Following 187 Tea Drinkers

Evol Ving Ness 184 followers

A monk sips morning tea A monk sips morning tea, it’s quiet, the chrysanthemu...

__Morgana__ 570 followers

I got obsessed with tea in 2010 for a while, then other things intruded, then...

Emilie 213 followers

I’ve lived in Hawaii, Mississippi, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, California, and...

Sil 581 followers

So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinki...

MissB 277 followers

A few years ago, the obsession with tea started. The cupboard got bigger and ...

Ost 245 followers

I’m not too sharp with intros, but I figured it is about time to give it a go...

The Cookie Lady 121 followers

I am a teacher for an after school tutoring program serving grades 1-12 and t...

52Teas 189 followers

52Teas offers you high-quality, hand-crafted, small batch artisan tea blends ...

ashmanra 733 followers

I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who starte...

Crowkettle 308 followers

I started my Steepster loose leaf adventure back in 2012. I can’t say I’m com...



Social Work Student
23 years old
Lover of Animals and Books~
I’ll try any tea at least once. I drink tea all day.
Message Me if interested in a Swap.

Favorite Flavors:
-Green Tea
-Tobacco type flavor
-Black Currant
-Red Fruits
- Eucalyptus
Dislikes Hibiscus heavy or, red hot cinnamon flavor

I drink tea for many reasons: For pleasure, health benefits, mindfulness, to help with anxiety, hydration because I have always struggled with drinking plain water.
My rating system is kind of a mess and I keep telling myself I’ll fix it sometime.

0-23 Rating Means I couldn’t finish the cup
50- Undecided on a rating or don’t remember enough about it to rate the tea.
90-100 Absolutely Love and would always want to keep in my cupboard

Favorite Companies:
-August Uncommon
-Dammann Freres
-Jasmine Pearl
-The Tao Of Tea
-52 Teas
-Harney & Sons
-Tea Chai Te


Near Portland, OR


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