Graveyard Mist Green Tea

Tea type
Green Herbal Blend
Organic Full Leaf Green Tea, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Natural Flavoring, Organic Spearmint
Creamy, Spearmint, Vanilla, Vegetal, Marshmallow, Mint, Soft, Sweet, Malt, Wintergreen, Green, Smooth, Dry Grass, Grass, Milk, Tannin, Bitter, Vegetables, Earthy, Herbaceous
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Lupiressmoon
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 15 g 14 oz / 401 ml

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From 52teas

This is one of the big fan favorites!

Here’s the original description:

“Have you ever stopped to enjoy the cool quiet of an old cemetery on a fall evening? Ever stayed to watch the evening mist roll in? Maybe stayed overnight on a dare and found yourself waking in the wet grass to the vision of sunlight slipping through the vanishing mist?

Me either, but that’s kind of what this tea reminds me of.

Part Chinese sencha, part Yun Wu (Cloud Mist), with marshmallow root, spearmint and natural marshmallow, spearmint and a hint of malt flavors, this is a smooth, silky experience with the sweet pique of spearmint subdued and made ghost-like—subtle, but haunting."

Since this is one of those long-time faves. we didn’t want to alter it, so we stuck to the recipe.

Ingredients: Organic Chinese green teas, organic marshmallow root, organic dried spearmint leaves, all-natural organic flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

133 Tasting Notes

1331 tasting notes

I’m sorry but that’s a terrible name for a good tea. Mist, yes. Graveyard, no. Moroccan Mist might be better since mint tea is big over there. There is a bit of biter grass and a slight sweetness from the marshmallow root but other then that it’s completely spearmint.


I love the name, but that could be my semi-goth teen remnants speaking!

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987 tasting notes

The mint is definitely the strongest smell in the package; it’s sharp and refreshing, but not in-your-face overpowering. The marshmallow root adds an interesting undertone that makes the whole thing smell rounded, soft, and fluffy, like a pillow.

I took a teaspoon and a half and brewed it in 80°C water for about 3 minutes. The resulting tea was a medium yellow green, and the mint smell was very strong. The marshmallow and mint are both showing up on my tongue, and the two flavours are well-balanced even without sweetener. As a whole, the thing kind of reminds me of a wintergreen-flavoured Life Saver. Tasty!

Full review at

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307 tasting notes

From the Green tea/Matcha TTB

From the style of packaging, this is from when 52teas was under old management (Frank). I think the changed happened a year ago now, but the flavoring in this tea has held up well.

I was afraid it would be too strongly minty, because it’s too cold for that! But the mint was a nice mellow spearmint, and the marshmallow root lends a touch of sweetness and creaminess to round it out. The base green tea is unfortunately, unremarkable.

It was a nice cup, like a creamier version of a mellowed out Moroccan mint tea. I would order this in my next order at 52teas if I remember.


The official take over happened June 1st of this year. :)


Ohh! Happy 6 months then!
I feel like the transition to the smaller taster size packets happened fairly recently, but I don’t know if that was under Frank or not. This was in the old 2oz packaging with the clear front.


Thanks! Yes, Frank started the smaller 1/2 ounce size and I started calling them tasters because that’s always what I’ve felt I was when it comes to teas – sure I have my favorites but I am very much a taster, wanting just a little bit of this and a little bit of that for the most part – enough to taste it and enjoy it but not really enough to stock it. When I took over, I kept the taster size and I also brought back a larger size which is usually 2 ounces – because there are people who feel like to purchase just 1/2 ounce of any tea is kind of a waste so I have two sizes now. :)


I should say … Frank started the smaller 1/2 ounce size about a year and a half ago.

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513 tasting notes

This is the first 52 teas order I’ve placed since the company changed hands, so I was excited and nervous. I’m starting to realize that when it comes to flavoured blends, I’m liking green tea as a base more than I thought I would. It’s mineraliness seems to pair so nicely with a variety of flavours without being astringent like many a black base, at least without milk and/or sugar which is how I take pretty much all my blacks, flavoured or not. Anyway, in the bag, this tea smells of straight up vanilla and toothpastey mint, which is generally fine by me. Sometimes mint in tea turns my stomach after the tea has steeped, but that somehow wasn’t the case here, which I’m thankful for. You can taste all the elements of the tea, and even more so as it cools. I might add a touch of sugar next time to see if that amps up the marshmallow, but it really doesn’t feel necessary. And as other reviewers have mentioned, the aftertaste in your mouth really does resemble how you would imagine a grey mist to taste like. How neat!
Brewed at 185 f for two minutes, one tsp for 9-10 oz of water,

The bottom line is that I like this but don’t love it. Which is a great start!

0 OZ / 0 ML

YAY! moare 52 teas reviews! lol


I so adore this tea <3


Apparently mint can either cause or relieve heartburn depending on the person. Marshmallow root can relieve heartburn, so maybe that helped here?

I’m hearing lots of positive reviews for the new 52teas, which is making me excited for the order I’m expecting.


Hmmm, interesting. Always possible, I guess. And yes, I’m pretty happy, myself. I’m going to open up some more tomorrow, so there’ll be more reviews on the way.

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630 tasting notes

I enjoyed this – I like minty green tea. But I can’t say it was super special so I am passing it along to a friend who is a mint green tea fanatic.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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681 tasting notes

Even old this is still delicious. The base has definitely seen better days, but the marshmallow and spearmint both pulled through. I can’t wait to reach my sipdown target so I can place a 52teas order and get this back in my collection!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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894 tasting notes

My first impression of this was that it tastes and smells like sencha that’s been in storage too long, and I was a bit disappointed. And it does, but sitting with it a bit, I’m also catching hints of spearmint and marshmallow, which is really nice. Steeped for 2 min at 82C there’s a hint of bitterness.

I feel like this would be pretty amazing if it were fresh and it’s still quite alright as it is.

Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Marshmallow, Spearmint, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4348 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – April Tea #1 :A tea paired to the weather

I’m SO FAR BEHIND in reading tasting notes!  17 days behind!  Anyway… I started this tea yesterday but I’m having the second steep today… then realized it fits for the challenge today!  It’s a MISTY weathered tea.  It’s also probably misty out there somewhere after it was warm yesterday, colder again today, drizzly.  This tea is also one of Frank’s ancient versions.  I’ll be sad it’s gone but it’s also good to finish something old.   Love the marshmallowy spearmint.   Even the second steep got a big ol YUM from me! Wooowww, the previous tasting note for this is telling me the first round of the ’Here’s Hoping’ teabox was almost ten years ago! What is time anyway?
2022 sipdowns: 46


It’s a Graveyard Mist day here too, except I seem to be without this tea! (living vicariously through you atm)


That sounds really good. Also, the name is pretty epic.

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18 tasting notes

In a word? Heck yeah. I took a leap of faith buying Zoomdweebies. The customer service could be better, and the package definitely has the feeling that it was blended in a basement, but this is DARN GOOD TEA. With this particular blend, you can actually taste the marshmallow root. It’s really good tea!

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #3 from Considering a new TTB

Normally I would have skipped this tea the moment I saw that it had spearmint in it, I’m absolutely not a fan, but I’m on a mission to try any tea that uses marshmallow root. I just so happen to love marshmallow root and it’s such an underutilized ingredient in tea, I’m always excited when I see it in an ingredient list. I’m really glad I decided to try this one out, it easily made the list of 52teas blends that I would reorder. If you’ve read any of my other notes about the 52teas blend I’ve sampled then you may realize just how short that list is. I haven’t really been a fan of most of Frank’s blends, even though I love the though he puts into creating such unique teas every week. So far, most of them just haven’t been for me, but I keep searching and every so often come across one that I love.

While I can’t really taste the base of this tea, I can taste the marshmallow root, spearmint and malt. It seems like such an odd combination, but they’re balance beautifully and play together very well. I think the reason I like this so much is that it reminds me of fluffy homemade peppermint marshmallows and I’m absolutely nuts for those. As much as I enjoyed this hot, I think it would make a fabulous iced tea, so I can’t wait for the weather to warm up some so I can try that out. Then again, it would probably also make a really tasty latte…hmmm… I may have to give that a shot as soon as I go buy more milk.

This tea will not be continuing on.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Marshmallow root is by far the most awesome ingredient ever!

Short Sorceress

I agree, I just wish more people would use it in their blends.

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