Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Marshmallow, Tea, Creamy, Vanilla, Chocolate, Graham Cracker, Cocoa, Graham, Malt, Sugar, Sweet
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 332 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Whoa, my mom’s cupboard is a time capsule. A couple years ago, I gave her some smaller amounts of my favourites for her to try, including this one. And obviously, she never got to it. So I figured...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good news: my shift is over. Bad news: my shift was absolutely freaking terrible. Good news: I’m not coming back to work for a week! And also, this tea. I wanted dessert after the crazy night I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am not a huge fan of DAVIDs Toasted Marshmallow but when I combined it with this tea, it actually complimented it quite nicely. Unfortunately, all my consequent cups combining the teas,...” Read full tasting note
  • “FINALLY actually enjoying a cup of tea! Yes I must be getting better! Finally thank goodness! I wanted something vanilla but still a bit weak to get too far into my cupboard to find the one I was...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

One of the best things about sitting around a fire are of course, the S’mores! We’ve captured all that is amazing about a melty gooey S’more in this black tea! You’ll taste the familiar tastes of marshmallow, graham cracker and chocolate. So, even when you aren’t outside by a crackling campire you can enjoy the delicious taste of a S’more anytime!

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate bits, chocolate flavor, mini marshmallows, marshmallow andRead more

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151 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

Whoa, my mom’s cupboard is a time capsule. A couple years ago, I gave her some smaller amounts of my favourites for her to try, including this one. And obviously, she never got to it. So I figured I’d revisit it despite it being quite old. Let’s see what I still think of it.

I’m detecting a weird chemical undertone that I don’t remember before, but perhaps this is due to its age. And I swear I’m tasting a touch of smokiness that I don’t recall in the past. The marshmallow is still there, the chocolate is faint, but overall, it’s severely lacking that special something that I saw in this tea. No graham either.

FWIW, the 95 rating did not even reflect my view of it a year ago, anyway. By then, I was already kind of growing tired of it, and found it to be cloyingly sweet. During that time period, I probably would have rated it as a 70. Funny how people’s tastes change.

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DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

I remember getting a chemically thing off this tea when I had it. I think I tend to find that with some of Della Terra’s chocolate teas. Reading your note brings back the smell and taste of this tea completely to me! I almost kinda want that chemically thing in my mouth right now. haha

Fjellrev 10 years ago

You’re totally right about their chocolate note! This was the only chocolatey tea of theirs I could tolerate for the longest time, probably because the other flavours distracted me from it. Otherwise, not a fan of that note.

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

I’m so glad I’m not the only one! (I really feel like a weirdo sometimes when I taste certain things…) I’m telling you, though, you have me totally craving it right now. haha!

Fjellrev 10 years ago

That is so funny haha. Merely looking at the bit I had left made me think of how it tasted to me when I first got it. But you didn’t miss out at all. :)

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863 tasting notes

Good news: my shift is over.

Bad news: my shift was absolutely freaking terrible.

Good news: I’m not coming back to work for a week! And also, this tea.

I wanted dessert after the crazy night I had, so that’s why I picked this. While the flavor is a tad weaker than I remember (I think I undereleafed) I still get enough marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker to make me feel like myself again.

I need to sleep now – but I just got a book about pie that I really want to crack open. Decisions, decisions…

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec
Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

lol! Don’t open the book about pie!! You will not sleep! I’ve made that mistake too many times! :-)

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6444 tasting notes

I am not a huge fan of DAVIDs Toasted Marshmallow but when I combined it with this tea, it actually complimented it quite nicely. Unfortunately, all my consequent cups combining the teas, including this one, have been disappointing.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 4 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML
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Sil 11 years ago

sigh 119…i’m never going to catch you! can’y you go order some teas or something lol!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

haha if it comforts you, I have sold teas. It was not all sipdowns that brought me down to 119.

Sil 11 years ago


VariaTEA 11 years ago

I keep looking at tea sites but nothing is calling to me. I need to find somewhere where I can get lots of tasty caffeine free options and exciting new black teas.

Sil 11 years ago

my cupboard is a great place to browse… just saying haha.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

haha thank you. Well your certainly have a variety :)

Sil 11 years ago

Box comes to you after me, so might as well shop in my cupboard heh

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807 tasting notes

FINALLY actually enjoying a cup of tea! Yes I must be getting better! Finally thank goodness!
I wanted something vanilla but still a bit weak to get too far into my cupboard to find the one I was looking for also from Della Terra but marshmallow – close enough and it is SO SO GOOD!
Its nice to have a cup and be able to taste and enjoy it again. This whole past week I have felt like an appendage was gone.

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Veronica 12 years ago

Good to hear that you are feeling better!

Ysaurella 12 years ago

Nice to see you back Azzrian

Hesper June 12 years ago

So glad you are feeling better!

TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

oh, what a relief it must be for you! So glad you are better Azzrian… I have some S’mores on its way, with so many people raving about it, I’m getting quite anxious!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

oh dear, to not drink tea… you must have been seriously out :(
Glad you are on the mend xx

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

I am glad to hear that you’re getting better. Get as much rest as possible, I found that made me feel better faster than anything. That and a good cup of tea, of course!

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4843 tasting notes

Finishing off the last of the sample package of this… it’s so good!

I’ve so much to get done today … got to get these journals finished. My Japanese screw punch is malfunctioning, which makes my work even more difficult with these. sigh And I thought that of the few different ideas I had for my 12 Days of Christmas art exchange that this would be the quickest, most economical gift that I could put together… it’s turned out to be a huge project… much more than I thought it would be. Will be glad when I’m finished … don’t get me wrong, I’m having fun with it, but, like every year, I ended up biting off more than I’m able to efficiently chew.

Anyways… at least I’ve tea to keep me company while I toll away!


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Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

When it comes to creative projects, & lets face it, my whole life is a creative project, I always bite off more than I can chew! Hang in there!

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

For many months now, I’ve been sort of obsessed with “Smash Books” – and I don’t know why. They’re like a commercial altered book, and I think that’s why they appeal to me so much. But, I won’t break down and buy one, because, I kept saying to myself, I can make that! I’ve got all the tools in my studio to make that thing. So, that’s what I’m making this year for my 12 Days of Christmas art gift exchange… I’m about at the halfway point now, so with a few hours of work, I should be finished tonight, or at the latest, tomorrow night… and I’ll still be able to get SOME of them off tomorrow, at least.

I thought these would be super easy and fast to make… but, then my screw punch gets all temperamental and it’s made that a lot more difficult than it needs to be.

So, I’m having fun with it, but, it’s just not going as quickly or as smoothly as I had hoped it would.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Seems like things never do, eh?

gmathis 12 years ago

Sounds like a great project for using up all kinds of scrappy stuff. (I have loads of it that I can’t bear to pitch after finishing greeting card projects…call it paper hash.)

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

true enough!

Babble 12 years ago

I’ve made hand-made books before. I don’t know if that’s the exact same thing, but man are they tough. People don’t realize how much work goes into just making PAPER.

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1598 tasting notes

So when Frank announced this week’s blend of Genmaicha S’mores, I bought it without hesitation. I hope it’s as good as Browncoat Genmaicha. I also picked up a Raspberry Strawberry Honeybush because more decaf options are always good and that one was rated so highly.

Anyways… now I’m in the mood for S’mores and I won’t get my order for about 2-3 weeks (stupid shipping to Canada… #grumblegrumble). This will have to tie me over! Actually… I’ve only got enough for one more cup after this one so I better make it last.

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Fjellrev 12 years ago

Browncoat is that good, eh? Funny, I’m patiently waiting for this one to come in the mail. Should be here any day now, but you make me want to snap up some of Frank’s, yet I want to try this one first. Ugh!

I hear you on the shipping. I just try to forget about the order altogether haha.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I really enjoyed it, and I think CrowKettle missed it after sending me a sample. :P

Hope you enjoy the S’mores! I t’s not an every day sort of tea, but when you’re in the mood for it, it’s just perfect!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Raspberry honeybush??? Memory not recalling that one. heads to 52teas site

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Oh, whoops. :/ It was strawberry (with cinnamon and vanilla…)

Sil 12 years ago

i know a few people over here have had issues with the browncoat so i think it’s hit or miss. heh.


Kittenna 12 years ago


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576 tasting notes

For my 500th tasting note, I opted for this one from my most recent Della Terra Teas order.

I’m upping the rating. This cuppa is fresher and much more delish than the already awesome one I had before. It does taste like s’mores! Chocolate, marshmallow and graham cracker with half the calories…and no allergic reaction for me!

This is really a comforting cuppa. I had a bit of a headache as I started enjoying it and it went away. Maybe it was the childhood memories associated with this aroma, or maybe it’s just pure bliss. Either way, thanks Della Terra Teas! :)

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TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

Happy 500th! Gotta love a tea that makes pain go away :-)

Sil 12 years ago

woot! happy 500th!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Happy 500th review! Congrats :)

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15620 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! Finished up the last of my sample on this one. I’m still not overly convinced as to the amazingness of this tea but it was a little better this time around. That might also be due to the extra leaf i tossed in. Still, a decent enough tea that i wouldn’t turn down but also don’t feel the need to keep around permanently. I vastly prefer the wonder grandma’s pumpkin pie that Della terra does :)

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818 tasting notes

Since this morning’s teas have been less than exciting, and in honor of the 2oz. bag I just ordered of this tea, SIPDOWN! Yum yum yummy s’mores.

TastyBrew 12 years ago

I just got some of this in a swap with alphakitty. Sounds similar to love in a cup. You like it better though?

Tealizzy 12 years ago

Ya, I like it LOADS better! It has graham cracker in it! Yum!!

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6119 tasting notes

Sincere apologies for this bombing of everyone with tasting notes. I’m typing things up as quickly as I can before I forget!

Anyhow, this is by FAR the best marshmallowy/s’mores tea I have had. It tastes like a s’more melted in a cup. The marshmallow is quite obvious, and even before remembering what the tea was, I clearly tasted chocolate. Didn’t really get graham cracker, but I don’t really care for them, so that doesn’t matter! I was much more concerned with the chocolatey marshmallow flavours.

Anyhow, for anyone disappointed in DavidsTea’s Toasted Marshmallow, or Teaopia’s Fireside S’mores, try this!! Definitely another big hit from Della Terra! (Oh, also I set the timer for 4 minutes and definitely went over by 1-2 minutes. Good thing these teas aren’t finicky!)

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Kiaharii 12 years ago

Yay, put this in my order this morning. :) I actually liked Toasted Marshmallow so this should be great.

Kittenna 12 years ago

The big difference with this one is that there’s no spicing. It’s chocolate and marshmallow. DT’s toasted marshmallow failed for me in that it was heavily spiced with cinnamon. I hope you like it!

Kiaharii 12 years ago

Haha, I loved it because of the cinnamon. :) I hope I like it too, I went a bit crazy with Black Friday teas but I haven’t ordered in a while so…

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Just ordered 2oz of this! I’m happy you posted all these reviews today as I’d never really heard of Della Terra. Thx!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Awesome! For flavoured teas, they seem to be pretty good, and their blends are unique.

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