Ceylon Star

Tea type
Black Tea
Ceylon Black Tea, Cocoa, Coconut, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Star Anise Bits, White Chocolate
Anise, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sweet, White Chocolate, Licorice, Coconut
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by CHAroma
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 327 ml

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131 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmm. To be honest I wasn’t sure how excited I’d be to drink this again. It was so hit and miss from what I remember. (Sorry ShayneBear) So, because of this I’ve sorta had this 25g pack sitting...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was going to make chai this morning, as the cooler weather is making me want cozy teas, but I saw a picture of the new sugar plum tea and saw the star anise and decided I’d rather have a cup of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Isaila for my sample of this! For preparation, I steeped up 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water for four minutes. Although now I’m wondering if that wasn’t enough leaf or enough...” Read full tasting note
  • “Snacking for dinner this evening. First, some leftover pasta, next up roasted yams and baked zucchini fries. This tea really doesn’t go with any of it. But that’s OK. I wanted something sweet and...” Read full tasting note


Wish upon a star

Star anise is one of the most beautiful spices around…and also one of the most delicious. It has a sweet, subtle licorice taste that we just can’t resist. And some say it has magical properties: keeping star anise around is said to bring you good luck, happy dreams and even clairvoyance. Most importantly, it makes for some seriously delicious tea. Star anise and Ceylon black tea is a classic combination, but here we sweeten the deal even more with white chocolate, cocoa nibs and coconut. The result is sweet and creamy, with a hint of exotic spice. Now that’s star power.

Ingredients: Ceylon black tea, star anise, cocoa, white chocolate, coconut, natural and artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and coconut

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

131 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Mmmm. To be honest I wasn’t sure how excited I’d be to drink this again. It was so hit and miss from what I remember. (Sorry ShayneBear) So, because of this I’ve sorta had this 25g pack sitting unopened on my tea shelf for MONTHS.

Today was the day to crack it open, and it’s great. This mix has so many anise stars in it – at least one for every cup I’ll make, and that’s a big part of what I want from this tea. The base is smooth, and slightly sweet – I can definitely taste the licorice, chocolate and coconut. OMG.

Just, OMG.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Ya, that’s why I went for the 8.8 oz. of this tea. ;)


I sorta wish I had now. It’s cooled quite a bit and I’m still enjoying every sip of it.

It’s still on the website, but I don’t think I could justify getting that much! I"ll decide after I find a job AND have a few more cups.

And it was Stormy Night that was the BIG disappointment. I remember this one was less hit or miss.


Stormy Night is hit or miss…I think it’s better overleafed.


I’ll give that a shot! I remember I grabbed some teas in store last year, then sniffed the Stormy Night sample as we walked out the door, obsessed about it for the next 20 minutes and ran back to grab 50g.

Boy, was I disappointed! I’ll be sure to overleaf it when I drink it next.


Ceylon Star was on sale $5 for two 25 g packs today at David’s. I am not sure how long the sale will be on for but it is something to look into if you like this tea.


Thanks for letting me know. I actually bought 50g in store but couldn’t do the deal as they didn’t have ANY tea 2/$5. She told me the promo had ended. :( Guess I went to the wrong store!


I heard from a store employee yesterday that they are really retiring this tea, so get some while you can!


I thought they might since they have it as a web special (8 oz for $17 or something like that? ). I was a little tempted but that’s just way too much tea. I’ll enjoy the 50g I have now…

Thanks for the heads up!

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818 tasting notes

I was going to make chai this morning, as the cooler weather is making me want cozy teas, but I saw a picture of the new sugar plum tea and saw the star anise and decided I’d rather have a cup of this old favorite. Unfortunately, I think age is getting to this tea. Not as fresh as it used to be. It’s still okay, but doesn’t amaze me anymore. Or maybe it’s because I like less flavored stuff now. Oh well, it gave me that star anise I was craving. :/


I like this one a lot. :)


I bought the giant 250g bag when they were clearing it out, crossing my fingers that my tastes don’t change.


I thought about it- in hindsight I should have gone for 250g for this one and Pumpkin Chai both! :)


I am with you on this one…just finished my package from last winter and decided I’m not really into it either. Won’t be looking to replenish it.

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16967 tasting notes

Thank you Isaila for my sample of this!

For preparation, I steeped up 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 8 oz. of boiling water for four minutes. Although now I’m wondering if that wasn’t enough leaf or enough time but I’m not getting a ton out of this. Boo…

What I do get, is a fairly creamy black tea with light (emphasis on the “light”) notes of chocolate and a whole lot of cinnamon. Odd – I didn’t think there was cinnamon in this blend? When it was really hot, I got some coconut notes but now that’s it’s cooled down a lot I’m not getting any of those either. And sadly, I certainly don’t get any anise which is what I was really looking forward to. It also has a sort of oily mouthfeel.

Also, now that the mug is almost done my tongue sorta feels funny? Like – very numb…

Oh well – thank you Isaila for the generous sample! I have a couple more cups worth left to see if I can produce a better cup, but right now I’m thinking this one just isn’t for me at all which is ok because at least I didn’t have to spend any money to find that out.


This was all licorice to me with a faint taste of chocolate. Definitely not for me, though I did think you would have liked it.


Quite honestly I didn’t mind it, but I don’t mind licorice. My dad on the other hand is a licorice fiend and loved it.


A friend gave me a whole lot of this for my birthday, and I don’t really like anise and some of the other ingredients at all, so I didn’t have much… It’s vaguely alarming to me that your tongue is going numb… But I hope that you eventually get a better cup from it!

Roswell Strange

I probably scored it lower than was fair – it actually didn’t taste bad and had it been branded differently (like, cinnamon hot chocolate – maybe?) I’m sure it would have left a better impression. I think I was just disappointed about the lack of anise, which I really love the taste of.


Haha of course. I think you definitely liked it better than I did anyway :)

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2291 tasting notes

Snacking for dinner this evening. First, some leftover pasta, next up roasted yams and baked zucchini fries.

This tea really doesn’t go with any of it. But that’s OK. I wanted something sweet and desserty that would take cream well. This works for me. It’s not my favourite tea, but I can see why people like it.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Oh god, baked zucchini fries. I’ve never had that but that sounds so good.


You can also make baked zucchini chips by slicing them thin and baking them at a low temperature for about an hour – it’s delicious


SO GOOD! Also so easy. Egg wash, and then coat in a floury mix that has salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian spices in it. Bake 15 minutes at 425F (on parchment paper or non-stick aluminum foil), flip and bake 15 minutes.

I did one zucchini tonight, and have another one for tomorrow. I also used almond meal and coconut flour, so they’re higher fat and fibre than if you used regular flour.


Drool, both sound exquisite. I found a recipe that calls for seasoned bread crumbs and grated parmesan that looks awesome too. I’ve been craving zucchini lately so I’ll try all these ideas out. :)


That would be the easy way, Incendiare. :) Gluten free breadcrumbs are $$$ and almost impossible to find, so seasoned flour it is!

I’ll have to try that, VariaTEA. :)


I definitely recommend them. However make sure you use next to no seasoning because they shrink quite a bit and so whatever seasoning you put on becomes VERY concentrated.


Yeah, your coconut + almond flour solution sounds just as scrumptious anyway. :D

Good call, VariaTEA! I could see all that water weight just evaporating.


I made dehydrator sweet potato chips over the summer, so I totally understand that! They were soooo spicy. :)

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292 tasting notes

This one never disappoints me. What a delicious, relaxing cup of tea before bed.

That is all.

4 min, 0 sec
Lariel of Lórien

Does it taste a lot like anise?


Well, I think it’s a nice blend, the anise is a great complement to the sweetness of the chocolate / coconut. But if you don’t like anise, it might be too overpowering.


I wish I could drink this before bed!

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15588 tasting notes

sipdown! thanks to courtney for sending this along. I’d only had this in the store as a sample, and i can confirm that now that i’ve had a chance to brew it on my own…i still don’t like it. lol it’s just not for me. ah well, glad to have gotten to try it again.

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6119 tasting notes

Oooh… finally trying this tea. Massive apprehension due to the star anise (honestly, I contemplated picking it out, but figured that would be rather silly of me…)

The aroma is pretty much chocolate/coconut/star anise. Thankfully, the anise isn’t a super strong aroma, and I’m hoping it stays that way in the flavour as well (I think other people’s reviews have said that it’s not too bad??)

Yep, turns out they were right… but I still don’t love the tea! It tastes as described, chocolate, coconut, and a touch of star anise… but it’s not really working for me. I can see how other people love it, and I should love it… but… I’m not. Perhaps it’s that there’s almost a bit of cinnamon in there, and it’s coming off to me strangely… ah well. I tried!

ETA: Second infusion is a weaker version of the first, with a bit more anise. After this infusion, the leaves smelled just like star anise…. so into the compost they went.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I felt pretty much the same way about it. Should have been good but just didn’t do it for me.


I can’t say I’m too sad – every tea I try that I don’t particularly care for is another I won’t be tempted to re-stock! :P

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1186 tasting notes

I finally remembered to pick up some of this tea! I’ve been intrigued by it for a while, but it always slipped my mind when I was at the store. The dry smell is fantastic in this one, very chocolate and creamy and yum. I must be in a chocolate and sugary mood this week haha, that’s the only teas I have been craving!

I steeped for 5 minutes, as this is a black tea and I was worried it might get bitter. There was a big chunk of star anise in my basket, and a lot of coconut! I’m not a huge licorice fan, but I don’t mind it and fennel so this one didn’t deter me. The steeped smell is like hot chocolate, with a bit of licorice and spice. Smells sooo good.

The taste is very interesting actually! It is not as chocolatey as the aroma, but it still has a fair amount, and it’s a more milk chocolate flavor. The star anise is mild but still there to add a different sort of sweet note, and the coconut kind of ties it together with the richness and cream it brings. I’m thinking it will also get creamier as it cools.

Overall, this is a tasty little tea. I’m not sure if I am in love with it yet, but it is tasty, and not as sweet as I expected, which is kind of nice as it’s not overwhelming. I do wish it tasted a bit more like it smelled, more cream and chocolate! But I might try steeping a tad longer next time to melt down the chocolate more haha. Happy to finally have tried this, and so far won’t have a problem finishing up my 25 g of it :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

blaaaaaaah lol


Haha I take it you are not a fan? I saw your note yesterday on it haha :P

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6444 tasting notes

This smells like chocolate and I do pick that up in the taste but mostly it is a lot of licorice. Thank you Whiskey Buzz but this one is just not for me.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’m a bit of a licorice fan – in small amounts, it’s perfectly okay with me – but even I found this one to be a little bit too heavy-handed on it as well. My dad loved it, but he adores licorice. He’ll probably be the one to finish most of what I have. :P

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1220 tasting notes

I didn’t bother to read what Ceylon Star was when DavidsTea first posted the note, I just read the name and assumed a straight ceylon for some reason. And that would have been okay.
Then once we reached December, I reread it and ohhhh yes.

So last minute text messages went out on Monday to my boyfriend of “can you make sure to get me half an ounce of Ceylon Star? It’s new!” So all the tea I made him get me, all $42 worth, $42 I don’t even have right now for tea, is finally mine. I couldn’t decide where to start but I knew I wanted one of the black teas I picked out, and I am on a white chocolate kick so it’s perfect.

There is a lot of star anise. The smell of the tea reminds me of the pizzelle cookies my grandma used to make.

The tea is sweet and slightly spicy from the anise and coconut. I didn’t really get much of the white chocolate, though I’m not even sure any made it into my steeper. It wasn’t as creamy as I was hoping it would be.

They used quite a nice Ceylon for this, because after steeping it I thought, wow, I really don’t like Ceylon when it’s steeped more than 3 1/2 minutes. But this, I might even save the leaf to resteep tomorrow morning because I’m sure it has a bit more life in it, and the star anise is the FULL star so it must still have something to it too!

I kind of wish I got more than half an ounce, I’ve never actually cooked with star anise so I didn’t realize how heavy it is.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

I havn’t had anise much (except with old fashioned candies.) but I adore that stuff. So I am going to add this tea to my shopping list! Mmm I can almost taste it, such a warm, sweet taste I am thinking. Did it need any sweetener? I can’t remember if you’ve said that you use sweetener at all in general or not.


I generally don’t, and when I do I make sure to mention that I added any. I didn’t add any to this one, it really doesn’t need it because the white chocolate and coconut sweeten it already I think.


i can’t get it until tuesday but if you’re ok waiting and extra day, I’ll grab you some and send it along in your package :)

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