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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

So last night I did not sleep as I was writing a paper. I finally finished that at 10 am this morning and though my intention was to sleep for two hours before my class, my friend who is vacationing in Asia messaged me so I ended up talking to her instead.

I think proceeded to go to class, drop off my paper, and then promptly turn around to go home as I still have a midterm and a paper proposal I need to worry about by Wednesday. On the way, I dropped off some tea packages and grabbed some groceries and then got home, started the kettle, and turned on an episode of Bones to relax for a little while.

Apparently I relaxed too much because I passed out, sitting upright, and cross legged on my bed. I woke up at 7 and was super disoriented and immediately thought it was Wednesday and that I slept through both the exam and the paper proposal. After a moment of panic I realized what was happening and decided I was still very tire. I quickly fell asleep once again. Now, it is 9 pm and I have not had lunch or dinner or any tea today.

I saw Courtney had Japon and I decided that I also was going to make myself a cup. Typically I would try a new tea or aim for a sipdown but now that I am under 100, I can happily reach for my favorites and know that the others will be drunk in due time.

And of course, this is the perfect cup, as always. I am getting more caramel today than genmaicha but I don’t mind as all the components are still there and still delicious.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

This week is insanity for me too! I put a honey face mask on this afternoon to take a quick 15 minute break, and I fell asleep sitting up on the couch as well – with honey on my face!


Hahaha. I think I have officially said “screw the midterm” and I will just worry about the paper proposal. The midterm is for my pass/fail class and I have a 90% so even if I get a 0% on the midterm, I can still pass.


Haha I love it. Yes at times, I’ve done the same. I’m writing up 2 midterms reports right now, but they are each worth 10%, and I have the conservation research project due in under 2 weeks, which is worth 55%. Hmm… I wonder which will get more attention?


Wow. Often I miss being a student, but not when I read posts like these! on the flip side, I can’t tell you just how much my soul aches for a post-lunch nap.


Yeah, it is certainly a bit hectic. Though after Wednesday I will get a bit of a break which will be nice.


Oh nice! I have things due Thursday and Friday, although I have a much better handle on those bizarrely. I would choose to do the things that are due the latest first. :P

And keychange haha! I could also go for naps. Always. :P

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

This isn’t valentines day themed but valentines is about celebrating love and I obviously LOVE this tea. I brewed up a huge mason jar to enjoy. I even got my roommate to finally try it (she does not like the idea of flavored genmaichas) and so she is joining in on the Japon love too.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

When I am not sure what I am craving, I almost always make this. At least I know I will enjoy it.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I do that too!


It is just too tasty to pass up.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Mmmmmm. Never disappoints :)

Flavors: Caramel, Vanilla

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I keep seeing this EVERYWHERE. I need to try it!


Haha. I am running low right now but I plan on getting more when I go to Florida in March. I can send along a sample then if you like :). Although, being in the US, you can contact Nina’s directly and get samples from them as well.


Same here…one day I will try this. It looks so awesome.


In March, when my stash is replenished, I will continue to be the Nina’s Japon dealer. I feel it should be tried by all.


I’m drinking a resteep of this one now!


I saved the leaves so I could do just that.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

My friend was looking at a package of David’s Genmaicha and mentioned how she had seen tea that looked similar but was not from David’s. I then told her how genmaicha is pretty popular and most tea places will have their own version. However, if we were having genmaicha, I was definitely not going to let the opportunity pass to have some Nina’s Japon. So we are both having a cup of this roasty-toasty caramel treat. MMMmmmmm…

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Enjoy – you guys deserve it! :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I have so many swaps and a bunch of samples that I really should be drinking instead but I could not resist this tasty little tea. Especially not after freaking out about it with Courtney for the past little while. Haha.

Honestly, there is a reason I rated this an 100. This tea is that good! Sheer perfection. The green base is never vegetal and the black base never astringent. The caramel is buttery sweet and the vanilla is silky smooth. All that combined with the roasty-toasty goodness of the rice. SO GOOD!

2 min, 0 sec

Shopping list!




A wise choice Morgana! You can actually email the people at Nina’s for samples. And because you are in the US, I don’t see shipping being costly at all.


TY, VT. Good to know.


No problem. I love this company so if I can help get their name out there, I am more than happy to do so. Honestly it is definitely worth trying as their teas are delicious.


this sounds outrageous….wow! i’m really at a loss for words with all your wonderful reviews. caramel, buttery, vanilla, smooth, toasty. sold!


Yeah, OK. I added this to my shopping list too. :)


Oh god. So many people have added this to their shopping list that I will feel really bad if this doesn’t live up to my review when they eventually try it. With that said, I don’t know why it wouldn’t live up to the review because it is pretty tasty.


It will. Because it is magical.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

So I have a serious problem. I have over 200 types of tea and a box of samples that I haven’t even begun to try. In addition to that, I have multiple orders and swaps on the way to me right now. Meanwhile, because I sold a textbook and had some cash in my pocket, I had to fight the urge all day to go over to DAVIDs and pick up a few new teas. What stopped me? (1) The realization that I have lots of tea and I need to drink it before it goes bad and thus I shouldn’t buy more and (2) if I forwent the trip to DAVIDs, I could get home sooner to have a cup of this delicious tea that I have been craving ever so much since I got it weeks ago. In the end, my better judgement steered me home to a nice cup of Nina’s Japon.

I am so happy that this tea is actually as delicious as I remembered and not just hyped up in my own mind from the weeks of wanting it but not being able to have any. The green and black tea combine together beautifully to provide the perfectly smooth and subtle base that really allows the flavors to shine. The smell is that of sweet, gooey caramel but the first taste that hits my tongue is the vanilla. That sweetens up to the tasty caramel goodness only to be rounded out by the awesome flavor of the toasted rice. This tea is seriously ADDICTIVE! I am already 1/2 way done my 16 oz mug and all I have done was write this tasting note.

I am so glad I actually got to have a cup of this when I went to the Nina’s Paris office. That allowed me to get a whole tin worth rather than a mere one cup sample. And its a good thing that the tin is the large because this tea is going to go fast!

ETA: Having a resteep and the caramel flavor is more muted but still delicious. I think I have fallen in love with Nina’s take on caramel. Between this and Je t’aime, I am thoroughly impressed.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

YEah, this is a tasty tasty little tea :D


This tea sounds delicious. Also, I am similarly hopelessly lost in my tea addiction. Good for you for actually getting home! I have a dt trip planned for, um, this evening as well. But..maybe I won’t go. But maybe I will. ugh.


@Stephanie – I am glad you enjoy it too. It is definitely a tasty cup :)

@keychange – we should do a trade of favourites :P. I will send you a sample of this in exchange for a taste of Queen Catherine that you are so fond of. Also, in regards to your trip, at least your cupboard (your online one at least) seems fairly manageable so you can afford to expand it just a little.


Yay – you make me want to buy some of this. I’m adding to my shopping list. :D


Have you had H&S’s Tokyo tea, and if so, how does Nina’s compare?


I haven’t tried to Tokyo but I would definitely like to know how the two compare as well. Also, I can send you a sample if you like, Cavo. However, I know the people at Nina’s send free samples out so it might be worth emailing them.


I think I’d be more likely to just place an order with Nina’s Paris rather than order some of H&S’s Tokyo. :P (There’s more at Nina’s I currently want than I do H&S teas)


Haha I would have to agree on that point. There are definitely teas I want to grab more of from Nina’s Paris. I am hoping I get to go see them again when I am back in Florida in March. I can be our tea mule and literally carry the tea back over the border with me. Then I will be home in April so I could just drop it off at your house :P

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes


I had the pleasure of visiting Nina’s Paris’ Miami office today and meeting the amazing staff of Nina’s Paris. I enjoyed two cups of tea and was given many, MANY samples that I just can’t wait to try! Not just tea samples either. My mother was given small jars of jelly to try and she LOVED them. She doesn’t even like jelly typically but she liked these jellies. However, none of that compares to how amazing kind and inviting everyone was at the office. It was an amazing experience and I would happily visit them again.

As for the tea, it was very good. So good in fact that I bought a large tin to bring home with me. It has the typical roasty-toasty goodness of a genmaicha but the black tea helps to mellow everything out and provides a smooth foundation for the deliciously sweet vanilla and caramel flavors to shine. Amazing!


That’s amazing! what a wonderful opportunity!


They were honestly so sweet and let me try teas as well as giving me free samples. They were so generous and if the teas they gave me to try are anything like this one, I will definitely be buying more.


I need to place an order with them sooner, rather than later…just a pain buying through amazon…was hoping they’d have their own site up by now

Roswell Strange

Sounds like such a cool experience!


They actually offer free samples if you email them and I definitely recommend doing so. Their teas are really great!!


Sounds like a great experience. I too have been waiting for their site to be up, eventually I ’ll cave and buy on Amazon.


You can also just email Laurent and tell him what you want, he will give you a quote and send it directly to you.


lala – yeah…i just balk at doing that. I like the joy of perusing a site, looking at the descriptions…i dislike the amazon shopping experience. Email is worse, since i want to build carts etc.. if that makes sense?


I know as well, I guess I just haven’t committed to a purchase yet.


Woohoo! :)

Nina's Tea USA

Hello Guy, just to tell you was our own website will be ready in 2 weeks max ;-) Laurent

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

This was the final tea served today for tea party, and I have only about a teaspoon of leaf left. This came in a beautiful special tin from Nina’s. It is predominantly orange flavored, rich and thick orange flavor and aroma! I love that it isn’t your run of the mill black tea-orange-cinnamon-clove that every company seems to make, that usually have a slightly bitter taste. This one is fresh and lively.

Regarding serving tea for events – here are a few little things I have picked up and I hope others will share any tips and tricks they may have.

First, you can write on your ceramic, porcelain, etc. teapots with a Dry Erase marker. I used to write the preparation instructions for my youngest daughter because she would prepare the tea while I welcomed the guests and kept them company until the table was fully ready. I wrote the time and temperature for each tea and away she went. Then you just wipe it away before bringing the pots to the table, or you can leave the name of the tea on the pot so you don’t forget which tea is in which pot, or so the guests can know what they are drinking.

Secondly, I just bought a metal cloche for keeping the hot foods hot, but when my guest was late one day I put a glass cloche over my teapot and it kept the tea nice and hot for a very long time. I don’t own a cozy other than a knitted Christmas one (thank you, Sandy!) that I obviously don’t use all year round.

The last tip I have is…invite people over even if you serve tea and Oreos. People want to socialize more than we think! It is nice to connect, so don’t wait until you can make some Martha Stewart extravaganza. Just do it! Truth is, they will probably be more comfortable if things are NOT perfect, because then they know you are human and they don’t mind returning the invitation.

I am fortunate to work at home, and I know that gives me a lot of freedom some people don’t have. I also have a daughter who loves to cook and never complains about being asked to make something special. In fact, she gets bored when I don’t. So when I invite other people over, I usually have a candle lit, soft spa music or coffee house music playing, and a general atmosphere that I hope will both help guests relax and help them have fun. I bring out the best of everything I have. I buy linen and cotton napkins for 50 cents at estate sales. The dog (or dogS if I am sitting for family members) have a bed under the tea table so we can slip them the occasional treat and get lots of love and kisses. So it is at once as elegant as I can make it, and also as relaxed and friendly, I hope!

I would love to hear anyone else’s tips and also what you have done that you love, that worked, or even what you will never ever do again! :)


I love this! You are so right about people wanting to connect. Phones are amazing (I can text with the best of them), but I don’t think anything will ever replace sitting across a table from a friend and talking. With tea and cookies of course. :)

I think the first lesson I learned early on is for me to pick the tea that I’ll be serving. I have a large enough stash that I used to tell friends to pick whatever sounded interesting to them, but honestly most of them had no idea. And it was a huge ordeal to make several single servings of tea at once. Now I pick the tea ahead of time an we all get to relax and enjoy.


I always enjoy hearing about your tea parties, and you are right, people do just enjoy socializing. Period!
I wish I had more friends that enjoy tea as well. I only have a couple!
I agree with choosing the tea beforehand rather than letting them choose. Most people are overwhelmed with so much choice! Not everyone has a tea shelf like mine!!


i agree on the inviting people over! We have a standing open invitation (though we check with everyone again the morning of) for folks to come over every wednesday night. We feed them and then the guys usually pick up random whiskies to try – shared purchases let them explore, and the ladies join me with sampling various wines. I’d do it with tea, but so far no one’s interested in that haha. But it’s great to have everyone come over every week so we all get to see one another, catch up on our lives and such. I’m hoping that when everyone starts having kids it’ll still continue :)


A dear friend of mine, pastor’s wife, say, “Just put Oreos on a doily and people will think you fussed :)” I live with pathological introverts and they have, over the years, rubbed off on me, but I do miss those “just come over and visit” connections. (Small groups, thank you; big parties make me hyperventilate a little.)


Great tip on the dry erase markers! I just did an open house where I had several pots of tea and I did use cozies since the pots were going to be sitting for a bit. I safety pinned a decorative paper with the tea name to the cozies so everyone knew what was in what pot.

I tend to forget about music, but that’s a great way to set a relaxed mood.

If you serve tea sandwiches (totally easy stuff), you can dress up an edge or two quickly by dipping them in a little mayonnaise or yogurt and then dipping into chopped herbs like parsley. And if you spread a very thin coat of unsalted butter or cream cheese on the sandwiches before you fill them, you can wrap them loosely in waxed paper, uncut, and store them in the fridge for a day without the bread getting soggy. This doesn’t work as well with cucumber sandwiches, though. More for things like egg/ham/chicken salad.


Veronica and tigress – you are right! I pick the teas ahead of time unless it is a first time. Then I sit down and ask lots of questions about what flavors they enjoy, whether they drink coffee and how they take it. That helps me then choose the teas I think they may like.

Sil – That sounds awesome and fun!

GMathis – I agree, it’s the little things like a doily or a pretty plate, and I buy so much at estate sales. I got sterling spoons for $4 each and came home and saw them on eBay for $30 each. Doilies, linen napkins and tablecloths, old depression glass and crystal and silverplate, all for cheap cheap CHEAP! And they make a nice table. I also do small groups. Most of my tea parties are my daughters and one or two friends and myself. Today I had three girls who with their brother are QUADRUPLETS! They are my students, and we did exactly that – Oreos and assorted cookies on a silverplate dish I inherited.

Nicole – I love writing on the pots, and I also bought three boxes of real slate floor tile at an estate sale. I hammer the edges, add cork backing, and oil them and make cheese servers/trivets out of them, and you can write on them with chalk! And I love your sandwich idea and plan to use it next week! I have lots of parsley and oregano and such still growing well in the garden!

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

We are gearing up for holiday mode even though our one or two chilly days went away and hot temps came back. We are making pumpkin flavored everything and starting to bring out our fall tea flavors, as well as Christmas ones.

I don’t like many Christmas teas. They all seem to take the same harsh orange flavor and some cinnamon and clove and shove it in your face. There is usually an acidic bite to those teas to me. Most of them are just too pushy.

This tea, however, is festive and more subtle. The orange flavor is mild and sweet and the tea is overall smooth and amiable. It doesn’t scream CHRISTMAS!!! I really think it is great with fall foods to accompany the pumpkin and cinnamon and clove, and it would be a great Christmas tea, but I also think of it as a fabulous New Year’s tea – something special after the holidays that is lighter and more genteel and ushers in the hope of spring. It was great along with our pumpkin scones and apple walnut cake. The light orange flavor really complimented the food.

This is a winner from Nina’s, and I love the special white tin. It is definitely fit for a Fete!


Tried Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Swirl bread for breakfast toast today. Thumbs up.


Oooooo, I haven’t seen that!

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

Today was tea party day, and as promised, I served this as one of our teas. It was the second tea I served and we were having White Stilton cheese with cranberries in it, served on crackers.

My guest lifted her cup, sipped, set it down, did a double take, sipped again, and said, “What IS this?” I told her Laurent sent it and gave her the name of the tea. She sniffed it again and said, “Some tea is good. All of your tea is good. Some of it is A Plus. This is A Plus.” She remarked that it was especially nice with the cheese, and I agree. The orange of the tea didn’t fight with the stripe of cranberry running through the cheese, but instead enhanced the fruitiness. This was a great combination that I don’t want to forget.

I had also mentioned that I wanted to try it iced, and I did. I added a little of my homemade simple syrup, which is just sugar and water and no additional flavors, and it tastes just like orange blossom honey to me!

A real winner, and it is sooooo nice to have a Christmas (New Year’s, etc.) tea that doesn’t contain cinnamon and clove. I like both of those, but this is a refreshing change!

Thank you, Nina’s and Laurent!


Sounds lovely!

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

I just received a marvelous surprise in the mail! I will try to add a link so you can see the adorable “I am keeping this forever” miniature Marie Antoinette box and the beautiful white tin of this tea.

I saw this advertised but did not order because I knew the girls had purchased lots of tea in London and Dublin for me for Christmas and hubby was getting me some puerh teas. Then I got a message from Laurent to look to my mailbox and today this arrived!

The smell when I opened the tin was incredible – I couldn’t stop smelling it. It was so intensely sweet and pure pure orange! Mandarins, I think. It is very like the fresh spray that hits your face when you are pulling back the peel of the juicy fruit.

The base tea is strong enough to taste through the orange, and the orange is the dominant flavor of them blend. I take my tea plain but I imagine this would be incredibly sweet with a bit of sugar added for those who are so inclined. This is such a lovely change from the all of the Christmas teas that are just a change of proportions of orange, clove, and cinnamon.

I am just so touched by the generosity of Nina’s and the Caravels. Thank you so much! I will be serving this at tea time on Wednesday!


That is awesome!

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drank Versailles Rose by Nina's Paris
1191 tasting notes

This is a consummate summer drink. It’s grapefruit, through and through, with a slightly floral finish and substantial body. It was nice enough warm, but it works best as an iced tea. Be warned: this is crazy caffeinated. I made a teapot for my family yesterday around 8pm and ended up finishing off the last two cups myself. Big mistake. I couldn’t fall asleep until near morning.

I got this from Laurent at Nina’s Paris at the Taste of France festival back in September. Thanks!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Ha! I’ve done it! I have sipped down Fete de Versailles.
My final review.
Orangy! Not spicy orangy, just orangy. Not much more to day.
I tried it, and I now get to keep the gorgeous tin it came in.
Bye bye, Versailles.
Triumphant sip down!

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

I think I’ve only got one more pot of this. Maybe one and a bit.
I’m glad. This is not a bad tea, but it was never going to be my favorite, and I’ve found it to be problematic to sip on. So getting it gone would be quite the achievement, for which I would be happy.
Though I must admit, it steeped pretty nicely today. Its just not my favorite combination of flavors.

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Up, and to my shift this morning. I like my Saturday job, but I’ve never liked the part were I have to get up. Waking up is hard to do!
I’m now in the official state of drinking this just to get it drunk. Its not bad, not by any stretch of the imagination, but its also not my favorite. It will be nice when I get to the end of it.


(I read this five times and couldn’t get past the, ‘drinking this just to get drunk’, thinking her job must be so stressful but is tea with alcohol really the solution and am i even reading this right oh wait no.) I hope you have a good shift. <3


Ha! Nope, not that sort of drunk! That would be an adventure, wouldent it?


But, but…I get tea drunk all the time…does that count?


I think its the best sort. I get Tea Drunk as well. Its a lovely state.

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

I wish I had been paying better attention this morning, as this brewed up very nice, and I wish I’d been paying attention to steep times.
I’d thought, when I got this, that it would be an spiced orange tea, but its really more like a plain orange tea. Its an interesting twist!
Is it Monday already? How does the weekend vanish so quickly?

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

This is such a lovely blend, in dry leaf form. Bright petals, and I swear I see little strips of gold. Lovely.
Its a little tricky when brewed. Its got orange, thats for sure, but the base gets bitter very quickly. For example, today I it brewed up a little long perhaps, and its a bit bitter.
Hmm. Grumble.

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

My cup this morning.
I did a very light steep with this today, which was both a good and bad thing. Its not bitter, and it does bring out the orange, but its also a weak cup. Hmm.
Theres just no pleasing me, I suppose.

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

I’m working on drinking teas that are not deeply thrilling to me, and this falls on that list.
A light steep helps keep the base from taking over compleatly, which is an important part of the whole arrangement. When I can get it right it has a decent orange flavor, but nothing completely overwhelming.
Well, thats at least a bit more down of this. And the tin it came in is gorgeous.

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

I’m feeling well enough to try a proper loose leaf today, but not well enough to pull out a beloved favorite.
This is a proper orange tea. Not an orange spice tea, not an orange cream tea, an orange tea.
I over steeped this today, though, as its a bit bitter today. Ah well.

Flavors: Orange Zest

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

First review? No pressure.
I got this as a gift to myself, and have been saving it for today. To all of you who celebrate this, Happy Christmas! For all of you who do not, happy Wednesday!
This smells very nice in the pretty holiday tin. Orange-y and sweet. And it looks so pretty, with the petals. I swear I even spied some golden shimmery bits, but that could just be imagination. And big chunks or orange peel.
Its very citrusy, with an after taste of spices. I keep looking around for the orange in my cup.
Enjoyable, I must say.
I will have time for some more tea, and then off to my parents house, where I may not get tea for a while. (humph, coffee-drinkers).
The best of the season to you, Steepster.

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drank Hepburn by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

This has been on my wishlist for a while, so I was delighted when JustJames sent me this.
I’ve had orange spice teas before, and I realy like them. But I’d never tried anything like this before.
It tastes like one of those chocolate oranges, though the chocolate is almost subconcious. If I focus, I cant taste the chocolate, but if I relax, the chocolate orange just waves over me. Delicious.
Well, this has decided it. I’m going to keep this on my to-order list. Yum.


what a beautiful line! sub-conscious chocolate… so glad you enjoyed it =0)

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