16841 Tasting Notes
Sipdown (207)!
One of the side effects from the pain meds. I’m on for my mouth is sleepiness/drowsiness – and I think I’m probably experiencing that right now because I slept a sound, uninterrupted 12 hours last night and now keep drifting in and out of sleep for weird 10 minute periods of time.
I think this is one time I can say “Thank God I don’t have a job” because can you imagine that at work? Probably not the best thing ever…
Anyway, I had a hell of a hard time getting this to come up in the search bar today…
Stubborn tea is stubborn, I guess.
Taste wise, this was a pleasant taste surprise with an unpleasant textual experience. Despite there being only one white chocolate drop in the leaf I used (as opposed to the three in the last cup I made), I actually got a very rich 50/50 rooibos and white chocolate taste! It was great! The downside was that the mouthfeel of this was incredibly waxy and gross…
Anyway, thanks for the same VariaTEA – it was an experience, that’s for sure.
EDIT: Just noticing now that this is supposed to have mint in it? That’s the last thing I would have guessed as an ingredient…
So, I actually have a tin of this from when I first got really into tea – but what I’m drinking now came from CelebriTEA as an extra in the 12 Days of Christmas exchange.
Since mixing this with butterscotch pudding a couple months ago, I haven’t really had a cup that could compare to how tasty that was – except for now! I actually had to go and double check that I’d grabbed the right tea blend, because this was so delicious I thought I must have made something else. I swear, I even got butterscotch notes from this mug, despite the fact there were no add ins.
But nope, this is the right one!
Maybe the secret to enjoying this again is a shorter steep time? Because I definitely didn’t change my normal amount of leaf or water temp…
Backlog from last night.
I’ve been waiting to dig into my sample of this since getting it, but I didn’t want to have all my matchas samples open because I thought that would probably A) be bad for the matcha and B) be a little overwhelming. However, I’m done to about 2 cups worth of Pineapple Matcha and maybe 3 worth of Eggnog Matcha now, plus I was having an awful day yesterday so I decided it was finally time to try this one out. I love caramel and that is definitely what I was in the mood for – plus, Tre had made brownies to make me feel better and I thought cold, caramel milk would be something that would go fantastically with that.
I guess that you’re supposed to use 1 tbsp. of MATCHAccino for a cup as opposed to the about 1/2 tsp. one would normally use with regular matcha. To me, that seemed like a lot so I just went with 2 tsp. to kind of compromise.
Sweet baby Jesus, it was yummy! It was very, very smooth and like drinking liquid gold! I never want to be without this ever again! For a caramel lover, I was just in absolute heaven. That said – despite being super delicious it was a little weak, but that’s probably completely from my being stubborn and under leafing – so next time I’ll go with the proper instructions and measurements.
Just… Mmm!
I have always wondered how the MATCHAccino differs from just plain matcha. I thought about picking some up to try but then saw it was like 50something calories and decided not to.
Yeah, it has some sugar in it. Not a lot (especially compared to a Starbucks unsweetened green tea latte), but some.
When I have an income and finally break hiatus (maybe sooner than later – my birthday is March so hopefully there’ll be birthday money), my first order is likely gonna be Red Leaf for some flavoured matcha. I think I’d likely get Caramel Matcha over MATCHAccino because that’s quite tasty too – I just know I need at least one of them in my life at all times, hah…
OMG ROSWELL STRANGE MY BIRTHDAY IS MARCH TOO!!! WE TRULY ARE KINDRED SPIRITS!! Okay I will stop with the super-over-excited-caps. But I saw “my birthday is March” and sort of stopped reading to come write my excitement.
Now I have finished reading and I definitely understand needing matcha in your life. Honestly though, I think I could forgo the caramel matcha in favor of the caramel popcorn because it is amazing!
Also, I only ended up placing an order with Red Leaf Tea because a friend of mine was going to order on her own regardless so I suggested if we ordered together we could get more flavors and split them so we went in on an order together. It is nice because now we are getting about 9 different matchas between the two of us that I can review and get discounts for. Then we can place more orders in the future. Without her I probably would have struggled with placing an order for such a long time given their prices.
My first matcha experiences were SO bad (sorry Lala), that had I not received some samples from Red Leaf free, and then the samples from you I probably would have written matcha off all together. Now I think I have eight different kinds on my “HAVE TO TRY THIS” list (though, I’ve had three of those eight already).
I have been lucky to have only good experiences with matcha and thanks to numerous people on steepster I have been able to try a bunch of different flavors and figure out what I like best. I think that is why I was not too anxious when I finally committed to placing an order.
Also I am born March 15. The ides of March and also fertility day in Japan (on which they carry around GIANT wooden penises).
Ah, so close! March 13th for me… And that is certainly some very fun trivia about your birthday! I don’t know if there’s anything significant surrounding the 13th.
So close indeed! My mom is the one who told me about fertility day. I would feel special that there is significance to the day if it not for the fact that my mom is born New Year’s Day and my brother is born Christmas day. Ides of March/Fertility day just can’t compete. On the plus side, I can go out on my birthday because stores/restuarants/etc. are actually open :P
Every day is a holiday, even if some are obscure ans weird. As a Pastafarian, I am pleased to be born on International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Sipdown (208)!
I needed an easy to make tea and a little energy after a super stressful and exhausting day.
I just got home from filling out my two pain med. prescriptions for my teeth and in the process had about an hour long conversation (long distance, I might add) with my Dad about all the things that the dentist thinks needs to be done, how expensive it’s going to be, how it’s all my fault for not taking care of my teeth (I’m still holding out that while my eating habits have not been the best, most of this is his fault by not fulfilling parental responsibilities and booking me in for regular check ups over the last three years), how I should have stood up to my dentist today and just told him to pull the tooth on the spot…
Basically, for a good solid hour I was emotionally berated and interrogated over the phone.
Not ten minutes later after hanging up, I got a call from a very pissed off dentist who apparently had the same experience with my father. I guess my Dad questioned his competence as a health professional and just in general was a total ass to him. Basically, my dentist wanted to call and say he was very close to dropping me as a client but would continue to work with me if I was the one and only person he was interacting with.
And I guess my Dad withdrew all of his credit and health insurance information – so now I’m not even sure how to go about paying for things since I’m unemployed and, when I am employed, likely will not be making a lot of money in the first place.
I just feel so overwhelmed and I don’t know where to start or how to deal with things. I agree with my Dad that everything the dentist wants done is an awful lot and I don’t think all of it is necessary, or at the very least not an immediate priority. However I also agree with my dentist that just pulling out every tooth that hurts a little isn’t a smart or necessarily viable option either…
I’m just in a lot of pain, and I feel really stressed out, overwhelmed, and emotionally abused right now. How do I find a compromise between what they want that fixes the pain, and isn’t going to bank rob me because I can’t afford all this on my own…
Right now I’m just going to cocoon myself in a whole bunch of blankets, have a small emotional breakdown, cry it out, and sip at some really great tea.
And, I’m so sorry I’m venting all this out on Steepster, but I don’t really have anyone else to vent to about it.
Sorry it went so poorly. :-( Maybe you could talk to the dentist about whether there is one thing among the various things that are recommended that you could do that would give you some relief now, and table the rest until the financial situation is better? Or maybe you could get a second opinion? I am not sure how things work where you are, but here pricing can vary widely from dentist to dentist, as can opinions about how to approach the same problem.
I’m so sorry . I have dental problems myself so I feel your pain. You have to do what you have to do. I’m sure your parents love you and don’t want to see you suffer
The dental office might have options for you on alternative funding for things that need to be done. Also when you get a job, you will most likely have some medical insurance so that might be an option as well. Keep positive, it will all work out :)
<3 Best of luck. Is there a dental school anywhere near you? Here there’s the UBC dental school and it is a much cheaper option if you’re OK with students working on you.
I would say take care of your mental state tonight. What you have planned sounds like a good route to take. Try to stay calm and not think about it tonight because it doesn’t sound like you need to. Decisions don’t need to be made immediately. Relax and put it on the back burner. Things will look better tomorrow when everything has settled some. I’m sorry you had to go through that but everything will turn out ok. Promise. :)
Ros, as OMG suggested, there is a dental school at the univ. I am not sure if it is free or if there is a discounted cost but it might be something worth looking into at least.
I second the dental school suggestion! It’s much cheaper, and it’s supervised so you’re still on good hands.
I had dental fees. :( always so happy if I can get a job that offers coverage.
Deleted my country specific advice — the general version – check with your insurance directly and find out if your dad really has the power to interfere in your treatment after your an adult. Good luck, hugs, and good tea too you.
I’m sending e-hugs your way if you want them. Just take care of yourself; I’m sure something will work out for you.
Please feel free to vent here all you want—this is an exceptional community of people. Also, I third (fourth) the suggestion about medical students, and also asking your dentest to help you prioritize what needs to be done. Please know that you won’t feel this overwhelmed after you’ve cried, eaten, drank, and slept (and washing your hair always seems to lighten your mood some, too, I find). You don’t need to make any decisions right now—just be kind to yourself, and know you have a plan of action of sorts. huge huge hugs
Looks like I am not the only person who found the dental school route for you. It sucks that this has happened and I definitely can relate to the parental mood swings and pulling funds. It will work out soon enough. Just take it easy for now and hopefully things will improve soon.
I had a lot of dental work done at the dental school when I was around your age – it is an excellent option in this sort of situation, although there may be a wait to get in. Perhaps, as others have also mentioned, the dentist you have now could do the immediately needed work to relieve the pain, and you could get on the list to see a dental student.
I just downed a gigantic plate of tofu nuggets like nobodies business whilst drinking this and Prairie Berry. It seems like a totally strange combination of flavours, but somehow it really worked? I guess sweet and savoury pair more often than one would think.
Anyway, I picked this out because I thought the maple in it would fit will with the maple in Prairie Berry and, maybe, it’d give the impression of Saskatoon Berry syrup on pancakes when drunk simultaneously. Also, they steeped up at about the same temperature so that worked out pretty well.
1 1/2 tsp. of leaf, just under boiling water for about three minutes.
Taste wise, I’m especially getting the pancakes today with flickering notes of maple. Not a ton of butter in this cup, but that’s ok – I think that’s my least favourite part of this blend anyway. And guess what, it totally is like drinking the tea equivalent of Pancakes with Saskatoon Berry syrup.
Well, I just got back from the dentist and let me tell you there’s quite a lot to be done. Right now everything is going through my Dad’s insurance which kind of concerns me – we don’t have the best relationship and he goes through mood swings of “Let me be there for you however I can, whether that’s financially or otherwise!” (like right now), and “This isn’t my responsability at all – I don’t care what happens at all”. Getting everything done is going to take a while, so heavy chance of some mood swings coming my way…
For example, when I called him to summarize what the dentist said he blew up at me for letting things get this bad (I haven’t been to the dentist in probably three years). But, it’s not like I’m 30 or 40 and chose not to go: I’m 18 and this is my first year living on my own – getting check ups during those three years should have been his or my mother’s responsibility, in my opinion.
But here’s the total for things they want to do/pointed out to me:
- Remove all four wisdom teeth
- About six cavities ranging in severity
- Two = borderline in need of root canal (First step is temp. fillings)
- Prescribed two different pain medications in the meantime
That sounds like an awfully big bill…
But anyway, since they didn’t do any actual work today it looks like I get to enjoy some tea and food today! All the Saskatoon Berry excitement from last night gave me some crazy cravings for that delightful berry, so I’m starting off the tea drinking tonight with some yummy Saskatoon Berry tea to ease some of my dentistry concerns!
1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of just under boiling water, steeped for four minutes. Dry, this is super Saskatoon Berry scented with a light maple syrup presence. Steeped up, the taste is sweet Saskatoon Berry puree with maple syrup and relatively strong notes of cranberries. It’s SO FREAKING GOOD.
I sort of get why it was discontinued though – Saskatoon Berries are definitely a very foreign fruit to some people (as evidenced by last night’s conversation) and also, apparently, are a bit of an acquired taste depending on your exposure to them. I grew up with them and, admittedly, it took me way too long to realize they were as well known as, say, a Strawberry.
Oh god. It is good you got in there when you did and now have pain meds to deal with the pain. I had a tooth cracked open for months and was in immense pain and then they fixed the tooth only for me to be in even more pain for a while. When I finally went back it turned out I had nerve damage from the tooth cracking and when they fixed the tooth they just ended up compressing the nerve so I ended up needing a root canal. So I definitely get the pain you are in with teeth that are at the point of needing root canals. Hopefully you are able to get everything fixed before your Dad has a mood swing.
I think you’re doing the right thing in taking care of your mouth. A lot of people don’t realize how many things can stem from not doing so. Don’t worry about your dad though, water off the back ;)
Once you get your teeth back into shape, it will feel so much better. I know my bf didn’t do anything for quite some time and once I made go to my dentist, he started to feel much better about the whole thing!!!
I love Saskatoon berries, I think it’s a Canadian thing :)
saskatoon berries rock.
oh poor you with the teeth! i would advise considering being fully out for the wisdom teeth: i was awake. really, better to be asleep. but that’s just an unsolicited opinion. maybethey can do it all at once while you’re out?
JustJames – I totally agree. general anesthesia for the win!!! I woke up not knowing what happened for the hour of my treatment. And then proceeded to cry because apparently waking up from it can make you feel that way even if you aren’t sad or in pain.
I am afraid of the dentist. I haven’t gone in years also. I’m considering one nearby that offers free nitro for office visits.
Oh, Saskatoon Berry pancake syrup! My favourite.
Best of luck with the dentist. When you get your wisdom teeth out, make sure there is someone to take you home. I had to convince a friend she couldn’t fly, and no, we weren’t going to drift home on the wind or take a bus, I ordered a cab. ;)
Good lord. I went 10+ years between dentist visits until Husband forced me to go last year. I kept saying that I would go when something was hurting and nothing did so I didn’t go. Then Husband made the appointment for me, so I had to go. I was SO scared I nearly cried while I was there, but the dentist was really sweet and kept explaining to me what she was going to do before she did it and reminded me constantly to just signal her by lifting my arm if I needed a break or felt ill or started panicking or whatever, and she took some time at first to talk to me about why I thought it was frightening. Of course it didn’t help the fear that I had imagined all sorts of things being wrong and nearly started coming to terms with needing false teeth at age 34 before going, but in the end there was one cavity, which she fixed right away, and two smaller ones which she thought I could probably stop myself by thorough flossing. Now that we’ve moved to another town, I’ve told Husband that I think we should stay with this dentist. It’s close enough to not be super inconvenient. I know her now, and I can’t face starting over with an unknown quantity again.
Oh… Oh!
This steeped up brilliantly tonight! Very decadent with sweet apple notes, buttery, glazed pastry notes, and soft notes of pistachio. I bet some milk would have enhanced the creaminess, but this was also perfectly fine without.
You know, the problem with drinking tons of tea is that quite often you really have to pee at very inopportune times. For example, I’m nearly done watching The 10th Kingdom and currently I’m at a very dramatic part – but no, apparently it’s time to use the washroom instead.
Also, I really should have bought more of this because it’s become a staple tea for me. So sweet, and so good. After reading “VariaTEA’s” tasting note I just had to make myself a mug of it. Mmmmmm!
I’m gonna be out really soon :(
I hear you about the peeing…I’ve been getting up at ungodly hours in the middle of the night running to the washroom! Kinda affecting my sleep :P But oh well, tea is worth it right?
Tweed and Hickory has Some of their teas at good prices. I’ve been meaning to place an order. Love this one!!
Thank you Isaila for my sample of this!
For preparation, I steeped up 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water for four minutes. Although now I’m wondering if that wasn’t enough leaf or enough time but I’m not getting a ton out of this. Boo…
What I do get, is a fairly creamy black tea with light (emphasis on the “light”) notes of chocolate and a whole lot of cinnamon. Odd – I didn’t think there was cinnamon in this blend? When it was really hot, I got some coconut notes but now that’s it’s cooled down a lot I’m not getting any of those either. And sadly, I certainly don’t get any anise which is what I was really looking forward to. It also has a sort of oily mouthfeel.
Also, now that the mug is almost done my tongue sorta feels funny? Like – very numb…
Oh well – thank you Isaila for the generous sample! I have a couple more cups worth left to see if I can produce a better cup, but right now I’m thinking this one just isn’t for me at all which is ok because at least I didn’t have to spend any money to find that out.
This was all licorice to me with a faint taste of chocolate. Definitely not for me, though I did think you would have liked it.
Quite honestly I didn’t mind it, but I don’t mind licorice. My dad on the other hand is a licorice fiend and loved it.
A friend gave me a whole lot of this for my birthday, and I don’t really like anise and some of the other ingredients at all, so I didn’t have much… It’s vaguely alarming to me that your tongue is going numb… But I hope that you eventually get a better cup from it!
I probably scored it lower than was fair – it actually didn’t taste bad and had it been branded differently (like, cinnamon hot chocolate – maybe?) I’m sure it would have left a better impression. I think I was just disappointed about the lack of anise, which I really love the taste of.
Fuck yes!
Just had an over the phone interview with a Paint Warehouse, and I totally freaking nailed it! Although, now that means that I have to do an in person interview – but I think I’ll do a good job on that, too. Fingers crossed. If I did get it, I’d be doing 30-40 hours a week at above minimum wage – so HOORAY FOR THAT! That would mean more tea money sooner than later!
Although, downside is that it’s half retail and half labour – and I’ve never had a labour heavy job, although I did have a few labour intensive days at Calendar Club when we were doing merchandising/store set up and then for the take down.
Wish me luck, regardless!
Anyway, to the tea! Recently I’ve been feeling a little love/hate with this blend. When it’s right, it’s so right – like a refreshing spearmint sprinkled Creamsicle. But when it’s wrong…
It just sits with you so uncomfortably and tastes like “ew”. Just, sour and funky.
This cup (2 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water, steeped for five minutes) didn’t get a whole lot of the mint, despite my vigorously shaking the tin. That sort of makes it feel like this cup is missing something. Also, it’s rather tart/sour today, for whatever reason, and relatively Gooseberry heavy. Despite that – it’s still pretty agreeable and not the worst cup I’ve made.
Quite contently sipping away at it :)
You are full of good news today between this and your dentist appoint! Congrats! I shall keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well on both fronts.
As for the tea, I actually really liked this at first and then just didn’t. I cold brewed it to use up the rest of the leaf and actually preferred it that way.
I haven’t had it cold brewed in a while, but it’s in my “que” to try that way. I have like 10 I want to eventually cold brew – most of them whites.
I am iffy about cold brewing whites because they can get bitter I find. Unless they are Ombrelle de Papier. That is a special white.
That is weird. At least it is gone now.