43 Tasting Notes

drank Pineberry Honeybush by 52teas
43 tasting notes

Ordered this to help me get through Hell Week Part 3: The Salvation. Man am I glad I did. It came right when I needed it, and I haven’t left the dorm without a bottle of this iced since.

Now, I have yet to try this hot, but as an iced tea with just a touch of sweetener, man is it good. The fruity flavors play great with the marshmellow. Almost like some sort of strawberry soft candy. I make it as a cold brew because the ice machine in my dorm is broken. Unsweetened you get mostly honeybush, but it really wakes with the slightest bit of sugar. I have just enough left to try a cup of it hot, but really, this is probably the kind of tea that’s best iced.

On an unrelated note, why are 52 teas pouches so small. :,C

Ysaurella 12 years ago

thanks to you I know by now Pineberry exists and what it is !

Ramvling 12 years ago

Ahaha, that was my reaction when I got the e-mail for this blend.

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Another wonderful sample from the nice folks at Bluebird Tea Co.

This is a pretty good one. This has the fruit/spice ratio just about right. The fruit tastes authentic and just an overall cup of deliciousness. I had it hot, I can imagine this being absolutely wonderful iced on a hot day.

Now I downed this cup pretty fast, so I don’t remember all the nuisances in this, just that I immensely enjoyed it and need to order more in the near future.

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Thanks so much for the sample Stacy~ Wow, what a great experience ordering from this company was.

As for this tea, I have no problems with it. This tea is amazing, the potato rounds off the apples perfectly, the base is great, and eating the bits out of the infuser is delicious. This is defiantly going on the shopping list. I need more. MOAR.

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And sip down~

Cold-steeped this one. This one’s definitely better brewed hot. There’s just something off about this flavor profile. (That might be the fact that I left it in the fridge for about two days while I forgot about it, but shush.)

Anyways, kind of glad to be rid of this one. I’m trying to drink up most of my teas before move out day. Not too many more to get through, actually. =)

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I’ve been just dying to try this one, and was lucky enough to snag it while it was still on sale. =) Yay~ Luckily today is just dreary enough that I wanted something warm.

Hmm, this definitely has a funky dry odor. I’m glad I read the tasting notes before hand so that I wouldn’t be put off by it. I’m not even sure what’s up with that.

Steeped this is pretty good. I love cilantro, and I love pineapple. Its nice though because I can defiantly taste the white base, and that makes me very happy. Very delicious, great blend. Definitely going to have to try some more Butiki teas, if they’re all this good.

Now, the weird thing is, this tea is pretty good, but its not like, OMGMUSTHAVE good. And yet, I’m on my 3rd mug of the stuff in the span of the past couple of hours. That’s more than I normally drink over the course of a day. (Yay resteeping~) Its like potato chips… only tea.

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Everybody loves this tea SO MUCH. My goodness. So obviously when the chance came I snapped it up.

Now I guess reading all the high ratings skewed my expectations of this a bit. I expected this just the best freaking tea ever. XD As it is, its good but it needs milk and sugar to be at its best, and I’m not sure how to feel about that. Overall extremely delicious and glad I ordered it, just wish I liked it more plain.

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drank Sour Apple by Adagio Teas
43 tasting notes

Made a huge batch of iced tea with my sample of this. Sipping down the last of it now~

I originally bought this to blend with the caramel apple tea my mother got me for Christmas. I thought that an apply herbal would help the taste tremendously. This worked alright with it, but Bigelow’s apple cider did the job much better. I’m glad I didn’t use all of this that way though, because this makes a fantastic iced tea.

It basically tastes of apple as the name implies. It’s not particularly sour, and with a pinch of sugar, its sourness almost entirely vanishes. That’s not really a bad thing though. Most other reviewers on here described a cranberry taste, which I didn’t get at all. There aren’t even any cranberries in the ingredients.

Overall this was pretty tasty. Probably won’t order ever again, but pretty tasty.

Boiling 8 min or more

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Another delicious sample from Bluebird Tea Co~

Mmm. I’ve never had mate before, so I don’t have much of a reference frame. This is pretty good though. It’s very lemon-gingery, and leaves a nice clean feeling. I’m not quite getting the caffeine kick mate is supposed to have, but that’s just because my body is weird. Very refreshing. I quite enjoyed it. Thanks for sending it my way, Bluebird!

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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What can I say? I can’t say no to free samples. They sent me a nice assortment of teas, and oh so nicely packaged. I’m eager to try all of them. ^^

Mmmm this is one of those that keeps getting better and better as it cools. I don’t know why I’ve been so wary of raspberry flavored teas, because this is delicious. As it cools the raspberry flavor comes out more and more. It almost reminds me of raspberry yogurt. This was absolutely delicious.

Anyways, gonna hold off on stocking this until I try some of their other teas, but wow. What a great first impression.

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
43 tasting notes

Experiment Number 31: Berry Blue Jello Popsicles made with super-concentrated (3 tsps per cup) Tardis Blend Tea instead of water.

Initially all seems to be going well. I figured that the sugar in the jello would sweeten out the tea enough.(Note, this proved to be incorrect. Adding some stevia or so to the blend before chilling will probably take care of that.) The Tardis blend balances nicely with the berry blue, which was encouraging, even if it made a weird green color. In the future I will probably use a cheap bagged earl grey instead, as the berry blue over powers most of the berry from the Tardis blend, maybe even add a touch or two of vanilla extract. The earl grey however, is very much there. I believe I made the tea a bit too strong, as there’s a sort of lingering bitterness to the popsicles that probably makes it unsuitable for friend sharing. I’m not sure how long these will last in the freezer, but they seem tasty enough for a first experiment.

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I’m an engineering student at Georgia Tech, and just stepping into the wonderful world that is tea.

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