruit flavour to it, but the vanilla base overpowers. Not a bad tea, but nothing memorable either.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I had a sample at the store and found the same thing, its nice but not something that I plan to buy a large amount of if I buy any….

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37 tasting notes

Oh man did I ever think I wasnt going to like this one because I do not like jelly beans at all… I am suprized to say that I am pretty pleased with the spring 2012 collection… I didnt think I would like it but they are pretty good!
So this tea. Okay so I love coconut & hate jellybeans, lucky for me I didnt get any jellybeans in my sample pack. Oh man does this ever smell good when it is brewed. I did not expect such a nice strawberry scent. And it tastes like strawberries with a sweet hit of coconut. These flavours blend REALLY well with the red and green rooibos. Oh man its good. Strawberry is my favourite fruit and i just lovelovelove coconut. This would make a great night time tea because it is zero caffene; or just a good afternoon pick-me-up because it tastes really sweet and jolly i suppose lol. Oh no, I promised myself I would stop buying teas but I might just have to stalk up on this one… sorry mom!

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144 tasting notes

First an experiment:
When I first heard about this tea, I thought it was a cute novelty thing but was skeptical about the jellybeans actually adding anything to the tea at all. So I bought some jellybeans, same brand they put in the tea, and steeped a cup of about 30 jellybeans alongside my cup of this tea.
You guys, it was a lot grosser looking than I thought it would be. I had bought random flavours just like they put in the tea, and it ended up a very muddy looking opaque liquid with little white bits floating(??). I was expecting basically just a cup of hot, slightly sweet water. But it actually had a much stronger flavour, slightly fruity MAYBE, just very very sweet. After a few sips it became kind of disgustingly sweet actually.
So anyway, I guess they might add something to the tea after all.

Okay so this tea:
I was sad at first that it smelled so much like Swampwater, which I couldn’t stand. But to me this is actually like a much better version of Swampwater. Maybe it’s the vanilla, it’s very creamy and nice. There’s still a tiny bit of what I didn’t like about Swampwater in there, so I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to buy a bunch of this again. But I like the rooibos base, I think there might be more of the red rooibos in this one. Pretty nice and it does seem like a spring-y tea. Also, I must be lucky, cause there were loads of jellybeans in my 25g bag! (Or am I unlucky for paying more for the jellybeans than the tea?)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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86 tasting notes

Made a mug of this while I’m waiting for my Luscious Watermelon iced tea to cool. I got a small tin of it when it first came out; not a single jellybean to be found. I feel ripped off. It smells wonderful dry and I like all the other ingredients, but if the name says Jolly Jellybean and there are jellybeans in the ingredient list, then I should get jellybeans dammit!

It’s a nice tea when brewed. Creamy, slightly coconutty, sweet. I think my disappointment over the lack of jellybeans is colouring my judgement though. I have much better stuff in my tea stash than this, like Oh Canada and Coco Chai Rooibos. The second steeping wasn’t any better but it wasn’t any worse either.

I may change my mind if I ever get to try this with jellybeans. For now, I don’t think I would get this again.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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83 tasting notes

Well, I have this one since 1 month and a half.
Sadly, i’ve never made any review of it.

The jelly bean seems a little inappropriate for a tea.
Which surprised me. It’s… right!

The blend is not too much sugary.
Instead we got a sweet sugary blend!
I don’t know why but I smell a little…
Pineapple taste in it?

Am I wrong?
Anyway, everything’s fine.
Try it out by yourself!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

There is pineapple in it!


By any means. But it seems this is a tea to attract non-tea drinkers into the novelty of it.

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761 tasting notes

I didn’t steep this right. I added my water and then got distracted by a shiny thing. I seriously need to start using a timer. That said, rooibos is usually pretty forgiving. I’m trying to decide if the rooibos taste is far enough in the background or not for this one, and possibly due to the longer than average steep, I think it may be further up front than I normally care for. I got a little over 25g because I was worried I might not get enough (or any) jellybeans in my bag if I went for a smaller one.

The smell on this one is pure awesomeness, and it looks pretty effing amazing too. The taste seems much, much milder and less sickly candy sweet than you might think by sniffing it and seeing the jellybeans. Again, this could be my faulty brain-dead brewing techniques from this evening.

Like just about all of the rooibos teas from DAVIDs that I have tried (and liked), this tastes juicy and I think it would be great to make iced tea with in the summer. I think I might prefer this over Green and Fruity, but it has been a while since I had that last (been saving it for the summer). I think I might still prefer Orange Blossom to this, or it is a close tie, though my beloved Alpine Punch is the clear rooibos winner.

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