Silk Dragon Jasmine (Organic)

Tea type
Green Tea
Organic Jasmine Green Tea
Grass, Jasmine, Sweet, Bitter, Drying, Floral, Astringent, Green, Smooth, Burnt, Flowers, Vegetal, Tannin, Earth, Herbaceous, Pine, Grapes
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by scubed
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 14 g 14 oz / 426 ml

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116 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I needed a little calm and tranquility to settle my head since it’s just being pulled in so many directions right now and I’m so stressed out. I also wanted to get in my ‘two new daily teas’, or at...” Read full tasting note
  • “Continuing on the finishing of samples, this one is out. I don’t really like this at all. It’s WAY too strongly jasmine to the point it just completely overpowers the green tea. I couldn’t even...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 173. I got samples of this from I think multiple people (who were not fans of jasmine and trying to get rid of it I think), though I can’t remember from whom. Sorry, swap parterners, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got this as a sample with an order a long time ago. Smells like strong jasmine. Thankfully, it does not taste as strong. It is not overy perfumed, but it does have that silky mouthfeel. This...” Read full tasting note


A magical scent

Made from premium green tea, our Silk Dragon is a limited-edition treasure. To create it, night-blooming jasmine is gathered in the morning and kept cool all day. In the evening, when the flowers burst open and release their scent, they are placed with the tea until midnight. This is repeated with fresh flowers over the course of five nights, infusing the tea with a most magical flavour.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

116 Tasting Notes

17027 tasting notes

I needed a little calm and tranquility to settle my head since it’s just being pulled in so many directions right now and I’m so stressed out. I also wanted to get in my ‘two new daily teas’, or at least start on that so I pulled this one out over my Jasmine Silver Needles. Since I’m not sure if I’ll have regular computer access for awhile I think I’m going to review as many new things as possible today – not just the daily two I’ve been working towards.

Anyway, this was a Christmas gift from my friend Robyn, and dry it smells very pleasant despite being green. It definitely smells like a sweeter jasmine tea. My parameters for the cup were 1 heaping tsp. for 10 oz. of near 80 degree Celsius water, steeped for about three minutes and steeped up it smells lightly of Jasmine.

Taste wise, the green base is hardly present at all which I like a lot. However, there’s also some bitterness to the tea but maybe that would be preventable with a shorter steep time. The jasmine is sweet and relaxing, and only just touches the “perfume” level of floral – without really diving into that area. So overall, I think this is pretty good and I’m sure I’ll finish it up without too many problems.

I doubt I’d restock, just because I prefer the Jasmine Silver Needle tea I have – and I do have a lot of it.


I hope the calming effect of Jasmine helped you :-)


This tea does better with less steep time. I think I steeped my cup for 2.5 mins.

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1220 tasting notes

Continuing on the finishing of samples, this one is out.

I don’t really like this at all. It’s WAY too strongly jasmine to the point it just completely overpowers the green tea. I couldn’t even drink it hot…okay I fell asleep because I had taken medicine.

Now I’m trying to drink it cold and it’s better, it just tastes way too much like I’m drinking flowers and now that I’m aware of other jasmine greens, I know that’s really not how it’s supposed to be.


yeah, when I drink this I feel like I’m drinking perfume…

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 173. I got samples of this from I think multiple people (who were not fans of jasmine and trying to get rid of it I think), though I can’t remember from whom. Sorry, swap parterners, and thanks for the samples. I powered through two sample packets of this that I’ve had for a while by cold steeping one then doing a couple successive cups of the second packet. Single day sipdown, woot.

Either hot or cold, this was kind of meh. Cold it was a touch too strong, particularly in the green tea part. Hot, it was flat and uninteresting. The jasmine was marginally there, but it mostly tasted like a boring green tea. I see now that I’m not the only one that has felt this way. This was drinkable, but I wouldn’t have another cup of it. Even part way through the second cup I was over it.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

I got this as a sample with an order a long time ago.
Smells like strong jasmine.
Thankfully, it does not taste as strong. It is not overy perfumed, but it does have that silky mouthfeel. This is not as sweet as other jasmines I have had. I kind of like that this jasmine is more suble in flavour.
Resteep: 4minutes, 85degrees, tastes quite similar to the first steep, slightly weaker
I like this but I don’t think I will restock, there are better jasmines out there.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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141 tasting notes

Had this as a latte today! Great way to start my day. I steeped it to be slightly stronger today… delicious. I just love this tea. Recently went and bought a tin of it.

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121 tasting notes

Hot tea for a sore throat? Yes please. I did a lot of talking today since I was at the salon for so long having my hair done, then a friend invited me to her birthday party and I felt like I should go because she lives 10 minutes away and I haven’t seen her in 3 years.

I think I steeped this for an even shorter amount of time than I normally do because it’s very light with a hint of floral. I’m enjoying this cup more than I normally do.

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90 tasting notes

i had a package to send to someone this afternoon and found myself needing one more tin to package a sample in. oh no, i guess i have to drink a pot of silk dragon jasmine while soaking in the tub. darnit.

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1341 tasting notes

I needed something unassuming yet enjoyable on Friday while working and doing chores, so I grabbed this out of the TTB (which I’m wrapping up with and sending on its way soon, thank you all for your patience!). It did the trick. It’s not the absolute best jasmine green I’ve ever had, but it’s a solid entrant in the category. The jasmine flavor is present but not overpowering, floral but not chemical or artificial-tasting, and generally exactly what you’d want from a jasmine green. I’d consider this a reliable daily drinker if you enjoy jasmine/florals.

I didn’t remember that I had tried this before until I came here to enter this note, and funnily enough I said something pretty similar 9 years ago – neither the best nor the worst jasmine green I’d had then, and I think that assessment still holds true.

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814 tasting notes

jasmine is nice once in a while. i’m not a fangirl about it or anything.
i bet when my sister moves in she’ll help me drink this down, which is good.

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1404 tasting notes

This one has a nice fragrant scent. Very jasmine. The taste is quite nice. This is my first jasmine green tea I believe and I’m really enjoying it. Light base green tea with slightly more than a hint of jasmine.


My first jasmine green was Jasmint from Della Terra, and I quite enjoyed it, too. I sent you a sample yesterday. :)

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