1812 Tasting Notes

drank Sungma Classic SFTGFOP1 by Tea Time
1812 tasting notes

Finishing this sample off.

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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Pretty tasty for a young sheng. Full review to come soon.

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I am not entirely sure why I keep drinking this tea. It is one of those teas, where you know it is good, and the tea is quality, but for whatever reason, you simply do not like it, despite liking other teas that are akin to it. Oh well, from a caffeine standpoint, it gets the job done.

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Found that I somehow had a small container of this in my tea cupboard. Currently drinking with Thanksgiving leftovers.

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Good stuff! Enjoying this as a nice morning cup. Really an excellent blend of tea and fruit.
Full review, here: http://www.createwritedrink.com/2015/11/tea-review-tuesday-review-of-upton-tea.html

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Once again, doing slightly-strange things with this tea in the name of “just wanting a pot of tea at my desk at work.” Two bags of this, two bags of Peet’s Earl Grey with Bergamot. Indeterminate steep time. Tastes decent to me!

gmathis 9 years ago

Sometimes you just gotta improvise :)

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drank Peanut Butter Cup by DAVIDsTEA
1812 tasting notes

Seriously, if you love this blend, try mixing it 1:1 with Chocolate Macaroon by DavidsTea.

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Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Making a note of it. Thanks. I just happen to have both on hand.

Spencer 9 years ago

I would steep for the full seven minutes, too, in order to get the best peanut butter flavor possible.

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Thank you. I am going to try this later in the day.

Spencer 9 years ago

You may also want to try 2:1 Peanut Butter Cup-to-Chocolate Macaroon. I initially tried this, before trying 1:1, and the peanut butter was not actually that much more stronger, as I had hoped it would be.

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Thank you, Spencer. I came home too late to drink caffeinated tea, but I have parked these two side by side so that I won’t forget when the right moment presents itself.

Spencer 9 years ago

I know this problem all too well.

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Seriously, this blend is something I’d like to drink at home, not out of a travel mug.

Spencer 9 years ago

Right! Well…Saturday morning is right around the corner, and hopefully you do not have to work on Saturdays! I know what I will be drinking, tomorrow morning…

Evol Ving Ness 9 years ago

Yes! I tried it and liked it very much. I detected stronger vanilla notes and the slightest bit of jamminess. Good combination. Thank you for the suggestion.

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Made a big pot of Stash Premium Green at the office, but used 3:1 Stash Premium Green:Peet’s Earl Grey with Bergamot. This adds a pleasant kick with some citrus in the background.

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“I love trading tea and trying new teas. My favourites are oolong (mainly Chinese) and pu’erh.
Will gladly talk all day about tea.”

The above was my bio when I joined five years ago, and I felt it needed to be updated. I still love pu’erh, though I have begun to take preference toward cooked, shou. Oolongs are certainly still a go-to tea for me, but I have expanded my horizons to begin including greens and blacks based upon the weather and how I am feeling.

Still more than glad to talk about tea – anytime, anywhere, anyplace.
Additionally, if fountain pens, books, music, or computers are on the discussion list…

My ratings, this “personal enjoyment scale” about which I talk, are just that – based on how much I enjoyed the tea. I might have enjoyed it immensely, yet do not keep it stocked for various reasons. On the flip side, I have a few teas that are “good” but not “great,” which I keep stocked for various reasons.



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