Good Hope Vanilla (Red)

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Natural Vanilla Flavor, Rooibos, Vanilla Bean
Vanilla, Artificial, Wood, Candy, Citrus, Custard, Earth, Herbaceous, Rooibos, Tart, Wet Wood, Sweet
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by MushroomBugg
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec 9 oz / 256 ml

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52 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Teabag sipdown take 3… This also came as a free sample with the RoT catalogue, although I can’t remember how long ago, but I’m pretty sure this is 2-3 years old. Four years ago I drank the heck out...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was last nights cup. It is a little strange, but apparently my favorite cup from Republic of Tea so far, is not a tea but an herbal or is it a tisane? What’s the difference? I don’t drink a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Just a short note before dashing off to work they were serving tea at my meditation group last night and I got to try some of this, I was pleasantly surprised that one teabag in my cup seemed to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I haven’t had this one in a long while. It’s satisfying enough but I never get an overly vanilla type taste from it. The Rooibos is a good tasting rooibos for a bagged one, anyhow!” Read full tasting note

From The Republic of Tea

Rich in antioxidants, naturally caffeine free. Rooibos is indigenous to South Africa, often referred to as Cape of Good Hope. We offer a blend of Rooibos sweet vanilla beans with a hint of cream.

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.

52 Tasting Notes

177 tasting notes

This was the best rooibos I’ve had in a while. I love the real vanilla taste in this like others have said. Every time I have a tea with vanilla is seems to suffocate any other ingredients or taste odd. Even with bad brewing conditions the flavors melded well and highlighted the tea insted of trying to convince us it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

170 °F / 76 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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20 tasting notes

I got this tea in “The Republic of Tea Experience Sampler Cube”. I rather like it! It has a smooth, lovely, creamy vanilla flavor with a beautiful aroma. After taking a sip and then breathing, it almost feels like I’ve gotten a whiff and slight taste of vanilla cake. I was expecting a bland ho-hum thin vanilla flavor, not the robust and well-balanced authentic flavor that it actually has. What a nice surprise! This is more like what I was expecting from the Double Dark Chocolate Mate that I also got from Republic of Tea… I wonder how a mix of the two would taste…? Alas, I only had one sample of the Good Hope. I will likely buy a tin of this in the future.


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13 tasting notes

This was my first Rooibos tea and still is my favorite. The vanilla flavor is not as pronounced as I would have hoped but it is enough to be noticed and compliment the earthy rooibos flavor. This one is a staple for me. I’ve read that rooibos soothes the central nervous system and I certainly believe it. After a couple cups of it at night, I’m relaxed and ready for bed.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

it was my first rooibos as well =)

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4337 tasting notes

Discovery tea box – Tea #2
I do love a vanilla tea and can’t resist try any that I come across. If I ever find a true vanilla tea with actual vanilla beans/pieces, that will probably be my favorite. BUT the description for this one SAYS there is vanilla beans. I should have dissected the teabag before throwing it out. Looking up the tea, it also says I’ve had this one before (eight years ago — I’ve been on Steepster that long?!). However, this one oddly tastes like bananas, rather than vanilla. So I’d probably lower the rating now, but I don’t like lowering ratings… only raising them.
Edited: For funsies, I looked up the day of my first Steepster tasting note: 11/18/2009. Whoa.

Mastress Alita

I tried a vanilla tea once that tasted like bananas to me… and that is my most hated food of all, so I was not amused. Not sure how teas can mess up vanilla flavoring so badly…


Comin’ up on 9 years! Steepster Royalty up in here.


I’ve been drinking this tea with rose syrup and milk and it makes an awesome drink. It is a bit plain by itself. I can’t say I’ve tasted banana before but some vanilla teas have had fruity notes in them in my experience.


Mastress Alita – I’ve rarely found a decent vanilla tea!

Why thank you, Derk. I guess I just love Steepster too much to leave.
Thanks for the suggestions, Arby!

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46 tasting notes

Don’t know what to say other than it’s good :) Just left the tea bag in my mug with no fear of oversteeping.

Boiling 8 min or more

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17 tasting notes

I love this tea. It’s creamy and delicious on a chilly spring night!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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57 tasting notes

I got a free sample of this tea with a Republic of Tea catalog (Yay!). It smells nice in the package, stinks to heck while steeping, but tastes lovely when you add milk and sweetener. I like it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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4 tasting notes

This was my first red tea, and after a moment of adjustment, I rather enjoy it. Normally I stick to greens, but my sister gave me a tin of Good Hope Vanilla to try it out. Also, I rarely go for flavored teas, being more of a ‘tea is tea’ person, however, I continue to enjoy this the more I drink. The vanilla flavor is excellent, there’s enough there to notice, but it’s not overwhelming. The creaminess of the tea was almost surprising at first, but again adds to the character and doesn’t ‘steal the show.’ I’m enjoying the color very much, a deep burnt sienna. I recommend it, and will most likely keep a tin on hand for an after-dinner drink (as it’s naturally caffeine-free).

3 min, 0 sec

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4 tasting notes

This has been my favorite brand and flavor of red tea for many years. First experimented with while working in a cafe, I heartily enjoyed this special tea without guilt daily, for not only was it caffeine-free, it was also free! Ah, the long-gone perks of being a coffeewench!

I will always recommend this brand and tea to newcomers to the rooibos plant.

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14 tasting notes

I admit, I’m a sucker for vanilla in my tea. While it’s not a tea I keep around all the time (like RoT’s Vanilla Almond) I’ll still sit back and enjoy a cup.

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