drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

So I have a serious problem. I have over 200 types of tea and a box of samples that I haven’t even begun to try. In addition to that, I have multiple orders and swaps on the way to me right now. Meanwhile, because I sold a textbook and had some cash in my pocket, I had to fight the urge all day to go over to DAVIDs and pick up a few new teas. What stopped me? (1) The realization that I have lots of tea and I need to drink it before it goes bad and thus I shouldn’t buy more and (2) if I forwent the trip to DAVIDs, I could get home sooner to have a cup of this delicious tea that I have been craving ever so much since I got it weeks ago. In the end, my better judgement steered me home to a nice cup of Nina’s Japon.

I am so happy that this tea is actually as delicious as I remembered and not just hyped up in my own mind from the weeks of wanting it but not being able to have any. The green and black tea combine together beautifully to provide the perfectly smooth and subtle base that really allows the flavors to shine. The smell is that of sweet, gooey caramel but the first taste that hits my tongue is the vanilla. That sweetens up to the tasty caramel goodness only to be rounded out by the awesome flavor of the toasted rice. This tea is seriously ADDICTIVE! I am already 1/2 way done my 16 oz mug and all I have done was write this tasting note.

I am so glad I actually got to have a cup of this when I went to the Nina’s Paris office. That allowed me to get a whole tin worth rather than a mere one cup sample. And its a good thing that the tin is the large because this tea is going to go fast!

ETA: Having a resteep and the caramel flavor is more muted but still delicious. I think I have fallen in love with Nina’s take on caramel. Between this and Je t’aime, I am thoroughly impressed.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

YEah, this is a tasty tasty little tea :D


This tea sounds delicious. Also, I am similarly hopelessly lost in my tea addiction. Good for you for actually getting home! I have a dt trip planned for, um, this evening as well. But..maybe I won’t go. But maybe I will. ugh.


@Stephanie – I am glad you enjoy it too. It is definitely a tasty cup :)

@keychange – we should do a trade of favourites :P. I will send you a sample of this in exchange for a taste of Queen Catherine that you are so fond of. Also, in regards to your trip, at least your cupboard (your online one at least) seems fairly manageable so you can afford to expand it just a little.


Yay – you make me want to buy some of this. I’m adding to my shopping list. :D


Have you had H&S’s Tokyo tea, and if so, how does Nina’s compare?


I haven’t tried to Tokyo but I would definitely like to know how the two compare as well. Also, I can send you a sample if you like, Cavo. However, I know the people at Nina’s send free samples out so it might be worth emailing them.


I think I’d be more likely to just place an order with Nina’s Paris rather than order some of H&S’s Tokyo. :P (There’s more at Nina’s I currently want than I do H&S teas)


Haha I would have to agree on that point. There are definitely teas I want to grab more of from Nina’s Paris. I am hoping I get to go see them again when I am back in Florida in March. I can be our tea mule and literally carry the tea back over the border with me. Then I will be home in April so I could just drop it off at your house :P

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YEah, this is a tasty tasty little tea :D


This tea sounds delicious. Also, I am similarly hopelessly lost in my tea addiction. Good for you for actually getting home! I have a dt trip planned for, um, this evening as well. But..maybe I won’t go. But maybe I will. ugh.


@Stephanie – I am glad you enjoy it too. It is definitely a tasty cup :)

@keychange – we should do a trade of favourites :P. I will send you a sample of this in exchange for a taste of Queen Catherine that you are so fond of. Also, in regards to your trip, at least your cupboard (your online one at least) seems fairly manageable so you can afford to expand it just a little.


Yay – you make me want to buy some of this. I’m adding to my shopping list. :D


Have you had H&S’s Tokyo tea, and if so, how does Nina’s compare?


I haven’t tried to Tokyo but I would definitely like to know how the two compare as well. Also, I can send you a sample if you like, Cavo. However, I know the people at Nina’s send free samples out so it might be worth emailing them.


I think I’d be more likely to just place an order with Nina’s Paris rather than order some of H&S’s Tokyo. :P (There’s more at Nina’s I currently want than I do H&S teas)


Haha I would have to agree on that point. There are definitely teas I want to grab more of from Nina’s Paris. I am hoping I get to go see them again when I am back in Florida in March. I can be our tea mule and literally carry the tea back over the border with me. Then I will be home in April so I could just drop it off at your house :P

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My cupboard has grown exponentially since joining this site and I have a lot to share. Feel free to snoop through my cupboard and message me if anything interests you – I am always happy to swap!

For me, flavored teas are definitely my sweet spot. I will most often reach for black teas and rooibos or honeybush blends but I do keep some flavored whites and greens around for when the mood strikes. I have a few herbals/tisanes but most of the time I find myself disappointed by them as they often smell deliciously sweet and then end up tasting tart/sour. I have a little bit of an aversion to pu’erh and oolong teas. I am also wary of florals, earl greys, and chai teas. I do not like overpowering citrus flavors nor do I usually like hibiscus, licorice or chamomile. I love dessert teas – caramel, vanilla, toffee, cookie, cream, and other sweet flavors make me smile. Fruits like strawberry, peach, mango, and pineapples will often catch my attention as well.

I have also realized that although I really enjoy adding frothed milk to some of my teas, if I do not like the tea with zero additives (just in plain water without milk or sugar), I probably won’t drink it. The one exception is flavored matchas which I will happily drink in cold milk if I do not like it mixed with hot water. My theory is if the tea can’t stand on its own then it is not for me and I will more than likely try to swap it out for something else.

Tea Ratings Guide (as of December 10, 2017)
90-100 Teas I NEED on hand at all times
80-89 Teas I want to keep around for a cup every now and then
70-79 Teas I am glad I have around and can experiment with but probably don’t need more than what’s in my cupboard
60-69 Teas I would not turn down a cup of from a friend but that would probably be enough
50-59 Teas I can see why someone would enjoy but are not for me
Under 50 Teas I really did not like and most likely got dumped


Waterdown, Ontario

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