Pancake Breakfast Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Tea, Calendula Petals, Ceylon Black Tea, Natural Flavours, Yunnan Black Tea
Butter, Drying, Maple, Maple Syrup, Pancake Syrup, Honey, Malt, Smoke, Smooth, Bitter, Sweet, Tobacco, Astringent, Raisins, Artificial, Dried Fruit, Cake, Tannic, Tannin, Bread, Nuts
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by Lupiressmoon
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 7 g 38 oz / 1120 ml

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292 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Tea of breakfast yesterday, with some creamer. I wanted pancakes but was all out of maple syrup. Luckily I had this on hand – got all the buttery maple syrup flavors I needed without having to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Something really important happened this weekend… Something important enough to keep me away from tea and Steepster for a weekend! … It was my 27 birthday!!! 27… Wow… I feel like I was just...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one is easily my fave of 52Teas. I love the combo of maple syrup and butter – pancakes without the calories! Since I let this steep for the length of the cup, second infusions don’t go too...” Read full tasting note
  • “I just downed a gigantic plate of tofu nuggets like nobodies business whilst drinking this and Prairie Berry. It seems like a totally strange combination of flavours, but somehow it really worked?...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Part of our Permanent Collection!

This tea is one of our very best sellers & it’s a tea I never grow tired of sipping. A robust yet round base of black teas (Assam, Ceylon & Yunnan) flavored with our exclusive recipe to create a profile that evokes thoughts of a tall stack of lightly buttered pancakes dripping in maple syrup.

A delightful way to start your day.

VEGAN, gluten-free, allergen-friendly, organic & all natural!

organic ingredients: black teas, calendula petals & natural flavors

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

292 Tasting Notes

863 tasting notes

Tea of breakfast yesterday, with some creamer.

I wanted pancakes but was all out of maple syrup. Luckily I had this on hand – got all the buttery maple syrup flavors I needed without having to really dirty any dishes or do much preparation. I love when things work out that way.

I also really like buttery flavored teas. I have a few in my cupboard so since I’m in the mood for them I may as well go drink them…

Flavors: Butter

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

was it you that loves the crap out of blueberry cheesecake danish from frank?

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160 tasting notes

Something really important happened this weekend… Something important enough to keep me away from tea and Steepster for a weekend! … It was my 27 birthday!!! 27… Wow… I feel like I was just graduating from University… Time flies… In celebration, my boyfriend took me to a resort at the natural hot springs here in Ecuador (Papallacta) and we spent a great weekend there. We even got massages and champagne! I think it was a surprise worthy of a tea break, though I am thankful that I got to have my cup of birthday tea today! 

Pancake is such a happy flavor. This tea captures it perfectly. I have bought it so many times, and I will keep on doing so until Frank gets tired of making it. I go through it too quickly. Sweetened it fools your mouth into thinking you are eating pancakes. It never fails to amaze me. 

I sipped my cup while sitting with Sencha (my dog) and just enjoying the tea. I got no bitterness, just a tiny bit of astringency. The tea flavor shines through the pancake flavor just the right amount to make it a tea and not just a cup of hot water that tastes like pancake. Tea is wonderful like that, it magically turns a cup of water into a delicious beverage that makes every moment brighter!

Now, off to have my second cup of tea for my birthday after a long and positive day at work! :) Happy Birthday to me!


Happy Birthday!


Thanks Amanda! :)


Hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Happy birthday! =)


Happy Birthday!!! sounds like it was a fun one :)


Woot! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! ^^


Happy 27th youngster!


Happy 27th!!


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday! :)


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday!!


Happy birthday! (P.s: Awesome name for a dog.)

Autistic Goblin

Happy Birthday!! your a little older than me :D


Bonne Fête Ninavampi!

Daisy Chubb

Yay Happy Bday!


Happy birthday! You chose a wonderful bday tea!


Happy Birthday!


Thanks everyone! It was like having a second birthday celebration from all of my friends here on Steepster! :)


Happy birthday. :)

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576 tasting notes

This one is easily my fave of 52Teas. I love the combo of maple syrup and butter – pancakes without the calories! Since I let this steep for the length of the cup, second infusions don’t go too well. But if you steeped for just a few minutes you could probably reuse the leaves.

I never got to try the Strawberry Pancake one…waiting patiently for a blueberry or chocolate chip version… (hint hint, wink wink)

Daisy Chubb

mm blueberry pancake would be the perfect combo!

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17027 tasting notes

I just downed a gigantic plate of tofu nuggets like nobodies business whilst drinking this and Prairie Berry. It seems like a totally strange combination of flavours, but somehow it really worked? I guess sweet and savoury pair more often than one would think.

Anyway, I picked this out because I thought the maple in it would fit will with the maple in Prairie Berry and, maybe, it’d give the impression of Saskatoon Berry syrup on pancakes when drunk simultaneously. Also, they steeped up at about the same temperature so that worked out pretty well.

1 1/2 tsp. of leaf, just under boiling water for about three minutes.

Taste wise, I’m especially getting the pancakes today with flickering notes of maple. Not a ton of butter in this cup, but that’s ok – I think that’s my least favourite part of this blend anyway. And guess what, it totally is like drinking the tea equivalent of Pancakes with Saskatoon Berry syrup.



This tea is on my bucket list.

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6119 tasting notes

Yeah, I chose a bad time to brew up four new-to-me black teas from 52teas, since I brought them upstairs and promptly fell asleep for who knows how long. And I’m being a terrible grad student writing these notes up, because I have a TON of work to do on my poster, and am showing it to my advisor tomorrow… eeks! Anyways, this is another from CHAroma!

The aroma of this one is definitely mapley and good, and upon sniffing, I was brought to memories of maple syrup-laden pancakes, so there must be a pancake element in there that I’m also picking up (I’m not actually a pancake fan, so maple syrup doesn’t typically evoke such memories).

… I’m pretty impressed, to be honest. I’m getting enough maple to know it’s there (but nothing like Oh Canada! from DavidsTea, which is fine), and a bit of pancakiness, which I have NO idea how Frank did. And also? No real astringency. A pleasure to drink. I’m enjoying the base tea here, even though it’s not the fabulous new base everyone’s raving about. CHAroma – I’m not sure if you didn’t like this one or what, since you sent me the leftovers from your packet, but I’m kind of thrilled to have more than two cups of this one. I don’t think it’s one I’d buy, but I’m really enjoying it for what it is right now! And did I mention, this one’s also cold?? :P

Also, does anyone know if marigold petals/cornflower petals do anything other than make the dry tea pretty, and get hopelessly clogged in one’s infuser? I definitely love the look of them, and am just fine with them in blends in spite of the clogging thing, but I almost feel like I like (black) teas that contain them more than teas that don’t… but maybe that’s just coincidence.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Well the marigolds definitely aren’t for scents or taste, I learned the hard way today that they smell vile. I wouldn’t want to eat them based on that smell.


I like the smell of marigolds! Summer memories. :P


I’m wondering if there are ones that smell better because these sure don’t. I always wondered why no bees seemed to go near them and today I understood!


Oh, it’s a weird smell. Like petunias have a weird smell. My mom always plants a marigold border along the edge of the garden. Apparently they’re supposed to keep slugs away (although that was only a problem in our first few years in Saskatoon, IIRC).


Those petals sure do look pretty though. I thought they had something to do with flavoring. This is another blend by 52teas that I really wanna try!


I always thought they were there to hold the flavorings and make the tea look pretty.


I’ve been hearing good things about this blend. I’ll have to give it a try when I get a chance.

Also, grad students represent!!! What are you going to school for? I’m about to finish my masters in Library Science.


Nice! I’m in Plant Agriculture in genetics/breeding :D


HAHAHAHAAA!!!! You really made me laugh! First off, I love this tea. I just had a second bag of it in my cupboard. So, I decided to give you the tea in the original packaging instead of transferring it all to a ziplock. (I also added a bit more tea from the new bag to make sure you got good flavor and not old, bland leaves).

As for the marigold petals, they do actually contribute to the taste, just not in a big, overwhelming, hey-I’m-in-here! kind of way. So basically, that makes them the opposite of hibiscus. I had to try lots of different teas with marigold petals in them to really be able to pick that out apart from the other flavors. It’s hard for me to describe what it tastes like exactly, but it does contribute to the overall flavor of the tea.


Ahhh, I getcha :) Thanks for that! I’m all for sending tea in the original packaging to save on plastic bag waste, if it’s possible!

I’ll keep trying teas with marigold petals to see if I can pick out what flavour they contribute!

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6444 tasting notes

I think in general I prefer French Toast but I am always impressed with this tea. It has the thick, starchy mouth feel of pancakes and the delicious taste of butter and maple. Not something I can drink everyday but definitely a nice treat when I have it.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1379 tasting notes

It’s been a while since I last had this tea but felt that after having a few cheeky ciders last night and madly craving pancakes this morning I would settle with a cup of tea. No idea why but I was up at 5:30am for no reason and it’s very unlike me so something has changed my sleeping pattern…. or maybe it’s just the coming of age. On a side note yesterday night I had a few pints of toffee apple cider which was delicious, it reminded me of the Della Terra – Caramel Candy Apple mixed with Cider Guayusa – Butiki. Scrumptious.

This tea is actually better than I remember it. Drinking this with one sugar and no milk, it’s pure maple syrup flavoured :) Very nice in the morning (even crazy hours in the morning).

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

You’ve made me want pancakes. /fistshake


Lol sorry Becky. There really is nothing like pancakes in the morning :)

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541 tasting notes

I am officially tired, but since I have a long day of studies ahead of me I thought I’d have a cup of this. I am still so very torn since I ruined my little tea-cup/brewer. I am looking for others but I’m almost sure that I’ll just order the same one again. I had to use a giant, bulky Teavana tea bag for this; although they are nice for a large pot of tea they aren’t very helpful in small cups. My husband wants me to order something a bit less breakable, but I’m having problems finding something with adequate straining capabilities+small oz capacity.
Now back to the tea! I really love this one; I always have! I think that this is just a total comfort tea now. I am so glad that they added this more permanently because I will soon run out if I keep drinking it! It smells like warm batter and maple; just as it should!


Not sure what you had, and trying to replace, but adequate straining + small oz. capacity sounds like (Adagio’s) IngenuiTEA. You can get it on Amazon for less ($15.50 with a smaller free ship thresehold). Use mine for testings and love it.


Lots of people have suggested that one and the Teavana one to me. :3 I’m trying to read about them today a bit. I guess I haven’t bought one of those before because I actually find them to be a bit…clunky looking? This is what I had before:

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513 tasting notes

Ugh. Just no thanks. Somehow this tea isn’t cutting it for me. it’s weak, I don’t get pancake flavouring, but I know this is a huge steepster fave so I know I can give it to a home where it’ll get more love. This tea isn’t awful or anything, but as I continue to collect teas that I am extremely fond of, I feel less inclined to drink teas that I think are just alright. This one falls slightly below that threshold and so it just isn’t worth it to me to force myself to finish the package. Not when UPS says that my H and S order is on the truck for delivery today!

It could also be that my timolino needs a thorough cleaning, complete with denture tablets.


H&S is on the way, woohoo! I am happy for you :D I have some tea orders on the way too (my hiatus lies in the corner shrivelled and beaten up) but not H&S… I already do have a list of what to get from them next though ;)


Oooh, very exciting! My h and s order is waiting for me at home! I got the UPS email saying it had been delivered and now I’m bouncing in my seat and can’t wait to get home to my precious precious tea! getting stuff delivered is so much fun! What orders are you currently waiting on?


A small Yunomi one and a medium Zen Tea one. Also Amoda Box should be here sometime soon… What are you getting in your Harney package? Replenishing supplies or trying something new? I still have a ton of samples from them from my late January order that I haven’t yet tried ;)

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1220 tasting notes

Ok, it’s been some time since I last had this. But I have a lot of it, so that’s okay. I just got these maple granules from Whispering Pines Tea, and so they are perfect to put in here! Extra maple without the syrup.

This is the best to go along with watching the first practice ever for the first United States Grand Prix in 5 years, eeeeee.

Black tea is all I want to drink today for some reason, and combine that with butter and syrup and a cakey taste and I am set.


Maple granules? Interesting. Can you buy them? Are they just crystallized maple syrup.


Maple granules sound incredibly dangerous for me. Like something I’d be eating by the handful during times when I am needing a sweet fix.


Yeah, you can buy them from Whispering Pines and a couple other places. They’re dehydrated maple syrup. Of course as soon as I got them yesterday I had to try them out by themselves, so I know what you mean, LiberTEAS!


Have you ever had any of the maple sugar candy? It’s usually available in my local Whole Foods this time of year, and they are often shaped like maple leaves or something. Like these: ???

Are these crystals anything similar to these? I love these candies!


Oh those look amazing, I hope mine has those because I am going tomorrow looking for them. These are definitely different though, it’s almost like granulated sugar that tastes like maple syrup. So they melt in your mouth but probably nowhere near as nice and creamy as those candies would taste.


I went looking for myself, so I figured I’d share:

They also have honey granules!

I feel like I must try both. I also worry that, like marshmallows, these will end up in my gob long before they have a chance to sweeten my tea. [sigh] I am reigned by my sweet tooth.


Happy for you and the Grand Prix, you must be ecstatic!


Yes! I only wish I could be there!

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