drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
2970 tasting notes

Up, and to my shift this morning. I like my Saturday job, but I’ve never liked the part were I have to get up. Waking up is hard to do!
I’m now in the official state of drinking this just to get it drunk. Its not bad, not by any stretch of the imagination, but its also not my favorite. It will be nice when I get to the end of it.


(I read this five times and couldn’t get past the, ‘drinking this just to get drunk’, thinking her job must be so stressful but is tea with alcohol really the solution and am i even reading this right oh wait no.) I hope you have a good shift. <3


Ha! Nope, not that sort of drunk! That would be an adventure, wouldent it?


But, but…I get tea drunk all the time…does that count?


I think its the best sort. I get Tea Drunk as well. Its a lovely state.

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(I read this five times and couldn’t get past the, ‘drinking this just to get drunk’, thinking her job must be so stressful but is tea with alcohol really the solution and am i even reading this right oh wait no.) I hope you have a good shift. <3


Ha! Nope, not that sort of drunk! That would be an adventure, wouldent it?


But, but…I get tea drunk all the time…does that count?


I think its the best sort. I get Tea Drunk as well. Its a lovely state.

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I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, but recently a switch has gone off in my brain, and suggested that I might just love tea. And I do!
I’m a bit of a novice, but an enthusiastic one, and am happily sipping new varieties all the time.
I love vanilla, fruity, and caramel flavors, and cant wait to try more.

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