Pineberry Honeybush

Tea type
Fruit Honeybush Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
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185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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26 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! 841. Hot/cold-brewed the last of this, and it’s much better this way, IMO. This tea is clearly meant to be cold; it tastes like bubble-gum/fruit punch. So, guys… I think I may have...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! (227!) where did those teas come from you might ask? Well my order that terri and i split arrived the other day but i was waiting until i had time to sort them out before adding them to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum! It sorta reminds me of bubblegum, but not that super fake bubblegum flavouring. Does that make sense? I think it’s the marshmallow! It’s sweet and fruity like strawberry and a touch creamy...” Read full tasting note
  • “I hummed and hawed over buying this tea. So eventually I purchased it while picking up some SBT iced teas. I got the last one. I have never had or seen or even knew there was such a thing as a...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of
April 8, 2013

There really IS such a thing as a pineberry. Supposedly it’s a strawberry that tastes like a pineapple and looks like the image on our label, which to me looks kind of like what marshmallows would look like if marshmallows were a fruit.

So, of course OUR take on the Pineberry is probably nothing like what a real Pineberry tastes like, which I imagine not very many people would know anyway, but rather what I imagine a Pineberry SHOULD taste like.

I think it should taste like sweet, golden honeybush with accents of pineapple, strawberry and marshmallow—so I created this blend with real freeze-dried pineapple and strawberry bits and marshmallow root. It’s a little different, but then, so is 52teas.

Get yours today at

Just $8.99 including shipping to the US!

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

26 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 841. Hot/cold-brewed the last of this, and it’s much better this way, IMO. This tea is clearly meant to be cold; it tastes like bubble-gum/fruit punch.

So, guys… I think I may have “slipped a disc” in my back tonight flipping over a table (I wasn’t mad, I just screwed on the legs and was putting it upright!) Any suggestions on what to do? There’s intense pain in my lower back when I try to move, particularly bend down (and the longer I stand, the more my tailbone area starts to hurt too). I managed to take a couple ibuprofen and migrate bedding and my computer down to the couch (my bed’s on the floor, so I’m worried if I lie down I won’t be able to get back up). Currently lying on the couch… :/ This sucks.

Iced 8 min or more

I really hope it’s not as bad as it sounds! That would be terrible :(


Yeah I was really hoping it wasn’t what it seems to be…. I think it may be a minor case in the spectrum of such things, but there’s still a fair bit of pain :/ And it’s not going away. Sigh.


ibuprofen will take the swelling down. ice as well. try and sleep flat, and if possible don’t try to favour the muscles too much or you’ll make it worse. if you go numb in ‘the saddle area’ (as i was once told, check with a doctor. that said, while i’ve done it, i am not a medical professional. laughing usually helps me?


Use ice on your back, lay either on your stomach with a pillow under your hips, your back with you knees bent up, or on your side with a pillow between your legs. Avoid staying in a bent position because it will make it worse. It should gradually get better over 3 days. If not, seek medical attention. If you do numb in the “saddle area” which is the groin, or lose control of your bowel or bladder you need emergency surgery.


oh dear Lala, you know this drill even better than i do by the sounds of it.


I work in health care. Ha ha. I frequently give this speech.


Thanks guys. Just grabbed an ice pack; no numbness or anything at this point which is good, but I’ll watch for it. I’m upright to eat (really hungry!) but will try the above lying-down methods once I’m finished. Blehhhhh, I didn’t think moving a table was heavy lifting :(


Kittenna it should go without saying that if Lala works in healthcare, listen to her not me!!! LOL. i’ve only ever been the patient, not the consultant.


It not the heavy lifting, its the position that your back was in. You could do this just reaching for a piece of paper. Lift with your knees, not your back :)


Yeah – my roommate text-message-yelled at me for not waiting until she was home to deal with the table :( And she feels bad because she had been nagging me to deal with it (not that I blame her at all.)

JustJames – Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do just anything that was suggested :P I did Google as well, but it’s good to hear from people as well what has personally helped them (or, from someone who deals with these things personally).


Yep, what Lala said! I have a protruding disc and associated muscle issues in my neck that is healing slowly, and OMG the pain can be bad. Definitely take it easy for a good long while, and consider physio if you can find one that does active rehabilitation, to slowly stretch and strengthen.


haha there is a hockey player who has the nickname “Pancakes”…he got it because he once injured his back while eating them.

I occasionally still get back pain especially in my car over speed bumps from a couple years ago, lying down and ibuprofen are best bets then.


on the plus side: look at how many people care about you!


I did this back in November (just moved wrong – no lifting) and was out of commission for over a month! Took two weeks before I could even get off the couch to get to a Dr. Try alternating heat and cold and go to a chiropractor if you don’t feel better in a week.


My sympathy! Hope the pain is manageable and that you recover quickly but having dealt with back injuries twice I know that it may take a while. The first time I hurt myself by falling down the stairs the pain didn’t last very long but I had reduced motion in my back for around a month and a half. The second time was during a training exercise at work It took me about a week to be able to bend again. I had prescription for the pain from my doctor, and I did do acupuncture and chiropractic treatments for the acute injury but what really saved me in the end was deep tissue and hot stone massage. Wishing you the best.


Ring your doctor and ask him if it’s something he wants to see. If you have slipped a disc, you absolutely want it looked at because you can get some pretty serious complications from that sort of stuff.


Yeah, I think I’ll make a doctor’s appt on Monday… ahhh, this is such bad timing for an injury like this!


Feel better :(

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15575 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! (227!) where did those teas come from you might ask? Well my order that terri and i split arrived the other day but i was waiting until i had time to sort them out before adding them to my cupboard. I figured since i basically sipped down the equivalent that i was adding to my cupboard today, i could add them all in. So back up to 227 BUT that’s still down from the other night so ha!

This one has grown on me a little. I kind of like the weird berry flavour that’s going on here :) Thanks Cavocorax for this one! yay!


Canadianadia had this not long ago… Sometimes good memory is not a good thing. It just feels like everyone is drinking the same thing. Makes me think of inbreeding. So not what it is but my mind just goes there. That’s probably inappropriate.


I live in inappropriate land. ;)


Very little is inappropriate on the internet.

Terri HarpLady

(just sitting here laughing softly)

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1598 tasting notes

Yum! It sorta reminds me of bubblegum, but not that super fake bubblegum flavouring. Does that make sense? I think it’s the marshmallow!

It’s sweet and fruity like strawberry and a touch creamy with the marshmallows while the pineapple does something that packages the whole thing up as its own kind of fruit. It’s rather fun and enjoyable for summer, although I don’t think that I’ll be terribly upset once it’s gone.

Also, I finally realized that when I ship these teas to Canada, I’m basically paying $12 for 2oz, and.. that’s pretty damn expensive!

I’ll package some up for Sil and TerriHarpLady as soon as I get a chance!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

Yeah, they’re expensive aren’t they! It’s why I’m not getting sucked into the weekly teas. :)


I really have to stop and think before I order any more! I mean, they’re good, but… are they that good? I guess if it was a reorder and I knew I was going to like it, but I’ve had so many just fall flat on me. Too much chance, and it seems like everyone has samples to trade. :P


Unfortunately the shipping really makes 52Teas an expensive product for Canadians. Especially when I remember that 2 oz is only 56 grams!


…and that’s why i don’t bother with 52 teas for the most part anymore. Even when my tea mule can bring them up, it’s still 9$ for 1-2oz depending on the tea and often they’re sort of hit or miss….with a lot more misses these days :( I’d rather spend the money on tea that i don’t consider gimmicky or that i can re-order anytime


(note that there have been some wonderful teas from frank that i enjoy, but on the whole they’ve been trending towards more not amazing! but also not horrible…except for a few of those reblends..ick)


Yeah, I totally know what you mean! I’ve been disappointed with a few and now I’m reluctant to try again.

Southern Boy Teas

I almost feel like I’m eavesdropping on a private conversation and I should keep my mouth shut, but I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry we’ve let you guys down.

With regard to the shipping costs: I really wish I knew what to do here. Even with our discounted commercial rates, shipping a single pouch of tea to Canada costs us $6.91 (That’s just postage, not envelopes or labels, etc.) and we charge you $4.99. The good thing is, the costs DO go down the more tea you purchase. I’ve thought about offering free shipping over $x or something, but that seems punative to those who just want to order the Tea of the Week.

The consistency in the reblends is something I am still trying to figure out. I keep copious notes on all of the teas that I blend. I have recipes for creating every blend I’ve ever made except the Kitchen Sink. LOL. I definitely want to be able to provide a consistent product and I will be double and triple checking my measurements in the future as well as making sure that all teas have an appropriate amount of time to “stew”.


Hey Frank!
Feel free to eavesdrop! I forget sometimes that the blenders have access to our comments, but I don’t regret what I said, and I realise that these candid thoughts can be useful for you (and others) to improve their business.

I understand that there’s not much you can do about the shipping to Canada. That’s just a hurdle I have to deal with, and it’s part of the reason that it’s so easy to get samples of 52Teas from my American friends – so many people on Steepster snap up these blends and are eager to let others try them out. (Heck I just shared my latest order with two other Canadians too, so your tea gets around!) The swaps are great because it helps me figure out what I like beforehand and then when you reblend I know what to snap up before everyone else! :P

Offering free shipping might help – especially when you have a lot of re-blends out at once that would help justify spending X amount! I realise you don’t want to punish those that buy the weekly teas, but it would only be Canadian customers that you hurt (b/c Americans get free shipping, right?) and I think we’d appreciate an option for free shipping at least.

$8.99 is still a bit pricey for 2oz of tea, but it’s still something I like to do once in a while, especially for some of the quirky and unique teas you own’t find anywhere else. (Butterbeer? Yes please! Smaug tea? Oh yeah!)

I’m not saying I won’t ever buy your teas again, but I just need to be fully aware how much I’m spending! And I’ve been spending a lot lately without questioning it.

I appreciate the feedback though. That’s one of the great things about Steepster – we can bring vendors and tea consumers together and help improve things! More sales for you. More tea for us. Etc.


ditto on cavo’s eloquent response :)
I also really like the back and forth with blender as well!

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871 tasting notes

I hummed and hawed over buying this tea. So eventually I purchased it while picking up some SBT iced teas. I got the last one.

I have never had or seen or even knew there was such a thing as a pineberry. The dry tea smells like sweet pineapple and strawberries. The brewed tea smells quite peppery with a light strawberry scent. Initially the hot tea tastes peppery (black pepper) with tart strawberries. As it cools there is much more of a pineapple taste. As it cools even more it is like lightly candied pineapple and strawberry. The honeybush is not overpowering. I can taste the marshmallow root in the background. I am looking forward to trying this one iced.

Glad I picked this one up.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

wahhh! So full! I went to a surprise birthday party for a friend of my husbands. It was also a potluck, so I made a huge thing of bacon kimbap and there was lots of thai food, bbq chicken, double chocolate brownies and cake! Gahh, so much food!

I was so thirsty too, all they had was booze and overpowering lemonaide. Finally back home and having some iced tea to wash down all the food. I might need a few more rounds of other teas to make me feel less bloated. Mmm, candy pineapple strawberry bubblegumy tea!


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2291 tasting notes

Whoop! A legit sipdown (as in, it was in my cupboard and I got to take it away!). From Cavocorax.

I did an overnight cold steep, and just took it out a few minutes ago as I noticed tea all over the inside of my fridge. And my fridge is ALL mesh shelves, so that’s gonna be fun to clean up. At least there’s no sugar in it!

So with the 1/2 steeper that’s left, I can say that I probably wouldn’t get this one again. It’s nice, I do like the flavours, but this time it’s just OK. The flavouring feels a little fake to me today. It’s definitely candy strawberry and pineapple. Not bad, just a bit much.

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2238 tasting notes

Sipdown! Tried another cup of this hot last night, but I still couldn’t get the flavours to develop as I’d have liked them to. It’s sweet and vaguely fruity, but nowhere near as good as it is cold — that’s how this tea really shines! I dumped the rest of my packet in my iced tea jug, and cold brewed it overnight. Might as well say farewell in style. Sweet, creamy, fruity strawberry pineapple awaits!

Iced 8 min or more

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357 tasting notes

I don’t feel so good right now, so I’m trying to distract myself with a combination of Big Bang Theory, Steepster, and pineberry honeybush. I think it’s helping a little. This is a classic fruity honeybush, the pineapple pops out at me the most out of all the flavors. I’ve never tasted actual pineberries, nor have I seen them, in fact, this tea is the first time I’ve ever heard of pineberries.

Honeybush is such a nice nighttime (caffeine free) option for me. I don’t care for the woodiness of a lot of rooibos blends, a lot of the fruit blends are too tart for my liking (with the excessive use of hibiscus), and as much as I enjoy my mint teas, I think I’d get bored with them if I drank them every night.

I’ve read a few reviews describing honeybush as watery, and in all honesty, in comparison to black, green, and even some fruit teas; honeybush is a tad on the watery side. The good thing about this is that when I make honeybush I tend to just leave the mix brewing with little harm other than a little extra sediment.

As far as honeybush goes this is good, but it’s not my favorite…yet. I feel like this one has the potential to grow on me even more as time passes. That does seem to be how honeybush works with me. It just slowly trickles its way up my rating scale.


Hope you’ll feel better soon!


Thanks Incendiare – I had a rough night and morning, but I am feeling much better now.

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1445 tasting notes

Thanks Cavocorax for these many sessions of strawberry marshmallow goodness! I was curious about this one.

This blend isn’t bad, and I really like the sweet creamy notes that come out later. The pineapple throws me off a little, however. I don’t think I like hot citrus pineapple; maybe I should use the last bit for an iced brew.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

I’ve only had it cold brewed, and I really like it that way.

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863 tasting notes

So, uh, this.

I probably overleafed this one. It was super dark and there was a bunch of sediment at the bottom. And it had this off smell – I actually don’t know that it’s off so much as woodsy – from the honeybush I guess?

Anyway, so I think strawberry+pineapple+marshmallow does not work for me. Strawberry+pineapple would have been fine, and strawberry + marshmallow, also fine, but these three together are not playing nice. Maybe if I go down on the leaf next time they won’t fight with each other so much?

Or maybe I should try it cold? Though I did let it cool and it was still a bit bleh.

Sigh – I’ll experiment and report back.

Boiling 8 min or more

maybe a shorter steep time?

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