Pumpkin Creme Brulee

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Cinnamon, Clove, Pumpkin, Tea, Pumpkin Spice, Astringent, Caramel, Malt, Nutmeg, Creamy, Cream, Spices
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 3 g 28 oz / 835 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Cinnamon, spice, and everything nice! Our Pumpkin Creme Brulee has a premium Organic Ceylon base and combines a scrumptious pumpkin with fall spices and a touch of cream for a delicious guilt-free treat. We recommend adding brown crystal sugar to enhance the cream flavor.

Ingredients: Organic Ceylon Black Tea, Organic Cinnamon Pieces, Pumpkin Flakes (vegan), Organic Nutmeg, Organic Natural Flavors (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 210 F

For more information, please visit: http://www.butikiteas.com

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182 Tasting Notes

806 tasting notes

I threw the last of this into my cup a few minutes ago. I’m freezing at my desk and only a hot tea shall save me :D


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676 tasting notes

I’ve been trying to do a review of this tasty tea and the review keeps erasing! That’s the kind of trouble I’ve had with Steepster the past 24 hours! Anyone else?!?

One of the things I love about this spiced Creme Brulee Pumpkin Tea is that it is Organic. The spices, pumpkin and tea are all superior to fake flavoring. You sure can tell the difference. Stacy at Butiki really knows what she’s doing! I have no idea how she has managed to conjour up the brulee illusion without any dairy or vanilla. The creaminess is insane and the spice does not cut into it with a vulgar sharpness. Adding a bit of milk and sweetening the cup is so brilliant that I would not drink this tea any other way. On my next order I want to pick up some of Butiki’s brown sugar amber gems. They would look so beautiful in a little bowl…and I’ll bet some real whipped cream in another little bowl would be delightful with buscuits and this tea some Saturday morning.
I’ve decided to raise my rating on this tea. Worth it!


the dashboard & discussions have been VERY slow to load, to the point that I’ve given up


^^also it just took 3-5 min for that comment to post!


the whole site has been painfully slow… have not noticed anything disappearing though


I can’t get anything to load without waiting for 15 minutes per page. Very annoying then trying to even “like” posts is taking forever for the heart to turn red. Trust me people I am reading your reviews but the likes are not all coming through before I get frustrated and close the page.
I have this tea in a sample from Stacy – can’t wait to try it!


One of my teas disappeared yesterday as well. I hope this means they are in maintenance mode!


I shot um a note on the Facebook site that said “nice if you’d keep us informed about what the problem is cuz we are loyal loving steepsters…ya know” kind of a message (not the exact wording).


On Twitter they said their server is running 500% over capacity. Hard to complain about a free service, I know…


They do have some revenue. I suppose it’s time for an upgrade.


I agree – and hope they do it soon.


I saw your review and crossed my fingers hoping that I ordered this – looks like it is coming as a sample for me! So happy!

Also yeah, it’s been painfully slow all day. Probably good for my productivity at work… kind of. At least it’s fast right now.


Be glad that you were able to get IN to Steepster, I wasn’t able to even get in for like the last day and a half. I felt like I was locked out of my house.


Yikes! I have definitely had significant trouble during the day – pages taking 10+ minutes to load, etc. Every now and then a bunch of pages would load (I had multiple tabs open), but it was driving me crazy. I’m addicted to Steepster… cold turkey sucks!

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807 tasting notes

Okay so I am finally cycling around to some teas I have had in my cupboard for awhile now … note I never had stuck this in my cupboard here on steepster which makes me wonder how many others are not in here that should be. I am sure there are some in here I no longer have too. I need to be more diligent about that!

Anyway I had tried this tea before and it was not so much to my liking because I was in the mood for more of a dessert tea and this was not sweet HOWEVER today I added a packet (almost a full packet) of Nu Stevia sent to me by Indigobloom and a big thanks to her.

Its perfect!

I know Stacy says that a lot of her teas are better with sweetener added and for me this is one of them. I respect that Stacy leaves it up to us to add it or not though as not everyone likes specific sweeteners!

The interesting thing is even before adding the stevia I was enjoying the cup quite a lot!
This is by far a quality tea and the blend is perfection!

With or without the sweetener.

I just tend to like it more with a little sweetener added.

Smells just like pumpkin spices, creamy when you add some stevia, especially making that creme brulee flavor pop!

Donna A

I’m going to order this. I’m not surprised it benefits from Stevia. I love actual creme brulee and pumpkin pie as desserts, but not sure I’d like them so much if they were unsweetened. After trying a few Stevia brands, I eventually found one I like a lot. They are not all equal.

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359 tasting notes

Ode to Butiki tea:

As a free sample it came,
From Stacy, that was her name

Black Ceylon mixed well with some spices,
Those flavors go straight to my senses.

Plump Pumpkin-Cream sweetness,
Renders so much “yumness”!

Clouds of cinnamon, nutmeg,
More, Oh! More, please, I beg! 

What, why, is this not a Chaï?
Oh well, then I’m mystified.

Such as, it brings comfort,  
Pure bliss moment, too short!

So please honey, stand up, 
Just pour me one more cup !

The end.  I get it, not Baudelaire material… but still an honest effort from TheTeaFairy.

Bottom line:  me like this tea! 

Autistic Goblin

if Stacy made a pumpkin chai what would I order from David’s Tea? as I have no doubt hers would be better :D


Yes, it probably would!


Because? She used no artificial flavorings… Nada! Nothing! Nunca! Nill! Rien!Whooptee do!


This sounds fantastic.


Spot on, Bonnie!


Mélissa, I strongly recommend you to add this one on your next tea shopping spree:-)

Dylan Oxford

Haha, awesome


Oh I just bought it. You convinced me :)

Hesper June

Love it! both the tea and the poem!


Great poem!


Funny poem!

Butiki Teas

That poem made me smile :)


That was fun, thanks poeple for your encouragement in my so called «poetry»!
@Mélissa: glad you caved in!

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1405 tasting notes

This tea is delicious with a hint of brown sugar added, just as the description notes.

I may have altered my Butiki order from last night to include more teas. Quite a few more teas. But alas, I’m drinking this treat partly because I’m incredible frustrated with the assignment I’m working on, but mostly because I’m incredibly excited to try out Pumpkin Milkshake when it arrives.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea.

This is yummy! I love that I taste the pumpkin and the spices, as well as a touch of the creme. Smooth and deliciously creamy, sweet and just YUM!

Definitely an autumnal feel to this tea, but, as we are still having some rather chilly spring days here in the Pacific Northwest, I find this to be perfectly enjoyable right now! I love that this tea is available year round, too, because even though it is an autumnal celebration in a teacup, I happen to LOVE autumn and love celebrating its splendor year round!


It has been an awfully cold spring, hasn’t it? I live on the East Coast, and we had a couple days of 70 degree weather. All the cherry blossoms starting blooming, but then the frost killed them. :( Drat the cold! I’m ready for some heat!!


Yes, it has been a cold spring. But, as I prefer cold weather to heat, I am not complaining. :)


I’m the crazy girl at work who wears a winter jacket in the middle of summer. I can’t stand the cold. *shiver :)


We’ve had lots of 60’s and 70’s no rain since Sept. till today! But here we have dry heat no humidity and few bugs. I like the weather better than where I lived in California. Denver gets more snow than I do, I’m 1hr. North.

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4348 tasting notes

Additional notes: Yes, I’m having this one again a month after I finished the last of my sample. I’m sipping it now and with dinner! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

This does seem different than my sample was (from over two years ago, of course I don’t expect it to be the same leaves). The base seems a bit different – better. But it does seem like there were less pumpkin flakes, but to be fair I think they floated to the bottom of the pouch. I wish there were ten times more pumpkin in this blend! I also should have tried my pumpkin milkshake sample today! The ONLY complaint I could EVER have with Butiki, is I hate their non-resealable pouches. The best teas ever deserve the best packaging! But this lovely tea will go perfect with dinner. I’m thankful for Butiki!

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2201 tasting notes

Sooo I’m not sure what’s up with this tea. It is old, for sure. It’s so old that I don’t even really remember who I got it from, though I think it was possibly Azzrian. But thanks to whoever sent it along.

However, although this tea smells cinnamon-y and delicious, it tastes like… nothing. Well the first time I had it a couple of days ago it tasted a little like metal, but not much else. Today I added more leaf to see if I could coax some flavor out of it, and I will say that there is a hint of sweetness, but also some kind of bland bitterness. I don’t think I’ve ever had a tea so totally lose its flavor, not just the flavoring, but the flavor of the black tea itself. Weird. I’m going to chalk it up to this being likely very old, and make a note to get a fresh sample of this sometime. Unfortunately, I don’t think the rest of my current sample is worth saving. Unexpected sipdown, 129.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Ewww, that does not sound good. Especially, the metal taste. Best just to throw that out.

Donna A

Too bad, because normally this is a really nice tea.

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1792 tasting notes

Last night, I stayed up until nearly 4am watching the Concert for George (Harrison). After thirteen years, it’s sometimes still hard to believe he’s gone. So needless to say, I feel a little weird after going to bed and waking up at such strange hours. Caffeine does absolutely nothing for me as a stimulant, however, I still opted for this one first thing.

The first time I bought this over two years ago, that batch was heavy on the cinnamon with bready notes, creating a cinnamon bun-like flavour. This most recent batch I purchased is completely different to me. Still heavier on the cinnamon but I get no breadiness or creaminess. This instead reminds me of a lot of Butiki’s other pumpkin renditions such as Pumpkin Milkshake.

I didn’t add any light cream like I usually do and this time I’m also detecting a burnt sugar note in the scent, but not in the flavour. I am still unable to comment as to whether this accurately reflects crème brûlée since I’ve yet to experience the stuff.

carol who

Wow, has it really been 14 years? It’s hard to believe. :(


Yeah, I remember that day like it was yesterday. :(

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254 tasting notes

Tea #6 from Traveling Tea Box C

Mmm… creamy pumpkin. Now this one I like! It’s very laid back, sort of how you feel when you get to the pumpkin pie stage of your evening, but has enough presence to suggest a pumpkiny dessert. One of the few teas I’ve tried that actually tastes a little like the inspiration!

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