Pumpkin Creme Brulee

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Cinnamon, Clove, Pumpkin, Tea, Pumpkin Spice, Astringent, Caramel, Malt, Nutmeg, Creamy, Cream, Spices
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 3 g 28 oz / 835 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Cinnamon, spice, and everything nice! Our Pumpkin Creme Brulee has a premium Organic Ceylon base and combines a scrumptious pumpkin with fall spices and a touch of cream for a delicious guilt-free treat. We recommend adding brown crystal sugar to enhance the cream flavor.

Ingredients: Organic Ceylon Black Tea, Organic Cinnamon Pieces, Pumpkin Flakes (vegan), Organic Nutmeg, Organic Natural Flavors (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 210 F

For more information, please visit: http://www.butikiteas.com

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182 Tasting Notes

15631 tasting notes

Mmmm lot of cinnamon in this one so I’m going to have to play with it a bit more but I am digging this for fall. I’d like to try this as a latte too since I think the combination of teh spices would kick some ass.

One of these days I’d like to see Stacy do a caramel something sometif tea lol

Kinda of all over the place here….yes to this tea! It’s a good one :)


I got this in a swap and still need to try it – d’oh!

Butiki Teas

I do have some caramel ideas. We shall see. ;)


…and when you do stacy..you send it to me 10 days before you release it to anyone grin

Butiki Teas

Hahaha. That reminds me I need to do a little Canadian promotion at some point.


Stacy – for sure! That would be awesome but I’m a little biased lol

Butiki Teas

Canadians get shafted a lot on deals and contests so I was thinking doing something just for Canadians would be nice. Like maybe free shipping with $20 purchase or something. Still working it out.


Your shipping is already pretty reasonable :) free is always great! But I never feel bad paying your shipping rate 4$ is jokes :)

Autistic Goblin

Oh a Canadian exclusive that would be cool :D This is a pretty good tea :D

Butiki Teas

Hmmmm, I get what you are saying. Any suggestions for a Canadian exclusive?


Helena….isn’t that kinda like the maple pecan oolong heh

Autistic Goblin

speaking of maple someone should make a maple sweet potato tea that would be tasty. I don’t think many people realize how good maple and sweet potatoes can be :D


Candied Yams

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1184 tasting notes

Mm, I needed a little bit of extra sugar today and added a few pieces of rock sugar. Wow, this makes the pumpkin and cinnamon really pop! So delicious

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1220 tasting notes

In less than 4 hours, it’s dropped 10 degrees! Yay fall! I’ve got chicken noodle soup in the crockpot, and it’s almost done, so a cup of tea until then sounds great.

First important thing of the day is my zombie makeup. I don’t think anyone understood I was a Bond girl let alone which specific one. So whatever.
And we left after like 90 minutes because I didn’t feel good so there’s also that but I don’t think more people would have made it better.

First here I am failing at being scary: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thethrillstheyyield/8128971885/
not much better here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thethrillstheyyield/8128997734/in/photostream/
And before I took it off I tried it and I think I did better but I just look grumpy hahaha: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thethrillstheyyield/8128998386/in/photostream/

So there you go, my inability to be all mean zombie is why I’m glad I wasn’t available first time around with Walking Dead extras to get an “lol no” response. Funny, I was sarcastically given the “spirit award” for my failure at smiling all the time during rehearsals for a musical.

This is the second in my pumpkin beverage trifecta for the day. I had pumpkin spice coffee earlier, and later I have this pumpkin beer: http://www.stbcbeer.com/seasonals/seasonal-imperial/pumking-beer-page/ apparently it’s amazing and hard to find so double yay.

I really need to drink this when I have agave around, just to see how much more amazing it gets, though it’s already amazing with no additions. It just tastes so much like pumpkin puree poured right into a black tea, minus the weird texture that might have.

I definitely will drink this when I’m at my own apartment, since there is a carton of coconut milk creamer…I bet a touch in there will put this one right over the top.

This really is my favorite pumpkin tea. Granted I have only had like 4, but I don’t feel the need to go on with any search like that when this one tastes so much like a real pumpkin. I think it tastes a lot like pumpkin pie with no additions, so I assume it’s even more like creme brulee with a touch of cream. I don’t think it’s a problem that it tastes like pumpkin pie, because I think such a rich and creamy textured pie like that is pretty similar to a creme brulee, minus the crunchy shell.

Yay fall again! I would drink this ALL the time though, let’s be real here.

Invader Zim

I don’t recall her name, Vesper I think, but the Bond girl from Casino Royale?


I love the last photo. I dunno about grumpy, but it’s very much what I imagine when I think “zombie.” =)

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863 tasting notes


It’s like a switch flips in my head this time of year. It’s not anywhere close to getting cold out, really, but there is something there, all the same. Maybe the feeling of change?

Whatever it was, pumpkin tea sounded about right for me yesterday morning. I drank it without milk or sugar, and it was like coming home. A huge reset button, if you will – it’s almost time for the holidays and my birthday, time for endings.

This is still a perfect pumpkin puree with a hint of spice tea. I like being able to taste the pumpkin so front and center…usually it gets so drowned out with cinnamon and nutmeg or whatever else makes up the blend. This is fall in a cup. Still as tasty as it was on day one!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I know exactly what you mean by the feeling of autumn coming, it hit for me last week, when it was still around +26 C outside haha.

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2970 tasting notes

There has been a lot of excited talk about the new fall teas, and I was feeling a little left out. However I’ve got this! And I havent tried it enough! And even though its going to be hot today, it still feels like fall, somehow, so time to brew up some Pumpkin Creme Brulee.
Very pumpkin-y, like a well baked pie. And I even get a crisp sugar note, like the top of a creme brulee. Yum.
Fall tea envy abated. For now.


This is another one from Butiki I want to try! Why does Stacy have so many yummy blends?


I suspect super powers.


Probably! Which makes me wonder if she wears superhero tights and a cape! :-)


i like this concept… she’s making a custom tea for me. and now i have this image of her in super hero garb with a harry potter wand and an apron while she cooks it up. =0)


Just James – what is she cooking up for you?

Butiki Teas

Oh boy, I’m afraid I’m not the spandex type. How about Axyl Rose or a dead cheerleader? http://s1094.photobucket.com/user/butikiteas/media/Halloween/halloween.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Hahaha


Hah! I love the one of Axyl Rose.And as for spandex, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. I never realized how freeing they are until I started running in them! Just thnk how good the tea would be if you felt freed from all the cares of the world in spandex! ;-)

Butiki Teas

I dunno, though you make a good case. :)

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141 tasting notes

Extra leaves, hotter water temp and shorter steep time takes this one to a different taste range! There is a citrusy pungency that shocks the senses, then heightens the taste buds for the next transition of taste – pumpkin! Imagine that, what a brilliant concept – Pumpkin Creme Brulee to taste pumpkin-y.

As stated in my first taste log, this is a very nice tea with nice quality to its leaves and liquid. Really nice way to start off the November as we now see that 2013 is almost here. On that thought, I need some more tea! Way too much to do at the moment. Good times.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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6119 tasting notes

I guess the lotus stamens or whatever used to be in this tea are no longer, because my baggie doesn’t appear to contain any at all :( Oh well. The tea probably still tastes the same, and it’s nice – spiced and fall-flavoured, though fairly light on flavour overall. It’s nice enough though, and with a 2-minute infusion, the base is kept pretty smooth.

I see I have a note that recommends I add maple syrup for even better flavour… sadly, I just had to dump mine, because it went moldy, probably because the container wasn’t sterilized properly when it was poured in. The hazards of buying syrup from random roadside vendors, I guess. My boyfriend had to dump over a litre of his too, for the same reason. (I had maybe 300mL left). Sigh.


Ugh that sucks about the syrup. It’s so expensive to buy too – I’d be so upset if I had to dump out that much.


That is disappointing. Good syrup is expensive but worth it.


Geez, I never thought that it could even go moldy, but lack of sterilization makes sense.

Butiki Teas

Hmmm, we never used lotus stamens in this tea. Maybe you are thinking of Pistachio Ice Cream?


I don’t think I meant lotus stamens (right, that’s Pistachio Ice Cream) but there was definitely something orange and fluffy in this previously, which I remember from the samples I got as well as the bag Raritea and Indigobloom split quite a while back (we had to shake it up to make sure they each got equal amounts). Maybe it was the pumpkin?? Actually, looking at the tea image – my tea doesn’t even look quite right (I dumped it all out into a bowl) – there’s nothing orange. No pumpkin??

Butiki Teas

Oh, sounds like the dried pumpkin might have not made it much into your bag. Oh no. That’s odd, really odd.


I wasn’t sure if it was a cosmetic ingredient that maybe you had run out of (I know the Strawberry oolong used to have teensy little flowerbuds in it, which ceased to be present in my mom’s last 2 oz.), but given the ingredient list, presumably it’s the pumpkin. [I sent you a picture of my tea on Facebook] :)

Butiki Teas

ok, I’ll check it out. We never stopped adding the pumpkin. The only thing I can think is that maybe you got the very top of the tin and the pumpkin flakes had fallen a bit. I’ll see what you posted on Facebook. I could always refund that tea for you.


In response to the maple syrup – yeah, I don’t think syrup itself goes moldy without being… infected, but where I was seeing mold was on the inside of where the lid was, and a bit in the handle (it was a mini milk-jug container). I’m well-versed in sterile technique, and am very good at not contaminating things myself – so I know it wasn’t my fault, especially given the mold in the handle as well. Sigh. And then there was cloudy stringiness in the syrup as well… and the aroma from the bottle smelled kind of like acetone. Exact same thing with my boyfriend’s. We threw out probably $20 worth of syrup. Next time, we’ll probably freeze portions, or buy from a bit more reputable place. Heh.

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408 tasting notes

Aaaaaaah Autumn…falls, colours, rain, clouds and…diseases !
I’ve been quite absent from steepster because I have a pneumonia…first time of my life I have such a delightful disease…15 days of high temperature and the impression to suffocate while breezing is really an enjoyable experience (so I had it now, thanks, no need for future)
The funniest is to have worked for 10 days with high temperatures, do 3 hours/day of transport time to be a good manager and finally being stopped by an angry doctor…to discover this effort seems not being enough to the boss…I had to shut my Blackberry down to avoid all the messages about things to do (things he can do easily in 2 minutes)…well I know I should be happy to still get a job but really sometimes it sucks to be treated as a machine.

My doctor asked me to drink a lot of hot beverages but I’ve been unable to prepare tea until yesterday and this cup is the first one I am really enjoying.
I am at the very end of the bag and I probably get much pumpkin aromas because of that (I had a lot of powder mixed with tea leaves), I love the extra aroma of pumpkin here and I still love this blend,so mellow, so comforting : it gets me reconciled with Autumn !

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

i have a TON leaving for you tomorrow. feel better. and now i must sleep or i may get it too!


Poor you, hope you are feeling a little better. And, well this is mean, but if it did not mean more work for you, that your boss learns for itself what pneumonia or any bad respiratory infection really is like!


Hope you feel better soon!


Omg. Know the feeling. Get better!

Butiki Teas

That does not sound like fun. Feel better soon!


thank you all :)


I hope you’re ok now, dear Ysaurella :-)

Autistic Goblin

Feel better soon!!!

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1764 tasting notes

I love pumpkin!! yum!
Thanks to Will Work for Tea for the sample!!!
I needed a pick me up at work… and this is what I went for. I’ve been craving sweet teas at odd times, like in the morning haha.
Anyhow, the tea itself was a bit too spicy for me. I was not expecting that in a creme brule tea. Oh well, that’s a pretty minor complaint considering how delicious I found my cup to be! with milk and sugar, oh yes it’s very tasty! I can taste some pumpkin, but the cinnamon dominates the first two steeps. The third steep has more of a caramel tone to it, not so much “creme”. In fact, it reminded me in some ways of a pu-erh!
Now I’m wondering how it’d fare as a latte. drools


This is super good as a latte or (whipped cream like pumpkin pie) . Yum it up!


oh I plan on it. SO looking forward to that


That sounds like it would be so good in a latte! Or in the fall when you want pumpkin pie but don’t want to make it. I really don’t like store bought pumpkin pie so we always make our own.


I’ve only made pumpkin pie twice, from the can and also fresh. Not easy I tell ya! but oh sooooo good ;)

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1113 tasting notes

Drinking this one this afternoon to compare to the David’s Pumpkin Chai I had this morning. Well, they’re really in two totally different leagues. First off, this isn’t even a chai, though it does have somewhat prominent cinnamon/nutmeg notes. 2nd of all, I can actually taste the base tea! Clean is how I like to describle this Ceylon. Also, the pumpkin is detectable and not at all artificial. Adding brown sugar really upped the brûlée notes. Sorry David’s, Butiki always wins in my book!


Oh, I need to try this one.

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