Day 4 of 52 teas 12 days of Christmas.
I have had this one before and quite liked it. The s’mores gave the genmaicha just enough sweetness.
This time around it is not as good. I recall reading lots of reviews on this tea (or it may have been on the brown coat genmaicha) about the re blend not tasting the same as the original. I wonder if this is something that I have run into.
I am finding this one to be much more seaweed-y than I remember. There is very minimal sweetness or even marshmallow flavour that I am able to pick up. I feel like I am getting a bit of vinegar taste, reminding me of pickles. Pickled genmaicha anyone?
The roastiness is quite strong which is something I normally like but just doesn’t seem to be working for this one today. It could have been something to do with my steeping as well. Who knows? I will try again.
Edit: So above I talked about having had this before, but what I had before was the marshmallow genmaicha, which I quite liked. So it would be a bit different from this one. I will have to try this one again and see if I can coax some other flavours out of it.
The long-awaited review (although I already caught it on your blog via facebook :D). The strong chocolate aroma has me a bit worried after Browncoat Genmaicha, still. I should try that again… or at least, open the bag again…
ahaha, yeah. I don’t need any more tea yet I bought 5 packets from there; though at least one was for my mom.
“When a cool 52 Tea comes out, no buys are out the window!” Hahaha! This made me laugh because I do the exact same thing! :)