Midsummer Night's Dream

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Marigold Flowers, Orange Oil, Rose Petals, Safflower, Spearmint
Apple, Artificial, Candy, Mint, Orange, Sweet, Tart, Flowers, Spearmint, Citrus, Rose, Citrus Fruits, Fruity, Grapefruit, Floral, White Grapes, Lemon, Smooth, Cream, Vanilla, Citrusy, Herbs, Lemon Zest, Pear, Sour, Creamy, Berries, Peppermint, Herbaceous, Pleasantly Sour, Rosehips, Tangy, Summer, Berry, Burnt, Dandelion, Earth, Honey, Bitter
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 15 sec 5 g 29 oz / 845 ml

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232 Tasting Notes View all


Summer love. This citrusy-mint tea is refreshingly magical, with sweet apples, cool spearmint, tart gooseberries, orange oil, and petals of marigold and rose. But before you take a sip, we should probably warn you that it’s a bit of a love potion. For some people, it seems to turn regular summer evenings into dreamlike nights of romance and enchantment. Ice it and see what happens. Caffeine-free.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

232 Tasting Notes

17008 tasting notes

I haven’t the faintest idea why, but I’m in a serious “everything is better with milk” mood these last few days in regard to tea. First the Cranberry Pear, and Love Tea #7 too – and now this one. I wasn’t even intending to add milk to this, but next thing I knew I was walking back to my cozy couch and tucking myself into a burrito of blankets all the while holding a mug of this with milk in it. Hmm… Maybe it’s because I’d essentially gone dairy free for two weeks – and now my body is bulking up on it? Or something to that effect?

Anyway – for preparation I steeped 2 tsp. in 8 oz of boiling water. I’m not exactly sure how long the steep time was since I was really zoned out. Basically, I let it steep until it felt right? I also had to seriously shake up my tin, because all of the spearmint had sunk to the bottom.

Taste wise, I’m getting light spearmint which is refreshing and a whole lot of gooseberry (I’m happy about this, too often the gooseberry is hard to find under all the orange). The milk is contributing a thick, creamy mouthfeel and a slightly creamier taste but since this is usually pretty creamsicle like there’s not a whole lot added that wasn’t at least somewhat present before. The sip finishes off with a lingering orange taste that works its way into all the crevices of the mouth. Very relaxing.

In picking a herbal tonight, I realized I actually have a fairly limited selection of herbals – both in fruit blends and otherwise. And, next to nothing on its way to me is herbal either. Something to consider next time I go into DAVIDsTEA or Tea Desire, I suppose. I do have Guava Cadabra on my Christmas list (and if I don’t get any I’ll buy some for myself) and will be getting a sample of Forever Nuts sometime from Robyn. I could also take a trip to McQuarries and look for a herbal blend or two. Anything else I should try from either place?

Oh! And I’m not officially caught up on Supernatural! One hundred percent it feels weird not have more episodes to get through… Time to watch something else, I guess. Do I finally cave and watch all of Doctor Who (and actually in order this time)? I don’t think I’d want to get into Classic Who.


I am a fan of Mulberry Magic and Pistachio Cream – worth a taste if you haven’t tried it already.

Roswell Strange

I’ve tried Pistachio Cream – it was alright. I’ve thought about trying Mulberry Magic – I love both mulberries and macadamia nuts. Have you tried DT’s Mango Lassi? That’s one that looks kinda interesting too.


I had a weird experience because when I first tried it, I thought it was really good but then I was sitting next to a teapot of it and something about the smell was just off putting to me. Honestly though I think that is more a reflection on me than the tea because it does taste like mango and it is quite creamy, I think I am just not a huge fan of chamomile.


It is definitely worth a try though. Especially if you don’t mind chamomile. I sent what I had to Cavo and she is definitely a fan.

Roswell Strange

I only have one chamomile tea right now (David’s Bravissimo), and I keep it stocked because it’s a good licorice tea. I’m not a huge fan of the taste of chamomile but I acknowledge it as a great before bed tea – which is sorta what I’m looking for. I want more fruity herbals to cold brew, and more spice/nutty/actual herb ones for late at night.

Roswell Strange

And Mango Lassi could maybe be both?


If you want actual herbal, digestif was not bad tbh – it has catnip in it which was strange I thought but it is not a bad tea. I can send you some samples of the fee herbals I have around my apartment if you like.

Roswell Strange

The catnip sounds interesting, and I’m a fan of most of the other listed ingredients (like peppermint and fennel). It’s the ginger root that’s scared me off in the past (not a fan, at all). But it might be worth a try anyway. Anyway, don’t feel obligated to send me anything :P


I don’t have many David herbals left because I gave away a lot of them but I would be happy to send you a cup or two of the ones I have. Have you tried the herbals that are part of the winter collection? They are Sleigh Ride, Alpine Punch, and White Chocolate Frost.

Roswell Strange

I have White Chocolate Frost all stocked up (couldn’t resist more mint), but haven’t tried the other two. Although, I’m deliberately avoiding Sleigh Ride because of the raisins.


Oops, Alpine Punch is a rooibos blend.

Roswell Strange

(That makes sense as to why I didn’t see it in the listed herbals last time I took a peak – I figured I’d just skimmed over it)

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1186 tasting notes

It’s the first autumn in 17 years that I am not returning to school! I am a bit sad about this, it’s so weird missing the first day of university classes and instead working. Ah well, a new chapter in life I guess! It’s supposed to get super hot today here today, so yes, a summery tea is in order! I also wore a skirt to work (which I NEVER do, btw) in the hopes it will be warm enough in the office to not freeze..so far, eh, not promising lol. But anyways, this tea is deliciously orangey and vanilla-y and yumm. I should make this iced when I get home! See previous notes :)


It’s been seven years for me and I still get weirded out by it! :)


It’s the first fall not returning to school for me, either! It really does feel odd—I wonder when I’ll stop associating autumn with a new year.


It’s such a strange feeling! Kind of sad, but a different part of life… I’m also sure ill go back and get another degree at some point, I’m already enrolled in a class at the tech college for work starting next week for a course course for work, not done yet! :)

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6444 tasting notes

Finishing up the last of the cold brew as I watch Revenge. Not much more to say other than so long Midsummer Night’s Dream. Also if anyone watched the most recent episode of the show, WTF JUST HAPPENED because I never saw THAT coming!!


Just found this note so I’m not sure which episode you were referring to back then. I feel like Revenge was really amazing but it’s gotten annoying. I still watch it, but I’m ready for a happy ending.


Haha I think this may have been SPOILERS FOR THOSE FAR BEHIND when Daniel shot Emily…I think. And yeah, lately the whole issue between Emily/David has just been annoying. So much could have been avoided but they just kept pushing the idea that Emily can’t just outright tell David so that was dumb. I was worried they would keep that up for the whole season.


I was too! Thank God that didn’t happen. MORE SPOILERS I’m just so over Victoria though. Pretty much as soon as they killed Aiden, I was super angry at the show writers. He’s a highly skilled Japanese samurai assassin who was strong enough to beat his own master and he gets taken out by a poisoned cup of tea?! Come on! So unrealistic. And Emily just lets Victoria live and move in with her dad? I don’t think so. Emily should have slaughtered Victoria.


Haha. That is all very true. Honestly, at this point they just have no idea where to go and it seems they are just grasping at straws.

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513 tasting notes

This is actually a backlog from a day ago.

I find it so peculiar that while drinking the same cup of tea, your own feelings on it can vacillate so much. My initial sips of this tea yesterday led to an immediate exclamation of “mmm”, because I tasted a creamy, slightly tart creamcicle (thanks in part to the milk I added), and I was all ready to settle in and engage in the age-old “do I buy a tin of this” routine in my head, when i began to taste something akin to something vaguely reminiscent of curdled vomit. Eww. Curdled vomit. Next sip. Ah, there’s the creamcicle flavour. Oh no wait, it’s gone again. I have no idea why my impressions are so a) varied and b) so fleeting. I will play around with the parameters like any appropriately self-doubting tea drinker, but I have my doubts. I also had really high hopes for this one, because I desperately need strongly flavoured herbal options for my evening teas, since my sleep schedule is unfortunately incredibly sensitive to…well…everything. Just look at me the wrong way and I’ll either not sleep at all tonight or fall asleep at 4:00 AM and wake up some time tomorrow afternoon.

Rachel Sincere

Curdled vomit would be a dealbreaker for me, I’m afraid!


I’m afraid it may be for me, also!

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124 tasting notes

It is 12:45. I am dreaming such big dreams that I cannot sleep.
In the past three days I have booked an 1890s opera house, rented a marquee, rented almost $1000 in film equipment, solicited my friends help, and bought several hundred dollars of vintage costuming, all for our film’s fundraising video.
Can you see why I can’t sleep???
Okay, so seriously, if there is a time for tea it is now. I figured that since I like DavidsTeas’ Mothers Helper that now would be a good time to try this sample.
Flavorwise, I am tasting something along the lines of Mother’s Helper. I’m getting a berry thing, hibiscus-like notes, and some kind of almost umami finish.
Like other reviewers, I’m having a hard time picking out the flavors of this tea.

I think it’s as if a little woodland critter came up, wide eyed and bushy tailed and shoved a handful of sweet, citrusy, and bitter berries into my hands and had me brew it in a little mug hewn of chestnut wood.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb

Dream big or go home! :D
I’m so excited for your project! I wish I was there to lend a hand


Aww thank you <3 I wasn’t sure how much “personal stuff” was good in the tasting notes!


Huh – that comment was supposed to read “Aww thank you! I’m never sure how much personal stuff was good to put in the tasting notes!”
Thanks, Steepster.
Apparently, none.

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448 tasting notes

This one is very good cold brewed! It really brings out the citrusy flavors. Next time I’ll add some of my own mint, as it wasn’t very strong.

Iced 8 min or more

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1184 tasting notes

MIL came back from the mall with this tonight. Tea surprises are wonderful!
Citrus mint with some apple and berry! Delicious
I have soon cooling in the fridge as well

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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525 tasting notes

So i took a trip to Davids today to pick up a replacement lid for my perfect glass tea mug. I got the bamboo one intended for the noble mug though. I’d like to see the lid shatter on me now! Hah! The glass mug itself is so pretty though and the bamboo lid matches well enough. I had wanted to pick up some samples of Luscious Watermelon, Mango Diablo, and Tropicalia while I was there but they wre all sold out! Apparently they are super popular! They took my email and told me they’d let me know when more comes in so hopefully I’ll get to try some of those teas soon!

Not wanting to walk out of there without tea, I ask for a recommendation on a fruity iced tea to go. After sniffing a bunch of teas, I settled on this. It’s pretty good! I don’t think I’d have enjoyed it hot. And I definitely would never have wanted to try it from the description! Minty citrus? Weird… But actually, the mint is very subdued. I tasted citrus and apple and then a smooth cakey vanilla at the end of the sip. Tasty and refreshing.

I always thought of teas as a primarily hot drink, but I’m beginning to see that some are only good cold. I foresee an expansion of the tea cabinet now that I’ve overcome my tea prejudices. :)

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1473 tasting notes

I drank an entire pitcher of this today. That just about says it all.


I think maybe I’ll try it iced myself! and I’ve been thinking about adding mate. or cinnamon.


I have not tried this one yet. it smells like my Grandma, and I can’t fathom it smelling better brewed…

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615 tasting notes

This smells just like a bright juicy grapefruit. Huh. Weird.

Steeped, it smells more like berries, citrus with the slightest undercurrent of mint. This would be amazing iced, but I drank it hot (what with the current weather and all), and it surprisingly works really well that way too (I find not a lot of citrus herbals do). It’s primarily an orangey citrus and tart berry/apple flavor, backed by slight floral elements and a very slight minty taste. The mint only adds a but of a cooling mouthfeel, really. I really like how this doesn’t cross the line into too tart or sour, but isn’t fake or sweet either.

This is easily the best herbal tea I’ve had from David’s. Thanks Shmiracles!

Boiling 8 min or more

haha you called it! it’s the only herbal David’s Tea i ordered more than just once. :) glad you liked it!

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