Vanilla Frosted Carrot Cake (Limited Edition)

Tea type
Black Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 301 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Our Vanilla Frosted Carrot Cake pairs our Zhen Qu tea with carrot, spice, bread, and vanilla notes. The carrot and spice notes are immediately present followed by gentle creamy vanilla notes that linger. Bread notes weave their way through each sip. Add a little brown crystal sugar to intensify the carrot and vanilla flavors.

Ingredients: Zhen Qu (Chinese Black Tea), Freeze-Dried Carrots, Organic Natural Flavorings (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F

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51 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

Good tea. Very comforting in this scary weather! Southern Indiana got hit with an ice/snow storm…but I’m at work today. Luckily my coworker with a Jeep gave me a ride. We do a lot of work for the funeral industry, so even though I’m just a graphic artist the show must go on! I’m hoping it doesn’t get much worse because I have to work on Saturday and Sunday, too. What is up with adulthood ruining snow for me? I used to love snow so much! :(


Quote:What is up with adulthood ruining snow for me? I used to love snow so much! :(.
Such truth! I used to love it, too. Now I only appreciate it when I’m indoors.


Snow used to get you out of school, and when you fell you got right back up without having to bandage anything up. Hate winter.

We have about 6" on the ground with some icy stuff underneath. My wife said this morning it is the first time she is glad I don’t have a job at the moment. I don’t recall if I have asked before – I am halfway between Indy and Louisville, which direction are you?


K S – I’m southwest of you, on the ohio river right across from Kentucky. We’ve got ice with 10" of snow on top now!


Stephanie – when this started yesterday, I watched the radar and saw the sleet and ice you got reach our county line then go North of us. By the time it actually hit us the upper atmosphere was cold enough it had turned to mostly snow. We have now gained a couple more inches.

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15575 tasting notes

had this cold.

Iced 8 min or more

I’m sort of mesmerized by the fact this has -1 comments at this point. Will I nudge it up to 0?




How does that even happen?


…and that’s exactly what happened! Wow. Now there are four actual comments, and the post is labaled as having three comments. SPOOKY.


“labaled”. Really, Anna? REALLY.


-1 comments? How what huh???? :P I see the discrepancy too.


Also, JEALOUS of the tea. But… I may have some of my own from… someone… gosh I have too much tea.


Kitenna, check. If not I have extra ican. Share


I thiiiink Roswell Strange gave me some. I’ll check. And if she did, I totally have already drank a cup too, over Christmas while I wasn’t logging.


Also this is sort of a badass tasting note. ‘Had this cold. Ice cold.


lol anna haha

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1598 tasting notes

We had friends visiting all weekend and it was great, but we basically ate out for every meal or ordered in and all my dishes are dirty and there’s lot to clean up.

I’m going to drink this instead. :) I’m allowed to relax. People tire me out. Tea doesn’t. A dash of sugar and a splash of milk don’t hurt either!


I was just contemplating what to have next, and this reminded me I also have this tasty tea.


Hee! I love when that happens!


Tea is infinitely easier to socialize with. ;)


Yes! Tea wins!


Ever since I got into teas, my friends and I now have “tea parties” in which I always bring the tea to share. My friends from back home had a party when I was in Florida and were all sad to go without the wonderful options I bring for them.

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1379 tasting notes

Ok so I tried this last night hot steep but I found it to be rather strong in terms of black tea base. It was nice but I just wanted a little push from it, something extra. So I saved a lot from the same batch and put it into a flask to try it iced.

The black tea is no longer the strongest factor in this tea once it’s iced. Instead the cinnamon, ginger style spiciness is significantly increased and is much more like carrot cake now than it was last night. Again the vanilla is subtle and only in the after taste but it really is more carrot cake like now so it’s more forgiveable.

I still have a decent amount of this tea left so I will probably use it as an iced tea from now on.


I really need to start getting into icing my teas – it’s just been so cold outside lately, I haven’t been wanting to!


mmmmm thanks for the review! i may need to try this now heh


@Yvonne Icing tea is not common practice in UK as it’s rather cold here most of the time anyway. But I really enjoy a cold drink in the day and since I stopped drinking pop it leaves my options limited. Iced tea is super great for curing that. Plus I have a new teapot that steeps up to 1.5 litres of tea and it leaves me with enough tea to fill my iced tea flask for later. :)

And @Sil if you do go ahead and try this then I really do recommend icing it.

Terri HarpLady

I never did get to try this one, but I bet it would be good cold!


terri – you will try this eventually. remember? i bought an extra 2oz of it to share with you…and uh there was someone else…

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Very similar impression to my first taste of it (which, although logged moments ago, was actually in early January). It’s one I might pick up the smallest size of… or request another sample of, just for curiousity.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Haha I wondered about the 4 minute interval. :P


I have a wee bit I can send your way :)


You cant buy it anymore silly. I have a bit around


I liked this one but found it much tastier once it was iced. Worth a try if you have any more :)


i like this much more iced than hot lol

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761 tasting notes

I probably shouldn’t rate this one just yet, seeing as I’m sick and all, and fairly certain I’m sure I am not getting the full taste and subtleties of this tea. I can perceive a nice bit of spice, and a smooth base, but that’s about it right now. Not to say it is bad, because it is good, but my buds are off from being sick, and I’m just not getting much from the tea now. But I have a whole ounce (yay!) to devour, and I can tell from what I can taste now with reduced taste buds that I will really like this one when I can taste it properly. :)


I am so excited to try this! I too however am fighting a cold… although some medicinal tea did help the other day. Hope you feel better soon!


I hope you two feel better soon! This tea sounds amazing btw so at least you have some delicious teas to keep you warm while you are not feeling great!


oooh, I’m jealous! :) Hopefully there’s some left when I manage to place another order.


I can try to save you some for a swap, though with any luck, it will become permanent instead of limited edition.


It’s fine! I can keep my fingers crossed. :)

Butiki Teas

It definitely won’t be a part of our permanent collection anytime soon but it might come back later.

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676 tasting notes

If I had one tea to pick that I’ve disliked more than any other tea in the world… (this is something I shouldn’t do but for the sake of this review, I’m going to do it)… the winner/loser would be David’s Tea… Carrot Cake. (shiver)

Bleh…made my skin crawl! Like cat fur in the mouth bleh!!!

The reason I decided to try (with fear and trembling) Butiki’s Vanilla Frosted Carrot Cake Tea was one thing… Stacy!

She’s ‘I Love Lucy’,‘Whacky Tea Sorceress’, Tea Airbender Blender’ who comes up with the most innovative ideas without resorting to tanks of spray-on chemical flavors.

Stacy, how’d you do it again?!

First there are orangy chunks of real carrot in the brew basket then creamy icing vanilla supported by a soft bready tea base. The spice is subtle, more so than the carrot cake I make. (I’ll probably add a few ‘true’ cinnamon chips to see how that tastes later)

Unlike my previous awful experience with carrot cake tea, Butiki’s tea is flavorful, mild and smooth. The tea is quite gentle for a vanilla iced carrot cake.

I’m always one to play around with tea so I think that if you like more spiciness or are used walnuts in your carrot cake, it wouldn’t overpower the tea if you added a little in the brew basket. Stacy would do this in a heartbeat.

I’m a believer Stacy! Carrot Cake Tea is possible! You did the impossible and did it well. I’ll drink all of my tea with a smile!

Aimee Popovacki

you know what, i hated davids carrot cake too.. it tasted nothing like carrot cake.. i found it very musty and what i imagine a carpet would taste like ( i don’t know why… but thats what came to mind when i just thought of this tea!!) .. but seeing as you had a good experience with one, i’m tempted to give carrot cake flavoured teas another go :)


cat fut and carpeting, ee, that sounds…not so delightful. now i’m even more excited to try this one!


Funny how we both wrote about how awful DavidsTea’s carrot cake tea was. Sounds like you had the same pleasant experience with Stacy’s tea as I did! :)


Comments haven’t been working! I’m on my third try! Yes…DT was awful!


This tea sounds amazing! Thanks to your review, I now have a craving for carrot cake.

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6444 tasting notes

For those of you who don’t know, I am a carrot cake fiend! A few weeks back, my mom offered me a piece of Cheesecake Factory carrot cake and despite being super full I said yes and happily ate away. Unfortunately, I was SO full that I got to the point where I literally could not eat anymore so I did what any sane person would do…I took a one hour break and then finished the slice.

Obviously that meant when I saw Butiki had a carrot cake tea, I jumped on it. Alas, Stacy ran out of the ingredients to fill my order. Luckily I have steepster and all its wonderful patrons who were more than willing to help me out. Roswell Strange sent some of this my way (although it is trapped at home in Toronto), but this particular cup is courtesy of Cavocorax.

When I brewed it up, I actually got really worried because its smell reminded be of the Tiger Assam I tried and did not love. I feared that I would taste black tea and not my beloved carrot cake flavors. My first sip put all that worrying to rest. I get carrot and a faint bit of sweet vanilla. I only wish the flavors were stronger and there was a bit more carrot cake spice. Carrot cake is sooo flavorful and this falls a tad short. I am actually wondering how this would differ is Stacy attempted the cream cheese icing as opposed to vanilla frosting? Nonetheless, I am glad I got to try this and happy I have more of it lying around. So thank you Cavocorax (and also Roswell Strange) for sharing this tea with me :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I have some too! I can share haha.


I think I am good but thank you :)


I want to try this one so badly!


Sold out.


I’m a carrot cake fiend too, so I’ll admit, I was hoping for something more complex. But I’ll have to continue experimenting.


swedish chef – have you tried cold brewing this? it’s on my list next to try out with my extra tea….since you guys took care of variatea haha


When I first tried Della Terra’s blend I was in love. I remember it being 100% carrot cake complete with cream cheese icing. Then I tried it again and it wasn’t as good as I remembered. I am hoping that was just a fluke though given I bought 4 oz.


Oh, never considered doing that. I’ll give that a shot. Cold liquid carrot cake did not cross my mind. :p


haha funnily enough it didn’t cross my mind either but kittylovestea tried it with this one and said it was pretty good!

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818 tasting notes

Oh joy! It is in my grasp!

I was so excited to get my Butiki order today, I stalked my mailman, and when he didn’t ring the door, I thought, that package better be in the mailbox! And, to my relief, it was! Along with the Lupicia newsletter and an issue of Tea Time magazine, which my mother surprised me with! Yay!

I had a really hard time deciding which tea to try, but decided to go with this one, since I had basically waited until this one was on the website before placing my order. It was especially hard because the box smelled like the sample of Foxy Roxy’s Banana Walnut Treat that Stacy sent me. Yum!

Anyway, I steeped this one up as recommended, and decided to only make 8 oz. of tea, so as to not drink up the little 1 oz. bag too fast. I gotta savor it!

Oh, the dry leaf smells like carrot and spice, and not chemical, like the DavidsTea carrot cake oolong tea. I gave that one away because of that.

Once steeped, the first thing that hits you is the carrot. Bam! And then you taste some nice subtle spice. Mmmmm. I made the first cup with a splash of soy milk and a little white sugar, which is how I typically roll when it comes to black tea. It was good, but I was a little distracted, making pumpkin cookies. ;) So, I resteeped, and added a little brown sugar instead of white. Definitely preferable. The brown sugar helped it become more bake-y. Be careful though, because it can overpower the subtle flavors in the tea. So, I didn’t feel like I had enough to savor, so I resteeped again. Yum. I think this is a winner! Let me go drink some more and find out! ;)


Tea Time is nice. I am too cheap to subscribe (or too commitment phobic) but keep buying issues when I’m at the bookstore.


I’m jealous! I hope she still has some of this left around Black Friday, and that it isn’t quite limited time only. (What if we buy it like crazy?) I’m happy you enjoyed it!


Cavo – if it looks like it’ll be selling out, i’ll be getting some. I make it my life’s goal to try all of stacy’s teas lol. So you can certainly have some if you miss it.


Nxtdoor – ya, I’m enjoying Tea Time right now! Would definitely continue the subscription, since it’s like the only magazine that keeps my interest!

Cavo and Sil – maybe she will be persuaded to keep this one around! ;)


i’m not worried… i only have 40 more sipdowns to get to my goal and i have lots of little teas left. I’m laughing, so even if i screw up and place a tiny order with stacy i’ll still be in a decent position to get to my black friday goal.

Terri HarpLady

Did I hear you say you might place a tiny order, Sil? ;)


Terri….ONLY if this tea looks like it might be getting low in stock. I resisted all weekend! Getting so close to 150…

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1445 tasting notes

Yes! My little Butiki order finally came in! The Della Terra and Red Leaf orders arrived a week ago but I’ve been looking forward to this one especially. I was extremely excited about the Leafhopper magnet, guys. My roommates don’t seem to understand my enthusiasm but they will. Soon.

For me, the vanilla frosting is the most prominent, after the carrot bread flavour. This is a very convincing carrot cake; the lingering aftertaste of vanilla and carrot bread is spot on. The light sprinkle of spices remind me somewhat of the amazing Pumpkin Milkshake blend, which I’m off to make a cup of right now!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

So excited to be able to order this one soooon!


Oooh. Even though I have a ton to tea to try right now, this makes me wish my Bukiti order was here already.


Haha I ordered this one in my last order and it was so delicious, today I ordered another 2oz. Whoops!

Butiki Teas

Yay, glad to see you were excited about the leafhopper magnet. I’ve used it quite effectively as a conversation starter. Anyone coming into my house has asked why I have a bunch of those bug magnets on the fridge and unbeknownst to them it gives me a great opportunity to talk about tea and have them drink some.

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