Nina's Paris

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I found a different brand of eggnog hiding in my fridge but when I brewed this up, I quickly realized all eggnogs are not created equal because the combination of cloyingly sweet cream and weird egg flavor completely ruined the cup. Not even a tasty tea could salvage it. Needless to say, this latte and the rest of the eggnog quickly went down the drain.

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

After the success I had with Pisces, I decided to try an eggnog latte with Scorpio. Once again, Nina’s rooibos blends proved to be a great base for such a preparation. The apricot flavor really shined and, of course, the cream was amped up quite a bit given the eggnog/milk mixture. With that said, I think the flavors of Pisces is a little better suited for a latte but this was not a bad alternative at all.

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

No medicine flavor or woodsiness, just creamy rooibos with a touch of peach sweetness.

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I made this last night but fell asleep before getting to drink it so now I am sipping the cooled cup. It is creamy and sweet though the subtle flavor notes are harder to detect at this temperature. It is very pleasant but I personally prefer it hot.

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I made a whole Mason Jar of this tea and though it is still good, the subtleties of the flavor is a bit drowned out by the sheer surplus of tea. This certainly lends itself better to a much smaller cup size.


They really need to make a smaller version of the mason jar, if you ask me.


I think I will enjoy this in teacups.


Like an empty baby food jar, keychange? :P

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I really didn’t like Nina’s rooibos at first as it was very pungent and thus distracted me from other flavors but now it has grown on me and I find myself craving it again and again. This is a tasty mix of peach and apricot with an amazing hint of cream. Delicious.


I like when a tea grows on me. I have one that I was like “eeewww, this is too too something” when I had my first cup. But then I ran out of caffeine free teas, and it was the only one in my cupboard so I had some more of it. And I decided it wasn’t so bad. And then I decided I liked it. And then I decided I liked it quite a bit (Although that could have been the codeine cough syrup talking by that point.)


Haha. I ended up stressing about my lack of caffeine free options and so when I was at Nina’s recently I remembered that I didn’t mind their rooibos teas despite them not being my favorite and so I picked up a bunch. Then as I was drinking them I realized I actually did like them a fair bit.

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drank Scorpio by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (202)

Okay so I have come to the realization that Nina’s Paris definitely knows what they are doing when it comes to peach and apricot flavors. When I took a sip, I expected the same rooibos flavor I have gotten with many of their other samples but all I got was a mouthful of apricot. As I continue to sip, I notice the rooibos is there but more than anything it is the fruit I taste with a creamy smoothness. I think this is my favorite of all their rooibos blends as the flavors are just so incredibly spot on. I am impressed with this one for sure.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent for the opportunity to give this a try. I might even order more of this in the future.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

nina’s is quite brilliant.


That they are. It was such an amazing experience to meet with them as well. They were so kind and so very, very generous.

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

One thing about Ninas rooibos blends is that the base is always present. Now, with that said, there are different kinds of rooibos and while most can be offensive (medicinal/metallic/etc.), theirs is not. Nonetheless, it does distract just a touch from their subtle but lovely flavorings. However, today I found the key to tempering the rooibos…eggnog latte of course :P.

I was a bit hesitant at first because I made this in my latte mug which is 24 oz and Nina’s teas tend to do best in smaller cups but it ended up being awesome. The caramel was rich and decadent. And the cream really shined when paired with the eggnog. The whole cup tasted like liquefied creme brulee which made for a nice way to end the night.


Wow, you’re still finding eggnog? I’ve been running around and can’t find it anywhere since before xmas.


I bought over 10 containers just after christmas


Holy crap, way to be. I should have stocked up on soy nog when I saw it. :/


Haha thank you


LOL. Go VariaTEA! I have a couple soy nogs still in my fridge, but I’m starting to crave plain additives for my teas. :)

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

This cup is 100% sweet caramel candies…like a wherthers. Yum!

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I am learning – Nina’s rooibos blends are best made in smaller cups. Today I made this in a 12 oz cup and the creamy caramel flavor is really shining since it is not being drowned out by a surplus amount of tea.

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drank Pisces by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (203)

Pisces is my sign so of course I had to grab a sample of this. I was happy to see it was a caramel and cream tea as that sounds delightful.

Steeped, the smell of caramel is strong and alluring but it is yet again combined with a heavy scent of rooibos. When it comes to taste, there is a distinct creaminess that makes this tea simultaneously smooth and thick. The flavor is that of a rich and decadent caramel. The woodsyness of the rooibos combined with the flavors of the tea lends itself to the notion of a caramalization. The best description I can give is a Creme Brulee mixed with high end rooibos. Very good but I just wish the rooibos was more muted.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris for your generosity. I am very honored to be able to try out your awesome product!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Hey, fellow pisces!


Yay for pisces people!!

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I fell asleep last night before getting to drink this so now I am sipping on it cold. The rooibos is a little more prominent in the cooled cup but so is the creamy coconut. Personally I prefer it hot but I am still enjoying this cup :)

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Apparently I really enjoyed my cup of this last night because I woke up thinking about it. Lucky for me, I bought a whole lot of it from Nina’s so I immediately got up and started the kettle to brew another cup. And then something caught my eye – my pretty little Nina’s teacup from the wonderful people at Nina’s Paris (thank you guys!!). I just could not resist so now I am happily sipping away at the tropical deliciousness that is this tea from a cute little teacup and it just seems right. Also, maybe I am crazy or perhaps it is excitement over my new teaware but I swear the tea almost tastes better in the cup – less rooibos and more pineapple/coconut. Hmm…

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

This tea is like snacking on a nice fresh slice of pineapple…if that pineapple was slightly covered in rooibos. Nonetheless it has a nice pineapple tang with a hint of sweet coconut creaminess.

I think in my effort to find more caffeine-free options, I have become more tolerant of rooibos. Thus, this, and other Nina’s rooibos teas, have proven to be nice additions to my cupboard as the rooibos isn’t woodsy or medicinal like others and they have a nice amount of the other flavors as well.


Is that the name of the tea? Cancer? A strange name for tea.


All their rooibos teas are named after signs of the zodiac. Out of context it is certainly a strange choice though.

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (204)

I brewed this for only two minutes because that is how long I brewed the other tea I was making simultaneously. Then this one got cold while I was trying to hook up my laptop to the television so I could stream the new episode of Sherlock for my sister and I to watch. As per usual, the episode is great so far but I am watching it bit by bit as the streaming is slow.

As for the tea, I have noticed Nina’s rooibos tends to be strong in scent but not overly dominant in flavor. What does appear tastewise is a high quality rooibos for sure as it is not unpleasant or medicinal as poor quality rooibos tends to be. As I sip, pineapple hits my tongue first and then coconut sets in and finishes off the taste. Tropical and delicious but yet again, the rooibos scent is throwing me off.

Thank you Laurent and Sophie for this sample but I am not sure if this is for me either. I think I far prefer Nina’s Paris black teas.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Fete de Versailles by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (205)

This was released for the holidays and so Sophie and Laurent very generously gave me a sample. When choosing a black tea from Nina’s Paris tonight I had the choice of Marie Antoinette or this. Since I already sampled Marie Antoinette, I thought I would give this a try. Furthermore, I was hesitant as this is an orange tea and I am not typically a fan but I figured if they were kind enough to give me a sample, I could try it out. Plus, I enjoyed their grapefruit tea so I hoped this might also be a success.

After my first sip it became clear that unfortunately this was not the exception to my rule but rather another orange tea that is just not for me. I will refrain from numbers as this is just a weird personal issue and not a reflection of the tea itself.

Thank you for Sophie and Laurent for this sample but it is just not for me.

On another note of things that are not for me. I just tried a few different chocolate bars from Dylan’s Candy Bar. The chocolate itself is very sweet, especially since it has been like 10 months since I last had chocolate, so that is a little unpleasant. However when you have a Bacon Chocolate Bar which is a combination of very sweet chocolate and very salty bacon, it makes you not so upset that you don’t get chocolate often anymore. You never know unless you try though and that was definitely an interesting taste experience. I imagine it could be a good flavor combination but it was not executed very well.

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drank Eve by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (209)

OMG this is like taking a bite out of a ripe, juicy peach. So flavorful and delicious. I am amazed right now. It is complimented by the smooth black base that I associate with Nina’s teas. Nearing the end of the sip, the apple and apricot appear as subtle notes to round the flavor. A very good cup, especially if you love peaches!

Thank you Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris for this sample!!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This is one of my favorites from Nina’s. This one and Tigre Blanc.


I can tell why. It’s flavor is very prominent and very spot on to the fruit.

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (210)

The only other currant tea I have had was DAVIDs Currant Affair and that did not go well for me. I found it overly medicinal and so I sent it away. However, this one smelled amazing so I could not pass up a sample.

Tastewise, I am picking up some of the medicinal flavor of the red currant. It is nowhere near as unpleasant as Currant Affair though. That is probably due to the other flavors which are hiding within the cup. Caramel can be found among the mix as well as raspberry but at the end of the day the dominant flavor is the currant and that is just not for me. With that said, I do recommend this for anyone who likes currant as the flavor is spot on and complimented nicely by the other ingredients in the cup.

Also, I have found that I prefer these teas brewed slightly below boiling for two minutes. I was recommended to brew them for three but after two the teas have been flavorful and free of any bitterness and astringency.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris for this sample. I am glad I got to give it a try.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

Remind me during one of out frequent swaps to send you some Champagne cassis; it’s a really sweet currant flavoured white tea. I too found Currant Affair to taste just awful, but this one is much better.

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drank Thé des Anges by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I think I have gotten used to life with very few teas because between my trip to Nina’s yesterday and the arrival of my teas from my father, I was overwhelmed. I sat on my bedroom floor for an hour surrounded by teas just trying to decide what to have. I finally decided that I have had so much luck with the Nina’s teas I have tried so far that I would continue to go through their samples.

Prior to visiting their office, I checked out Nina’s Paris on amazon and this was among three of the teas (along with Je t’aime and Nina’s Japon) that caught my eye. The smell of this lived up to my expectation and so I asked for a sample. So I brewed up the sample (about 2 tsps) in 8 oz of just boiled water for 2 minutes. The result is a very pleasant strawberry tea. There is a sweet creaminess from the vanilla that mixes perfectly with a natural strawberry tang. Furthermore, the base is present but not competing with the flavors. All in all, not a bad cup. Would I order this one?? I am not sure but I would definitely not turn away a cup if it were being offered.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris for this delicious sample!!

ETA: Sipdown!! (211)

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
4245 tasting notes

A sample from a while ago! Sorry about the lateness of this tasting note! I love Earl Grey. This one is certainly a decent one. I think it would be an Earl Grey especially for anyone who doesn’t like their bergamot very strong. The bergamot is nice and bright but not as strong as I like my EGs. I steeped for TWO minutes right after boiling because it seemed like the cup was dark pretty quick. The leaves are kind of small.. but maybe they were just crushed with all my other teas. I hope not! The black tea has a nice boldness, briskness to it but not overpowering…it’s a special kind of black base that I really only see with Nina’s Paris teas. Maybe it is taming the bergamot a bit. The second cup at just boiling for three minutes is somehow even better, even though the bergamot is even less present. The black tea is now very sweet somehow! Not my favorite Earl, but very tasty.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
132 tasting notes

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