Pineapple Bacon Rooibos

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Not available
Meat, Pineapple, Smoked, Broth, Fruity, Salty, Sweet, Tangy, Umami
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 281 ml

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39 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am finally trying this sample sent to me from Dexter3657. This is definitely a strange combination to consider drinking but I suppose it is worth a try. It has only taken me a few weeks to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown. I had this from Dexter3657 a while back and finished it today. Not because she sent me so much but I didn’t care for the first cup and then I took the left of the sample with me to work...” Read full tasting note
  • “I could do without this in my life. Tastes and smells a bit like bubblegum. Salty, smokey bacon pops into the finish and aftertaste, but the cup has more of a candied citrus thing going for it. Not...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok so after a lot of messing around with this tea I think I can rate it. When I first saw this I was pretty much like, “PINAPPLE AND BACON!!!! YESTH!!!!”Plus I have been wanting a non-caffeinated...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

This tea was reblended by request from one of our start-up Kickstarter contributors. I started with organic red rooibos and added bacon and pineapple flavors. I also added freeze-dried pineapple bits and vegan bacon bits – this blend is 100% vegan but I can’t be 100% certain that it’s 100% gluten-free. I’m not sure if the vegan bacon bits are gluten-free and the packaging didn’t assist me in finding out. The company that I ordered them from wasn’t any more helpful. (Sorry!) So if you’re one who needs to avoid gluten, I wouldn’t recommend this tea. I do take very special care to avoid cross-contamination – so the other teas are fine – but this tea, I’m not 100% sure of it’s gluten-free-ness.

The original description of this tea goes like this:

Did you think we were done playing with bacon teas?

So did I. But check this out: I was thinking about how much I enjoy a Hawaiian pizza or just a nice ham with a pineapple glaze and nice juicy pineapple rings baked on it… My wife is of the opinion that meat and fruit should not be mixed, but… well, nobody’s perfect, right? Anyway, I was thinking that if ham and pineapple is good, pineapple and BACON would be even better. And when I was thinking about what base tea to use, it occured to me that the woodiness that I personally somewhat dislike about rooibos might go well with pineapple and bacon, and oh boy does it! Juicy pineapple, salty bacon and refreshing rooibos are an amazing combination. Not to mention that it’s a guilt-free indulgence.

I stuck pretty close to the recipe for this blend. After reading my review of the original blend – read it here – I seem to recall the original blend tasting a bit too sweet, kinda like pineapple bubblegum with bacon flavoring which is just a little bit weird. Fortunately, I’m not really tasting that now which I’m grateful for. I taste pineapple – it’s the strongest flavor component and I taste bacon. The bacon flavoring does lend a certain ‘salty’ factor to this blend but you might want to add just a teeny pinch of salt to the cup to enhance that salty bacon flavor. But I don’t taste “bubblegum” or that sweet, sugary note that a ‘bubblegum’ description would seem to imply.

I am enjoying the balance of flavors better here than I think I did with the original blend – so overall, it’s a win for me. And hopefully our contributor enjoys it too and it’s a win for her!

organic ingredients: rooibos, freeze-dried pineapple, vegan bacon bits and natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

39 Tasting Notes

1812 tasting notes

Not an official review, just the first time I am trying this intriguing blend that CrowKettle sent me. Lots of pineapple smell…not much bacon aroma, which was fine, since I was eating a piece of bacon, while making this. There is just the slightest of salty aromas…definitely from the bacon bits.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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391 tasting notes

Hmm, thought I’d typed this in already when I had it a couple days ago at work but I guess not. This tea tastes like it’s name. The dry leaf smelled mostly like pineapple gum but upon tasting it there’s a savory taste of bacon and sweet pineapple. It’s definitely something to try but not something I can drink everyday.

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523 tasting notes

I got several 52Teas samples to try from my mystery swap with CK. This was one of them. I wasn’t keen on trying this one any time soon, but my husband asked me to brew it because he was hoping for some bacon. Yuck, bacon. I don’t care much for bacon (or for pineapple). I especially don’t like pizza, but the funniest thing is, if I do have to eat a pizza, I’d take a canadian bacon and pineapple (I don’t understand me either).

I brewed a small sample cup of this for both Eric and I to try. Eric likes pineapple, but he was really looking forward to a bacon flavor, which neither of us could detect, so he gave it a low rating.

The pineapple in this is strong and the rooibos doesn’t come through very heavy IMO. I don’t like pineapple after taste, but I could drink it if I had to.

This tea was doomed from the start for me, combining two foods that I don’t particularly like, but I had to try it anyway. I see no reason why someone who loves pineapple wouldn’t like it, but if your looking for bacon tea, don’t look here.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1040 tasting notes

OK this is my first 52Tea experience. Has to start with something that was “out there”. In the package it smelt like salty pineapple. Once steeped, hmmm not sure, but not Hawaiian pizza.

I don’t hate this, it’s strange, it’s odd, it’s everything I expected my first Frank blend experience to be. I got more bacon than one of the other reviewers. I didn’t add any salt, I don’t think I want MORE bacon flavor. I found the pineapple came forward more as it cooled and the bacon took more of a backseat/aftertaste. I’m not sure I’m experienced enough to pick out the rooibos amongst all that is going on. I’ve never had a fruit rooibos, I usually choose something more chocolate or caramel.

I think this might be something that grows on you. Might need to try it again another day and see how that goes. For right now I’m giving it a not bad taste, thumbs up for originality, and a way to go for actually pulling off a tea that tastes like pineapple and bacon.

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64 tasting notes

I wanted to try this one, because it sounded interesting. I love pineapple and bacon and was curious as to how that would translate into tea. The dry scent is strong with pineapple with a hint of smoke. Unfortunately, this one does not sit well with my stomach. I’m getting a chemically pineapple flavor with some smoke. I almost get a strange bubblegum aftertaste from it. I cannot finish the cup. Others may like it better than I did. At least now my curiosity has now been satisfied. Again, thank you CK!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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4337 tasting notes

A full pouch from StarFevre!  Thank you!  I don’t know about bacon in teas, but I’m a huge fan of pineapple with ham, so I guess I can give pineapple bacon a try.  Luckily, this is old, so I can hardly taste anything related to bacon.  It has only a hint of pineapple fruitiness with tons of woody flavor from the rooibos.  So I’m not sure if I would like this better as it is now or fresher.  But this is drinkable! 

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1792 tasting notes

This is a resounding NO DICE for me, to put it bluntly. I got this in my fall mystery box and have been putting it off until now, but granted, I’ve been putting off drinking tea in general because I’ve been so busy between work, volunteering, and doing things for others that I don’t really have time for my own self to even breathe. So nothing against this tea from the start!

Opening the packet, yeah, that’s pineapple bacon. To break it down, canned pineapple and bacon bits. Steeped, this was a complete train-wreck in my mouth. Does anyone recall a DAVIDsTEA pineapple blend that smelled like vomit? Grilled Pineapple! I just looked up my tasting note and I got an initial canned pineapple scent to it as well so there is definitely a correlation. So, here I get a combination of vomit-smelling, yet off-tasting pineapple mixed with smoky artificial bacon bits. Three sips and down the drain.


Not everything can be a winner. I like grilled pineapple on my garden burger but I’m not sure about in a tea…

Evol Ving Ness

See, that DTs grilled pineapple was a winner for me, so maybe this one will be too.

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672 tasting notes

Eh, smoky bubblegum? Definitely one of the more out-there teas I’ve tried.
I thought there would at least be a little tang but there’s no tang.

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258 tasting notes

Thanks to SuperStarling! for this sample.

So, uh. Whoa. This tea. The smell is that meaty smokiness of bacon bits with a hint of pineapple. It didn’t completely put me off but it did make me pause to wonder what I would actually drink as long as someone called it tea.

I brewed this up and let it cool for a few minutes, per package suggestions. The scent mellows a little. The flavor isn’t quite as strong of bacon (facon) as I anticipated. There is actually more pineapple flavor than I expected. Having said that, I’m not sure if it would be better or worse to be just straight up bacon. I’m very confused by all of this. I don’t like it really but I don’t HATE it. I actually think the execution of pineapple bacon was decently done considering it is tea… but I guess it just isn’t for me? I am actually getting that familiar tangy bite-y tingle from the pineapple’s bromelain so that is interesting.

To recap, slightly smokey bacon on the back end, pineapple on the front end. Overall, not for me. I thought I would enjoy it since I like bacon and pineapple pizza but let’s face it. Tea and pizza are like polar opposite mediums for pineapple and bacon.

Also, I’m surprised bacon isn’t a pre-existing flavor profile that we are able to choose. Is it weird that I am surprised that isn’t an option? I probably should be surprised if it WERE an option. This tea has me not knowing what to believe anymore.

Flavors: Meat, Pineapple, Smoked

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML
Super Starling!

I love how part of our friendship is me going “this tea is really weird. Put it in your face and report back.”


Haha. The tea equivalent of “This smells awful. Smell it.”

Super Starling!

I have a little brother; this is the only way I know how to be.


I just do it because I like people sharing in my misery. Not that this was misery but.. you get it.

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206 tasting notes

I’m not much of a facon person, but I think this tea is fascinating. This facon/rooibos/pineapple tea is totally unlike anything I’ve ever had. It’s juicy, salty, and throaty. It’s lush.

It’s also a little bit peculiar.

For the full review, click here:


Trying it tomorrow!


Facon= fake bacon?

By the way I perused your graphics blog a few days ago and took your suggestion to try Lady Dynamite. It’s absolutely brilliant – exactly my style of humour. So thanks!

Super Starling!

Facon is fake bacon, yep. I never much liked real bacon, so I am not riding the Facon Train.
Lady Dynamite is the bomb. I’m so glad you love it. Her talking pug is my favorite character of all time.

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