Lemon Meringue Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Fruit Blend
Not available
Cinnamon, Cream, Lemon, Nutmeg, Whipped Cream, Black Pepper, Bright, Cardamom, Citrusy, Clove, Ginger, Lemongrass, Malt, Meringue, Smooth, Spices, Tangy, Vanilla, Wood, Citrus, Tart, Lemon Zest, Sugar, Sweet, Cloves, Creamy, Fruity, Pepper, Woody
Sold in
Not available
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 g 12 oz / 360 ml

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Big week this week at Zoomdweebie’s. I’m making up for some lost time last month with tax season and all of that yuckiness. We’ve got this awesome new Tea of the Week and a number of reblends/inventory corrections and later this week TWO new VIT blends!

As for this blend, well, it’s just a bit of heaven in a cup. Our house blended masala chai with lemon myrtle, lemon peel, marshmallow root and all organic flavors. It’s chai with a sweet pucker.

Anybody who thinks chai is just for wintertime hasn’t had a chai like this before. I’m pretty sure this will be a major crowd pleaser. Make it as an iced tea latte for a real special treat.

Get yours today at zoomdweebies.com!

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of April 29, 2013

About 52teas View company

At 52teas.com, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

60 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

mmmmm thank you Cavocorax I was hesitant about picking this one up from Frank as i haven’t had a lot of success lately with the blends that i’ve picked up. So when Cavo offered to send some my way to try I was excited! I’ve missed my opportunity to pick this up, which is a little sad but i can safely say that this is pretty darn tasty!

I brewed this up in my usual 52 black base fashion – 2 mins, lower than boiling temperature. The tea is a nice lemoney chai. The spices aren’t too overpowering and the lemon stays present throughout the entire cup. Not that i typically add milk or honey to my chai’s – i think in the case it might make the cup even better with the addition of a little sweetness. I’ll have to try that next time!

thanks cavo!

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes

First cup of the morning. I’m still really enjoying drinking this when I arrive at work. The combination of the lemon and spices makes me feel all warm and cosy, and somehow cheered.

I have things to be cheerful about today, though. The 52 Teas reblends, for one. I read about them on the bus, and took the opportunity to grab a few before I started work at 9.00. I’ve had one cup of Rainbow Sherbet in my life, thanks to Sil, and I loved it, so I’m really pleased I’ve finally got the opportunity to try more. Cotton Candy I love, so that was a no-brainer, and I’ve been desperate to try Coconut Cream Pie and Strawberry Zabaglione for ages, so they went into the basket too. I could have added more, but I usually try and restrict my orders to 4. It’s not like I need loads more tea, but I just find myself unable to resist.

The second bit of good news was that I won my battle with HR, and I will now be offered four weeks notice on my new contract instead of one. It’s a risk for me to leave a permanent job for a fixed term one, but I think it’ll be a good career move, and I’m happier about it now that I’ll have a little more warning should it end unexpectedly. It was a battle worth fighting, so yay for me! I’m off to collect my new contract now! It’s also Friday, so what could be better? I love days that keep on giving in the happiness department :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

awesome! way to go you!

Terri HarpLady

Good for you for hanging in there!
You know that saying, “When the Universe closes a door, a Window opens”. Best wishes!


bravo Sheherazade :)

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892 tasting notes

What a day. Weddings are beautiful but come with a lot of work. I’m sipping on this and munching on some chocolate chip cookies. I’m not much of a chai fan unless I’m really in the mood for one. This is good. To me it’s a classic chai with a twist of lemon and a bit of sweetness. A nice one to just relax with.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

awwww man! ive been hoping that they would reblend this because I have yet to try it. And I love love love chai’s


I would have sent you some in your package if I would have known! I’ll save some for you and we can do a swap or something soon :]

BrewTEAlly Sweet

sounds perfect!!!! Thanks! I got your teas in the mail! you were wayyyyyyyy too generous. I cant wait to dig into them:) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for my blueberry cream cheese danish:)


You’re welcome :]

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1445 tasting notes

I’ve decided that this tea and Star Trek are going to be an integral part of my life starting now. Small commitments.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

OMG Star Trek. I’m so obsessed right now. Enjoy the tea :)


Which Star Trek? :-)


can’t wait to get my sample of this from cavo…


Agh, this is one I missed and possibly regret missing. Sigh.

Terri HarpLady

I’m waiting for my sample from Cavo too :)


Haha. Kittena – you want a sample too? I don’t want you to feel left out!


Hmmm. Going to try this again tomorrow. My first try was not pleasant. I think I steeped too long.


I would love a sample! :D Just enough for a cup would be plenty. I was up in the air about buying this for the longest time, because I don’t always like 52teas’ lemony flavours, and then it sold out :( Feel free to peruse my cupboard as well if you’d like :)


Chelle, I found this tea to be quite strong the first time I had it too. I’ll write a more detailed note on the tea after I’ve tried it as an iced latte.

Fuzzy_Peachkin, Right now I’m into the latest two movies and the original series with Shatner, Takei, etc. I haven’t seen anything else. Yet.


Oooh that’s pretty exciting! I should watch the original series back to back! My bf and roommate love Star Trek, but they don’t want to watch the episodes in order – they’d rather show me “the BEST”. I tried telling them that I watch Doctor Who and Harry Potter and I have a pretty good tolerance… but nooooooo.


lol, Cacocorax! Let me guess? Trouble with Tribbles?

Crowkettle: I still haven’t seen the second new movie. I gotta get out to the movies this weekend. I love the original ST, but my favorite is The Next Generation. Bring back memories of evenings spent watching it with my Dad and brother. :-)

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4338 tasting notes

Additional notes: A HUGE thank you to Dustin who sent me a pouch of this because I love it so much! I really appreciate it! Hilariously enough, the day I after got this, 52Teas reblended it. So I figured I should place my very first 52Teas order (they had Earl Grey Cheesecake too which I was dying for a reblend.) I can’t have enough of this blend anyway!

This cup I overleafed a little bit – a heaping teaspoon and a bit more. I should have known with the relatively small leaves that it would have a bit of astringency, but nothing I can’t handle. 52Teas has very nice chai blends. I just love the lemon & mallow, I just wish there was MOORE. Hopefully the reblend is just as nice. I love that the mallow adds sweetness & the lemon adds a bit of tartness & juiciness. The second cup was really good, if not better.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

I have been going nuts trying to find where I put this! I know I ordered a pouch of it the first time around and never tried it. Now I can’t find it!!!

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33 tasting notes

Second try of this tea….

I was not pleased with my first try due extreme lemon peel bitterness.
Was I pleasantly surprised what less leaf and less steeping time did to this chai. This is sooooo good. The bitterness is gone. Now this is lemon chai!
Lovely lemon lusciousness with subtle scrumptious spiciness and the assam base is just the right strength.
This one is now not in time out anymore :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec

glad to hear this cup worked out for you! :)

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6119 tasting notes

So… I think I overleafed this guy. Definitely not an oversteep, as I was careful about the 2 minutes, but this is potent! I can taste the chai (and I do usually like 52teas’ chai, so the spice mix is great), as well as the lemon, but I’m really not getting “meringue”. Nothing creamy at all, really, but overleafing can mess with that sort of thing. Luckily for me, Cavocorax sent me enough for at least another attempt or two, so I’ll see if I can fix this problem next time! In the meantime, I think I’ll steep the second infusion super-long and doctor it up with milk/sweetener. I think this tea might be great that way. Thanks for sharing, Cavo!

ETA: Second infusion with maple syrup and coconut milk tastes like a chai, with lemon. Haha.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

OOooh. Sounds like you got it figured out!

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1598 tasting notes

I’m not crazy about chai’s, but something about this caught my attention. I’m glad too because it’s very good. A bit creamy. A nice amount of lemon, mixed with spices!

(Typing with a sick baby sleeping in my lap is quite a feat! I’m down to one hand, and pick her up and cuddle her so she could sleep)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

i waaaaaannnntttt! stupid canada post


Hopefully it’s in tomorrow! Terri has her package already!


jeepers! though they do get mail on saturdays


This tea sounds intruiging! Also, hope your little one feels better soon.


Thanks! She’s got a terrible runny nose, and she gets upset pretty easily, but she’s also pretty happy otherwise. Hope it passes quickly!

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3294 tasting notes

Thanks for this sample, Cavocorax!
Leif & I also drank a small pot of this after breakfast. I think he really enjoyed it, & was the first to point out that there was a noticeable hint of Melon flavor to this. He was right! There is was, a flavor that seemed a little odd, & he nailed it!
Anyway, not my favorite Chai, although there’s nothing bad about it. I don’t hate it, I’m just not a big fan of lemon flavors in my tea, including ice tea, although I like lemon in my water. Go figure!
I do think I’ll try it as iced tea also, & I’m glad for the opportunity to try it.

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4843 tasting notes


OK, this seemed like a really unusual approach to a chai. But I was certainly excited to try it because I love Lemon Meringue pie … and I love chai! And I had every confidence that Frank could pull this off.

Unfortunately, I found myself just a little bit disappointed by this chai. I found myself more enchanted by the idea of a lemon meringue chai than the actual execution of it.

It was tasty enough, but I found the base to be a bit too harsh. I think it would have been better to utilize the black tea blend as a base and then maybe add some extra Assam rather than go straight up Assam.

There’s a nice level of spice … not too spicy. I like the lemon touch, but I wanted some vanilla in this to give it more of a creamy lemon taste … like the taste of the lemon curd in a lemon meringue. And the marshmallow seemed to be a little overwhelmed by it all.

It was alright, but not my favorite chai from 52Teas.

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