Crème Brulee

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Candied Hazelnuts, Cocoa Nibs, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dinosara
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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41 Tasting Notes View all

  • “this is actually this tea + divine temptation and my whole house smells like a delicious wonderful thing. I am in my happy place now. Glad to have this back in my house! Thank you for sending...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really shouldn’t have since it’s midnight, but I’m getting sick of writing this paper and felt that I needed a little boost even though I should go to bed and try to get up earlier tomorrow. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I only have one cup of this left! And that’s only if I mix it with some Divine Temptation! Wow. Anyways, delicious as always. Very coffee-like today. All I added was some creamer. I think I’ll...” Read full tasting note
  • “Why does this make me think of coffee? I keep emptying my cup before I fully review it. Good thing I stopped for the last few sips! So I am getting a nice black base, hazelnut and vanilla, and a...” Read full tasting note

From Bayswater Tea Co.

black tea
hazelnut krokant
coco bean

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41 Tasting Notes

15565 tasting notes

this is actually this tea + divine temptation and my whole house smells like a delicious wonderful thing. I am in my happy place now. Glad to have this back in my house! Thank you for sending more my way omgsrsly! so that i could try blending the two teas together. sooooo good!

huh…3100 tasting notes, now isn’t that a little scary! 1333 teas rated heh


holy crap! 1333 is so exciting! when did you join steepster? just curious :)


uh..July 2012 so about a year and a half


When you say ‘TRY ALL THE TEAS!’ you really mean it. O.o


I always say what I mean lol why do you think I also keep drinking earl greys lol


Whoa, I thought my 600 was lots! You go!!


don’t know your 600! that’s awesome! i drink a LOT of tea..and this is my version of a mini blog without having to actually blog lol


Are you going to try that one I sent you? :D


It’s on deck for this weekend during operation “figure out how my cupboard exploded when it’s not half the size it was” I have 23 teas to sipdown minimum before the end of the month


July 2012, huh. i joined in April 2012 and i’m not even half way to your numbers. i’m such a SLACKER! i better start the swaps back up! :)


1333 teas tasted? That’s amazing! :D
And I’ll try and come over in the next week and clean up your cupboard. Y’know. Just helping out. :P


I have an entire box and a half of “swap teas” as well for you to root through…they’re not in my cupboard….if I haven’t swapped them. Away by July, to the garbage they go!


Sil, you’re a tea-drinking machine.


This is good stuff. I have a little Divine Temptation left, but I definitely could use more of both.

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1792 tasting notes

I really shouldn’t have since it’s midnight, but I’m getting sick of writing this paper and felt that I needed a little boost even though I should go to bed and try to get up earlier tomorrow. I made this with some milk and a hefty helping of Bailey’s Irish Cream. It’s necessary. Oh, believe me, it is.

I think I prefer Bailey’s with homemade cocoa (Fry’s cocoa with milk and sugar) but it pairs nicely with the hazelnutty/coffee notes in this tea. I also way overleafed. I was staring down into my measuring cup like a zombie, mindlessly pouring the leaf directly from the pouch, and twice the recommended amount ended up in there. So it’s a strong cup too.

Hot diggity, the holidays can’t come soon enough.


I didn’t realize what time it was. And I just had another mug of black tea. Oops?


I honestly think it doesn’t affect my body anymore haha. Anxiety = problems falling asleep regardless of caffeine consumption anyway. Do you think you’ll have a difficult time falling asleep now?


Maybe. At least my mind isn’t racing and my pulse is nice and steady. :) That bodes well for sleeping. I can always take some melatonin, too. I haven’t been using it much recently so my sensitivity to it has increased again.


Nice, that never really worked for me. Same as 5-HTP, unfortunately. But I’m glad to hear that your midnight indulgence shouldn’t affect you!


I take magnesium, 5-HTP (when I can afford it!), Sam-E (when I can afford it), omega 3’s, B12, etc, etc. The magnesium definitely helps in the evening, but I’m not sure about the rest. :)


Hmm, thanks for the tip regarding magnesium. I’ll have to look into getting some. :)


Umm, one warning. Be careful with it as it can upset your tummy something fierce. Google it. :)


The only thing that has ever helped me with sleep is GABA. In a nutshell, a neurotransmitter that helps reduce anxiety, and as it was explained to me prior to my taking it, “Shuts down the chatter in the brain”. Zero side effects that I know of.


Oh wait.. and teas with passionflower in them have worked for me as well.


Hmm. I’ll have to check out passionflower. I can’t do gaba. :)


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about GABA. Thanks for the reminder! I refuse to resort to sleeping pills. :)

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2291 tasting notes

I only have one cup of this left! And that’s only if I mix it with some Divine Temptation!


Anyways, delicious as always. Very coffee-like today. All I added was some creamer.

I think I’ll ‘have’ to pick up 50g of this one, and 100g of Divine Temptation (when I eventually head back out there), because the mix is perfect for the winter!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

i need to try this one soon… maaaaybe tonight..


You too! I’ve been ripping through mine and thought I have lost my mind. Also picked up the Chocolate Macchiato and am almost finished it too despite not even writing a note for it yet. Ahhh, she does the creamy ones so well!


good to know!


I didn’t get the macchiato one due to the COFFEE flavour. This one is just burnt sugar enough that I don’t feel the tea is trying too hard to fake it. :) Definitely worth the $4 or whatever it is.


yeah i suspect i’ll want to pick up a few more teas from bayswater once i get my cupboard a little more in control…


LOL. I’m hovering at 209. As I drink one tea, I find another that isn’t in my steepster cupboard! NOOO!


haha i have less teas than you! woot woot! though that will last for like a day.


Just wait till my Verdant stuff comes in. ACK!


um yeah…then you’ll totally be way higher than me hides the receipt for her verdant order, her tea box from terri, her swap with dexter and kaylee and the 2 orders she’s looking at now from omg…


Her prices are amazing. I have Verdant coming in too. Mine just cleared customs after eight days. Thankfully I’m nowhere near either of you on the tea count haha.


incendiare. I can change that.

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1598 tasting notes

Why does this make me think of coffee? I keep emptying my cup before I fully review it. Good thing I stopped for the last few sips!

So I am getting a nice black base, hazelnut and vanilla, and a bit of creaminess which I assume is from the coco bean? It’s very smooth and luxurious, and only a little astringent. I really enjoy this.

I’ve really enjoyed a lot of these flavoured Bayswater teas. Sil and Kittenna – you guys better like them too because I might want to order more and want to split the shipping cost! I split your samples up, double-baggie’d them, and then wrapped them in tin foil for MAXIMUM freshness. :P Now that I’ve done this, I can fit my parts into my travel box and drink them all before I see you guys.


Haha goose.


This one makes me think of coffee too! Heather said it might be the burnt sugar smell. I really want to mix this one with some of the nougat tea tonight.


Yeah, I get a very strong coffee vibe from it. I do think it is the burnt sugar giving a roasted/toasted smell reminiscent of coffee.

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks for giving me some of this tea, Cavocorax!

Both the dry and brewed tea smell ridiculously like coffee. Like, ridiculously. This tastes absolutely nothing like creme brûlée to me, but hazelnut coffee? Very much so! With a 2-minute infusion, it’s pretty smooth – just a suggestion of astringency that blooms slightly as dryness in the throat post-sip. I think this tea would be crazy delicious with milk and sugar, but for now I’ll resist…. I only say this because although flavourful, I think that eliminating the dryness would do wonders for it.

Anyhow, yum! Glad to have sampled this tea, as it’s not a flavour combo I’ve really tasted before (well, in tea at least!) :)

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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761 tasting notes

Picked this one up in Vancouver last week for the Vancouver Meetup before Cavocorax moves to Toronto. We spent a long time in Baywater looking at tea and sniffing, and this one was one that a lot of us liked, so we shared some.

Anyway, so my day ended up a little frustrating, and I had a bit of anxiety toward the end. I made the Gui Fei Oolong from Butiki earlier, and while it was tasty, it was not the warm hug around my heart that I needed tonight, so I brewed up a cup of this.

The first thing I pick up with the smell is almost a coffee bean smell, but if I smell deeper, it isn’t coffee bean, it’s the burnt sugar topping from creme brûlée that I am smelling. There is a sweet vanilla undernote, but it’s not an artificial vanilla…it feels warm and earthy.

I added milk and sugar to this. The sugar was fine, but I’m not sure of the milk. I was hoping it would be an enhancement to the creme part of the title, but I don’t know. I think it may have muted it too much, though I can still detect the burnt sugar notes through it.

I don’t know if I will like this one as compared to Divine Temptation, but I did have a thought to mix the two to create Hazelnut Creme Brûlée. So this is a winner from Bayswater. The only one I did not like so far was the Lemon Basil Oolong.


I’m surprised they all turned out (mostly) so well! I’m really happy we went!


I’m really pleased with the teas so far too. Maybe we all just have good taste! :)

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2201 tasting notes

Mmm, I’m in a dessert tea mood, which is nice because I have a pile of tasties from OMGsrsly and not much to do today.

This is an interesting one. It tastes a lot like the burnt-sugar caramelized crust of the creme brulee but not a lot like the cream custard itself. I think the burnt-ness of it is what evokes coffee a bit. It’s a bit too burny for me overall, but I am still enjoying this pot it this afternoon. Interested to see how it will play out when I mix with Divine Temptation.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

:) I prefer this one mixed. Unless I make this as a latte.

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354 tasting notes

I knew I’d like this one, but it’s nice to have it confirmed. I can definitely get cream and burnt sugar from this, but I see what people are saying about hazelnut coffee as well. :) Yet another nice dessert tea. I think I’ll have to make a cup of this and one of Divine Temptation and compare them directly.


Or mix them 50/50 for extreme deliciousness. :)


Yeah, they excel at dessert teas. Happy to hear you like this one!


Oh I already know I like the combination. :)


Oh yes, a huge yum!


This one sounds so yummy!

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16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (104)!

So, I have like six hours of paid online training to do for Sobeys but it took a week for them to process my employee hire info (even though I started working) during that week and get me an employee number and add it to their system. I get it, ‘cause Dollarama had to do that too for new employees; but it took two weeks to clear. I finally got my employee number on grand opening though, but I still can’t log online to do the online training portal. My account just gets rejected. It’s very frustrating because if I don’t get that done I’ll get in shit, but also because, I’ll repeat again, it’s paid.

But anyway, thank you again Sil for sending this. I cold brewed the last of it because sweeter dessert teas usually work surprisingly well when prepared that way and this is definitely a sweeter dessert type tea. Sadly, I didn’t like it very much as a cold brew. Here’s basically what I jotted down in my online notes:

- Coffee/Burnt Caramel notes
- Sweet but in a very artificial way
- Kept getting strange bitter coffee notes too
- Not actually a huge fan; took me all day to finish it off…

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652 tasting notes

Sample sipdown from OMGsrsly, my second creme brûlée tea of the night.

It’s a pretty potent tea. I definitely get that slightly bitter burnt caramel note.

It’s a very heady dessert tea that I wouldn’t mind having a small quantity of, but nothing I would want to drink regularly. I’d probably add a bit to my cart if I was ever going to place an order but I wouldn’t place an order just for this.

Thanks for sharing, OMGsrsly!


this + cream from teaG or divine temptation smooths the burnt note out and makes it delicious!


drat…. might have to explore this company…….


james – they have some really nice things and some icky things.


I do love this and divine temptation.


Good to knowwwww

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