Cherry Blossom

Tea type
Fruit Green White Blend
Not available
Cherry, Coconut, Artificial, Candy, Chemical, Floral, Medicinal, Perfume, Cherry Blossom, Freshly Cut Grass, Fruit Tree Flowers, Astringent, Sugar, Sweet, Rose, Green, Cake, Plants, Creamy, Fruity, Tart, Berry, Flowers, Metallic, Berries, Plum
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 15 sec 6 g 15 oz / 442 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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125 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Attempting at a sip down. Attempting being the key word here. This as a cold brew fooled the pants off of me. When I went to take the first sip, I initially thought that this worked way better as a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was one of 10 teas I grabbed at DAVIDs today. I prepped about 5 of the teas to cold brew and made this and Cranberry Pear to drink right away. I am glad I went into the store because the...” Read full tasting note
  • “(DavidsTea 106) C is for… Cherry Blossom! I’ve never loved this tea, although the cherry is nice. That held true for this cup as well, made from a tiny little tin from a tea-of-the-month 12-tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Uhhhhh Whoops! I left this to cold steep.. umm.. maybe 4 days ago? At least, a week at most. The tumbler got shuffled to the back of the fridge somehow and I completely forgot about it until today...” Read full tasting note


If you’ve been to Japan in the spring, then you know about the cherry blossoms. People gather under the blooming trees to eat, drink and celebrate for days on end. This cherry tea brings you right there. It’s a festival of white Bai Mudan, green Darjeeling, Chinese green teas, dried cherries, coconut and rose petals. And unlike a spring festival, you can enjoy this deliciously fruity tea all year long.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

125 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

Attempting at a sip down. Attempting being the key word here. This as a cold brew fooled the pants off of me.

When I went to take the first sip, I initially thought that this worked way better as a cold brew. The questionable underlying floral note is virtually invisible, and I get mostly cherry. But give it just a few seconds.

Then the aftertaste hit me. COUGH SYRUP. I took a bit of a break and just poured my second glass—because I’m a masochist and all—and it’s now cough syrup through and through. I feel guilty for being wasteful, but I think I’m just going to dump the rest of the 1.5 litres I have left. Why force myself to drink that when I have 2984205845 others to try.

Lowered the rating, too.


Cherry seems to be so hard to capture properly, it turns out icky easily I find…I’m still on the hunt to find the perfect one cause I love cherries so much…


Cough syrup usually doesn’t bother me if it is sweet enough but I’m not sure how I’d like it as tea in large quantities. Cherry flavour is really difficult apparently.


That’s just it. I actually don’t mind cough syrup either, but to drink two litres of tea that tastes like it? No thanks.

Theoretically, you would think if blends had actual dried cherries in it, the tea would have really good cherry flavour…


The perfect cherry tea…it’s got to be out there somewhere…


My wife had some of her cold brew of this today, we added a touch of vanilla agave and she seems to like it! I’ll poke her into posting a tasting note.


You too, gmatis? Let’s make sure we let each other know when one of us finds it!!!


A work friend gave me a bag of “Cherry Blossom Tea” from a visit to Washington DC; it was repackaged/relabeled from Eastern Shore Tea Co. Wasn’t entirely natural, but it wasn’t cough syrupy either. I can’t find my own review here on Steepster—I’m sure I did, but K S posted on his blog: Still isn’t the cherry nirvana I’m looking for.


Oh, gross! I think I’ll avoid making this as a cold brew then..


That’s it, I want cherry nirvana, don’t we deserve that? And so true Fjellrev, why aren’t there cherries in most cherry blends? All I seem to find is rose petals!!!


Glad your wife likes it, aisling of tea!

A friend of mine swears by a sencha-based sour cherry tea a local store here blends. I haven’t tried it yet since I keep spending my money on e-tailers, but it too only has cherry flavouring. When I get around to it, I’ll let everyone know the verdict, and if it’s good, I can send some to the Steepsterites on the hunt for that perfect cherry tea. :)


What kind of cherry tea are you guys looking for? Cherry Tisane? Cherry green? Chocolate Cherry Black?


Some of RLT’s cherry matchas are nice. I liked Black Cherry.


I’m personally open to any of the above options with cherry, but particularly a chocolate cherry black sounds good. I know of the Tea Spot’s Chocolate Cherry Bomb but shipping is ridiculous.

I’ve heard mixed reviews about RLT’s cherry matchas but Black Cherry does sound tempting.


I love both, sweet black cherries and sour. I too love to pair black cherries with chocolate, but it’s never really done right. Rivertea is not bad though I must say, but not overly cherry the way I’d want it to be.

The sour cherry teas/tisanes I’ve had always end up being overwhelmed by evil hibiscus. I love tart , but somehow hibiscus takes over everything else. But that’s just me :-)

Chocolate cherry bomb??? Don’t I wish, that’s what I’m looking for, but in a non deceptive way…


My favorite Cherry Tisane is Cherry Goddess from Tealux – I think it’s really tart – but I like that. The other one that’s really good is Pondi Cherry from NMTC – it has hibisus too but it’s not quite as in your face as the Tealux one. I add cherry tisane – which ever one I happen to have in the house to all kinds of things – straight black, green, white teas – I’ve added it too cherry chocolate teas – Cherry Cordial from Culinary Teas wasn’t cherry enough for me, but it was a decent cherry chocolate – then I added a bit more cherry and was pretty good….

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6444 tasting notes

This was one of 10 teas I grabbed at DAVIDs today. I prepped about 5 of the teas to cold brew and made this and Cranberry Pear to drink right away. I am glad I went into the store because the floral made me hesitant but getting to smell it put my mind at ease. The floral takes a background seat to the sweet cherry flavor. The cup is also quite creamy from the coconut. The bases are both buttery and smooth. No vegetal taste and no bitterness which is actually surprising as it was steeped at a pretty high temperature for both a white and a green (90C). I don’t know if I would buy more of this but I am enjoying this cup for sure. It was certainly worth trying.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

ooh ooh ooh what else did you get?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?


Oh I’m so jealous. I’m waiting until Sunday to go in when it’s the tea of the day and try it out.


I got this, Cranberry Pear, Guava Cadabra, Gold Rush, Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait, Bamboozled, Creme Brulee, Green & Fruity, Mint to Be, Jumpy Monkey, and I got Countess of Seville to-go. Then I quickly drank that so I could go get a free cup of tea at CaesarsTea which is in the same mall. There I ended up getting 5 teas – genmaicha, old fashioned apple pie, after dinner maple, sunset (strawberry/mango white tea), the new yorker (apple cinnamon herbal), and I got Blueberry Boom as my free cup.


And Ana, on Sunday there will also be a new tea of the month!


You’re right! I almost forgot! :O

Roswell Strange

Do we have any hints on what the new tea is going to be? Haven’t heard anything because I’ve been avoiding going to the store. I’m interested in seeing what you think of Creme Brulee because it’s one I’ve considered getting a sample of in the past.


I got nothing out of them today. I tried but they are being tight lipped at DAVIDs. And hopefully it goes well with the Creme Brulee. Either way, there is probably enough there for me to pass along at least a cups worth.


They are sampling a green called The Spice is Right according to their facebook, could that be it?

Roswell Strange

Oh, ew :( That doesn’t sound too appealing.


Oh maybe it is The Spice is Right because that’s not listed on their site currently.


I wasn’t too excited, but maybe they will surprise me.

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6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 106)

C is for… Cherry Blossom!

I’ve never loved this tea, although the cherry is nice. That held true for this cup as well, made from a tiny little tin from a tea-of-the-month 12-tea sampler box (who knows which year… although probably at least 5 years ago). The cherry was light, the coconut was fine, and the white tea a bit more present than my recollection. Also didn’t really taste the florals that I recall – that said, the last time I had this I may have been more averse to florals, too. Overall, a nice springy-type blend.

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1271 tasting notes

Uhhhhh Whoops! I left this to cold steep.. umm.. maybe 4 days ago? At least, a week at most. The tumbler got shuffled to the back of the fridge somehow and I completely forgot about it until today when I was wondering where my tumbler went.

Tastes somewhat okay, it’s not bitter but is kind of flat. I can pick out the nice floral and cherry, but no coconut.


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639 tasting notes

I NEED some tea. You don’t even know. I’ve had the worst past couple days of my life. The only thing that could have made it worse was if someone close to me died. Emphasis on the close to me part because someone did die, my dad’s best friend’s father. My finances are in tatters, I didn’t get a promotion that I was really counting on, my fiancé and I have been fighting nonstop, and my eye doctor sent my glasses out for new lenses and UPS lost them!

And did I mention that I can’t wear contacts because my eyes are allergic? I don’t have back up glasses, and my brother’s wedding is in 3 days, for which I’m leaving tomorrow. GREAT! Now I get to be blind for my brother’s wedding!! The eye doctor refuses to pay for the glasses, so I just went to Lenscrafters and spent about $450 to buy new glasses, which I can’t even see out of because they don’t carry the anti-reflective lenses in the store. They’re special order only. I need to see NOW, not in 10-14 days!

These glasses literally suck. I’m seeing at about 60-80%. I’m so upset and frustrated. It’s just problem on top of problem on top of catastrophe. My face is completely broken out, my eyes are super irritated from trying to wear contacts anyway, and I’m having a huge allergic flare-up from my cat. Yes, I’m allergic to my cat. Don’t ask me why I bought him in the first place. I love animals, and he wriggled his way into my heart. I just want to scream. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now that I got that off my chest…I’ll try and concentrate on this tasting note. Sadly, I think my rant has tainted the tea. It just tastes mediocre, like barely flavored water. I think this is another sample that I let sit for too long before trying it. Oh poop. I’m giving up on this one. I’m gonna’ go brew something else. Thanks to Kittenna for providing the sample, and my apologies for ranting my problems to all of you and high jacking this tasting note with negative crap.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I am SO sorry to read all this. As a fairly blind glasses wearer, I sympathize with all your plights in the ocular world – on top of the other things. : ( I hope that if nothing else you can get some resolution on the eyewear front and that things settle down with your fiancee. e-hug

Invader Zim

Good Lord…HUG!


Wow :( I am just SO sorry (huggs)


e-hugs I hope things start looking up for you soon


I’m not going to send you good thoughts brother, I’m going to PRAY for you! You need some HELP! Deep breath. You’ve come to a place to rant where you know that you are listened to, accepted and cared for. Really cared about, not some trite saying…not just words. Your brother’s wedding is about HIM, wash your face in white tea if you have it which will help clear up your face, put the cat in a room (with litter box), take a shower. Drink better tea. Anti-histamine maybe? Your eyes might adjust if you de-stress. God Bless you!


big big hugs
So sorry you’re having a bad time. It will pass soon, I believe it. and feel free to rant here any time, we are here for you!


I really hope things start looking up :)


That’s a whole lot of things to go wrong all at once, I’m so sorry! Hugs! I’m sure things will calm down soon enough… I’ve been able to empathize all too well lately myself.

Daniel Scott

I broke my glasses once and spent three days without them. Without glasses, my eyes are something like 20/250. Not the worst in the world, but bad enough! It almost made me scared to cross the street. Since then, I’ve always kept my last prescription around as a back-up!

Hope things look up, sounds overwhelming!


Thanks so much everyone! The wedding went off without a hitch! There was some drama with late limos and a best man who almost didn’t make it, but in the end everything worked out perfectly. My brother and new sister had a wonderful day. The ceremony was beautiful (the pastor even teared up!). Once away from my cat, I was able to wear contacts without my eyes turning vampire red and I got to reconnect with family I haven’t seen in a decade. Overall, it was really really great. Sincere thanks to everyone for the kind words. It was very much appreciated. :)

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470 tasting notes

Thanks to Kittenna for this sample!

Another day, another cold brew. Doing a different tea a night is actually a pretty handy way to go through my huge sample box, and also a nice way to keep drinking tea when it’s so hot outside! I picked this one last night because I am on a cherry blossom kick after trying Den’s Sakura Sencha. Theirs is blended only with sakura blossoms it seems, and I have another blend with sakura, rose petals, and cherries. This one is different, because… well, there’s no sakura! Kind of weird since the name is Cherry Blossom, and there’s no cherry blossom in the ingredients list. There is a host of other stuff though, like coconut (?), dried cherries, rosebuds, and 4 or 5 different base teas blended together.

This tea is a little tart and a little sweet, with a nice cherry flavor. Not cherry blossom, but actual cherry. It’s not fresh cherry (which is a flavor I’ve never found properly replicated in tea) but it has a tart, juicy edge that’s pretty close to the real thing. I thought the rose would be more prominent, but I’m only getting a hint of it towards the end of the sip. The coconut is there too, in a mild way, adding some sweetness and another fruity dimension. If someone gave me this without me knowing what was in it I don’t think I’d ever guess “coconut” but there is definitely another fruit layer going on.

The disappointment comes with the base: you’d think with 4-5+ different kinds blended together, you’d get a ton of complexity. However, I’ve found that the more kinds of tea are in it, the less complex it is. Two is fine, especially if they are similar (white peony and a light Chinese green, for example), but add more than that and they are just competing for attention. There’s no fruity taste, no floral notes or grassiness, not even a hint of vegetal goodness. It’s just a basic “tea” taste, which is a shame because it seems like there are some interesting types in here: I think this would be better on a white peony or sencha base, to be honest. It’s not bad by any means and in fact I am really enjoying it, but you have to think of it as “cherry tea” rather than “complex floral cherry blossom tea.”


You beat me to it!! I have this one on the immediate cold-brew list, I was going to do it last night but forgot! I think this one was more floral-y and rose-y when hot-brewed. If you have enough (?), try it that way too?

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676 tasting notes

Thank you TeaFairy for this sweet sample!

I’ve been waiting for my granddaughter Schey to come over for some tea tasting! I have 5 different types of tea for her to try…but she’s late. It’s for a good reason though. Mom and dad are picking up a little foster boy who may be my next grandson! He’s had visits already and the other children have been in agreement on this little one. Me too,child #7!

Also, last night very late, my daughter Annalisa cut off all of Schey’s hair. She’s bald. Her Godmother has pancreatic cancer which is inoperable. I am so proud of the mother my daughter is this Mother’s Day! She’s raising great children!

While I waited, this Cherry Blossom Tea seemed a light enough choice.
I steeped the tea 3.5 minutes and drank in the sweet smelling cherry scent. Ummmm! Very fragrant indeed! The first large sip reminded me of Ludens Cherry Cough Drops in a wonderful way. I liked it when my dad slipped one to me in Church as a little girl. They were intense Cherry and warm going down my throat. Then I wondered if I could make the tea taste like the creamy Swirl Cherry Life Savers? (I’ve gone off my rocker!)
I added sweetening and some cream (no soy or other gunk…Cream). Yup, it tasted like the Swirl Cherry Life Savers! Hey! (Did a little dance here)
This is tasty and the bai mudan that usually makes my mouth feel like a furry cat is crouching in the back of my throat was ok because of the mix of green tea! (So a cat in the grass is alright (stupid I know!)).
In all, a nice and flavorful very Cherry tea!


Hmmm, sounds like your daughter is a great mom. She must have had a great example, I’m thinking! Happy Mothers’ Day to you!


Awe you are kind.


Glad you enjoyed this one! (I also prefer a cat in the grass over a crouching one!)
You seem to have a lovely family, hope you had a great monther’s day :)


Yes thank you!

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97 tasting notes

Eh…first off, white tea and green tea don’t usually get along with me. So I took a real big chance trying this – I figured maybe I won’t like it.

The tea is super flowery tasting, and I can definitely taste cherry. It’s not cloying at first but I still find it hard to keep drinking my cup. The entire time I was drinking, I kept feeling the tea just wasn’t for me.

Added to my swap pile.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

At least you tried something new. :)


Yup! I’m always up for trying new things :)


That’s too bad that it didn’t work. Did it tell you to steep it at boiling? I think it might work better at 80C so as not to burn the leaves.


This tea says to be steeped at 90C for 3 minutes. Your steeping might have thrown off the flavor.


Ah – maybe that’s where I made my error. I’ll retry it.


It is worth testing out. You should really watch the brewing temperature (especially with whites and greens) because you can burn the leaves and really throw off the flavor. It is best to stick to the steeping parameters (at least when first trying a tea) to get the tastiest cup.


I hope it works out for you! Maybe you’ll end up liking whites/greens after all!

And I only pointed it out because it’s a common mistake! I had no idea that different teas needed to be steeped differently, and DAVIDsTEA’s labels are so generous with the range that it’s not always so obvious. (i.e, steep 4-7 minutes – there can be a huge difference there!)


I don’t know if you still have this for swap, but I missed out on this one and would love to try it :) Check out my cupboard if there’s anything you want in there!


Alysia, her account has been inactive for about two months now. You might have better luck posting in the swap board:

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15534 tasting notes


Another sample from raritea She’s single handedly trying to expose me to as many david’s teas as she can i think :) This one isn’t too bad. there’s a bit of a floral background to this, but it’s not so strong as to turn me off. I wish the cherry was a little less artificial tasting and a bit stronger, but over all it’s not too shabby. Not my favourite, but something I could drink and enjoy occasionally! thanks Raritea

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814 tasting notes

i’m not a huge white tea fan, but i actually to honest goodness loved this tea!
i bought it for oddree because it has roses in it, it’s a thing i do. find a tea with roses, buy it for oddree. but i really didn’t expect to like it much. basically figured i’d drink it once or twice and the rest would be hers. so what a nice surprise to find it to tasty. especially since there are several low ratings by some other steepsters that i follow.
i brewed it and put the lid tightly on my timolino and then put it next to my bed and drank it first thing in the morning. it was still warm. it totally was.

today i took a spontaneous trip to ikea a couple of hours away and spontaneously bought a standing desk and i am writing this review while standing at it. this desk is SO BEAUTIFUL. fukin A. and it was a glorious day to drive with my sister and talk about fanfiction the WHOLE way there and back. warm fuzzies. super warm fuzzies.


Ooh! Which desk is it you got? I’ve been thinking of switching.


okAY! i’m gonna nerd out now! you’ve been warned hah
i got a 59 × 29 table top. so it’s HUGE! and then i got the extendable legs called GERTON Legs. they go up to 42 inches tall. the legs were BY FAR the most expensive thing i bought. (the legs were basically half my bill. and that’s including all the cookies i bought hah) but when my boyfriend was like ’that’s not a lot of $ for something so good like a nice desk’ i was like OKAY done! hah (enabler!)

then i made a small monitor stand using EKBY VIKTOR shelf and the CAPITA legs. totaling like $18. i got the 6inch legs so the monitor would be right at the perfect eye height.

i spent A LOT of time trying different configurations and measuring very closely. because apparently even an inch too height or too low can become problematic eventually. but dude did my diligence pay off! cuz it is SPOT ON in height. (i can’t tell you how many times i wished i was shorter though. haha)
i’ll probably post a pic and link it once i get my room cleaned up.

i also bought this configuration
so i can take it to work. i’m not sure how much i will use it at work? it might be too weird (like that fad of sitting on those big yoga balls at your desk that was happening for a while?) but it was very affordable so i felt it was worth a try.

there are a lot of ideas out there! and many very affordable ikea hacks. it’s kinda cool. like this desk i already have the shelves and could have just gotten the tiny legs and tabletop? which would have been only $20, but it was still too short for me!
have someone measure from the floor to your bent elbow while you are standing with ideal posture, and basically if you need a 43inch or lower desk you will probably have many more options :)


I can’t wait to see the desk! Also, OMG NIGHTSTAND TEA FOR THE MORNING. Also, I tried the Cherry Blossom but didn’t have enough water so it wasn’t a full steep, but I could tell that I loved it anyways, so thank you for this tea (I even saved the full rosebud at the top of the tin for later). Also, yesterday was fun! Fanfic and meatballs.


Oh, sweet! I like that little desk-top standing desk. That might be a good place for me to start. I’m on my feet a lot at work anyways, so I’m not too worried about that… but I sit on my butt a lot at home. :)

I have considered bringing a yoga ball in to sit on at work, but we tend to have pipette tips strewn all over the floor, and they are definitely strong enough to pierce a yoga ball. Not sure I want to risk it.


I wonder how many people that has happened to, OMG! :D


Haha! Not sure anyone would really want to advertise it, Tea Sipper. :) Seems a little embarrassing – messy lab, etc. My desk is beside the tip box filling area, though. Thankfully they’re all clean!


So I’ve measured, and I’m working up a plan for a standing desk! My elbow is 40" off the ground, now to see what will work for me, yay. :)

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