Jin Pin Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea Leaves
Cocoa, Dried Fruit, Honey, Malt, Yams, Ash, Dirt, Smoke, Sweet Potatoes, Caramel, Molasses, Potato, Smooth, Thick, Vegetables, Cream, Bread, Creamy, Sweet, Orange Zest, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 45 sec 8 oz / 224 ml

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  • “I was feeling inspired… thus, I decided to sketch out two of my favorite things: Werewolves and tea. http://tea-pet.tumblr.com/post/78013016937/sketches-with-werewolves Maybe I will finish the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, so Yezi Tea has a sale going on and then reminded me that I have 3 lovely samples that have slowly made their way over to me and that I should have sampled a month ago. But I grabbed them when...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea was quite nice – great notes of cocoa, caramel and smoke as promised. The smoke seemed a cross between grilly food and toast, without being over the top. Actually, quite a light black, yet...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got this one as a sample with my last order from Yezi and I’m very glad that I did. It’s smoky, malty, earthy, sweetish and oddly enough, creamy. It’s almost like I added cream to this but I...” Read full tasting note

From Yezi Tea

Jin Pin black loose-leaf tea comes from China’s famed Nanhu Mountain range, which is covered nearly year-round by a dense layer of fog. In addition, the extreme difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures there creates the ideal conditions for growing high-quality tea.

In Chinese, Jin Pin means gold personality. It is no coincidence that the brew produced by Jin Pin is a dark orange color. The tea produces a strong, smoky flavor with contrasting tones of chocolate and caramel. Yezi is able to bring you the finest-quality Jin Pin tea because of our collaboration with farmer Huang Jian. For the last 250 years, the Nanhu Mountain range has been home to some of China’s highest-quality organic teas, and we are confident that you’ll take just one sip and say, “I agree.”

Use: 4-5 grams or 3 tsp. of tea
Water amount: 1 gram of tea / 50-60ml of water or 1 tsp. of tea / 3 oz. of water
Time of day: Afternoons or early evenings
Temperature: 90-95 °C or 194-203 °F
Brew: 3-4 times
First brew: 20 seconds
Subsequent brews: Add 15 seconds
Recommended tea set: Lu Yao porcelain or glass tea set

About Yezi Tea View company

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44 Tasting Notes

880 tasting notes

I was feeling inspired… thus, I decided to sketch out two of my favorite things:
Werewolves and tea.


Maybe I will finish the drawing tomorrow…


Awesome sketch. I particularly love the foot… er, paw?

carol who

Tea and werewolves! Cool! Love the tea set.


its me after parent-teacher conference today;)


LOL boychik

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1598 tasting notes

Ok, so Yezi Tea has a sale going on and then reminded me that I have 3 lovely samples that have slowly made their way over to me and that I should have sampled a month ago. But I grabbed them when I grabbed like 30 other teas from Sil (swaps/split purchases/freebies) and it sorta got lost in t he shuffle.

Poor Yezi tea.

I like this. It’s a nice rich black. It’s malty and it has depth. Sadly I feel like I haven’t had enough straight teas lately and I’ve lost all my vocabulary to describe it. And to taste the nuances. I like this, but I’m not sure what to say about it.

It’s a little like Laoshan Black. Not as much cocoa notes though. I’d recommend it though to anyone interested in trying Yezi Teas.

Sipdown (161) (after I resteep it)

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

this was not my favourite of the bunch i’ve tried but still delicious and yummy! i tihnk it was Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong that i liked hte best.. but they’re all in close range heh

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1271 tasting notes

This tea was quite nice – great notes of cocoa, caramel and smoke as promised. The smoke seemed a cross between grilly food and toast, without being over the top. Actually, quite a light black, yet rich in flavor.

I got 4 good steepings, and I did a long one as my fifth. That fifth one had some really neat woody notes that was very nice.

This was only a sample, but I could see myself getting more of this tea to play with some more.

Full review on my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.com/jin-pin-black-tea-yezi-tea-oolong-owl-tea-review/

Very excited with this post as I used my new DSLR camera. Though uggg.. I really need like a prime or macro lens as the tea was a little fussy to photo.

200 °F / 93 °C

I really enjoyed this one!

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790 tasting notes

I got this one as a sample with my last order from Yezi and I’m very glad that I did. It’s smoky, malty, earthy, sweetish and oddly enough, creamy. It’s almost like I added cream to this but I didn’t!

At first I was sort of put off by the smokiness, but it mellowed out quickly and the smoke subsided to a light level and the earthy creaminess came to the fore. I probably wouldn’t order it again, but I’m glad to have tried it!

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15618 tasting notes

this was another from the other day which was sadly ruined by my other half using my travel mug lid for coffee and then forgetting to really soak it when we washed it :(


Oh no. All the sad faces. :(


yeah… he always feeels really bad because he knows it ruins the tea


Ohnoez! Sounds like he owes you a new one!


naw it’ll clean…just needs to soak instead of being rinsed :)

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361 tasting notes

The final sample from Yezi Tea. Another good tea. I like this one a bit more than the Jin Jun Mei, but the first two I tried are the clear winners for me. This tea is slightly sweeter than the Jin Jun Mei and less earthy. Slight hints of cocoa and caramel. Very enjoyable.

I need to go order samples of the other black teas along with my orders of the Qing Pin and High Mountain one. I didn’t want to sample them before because they were described as smoky and I shy away from that, but this tea was also described as smoky and as I’ve said in previous notes, I would call it more burnt toast than smoke.

ETA: Just did a second steep and let it sit for a few minutes. This cup is much more chocolatey and caramely. Darn it. I may have to order a bag of this too!

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116 tasting notes

I like this one a lot. It’s similar to the Qing Pin tea from the same company. It’s very flavourful and not bitter at all. It has a cocoa smell but it doesn’t really taste like it. I prefer the Qing Pin over the Jin Pin just because I find the chocolate taste is stronger.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

i second that!

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26 tasting notes

Thank you Yezi for this sample! Rarely do I ever steep a tea too long for my tastes, but this time I really should have listened to the suggestions. Don’t get me wrong it was delicious, but there were a lot of subtleties here that were masked by the strong toasted maltiness that I let overtake it. This would have been one that I would have really enjoyed using repeated small steep times for.

The first flavors I got reminded me of evergreen and citrus. There is a bright note to this tea that starts right away and stayed throughout the cup. As I mentioned before, there is a toasted malty flavor, as well as a hint of lilac that is the central characteristic of this tea, almost reminiscent of the smell of a furnace when it is turned on for the first time at the beginning of the cold season. I hope that doesn’t sound off-putting, for me it was very positive. It invoked a strong sense of nostalgia, memories of hunkering down for the winter, of my grandparent’s house as a child. I could easily see this becoming a morning routine.

I did go ahead and steep this a second time for six minutes, which is rare for me, but I had a feeling it would be good. It was good. Most of the great flavors were all still there. This is a tea I will remember.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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6119 tasting notes

An old sample from Yezi Tea that I’d never opened (thanks!)

This was a weird one. I expected a classic Chinese black, and although it had elements of that, I was most struck by the aftertaste, which was interestingly astringent. Someone suggested “ash” as a flavour they were picking up from the tea, and I wonder if that might be what it reminds me of. There isn’t astringency on the initial sip, so I don’t think it was oversteeped or anything. Unfortunately, I wasn’t a fan of this ashy flavour.

A curious tea. Should log it again as I drink it instead of the next day.

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688 tasting notes

So, today I went to Venice. I had this tea with my breakfast. It has that nice, light malty scent I really like. The flavoured is bit stronger, with hints of dried fruit and cocoa. There is some yam and honey/ caramel flavour on the second mug.
Overall, good, and I wish I had more.

Flavors: Cocoa, Dried Fruit, Honey, Malt, Yams

Lariel of Lórien

Actually, Venice is the street where my work is located. :)

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