Caramel MATCHAccino

Tea type
Green Matcha Blend
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Caramel, Milk, Sweet, Cream, Grass
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
145 °F / 62 °C 1 min, 15 sec 15 g 11 oz / 321 ml

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102 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Much delayed tasting note, heh. I had one of these this morning before heading out for the day. It was delicious as always! Today is my birthday and I had lunch went shopping and got a pedicure...” Read full tasting note
  • “I recently ordered a sample of this blend from Red Leaf because I had been hearing so much about it. I didn’t realize that I could get a next-to-free sample of it, so I jumped on it when I had the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was fortunate enough to get in on the tasting when Red Leaf was about to release this product, and then with a later order they sent me a free sample of this. I think the caramel flavored matcha...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from last night. I’ve been waiting to dig into my sample of this since getting it, but I didn’t want to have all my matchas samples open because I thought that would probably A) be bad for...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

What is MATCHAccino? The deliciously flavored green tea mix for those moments when you crave for a latte.
It’s green! It’s healthy! It will give you the energy boost you need to kick start the day or get through a sleepy afternoon. Got milk? Make MATCHAccino – anytime, anywhere. It’s that easy!
Why pay almost $4 per cup of Starbuck’s Green Tea Frappe when you can make one at convenience of your own home on your own schedule for less than $0.99 per serving.

We offer Matchaccino Green Tea Frappe Mix available with over 100 natural flavors.

0g Fat
100% Natural
Only 58 Calories

No Preservatives.
No Diary.
No Gluten.
No Food Coloring.
No Artificial Coloring.
No Soy.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

About Matcha Outlet View company

Company description not available.

102 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

Much delayed tasting note, heh. I had one of these this morning before heading out for the day. It was delicious as always! Today is my birthday and I had lunch went shopping and got a pedicure with my mom! While we were out I took advantage of my free “whatever the heck I want” for my birthday drink at Starbucks (just register a gift card on their website and you can have one too!) Anyway, it ended up being a huge Venti caramel crunch frappe with soymilk and an extra shot of espresso, so I am WELL caffeinated for the rest of the day. Cracked out even!! boing boing boing Anyway, my sweet husband got me a Butiki gift card for my birthday so I CAN’T WAIT to place my birthday order! :D


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! What a great gift!


Happy Birthday! What a great day! :-)


Happy Birthday Stephanie~!

High Adventure

Happy birthday!


Stephanie!! Happy Birthday!! ♫ ♫ ♫


Happy Birthday!!!


Thanks guys :D


Happy Birthday! … belated where you are… but it’d still be your bday for another couple hours if you were in HI :)


Have a wonderful birthday! Sounds like a nice birthday treat. :)

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2201 tasting notes

I recently ordered a sample of this blend from Red Leaf because I had been hearing so much about it. I didn’t realize that I could get a next-to-free sample of it, so I jumped on it when I had the chance. I was pleased that the sample actually came with two single-serving pouches.

I was surprised at how much was used for a single cup, but I dumped the whole pouch into my blender with milk and some ice cubes. I will say that this is dangerous because it is dead easy and super delicious! Mmmm, caramelly, sweet but not too sweet, with a thick richness that was amazing from just milk and a few small ice cubes (that didn’t add much, honestly). The flavor of the matcha definitely shines through, but it’s just well balanced overall. I want to go out and buy a huge amount immediately, but I really should get through all the matcha that is still in my freezer before I do. There is no doubt that the convenience factor and deliciousness factor for this is huge.

Find it here:


i can’t figure out how this would be any easier than matcha for me..since i make my matcha in a blender too. I don’t add sugar to my matcha lattes or smoothies…so ya haha but i keep wanting to try this.


Yeah for me making matcha lattes involves measuring out the matcha, sifting the matcha, adding sugar, adding milk. I mean there aren’t really that many steps but this one is like: dump in blender with milk, blend. Also whatever the do to make this thick and creamy is amazing.


nice! i had the samples they sent out and provided feedback on them. I just need to actually buy some now to try out. i have a friend that would looooove these


I just put it in a glass, pour the milk, and whoosh it with an aerolatte. That is dangerously easy! :D

Matcha Outlet

Please note that Matchaccino also has a natural thickening agent to keep a nice consistency and texture :-)


thanks redleaf! good to know

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3496 tasting notes

I was fortunate enough to get in on the tasting when Red Leaf was about to release this product, and then with a later order they sent me a free sample of this. I think the caramel flavored matcha was the very first purchase I made from them, so I thought this was a brilliant flavor to start with for the mixes.

It is super easy to make, has fewer calories than most of the things I reach for when the afternoon hungries hit, and it is good for me. My son’s girlfriend asks for it every time she comes over, and it is my hubby’s favorite latte. (This is tied with almond flavor for me!)

With matchaccino you don’t have to choose a certain flavor level, and I find the amount they are putting just perfect.


nice! glad to hear it. I really need to try this sooner rather than later :)


Sil- I have some. If you want a sample it’s yours!!

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16950 tasting notes

Backlog from last night.

I’ve been waiting to dig into my sample of this since getting it, but I didn’t want to have all my matchas samples open because I thought that would probably A) be bad for the matcha and B) be a little overwhelming. However, I’m done to about 2 cups worth of Pineapple Matcha and maybe 3 worth of Eggnog Matcha now, plus I was having an awful day yesterday so I decided it was finally time to try this one out. I love caramel and that is definitely what I was in the mood for – plus, Tre had made brownies to make me feel better and I thought cold, caramel milk would be something that would go fantastically with that.

I guess that you’re supposed to use 1 tbsp. of MATCHAccino for a cup as opposed to the about 1/2 tsp. one would normally use with regular matcha. To me, that seemed like a lot so I just went with 2 tsp. to kind of compromise.

Sweet baby Jesus, it was yummy! It was very, very smooth and like drinking liquid gold! I never want to be without this ever again! For a caramel lover, I was just in absolute heaven. That said – despite being super delicious it was a little weak, but that’s probably completely from my being stubborn and under leafing – so next time I’ll go with the proper instructions and measurements.

Just… Mmm!


I have always wondered how the MATCHAccino differs from just plain matcha. I thought about picking some up to try but then saw it was like 50something calories and decided not to.


Yeah, it has some sugar in it. Not a lot (especially compared to a Starbucks unsweetened green tea latte), but some.

Roswell Strange

When I have an income and finally break hiatus (maybe sooner than later – my birthday is March so hopefully there’ll be birthday money), my first order is likely gonna be Red Leaf for some flavoured matcha. I think I’d likely get Caramel Matcha over MATCHAccino because that’s quite tasty too – I just know I need at least one of them in my life at all times, hah…


OMG ROSWELL STRANGE MY BIRTHDAY IS MARCH TOO!!! WE TRULY ARE KINDRED SPIRITS!! Okay I will stop with the super-over-excited-caps. But I saw “my birthday is March” and sort of stopped reading to come write my excitement.

Now I have finished reading and I definitely understand needing matcha in your life. Honestly though, I think I could forgo the caramel matcha in favor of the caramel popcorn because it is amazing!

Also, I only ended up placing an order with Red Leaf Tea because a friend of mine was going to order on her own regardless so I suggested if we ordered together we could get more flavors and split them so we went in on an order together. It is nice because now we are getting about 9 different matchas between the two of us that I can review and get discounts for. Then we can place more orders in the future. Without her I probably would have struggled with placing an order for such a long time given their prices.

Roswell Strange

I wonder what the odds are that your Birthday is the same day as mine? I guess 1/31…

Roswell Strange

My first matcha experiences were SO bad (sorry Lala), that had I not received some samples from Red Leaf free, and then the samples from you I probably would have written matcha off all together. Now I think I have eight different kinds on my “HAVE TO TRY THIS” list (though, I’ve had three of those eight already).


I have been lucky to have only good experiences with matcha and thanks to numerous people on steepster I have been able to try a bunch of different flavors and figure out what I like best. I think that is why I was not too anxious when I finally committed to placing an order.

Also I am born March 15. The ides of March and also fertility day in Japan (on which they carry around GIANT wooden penises).

Roswell Strange

Ah, so close! March 13th for me… And that is certainly some very fun trivia about your birthday! I don’t know if there’s anything significant surrounding the 13th.


So close indeed! My mom is the one who told me about fertility day. I would feel special that there is significance to the day if it not for the fact that my mom is born New Year’s Day and my brother is born Christmas day. Ides of March/Fertility day just can’t compete. On the plus side, I can go out on my birthday because stores/restuarants/etc. are actually open :P

Roswell Strange

My mom and Aunt (not twins, 11 year age difference) are both born Christmas Eve :P


Every day is a holiday, even if some are obscure ans weird. As a Pastafarian, I am pleased to be born on International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Roswell Strange

All praise be to the FSM, for his noodly appendages have touched us all! R’Amen.



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4337 tasting notes

I had to grab these Caramel Matchacchinos on sale! HUGE discount! They sounded delicious anyway!

First up: hot latte
I was surprised there was already a scoop in the big bag of bright green matcha! Very handy! Little things like that make my day. :D So, I heated up about nine ounces of milk, definitely not boiling, as that would ruin the matcha. Just about warm! One scoop of matchacchino in the bottom of the mug and I slowly pour the measuring cup with warm milk with one hand while I’m whisking the matcha with a fork in the other (yes, unofficial matcha mixing, I know!) The dry matcha has a lovely sweet fragrance. The taste is amazing! It’s like a healthier cappuccino! I could have used MORE matcha flavor and less sugar in this cup. Matchaccino is different from regular matcha in that it already has sugar in it. It definitely doesn’t need more added! My cup was gone in minutes. (Whoops! ) Honestly, if tea wasn’t typically too hot to gulp, I’d probably gulp that down too! Instantly I felt energized!

Second cup: brewed like a typical tea
With this cup, I really just wanted to taste the matchaccino without milk. So I cooled the water a while and slowly poured the water in the mug while whisking with a fork. This cup may have been even better than with milk because I get to taste more of the matcha – the milk hides the flavor a bit. I really liked this cup!

Luckily, I love this stuff since I bought a bunch of pouches. It will definitely increase my milk intake too, since I normally do not drink very much milk.


I drank some from the HHTB pouch today. Thanks for sharing!


Oh, I grabbed some of these pouches too, and am eagerly awaiting their arrival. Robert had said they were much lower quality matcha (and an order that someone changed their mind about) so I’m curious as to just how much lower grade this is. So happy to hear you loved it!


Stephanie – I’m glad! :D

MissB – I’m no matcha expert but the pouch I tried doesn’t seem low quality to me. It’s comparable to the almond matcha I had recently! But maybe the next pouch I open will be better or worse. I’m already close to opening the next big pouch because of tea trades!


If I remember correctly only 50% of the bags were the lower quality matcha, and they had no way to tell which were which, so they sold them all at a discount. Maybe this bag was a GOOD bag? shrug


Oh, yes! I forgot about the mixup. Could well be this was a good bag.


I am pretty sure the first bag I opened is one of the lower quality ones, but honestly it is still good. Don’t worry if that is what you got because it still makes a really good latte.

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2291 tasting notes

So I have a pound of this. I got sucked into the free shipping.

Coconut flavour, distinctive level of flavouring.

SO. GOOD. Yes, it’s sweet, but it’s not too sweet. A little sweeter than an unsweetened (ie: no syrup) green tea latte at Sbux, but some of that might be the coconut flavour, as I found the flavour quite sweet even in the plain matcha.

Distinctive is enough. Next time I might even just go for the base flavour level! This tastes like delicious coconut baked goods. Yum. This will be an excellent alternative to plain matcha in my morning smoothies, and it’ll be even smoother (I have a cheap blender) with the addition of 1/4 banana. OMG, this might be amazing with rum. And banana. And maybe a squeeze of lime. Uh oh!

I weighed 15g, as the scoop was quite compacted and I wanted to be sure I wasn’t using too much. 200ml soy milk, 4 large ice cubes. If I was making a shaken drink instead of a blended one, I’d use more milk or less powder.


nice! glad you’re enjoying them


Having a blender at home to easily make cold drinks makes me want ALL THE MATCHA! Pretty dangerous!


I have never tried matcha ( and am not drawn to trying it ….those green bubbles….tasty? …..I don’t know….) but I so want to find a good caramel tea……this one sounds……super dee-lish…….


lilysmom – if you like black tea try the caramel assam from butiki. you might find it to be your sweet spot. If you prefer green teas, try the caramel cream from purearoma.


A pound?!


Kittenna, yes. A pound. 16 oz. 30 servings. Muahahahaha. Considering I’ve had matcha every morning for the last two weeks, this will go pretty quickly…

Lilysmom, if you’re not drawn to matcha, I wouldn’t bother. Definitely save your pennies for a Butiki order. Just my portion of the group order is ~$100. Umm.


Don’t be alarmed, Kittenna! It is the kind with sugar already added, so it is only thirty servings! :)


I grabbed the caramel. I had some today but it was still a bit powdery – I guess I didn’t blend it enough, even though I still enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to trying it again tomorrow!


I blend quite a bit because I like to add a little banana, and ice, and my blender is super cheap. :)

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772 tasting notes

Screwed up the proportions on this one and briefly thought I had killed my blender. Currently eating it in a bowl with a long handled spoon because long handled spoons are fun. Added the rest of a pack of frozen raspberries, which made it a bit too think for the liquid I added. Due to thinking I’d broken the blender, I didn’t continue to blend with more liquid, but after I washed it and attempted to blend some soapy water, it seems to be working again.


Dr. Sil to the rescue :D




Eh? I ate it with a spoon until the ice melted enough (or something) and then I just stuck a straw in the bowl.


haha my computer was doing this messed up thing where it was layering the review notes on top of each other. I’m in the other browser now. Sorry!!! hides


LOL, no problem. I was just wondering if there was something obvious that I was missing.


i mean i can BE a doctor…. if we’re playing pretend lol


lol can you cure me of the work blahs… what tea can fix that :P

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33 tasting notes

Dreamy, creamy, caramel goodness!
Can one become addict after drinking this once? I think I am!
I just got this in the mail today and had to open the bag for a look. This wonderful caramel and butterscotch aroma blew me away. The Matchaccino mix is also such a beautiful vibrant green. I closed the bag back up because my boyfriend was working on a project and I wanted to wait till he was done to make us both a frappaccino. I guess I must have inhaled some of the fine powder and it coated my nostrils because the caramel goodness followed me everywhere!
Finally he finished his project and I pulled out the blender. I poured in 8 oz. of cold lactose free milk, 6 ice cubes, and a heaping scoop (came with the matcha) of the matchaccino powder. Then, I blended it smooth and poured it into two short glasses.
Boy, have I been missing out on something wonderful my whole life! My one and only time trying matcha was last week getting the green tea frappe at Starbucks in anticipation for my Red Leaf order. Ummmmmmm, I will never drink the Starbucks version again. The Red Leaf blows them away in flavor immensely and does not put you into sugar shock.
The caramel flavoring is very natural tasting, just like eating a SugarDaddy pop. I chose the robust flavoring. The matcha is very mild, earthly, like fine green grass with absolutely no bitterness. I chose the imperial grade matcha. I know that grade maybe overkill for lattès and frappès but I was really afraid of getting a bitter matcha that might turn me away from matcha all together due to really never having it before. I feel much more brave now to branch out on more grades due to the absolute best experience I had drinking it today.
I can’t wait to try more flavors from Red Leaf! I have a traditional matcha set with plain matcha on its way and I am now even more eager to try.
Somehow, I am going to have to fit drinking this caramel goodness in daily. I actually feel more energetic and high spirited and I am attributing to the matchaccino!
You can get this scrumptious caramel Matchaccino at Red Leaf Tea here:

Also, my boyfriend’s response was “I could drink this. Much better than all these other girl teas you have been making me try.” I have been having him try all my new teas! What a good sport.


Haha awesome “girl teas”


Lol. Yah, I am always shoving a tea cup in his face saying “Try this! It’s so yummy.”

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985 tasting notes

Matcha sipdown….

My daughter finished this today. She did like it, but for her, the additional cost over regular flavored matcha just did not make sense.

One thing of note….I was really annoyed getting the last few servings from the bag. The included scoop was brilliant until the end. By then, the handle as not long enough and I had to stick my hand way down into the bag and hope I could manage to get the mix in the measuring cup. I think if I were to repurchase (which is not likely) I would be hoping for a scoop with a longer handle, or even the equivalent in a measuring spoon with a longer handle. I am sure the volume can be approximated for someone who needs the information.

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652 tasting notes

I’m not even sure if I can adequately describe how much I love this stuff.
It’s delicious in so many ways. First of all, the caramel flavour is like ‘BAM!’ The perfect balance between that and the matcha. Not too sweet, just right.

Every morning when I make some at work, there’s always someone near by who goes “OH MY GOD what is that smell?? What are you making? It smells so good!”

Cue my advertising spiel – “It’s caramel matchaccino, you can get it online from” (but usually preceded by a layman’s explanation of what matcha is, period)

I love making it as a hot latte with my little battery operated ebay purchased milk frother and a combo of warm milk and not quite hot water, but I’ve tried mixing it with cold milk in my Magic Bullet blender and it creates this creamy, frothy, thick and delicious smoothie that is probably the best way to start any day. Honestly. Man.

I had tried this during the testing stages and fell in love. So when it was finally released and on sale I bought some right away, the largest size because I just knew I’d want to have it around for as long as possible.

Apparently you can even make this by putting it in a bottle with milk and giving it a good shake, how easy is that? And inexpensive… wayyyy cheaper than going to Starbucks. I’d rather support the ‘Little Guy’ anyday, anyway!

For this, Red Leaf, I salute you.

Get on that!!


I love the caramel flavor one. Is this one different?


Nice sales pitch!


Only because it’s my real opinion :)

TastyBrew it’s a latte mix! New product, totally awesome! Creamy and similar to a Starbucks type of mix


I have several flavors left to try from my last order from them but I’ll add this to my future purchase list! Sounds awesome!


This is making me want to try matcha again. Maybe I gave up on it too fast.

(and zing! Dx; People should still support my Starbucks so I can have money to buy tea~~~ I do know what you mean though, but still, I’m like “Nooooo, work hours please?” Haha)


Haha, sorry. I want you to get hours to buy tea…I know Starbucks isn’t suffering without my business! I go sometimes anyway because I’m in love with their stupid Vanilla Blondes. I prefer Second Cup though because it’s a Canadian franchise ;)


Second cup usually has maple flavor syrup for coffees as well. And almond. And coconut. :)


oh yeah I’m all over their maple flavor when they have the maple tea during the appropriate season. I get them to make me “London Fogs” but using maple tea and maple syrup vs the vanilla and earl grey ;)


O. M. G. You are genius. I never thought of that!


Lol yeah I think I started something big at my local Second Cup, haha. When I say I love maple I mean I love maple!!


MAPLE flavor syrup? DX I wish Starbucks would get that. I might actually have a drink now and then if they did.

We do have coconut by the way, but it’s a Summer offering. They have to save all the best syrups for the seasonal ones of course =/

I wish we had better tea at Starbucks. =/ I wish we had better everything at Starbucks. Honestly it’s overrated. XD Almost every coffee shop is better.

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