Foxy Roxy’s Banana Walnut Treat

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Organic Flavours, Organic Lotus Stamens
Pastries, Sweet, Walnut, Brown Sugar, Malt, Banana, Creamy, Floral, Nutty, Nuts
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 7 g 11 oz / 316 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Foxy Roxy’s Banana Walnut Treat utilizes our Congou Keemun as the base which provides an interesting contrast with the sweet banana flavor. We also added a touch of walnut which melds nicely with base without overpowering the banana flavor. One of our customers, Foxy Roxy, contacted us to suggest a banana Keemun blend. Since we were already working on a banana tea, we decided to test it out and we were quite surprised by the deliciousness of this combination.

Ingredients: Congou Keemun (Black Tea), Organic Walnuts, Freeze-Dried Banana Slices, Organic Lotus Stamens, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

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102 Tasting Notes

15534 tasting notes

airport tea! thank you teafairy for making this delicious blend! have to go! be back soon lol


Oh, thanks for bringing part of me with you :-)
Have a safe flight, missing you already!


Safe trip, Sil!


Have fun! Well, as much fun as you can have on a work trip. :)


Safe and enjoyable travels!

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3294 tasting notes

I’ve really enjoyed this tea as an occasional dessert. I forgot to mention that I drank a cup yesterday afternoon, and since I was getting to the bottom of the bag anyway, I went ahead & polished it off today. I believe that puts me at 321, nowhere near as accomplished as my dear Sil, but each of us travel our own path…(dreamy space music here)


Do you follow Stacy’s steeping instructions? Every time I try, this just tastes flavorless and astringent.

Terri HarpLady

I usually go for 1 TB, 3 min. Also, it Ned’s some kind of sweetener to really bring out the flavors, IMO


Thank you. I will keep that in mind should I ever have anymore of this tea.


Terri….yeah but you’ll always have a bigger cupboard than me :)

Terri HarpLady

Sil…probably true, LOL

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1113 tasting notes

Sad sip down. I would re-stock this one for sure but I will probably replace it in my cupboard with Hello Sweetie when that one becomes available!


Was it limited edition?


No, it is still available, and very good, but I slightly prefer Hello Sweetie as my banana Butiki tea, because of the addition of coconut to the mix!

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6117 tasting notes

Thanks to Stacy at Butiki for a generous sample of this one, that came with my last order :)

This is possibly the best banana tea I think I’ve had. Ok, maybe second best, after Banana Oolong from DavidsTea. The banana flavour in here is so real and perfect (no banana runts here!) and I’m just getting a bit of nuttiness, which is hard to separate from the base, which is great and not astringent at all with the recommended brewing parameters. It reminds me in a way of Apres Ski (DavidsTea), except lacking in astringency in the base, and with more banana flavour and less dry, astringent walnut flavour. (Ok, so it’s not so much the same, but more along the lines of what I expected Apres Ski to taste like). Anyhow, again, this is another tea I probably wouldn’t order a bunch of for myself, but it’s a must-try for any banana lovers out there! (Unless you hate walnut. Or black tea. Although both are done marvellously here, so I’d recommend trying it anyhow.)

I feel like my tasting notes are a bit off tonight.. apologies, it’s the sleepiness and lack of focus :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

oooh, I love banana, I may need this!



If you love banana, then you DO need this! :) It’s so very present and so delicious and so … Oh how I miss it. :( So sad that I just had a sample.

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2291 tasting notes


So the first time I tried this tea, I wasn’t such a fan. Too much bitter walnut skin in my cup. After having a few cups, though, this is really nice. Not sure if I’ll add it to a future order (there are other teas I “need” more from Butiki!), but would definitely be glad to be a recipient of it.

Today I added a small amount of brown sugar, and I’m getting a lot of banana. So neat. Yum. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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359 tasting notes

The accidental pairing of Banana & Keemun

Soooo, being a big fan of The Banana makes me quite critical and hard to please when it comes to recreate its taste.

I have encountered only one banana tea that I truly enjoyed, the others end up tasting weird to me.

One day, I was drinking some Keemun tea while eating a very sweet and ripe banana. I thought, hey! That’s pretty awesome, they taste incredible together!

Then I decided I wanted to have fun and pretend I could make my own blend. I soaked some walnuts in a Keemun infusion then added some mashed banana and a little nutmeg. Beleive it or not, it was tasty! ( but of course the texture was awful, unless you like banana grime floats!)

I started wondering how come Butiki didn’t have a banana tea to offer, cause if someone can do it right, it’s Almighty Tea Alchemist herself, Stacy!

So I emailed her and told her about the accidental pairing on Banana Keemun and my own concoction. Turned out she was already working on a banana blend! She told me she had tried a few blends so far but was not completely pleased with the results, so she gave the Keemun a shot!

The rest is history :-)

So, am I biased when it comes to describing this tea? Of course I am! But the fact that I am is so irrelevant…just try it and see for yourself! It is fantatic!

The dry blend looks amazing as always. Lots of walnuts and pieces of sumptuous freeze dried bananas! I am loving the sweet natural banana taste, and paired with the walnuts, it’s an instant cupboard classic!

I love the fact that the taste of walnut isn’t overpowering. I’m glad she didn’t put any nutmeg, it would be too much. Her Keemun makes it just the perfect base to bring it all together. And it re-steeps pretty well!

Thank you so much Stacy for giving me my perfect banana cup and making me part of that process, it was so much fun! Whenever I have a conversation about customer service, I mention you cause you are the standard in my opinion. At this rate, I think your business will unstoppably bloom, like a big blooming tea flower!

But I hope not too much though…selfishly, I wouldn’t want to lose that proximity you so graciously offer :-)
ETA: Well, this was good while it lasted…but I’m afraid it’s all gone now :-( So long Foxy Roxy, till we meet again. Don’t want to tease too much, but this little tea just got better and better, such a nice and soft creamy bananarama delight, let’s just see how long I can resist another Butiki order!


Yay! I’m so glad you sent her a note about this one. I’m excited to try it out :)


Ok, I could persuade myself into not buying the Caramel Vanilla Assam right now but this is another story. It sounds amazing.


Haha crow kettle….


Girls, feel free to indulge! It is amazing! Caramel Vanilla also looks irresistible, I got a sample of it, smells divine, yum! Can’t wait to try, but I have to calm down my banana fever first!


Oh i’ll be placing an order, but first I need a few more sipdowns and my swap packages to arrive because otherwise i’ll be back up to 300 before you can blink!


Oh, Sil, just embrace your addiction, I accept you as you are :-)

Butiki Teas

I’m so glad you mentined the banana keemum combo and at just the right time. :)

Terri HarpLady

Wowza! This is officially on the list for my NEXT butiki order!


Terri Harplady, hope you like it as much as I do :)


on my list as well! lol


Sil, no more list for you!! Just sipdowns, remember???


hahaha ok fine, it’s on my spreadsheet? :) I’m actually hoping i get put a nice dent in my tea stash on the weekend since i have a lot of small sample sizes to go through (like 60). Luckily with stacy’s teas, i can hold off because they’ll be there for a while, and because i like to place giant orders at a time. I have about 20 of her teas in my cupboard so i need a few more of those gone first heh


LOL for the spreadsheet! Have a happy sipdown week end then :-)


Oh, wow, thank you for helping bring this to the world! ~~
I love banana, I’m excited to finally try a tea blend that lives up to the fruit.


Rie T., what I like the most about it is the fact that there’s none of that artificial banana taste your normal get from banana flavoring. It is subtle though, you can really taste the base tea and the walnuts through it all, so don’t expect a big bold banana taste, this is not it. But if you want a delicious mellow black tea enhanced with natural banana and walnut , THIS IS IT :-)


In that case, definitely cemented on my list. (‘v’)/


Mashed banana and tea. Crazy!


Incendiare, oops! What can Ii say? I know this one was a little over the top, my tea obsession gets messy sometimes :-)

Daisy Chubb

Wow I can’t wait! I ordered some of this and Ruby Pie because… after reading this… I just could not resist! Ack!
It’s allowed though, since Butiki is one of the only companies I will allow myself to buy from while I do my sipdowns lol

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1792 tasting notes

SO GLAD I picked up 2 oz. of this earlier this year now that I’ve learned about Stacy’s tea retirement.

In honour of her new career path, whatever that may be, I did a totally random TIM TAM FREAKING SLAM with this tea. So incredibly delicious. Fudgy biscuits with banana walnut. What’s not to like?


Kind of jealous that you have so much of this! I ordered pretty soon after the announcement and it was already gone. Oh well. Best that people who really love it get to have it (i.e. you.)


Aww yeah, I totally would have gotten more if I could too. If it makes you feel any better, I’m around half done this pouch anyway. I’d love to share if I had more. :)


Oh, don’t worry! It’s just something I would have liked to have had tucked away. Now, had I missed out on Creamy Eggnog or Red Queen Cupcake, I would have been heartbroken.


Glad you were able to snag others you love! I’m sad I missed out on Potato Pancakes but at least I still have some of that too.


i think she reblended potato pancakes with another base… unless i’m losing my mind, which is possible…


i’m not crazy…her goodbye post in the forums… she reblended this it’s now got a new name for the new blend

Butiki Teas

Yep, the new version of the potato pancake will be added back to our website shortly.


Thanks for heads up, ladies. That’s a great idea to try different bases at this point.

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2816 tasting notes

My teas arrived today from Butiki and I wanted to try at least one of them even though it’s been freakishly hot weather for San Francisco.

I steeped this for 4 minutes and I’m sure I added at least two teaspoons of tea. I love banana flavored things but was a bit disappointed in this. I wonder if I got a cup that had fewer banana chips because I feel like the flavor is just incredibly light. It smells very much like a dessert and I get the walnut flavor. It’s okay but given the description I just wanted something with more banana flavor. I will retry another time and let the Steepster world know if my impressions change… adding a tiny bit of sugar did make a difference with this.

On an unrelated note I am SO looking forward to the weekend and some fun time with this really cute guy I know! ;-)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I read a note on another banana tea where the reviewer said the banana flavor came out a lot more when the tea had cooled. Maybe try it that way?


Cute guy!! I hope it was fun :D


ha ha – yep

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408 tasting notes

I like banana but I often hate anything manufactured with banana – I often don’t recognize the taste of the real fruit behind the overpowering “banana” flavour used. The only product made of banana I love is the Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream.

So I requested a sample of this one to Stacy with my last Butiki Order and I’m really happy because the flavour is so natural, subtle.
I love keemuns and this is no exception here.The banana is lovely and very discrete maybe a little too much discrete regarding my expectations.
Regarding walnuts, I cannot detect them but I’ll follow Terri’s advice to brew the blend an extra minute to see if I get much banana and walnut this way.

Keemun and banana really pair very well together.

I decided to make my first banana bread to eat with this tea and I’m surprised it is a success ! We don’t eat banana bread here except in american restaurants and I was afraid to have a too “dry” cake so I made the Rose Bakery’s version (a famous brunch’s place in Paris),with buttermilk and I’m in love as my cat is…he has already eaten half a piece ! Maybe I should propose him a cup of tea to pair with…

Thank you Stacy for this sample.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I’m sure your banana bread must have turned out really great!


I made a carrot cake as well because my daughter loves this cake :)
we are going to take 50 kg in a week !


I made a carrot cake as well because my daughter loves this cake :)
we are going to take 50 kg in a week !


Aww, sounds good. I’m a fan of carrot cake too. Got to treat yourself once in a while!


Aww, sounds good. I’m a fan of carrot cake too. Got to treat yourself once in a while!


Aww, sounds good. I’m a fan of carrot cake too. Got to treat yourself once in a while!

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111 tasting notes

This tea always goes down way too fast. :) I didn’t even have time to add this to my cupboard and suddenly I’m working on the last cup of it.

It’s a real testament to how delicious this tea is that I keep buying it (something that’s pretty rare with flavored teas) and when I do, I positively guzzle it. It’s so yummy!

I politely request a long time of notice if this tea is ever in line of getting discontinued so I can buy an absurd amount to stockpile heh heh. :D

Upping the rating because this tea has stood the test of time and I continue to love it every time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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