Strawberry Oolong Tea

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Spinach, Strawberry, Vegetal, Candy, Toast, Butter, Cream, Artificial, Floral, Fruity, Tannin, Creamy, Cotton Candy, Milk, Sour, Sweet, Tangy, Smooth, Astringent, Grass, Peach
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec 5 g 10 oz / 294 ml

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  • “sipdown(183)! I needed a tea to cleanse my tastebuds but wanted to try and get another sipdown in. So i picked this one since the flavouring feels very natural. While not a huge fan of oolongs,...” Read full tasting note
  • “A sample from KittyLovesTea! I haven’t been the greatest oolong fan thus far, but I’m definitely getting there thanks to Steepster! I have to say straight off that this is one of the best flavoured...” Read full tasting note
  • “Been a while since I had this Oolong but I thought I would start using it up by making some iced tea. Admittedly I made it a tad too strong as I found out this morning but after adding some calorie...” Read full tasting note
  • “I cannot wait for A.C. Perch’s to open in Århus! I’m so excited! Every time I walk past where they’re preparing the store I try to peer in through the windows, although you can’t see plock all. I’m...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding City, Fujian Province, China

Ingredients: Evenly and tightly rolled tea leaves

Taste: sweet-sour strawberry fragrance, with Oolong tea’s mellow flavor

Talking about the making of this Strawberry Oolong Tea, the natural extractives from strawberry are added after the Oolong tea is made, in order to keep the original flavor of Oolong tea, and ensure that both the strawberry fragrance and Oolong tea’s unique flavor can be tasted. The Oolong tea leaves of this tea is picked and produced in traditional methods. After the Oolong tea leaves are shaped, the strawberry extractives are then added.

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100 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

sipdown(183)! I needed a tea to cleanse my tastebuds but wanted to try and get another sipdown in. So i picked this one since the flavouring feels very natural. While not a huge fan of oolongs, this is one that i can get behind whenever i’m craving that strawberry flavour that isn’t artificial. This tastes like the strawberry aftertaste of freshly picked garden berries :) Always love this one from teavivre!


hehe Great multi-taskn


Lol – that posted without me.
I meant to say great multi-tasking! Cleansing your taste buds and another sipdown. :-)


i have to! my cupboard ran away from me! lol


Already down to 183? You’re a real tea vacuum!

Terri HarpLady

I’m at 366 now, hahaha…although I did manage 7 sipdowns since New Years day!


teafairy yea it helps the samples dexter sent me are fairly small considering i drink double cups most of the time. :)


:)) I sent you a “taste” of all of them, rather than quantities of a few. If you would like more of any that you liked, just let me know.


hey i’m not complaining dexter! it was perfect sizes to try them all out :)


Sorry I didn’t mean to imply that you were complaining – I was trying to say “my cupboard is your cupboard” – if you would like more :))


haha just making sure you didn’t think i was upset :) i’m sure i’ll be poking you at some point for samples of things heh


Poke away!! I think I need to go and buy more tins to deal with that box I received today…


i haven’t quite figured out what i want to do about tins…i bought clips from taiwai tea crafts that i like for bags that you cut. I just want figure out what i want my cupboard to look like. Tins = harder to figure out what is where for me…so i like bags. but samples from friends = little mini tins i found when teaopia went out of business..small enough to hold things and keep flavoured smells from mingling, but they all fit in their own bigger container heh.


I like the color coded ones from Davids. As long as the correct type is in the correct color all is well. I leave most teas in the resealable package – unless it’s permanent in my cupboard, then it will have a tin. The box I got today has a lot of “quantity” tea in zip bags (that’s fine we split orders). I can’t just leave them like that considering I might not get to them for a few months. I’ve bought cute little spice jars from the dollar store with colored lids – those also work for me for smaller quantities – but I haven’t taken the time to paint them, so they have to go in the cupboard to prevent light exposure. Uggg – I need a month vacation to organize and do all the projects I have planned….


i like the David’s Teas tins too. but i use whatever tin i have and color code using magnetic labels. i’ve bought some of the colored ones, but also use the plain ones they send free. old pic, but you get the idea
i love organization discussions!


Awsome pic! I wish I had drawers like that – it looks so organized and easy to see everything!


Shmiracles – I need to hire you to come and organize my stash….My house looks like a tea store exploded…


i accept payment in TEAAAA!!


LOL that seems win- win to me….


if i had drawers i would do that, but i’ve got a bookcase type set up with doors on them


hahaha my other half took one look and went YAY! someone else that makes a way worse mess than you ever do!

I’d love to have those teas in my house though..


also…i totally just started looking at the pics to see what might interest me haha


I posted more in the Tea Buying Hiatus Support Group thread

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2238 tasting notes

A sample from KittyLovesTea! I haven’t been the greatest oolong fan thus far, but I’m definitely getting there thanks to Steepster! I have to say straight off that this is one of the best flavoured oolongs I’ve ever tried. It smells just like strawberry while brewing, and it tastes just like strawberry juice while drinking. I’m not getting the slightest hint of oolong flavour at all, really, it’s just sweet, juicy, awesome strawberry wonderfulness.

I can appreciate that not being able to taste the base tea isn’t always a good thing, and part of me would like it to have poked through a little. I like strawberry, though, and it’s just so perfect-tasting here with not a hint of artificiality. I could drink this for the rest of my life and die happy, I think. I can see myself really enjoying this on a warm summer day, if my sample lasts that long!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Nice review. :)


This definitely sounds delicious. It is always nice to read people who are very satisfied with their tea.


i don’t like oolongs and i like this one :)

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1379 tasting notes

Been a while since I had this Oolong but I thought I would start using it up by making some iced tea. Admittedly I made it a tad too strong as I found out this morning but after adding some calorie free sweetener it now tastes like strawberry syrup rain. Very hard to detect the Oolong with the sweetener in it, you would think it was just one of those strawberry flavoured syrup drinks that a lot of cafe’s sell as ‘iced tea’.

Story time –
First time I got a peach iced tea from Costa Coffee I saw them use two squirts of syrup over ice and add tap water, then you have sickly sugar water..oops sorry I mean ‘iced tea’. :/ I remember going into one before and asking what selection of teas they carried and they said “Summat foreign named, like a green tea but not one” and that had me intrigued, I asked to see this magical tea and she brought over a glass jar that said ‘Long Jing’ on the side. Then again she said “Yeah it’s green inside the bag but it aint a green tea, though it’s like one”, at that point I said “Well actually it is a green tea, Long Jing stands for Dragon Well and it’s a Chinese green”. Then straight away “Ooohh and how do you know that then hey? Know everything do ya?” and she starts calling the staff to tell them in a mocking sort of way. So I left after saying “I’m an amateur tea taster with my own blog and over 500 teas at home, if you bothered to look it up yourself you would see that I’m correct. Selling people a green tea and saying it’s not is just ridiculous”. Possibly one of the best storm off’s I have ever done. My parents were standing by my side think blank expressions on their face like ‘wtf just happened?’.


Strange reaction from the people in the shop, thinking other people couldn’t possibly know anything about it. You’d think they would be interested in learning about their own product. eye roll


That was my first thought, why would they not know about their own product? They are taught so much about the coffee there but nothing about the tea, or at least in the particular one I visited.


To be honest, no matter if it was proper green or not, I’d have been turned off already at ‘summat foreign’. It’s not even difficult to say it.


Good for you! I love an intelligent storm off. :)

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1353 tasting notes

I cannot wait for A.C. Perch’s to open in Århus! I’m so excited! Every time I walk past where they’re preparing the store I try to peer in through the windows, although you can’t see plock all.

I’m on a mission to get through some of the older teas in the cupboard. There are a few which are from before we moved in here over two years ago! O.o Probably I’ll end up taking several of them with me to work. It’s easier to get through boring stuff there than it is at home. The trick is to only have boring stuff to choose from. :D I’ve already discovered that if you take a frankly disappointing caramel black and mix it 50/50, more or less, with a lacklustre vanilla, both become quite acceptable indeed.

Now, in order to further this mission I have made Husband make me a cup of something summerly which is a fairly recent acquisition. I asked for something fruity or oolong-y or both, you see.

I’ve actually had this a couple of times before but I haven’t posted about it because something always went wrong. Either I botched the brewing or I forgot to drink it and it turned cold or I simply just had it while being distracted by something else.

Now, this is one of those teas where I’m going to have to try really hard not to compare it too directly with another tea. Sometimes avoiding this is very difficult even though you know that you might as well be comparing apples and oranges. I’ve shared the ACP raspberry oolong with a number of you before, and that was the one I was thinking of when I bought this one. Any sort of red berry flavoured oolong is likely to get my attention, really.

But this really is quite different to the raspberry oolong, and not only because raspberries and strawberries only have being red in common. This is on a greenish oolong base whereas the raspberry oolong is more oxidised. Therefore I would put them in the same general category, but still consider them entirely different beasts.

Gosh, look at me blathering. Let’s just go straight to the tea, which has a strong aroma of strawberry. I mean really, Husband was having strainer related difficulties in the kitchen and I could smell strawberries all the way in here in my room. Granted there’s an open door between it and the kitchen, but it’s still a whole other room. It’s fruity and sweet, but also rather leaf-y. I’m sure the leaf-y note is actually the base oolong, but my brain wants to associate that to strawberries as well and it makes me think of strawberry leaf. I don’t even know if that would safe to drink at all, but my brain doesn’t seem to care about such trivialities. I know raspberry leaf can be used as herbal tea, although I’ve heard that it’s a bit… erm. Let’s just say ‘acquired taste’.

The fruit flavouring is a little more controlled in the flavour. It’s definitely there, still sweet and fruity, and it shows up primarily when swallowing and on the aftertaste. The rest of it is pure oolong. (Thankfully, my brain isn’t enforcing the strawberry leaf clause here, that would just be weird) It’s difficult to tell anything about the oolong, because an added flavouring always comes in the way of analysing it and I can only get a few general notes, if anything at all. This one feels quite smooth and a not too vegetal. As I tend to prefer the more stronger oxidised sorts of oolong, this is a good thing.

I’m quite enjoying this. It’s no ACP raspberry oolong, but it’s quite enjoyable.


I had no idea about the new A.C. Perch’s store, but as soon as I read this review, I called my friend who’s moving to Århus this fall, and she completely flipped. (The only one more excited than her is me, because I’ll get sooo spoiled with tea care packages.)


I know, it’s so awesome! :D I’m so excited I just want it to be August NOW! :D :D :D

Where are you from Anna? I’m guessing somewhere in Scandinavia?


August is closer than EVER. I hope they have a ton of grand opening discounts for you to shamelessly exploit!

(Yeah, good catch – I’m originally from Stockholm.)


There have been a couple of other Scandinavians about briefly, but most of them not very long, so I think we’re the only two at the moment. (Although I believe there was someone from Helsinki as well, but now I can’t remember who they are)


Oh, wow, that’s insane. I seriously consider Copenhagen one of the tea capitals of Europe, and Swedes, well – Swedes sure like their tea. I mean, I get that people feel left out when it comes to NA-only tea swaps and promos and things, but it’s not like the majority of the teas rated and/or discussed are unavailable.


You’re probably right, that’s the problem. I never really felt left out by the community, although I used to get annoyed when every contest and promo and what have you were NA only. I’ve accepted now that some shops are just out of my reach and that’s that. People are really helpful and if I was really desperate to try something I’m absolutely certain I can find someone on Steepster who would be willing to play middle-man in the purchase. :)

These days there are a lot more Europeans about. I do still get peevish, though, when people or companies post a contest or something and don’t mention whether there are any geographical restrictions on participations. Especially when I then ask and get told that it’s NA only. It’s like sometimes people forget that there are users outside of NA too.


Haha, I know – I was looking through one of the free shipping threads yesterday, and someone had put together what they referred to as (something along the lines of) ‘THE MASTER LIST OF FREE SHIPPING’… and it was completely NA-centric. So anticlimactic.

We should definitely exchange Scandinordic tea shopping tips (or rather, you should let me mooch off your knowledge; I haven’t lived here for the better part of a decade and have only been back for roughly a year).


My best tip is look towards the UK. There are looooots of UK based shops and shipping to Denmark from them is decent. I’ve never found a UK based shop that I deemed out of reach. My absolute favourite is Nothing But Tea, but I’ve also recently come across Jenier which have a large selection (Go for the samples or minipacks as they call them. They’re a whopping 25g each!)

Next for really high-end unflavoured stuff, look towards Asia. TeaSpring and TeaVivre both ship directly from China. The prices of the former are fairly steep, but they have a worldwide shipping fee of $4 or so and the quality is really top notch.

I only have three NA based companies right now that I will buy from. That’s Verdant, Andrews&Dunham Damn Fine Tea and …rats, I forgot! It’s the heatwave, you see. I can’t brain! Anyway, for the other two, the shipping rates are reasonable, but I only buy there very, very rarely. Seems like packages from NA shops have a tendency to attract the attention of customs people, so I frequently get hit with import fees on those. There’s 52teas as well for some truly crazy and popular blends, but after I had a period where there were import fees on three out of four orders, I decided that I didn’t love it enough to run that risk again.

There are some shops in Denmark as well. You already know AC Perchs (and likely their outrageous shipping costs abroad), but also check out Chaplon. They have some interesting Ceylon from a plantation that they’ve actually bought (Quite nice and flavourful too). Besides, that was where I bought tea online for the very first time, so they have a special place in my heart. :) Don’t know what their shipping abroad is like, though.


That’s super helpful, thanks! I guess I should have emphasized the ‘Scandinordic’ more, though – I travel quite a bit and don’t really have a problem sourcing teas from the US and the Asian countries I’m interested in getting samples from. Scandinavia, though, completely eludes me. Whenever I google something, new tea stores pop up – there are SO many tea companies I’ve never even heard of.

And yeah, ACP shipping is ridiculous. I’m definitely going to check out Chaplon – thank you. Mostly I’m big on fruity/floral stuff, though. I’m trying to graduate to more sophisticated, unflavoured teas, but it’s a slow process.

I tend to prefer well-established brands who don’t have so much turnover in terms of flavours. 52teas, for example, isn’t really for me, since I don’t love the idea of finding a massive fave and then never being able to buy it again because it was just available for a month. Lupicia is probably my all-time most-loved chain.

You seem to brain just fine, but maybe have some iced tea anyway, JUST IN CASE.

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761 tasting notes

Oolong and strawberry…from Teavivre! When I first saw there were flavoured options (aside from the fruit only ones), I thought I’d only find floral additions…rose, jasmine, etc but no, there were two fruit options! So I immediately requested them for my next sample box, which just came today.

The dry leaf smells like a mix of a milk oolong and a bit of real strawberry, none of that fake stuff here. There’s a sweet and somewhat tart scent that mingles with the creamy oolong aroma. The leaves are pretty tightly rolled, as you’d expect from this sort of oolong base.

I used my bamboo tea spoon, which I think holds about 1tsp or so, on average. I let the boiling water cool a few minutes and steeped 3 minutes. First sips, unsweetened, I get an equal balance of oolong and strawberry, none overpowers the other (though I do wish the strawberry was slightly more prominent). Sweetened, with just a tad of sugar (less than I normally take) the strawberry becomes juicier and sweeter. I bet this one would be amazing with some local honey. Wondering about future steeps and iced. The leaves definitely have more unfurling to do, so I expect a few more good steeps at least.

I was really excited to try this tea, and I am not disappointed. I’ve thrown a packet into my best friend’s birthday tea box, but if it was anyone else, I’d pretend I didn’t have any and horde it all to myself. :P

Many many thanks, and much gratitude to Angel at Teavivre for making my strawberry oolong dreams become a reality. I do hope they continue to make more flavoured teas like this in the future.


Oh…. I need to get some of this…. looks like a Teavivre order is in my future…. someday…


how did i miss this one? i look forward to trying it.


I just got the email for their big sale. I may have to add this to my wish list.

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2145 tasting notes

I was immediately impressed with this tea the second I opened my package and got a good whiff of the sweet-tart scent of strawberries. This is one of those teas that I could stand there sniffing half the day with a goofy smile on my face. Thankfully I was home by myself and I could indulge in this without anyone questioning what I was doing and why I looked so goofy doing it. The first sip of the brewed tea left me with an equally goofy look as the taste of fresh strawberries exploded on my tongue backed up by the floral notes of the oolong. There is an absolutely perfect balance between the flavors in this steep.

Make sure to check out my full review on my blog

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

I have a sample of this that I haven’t tried, was a bit skeptical but based on your review will have to move it WAY up the is list and try it soon. :))

Short Sorceress

As you can tell from my review, I really enjoyed it and I’m pretty picky about strawberry. I do think it is more appealing while the weather is still somewhat warm, so I would definitely try it soon.

Lariel of Lórien

I got that as one of my Teavivre samples.

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you Angel and Teavivre for this sample!

The strawberry aroma is very strong when this packet is opened.

I used 2 tsp of tea.
I found this tea very subtle. The buttery oolong is the prominent note with a subtle note of strawberry sweetness. I found that this oolong wasn’t vegetal and more on the sweet side which really suits my taste.

Resteep 3 minutes was much the same with a little less strawberry flavour.

I have the rest chilling in the fridge and will edit tomorrow!

UPDATE: cold, this tea is fairly refreshing and it seems like the strawberry notes are a little more prominent. However, I prefer oolongs hot, so I will probably stick with that

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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1040 tasting notes

I think I’m in the minority here. This was just ok for me. I’m not a huge fan of green oolong, but I was expecting this to be more like fruit flavored green tea. Nope, not what I was expecting. There is real strawberry in here, but it’s subtle and overshadowed by the oolong. I can appreciate that this is a high quality oolong with real strawberry flavors.
I think I’m more of a fake, in your face flavor sort of girl. I either was straight tea, or I want flavored tea. This was too close to the middle for me.

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52 tasting notes

Thank to Teavivre for the super generous sample! This is excellent! The flavor is so natural and it complements the oolong flavor so well. Simply yummy! Exactly what I needed after a crummy day!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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871 tasting notes

The dry tea smells quite a bit like artificial strawberry. But a good smell, like bubble gum. The brewed tea tastes like a gently flavoured green oolong. The strawberry flavor is only slightly artificial tasting. It is sweet, ripe berry flavor. The oolong is light and floral, slightly sweet grass flavor. This is a very delicious oolong. The flavours blend well together. I hope this one stays in stock for a long time.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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