Premium Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea
Artichoke, Cream, Popcorn, Sweet, Toast, Butter, Nutty, Smooth, Apricot, Beany, Chestnut, Grain, Green Beans, Nectar, Soybean, Toasty, Vegetal, Bok Choy, Custard, Broth, Cantaloupe, Grass, Marine, Seaweed, Asparagus, Broccoli, Green Bell Peppers, Mineral, Spinach, Umami, Fruity, Vegetable Broth, Butterscotch, Compost, Earth, Moss, Peat, Scotch, Astringent, Roasted Nuts, Freshly Cut Grass, Green, Hay, Honey, Almond, Vegetables, Dry Grass, Roasted, Creamy, Floral, Nuts, Kale, Caramel, Chicken Soup, Lima Beans, Orchids
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 45 sec 5 g 8 oz / 245 ml

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183 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A little insight into how truly strange I am – this morning on my way to work my inner Sheldon came out and I started wondering, if Spock drank tea what would he drink? Sad I know. Then I thought,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Needed something gentle. Talk about severe storms headed this way has gone on for several days and has rubbed my nerves raw. I may have to break down and pay a visit to the storm shelter builders...” Read full tasting note
  • “I positively ache tonight. I took a nap this afternoon but still feel so tired. It is hot hot HOT here and I have been walking with my neighbor several mornings a week, but the past two times my...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was excited to get this one in my sample box because I recently tried a different dragon well and really enjoyed it. I am happy to say that this one has lived up to my expectations. Thanks again...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Dragon Well green tea, or “Long Jing”, is commonly regarded as one of China’s top ten teas, and is often served to visiting heads of state. Apart from its delightfully sweet taste, with none of the bitterness that sometimes characterizes other green teas, Xihu Long Jing’s significant difference from other green teas is the smooth flat appearance of the tea leaves. TeaVivre have selected a great example of this premium Xihu Long Jing tea.

Whenever you feel upset or restless, Long Jing Tea is the perfect drink to relax and calm you.

Origin: Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China

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183 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

A little insight into how truly strange I am – this morning on my way to work my inner Sheldon came out and I started wondering, if Spock drank tea what would he drink? Sad I know. Then I thought, wouldn’t that make a great bit on Big Bang Theory? I can hear them point/counterpointing until agreement was reached. I’ve only seen a few episodes, they may have already had the debate.

My thoughts are he would not drink Earl Grey, or any flavored tea, with the possible exception of Jasmine Dragon Pearls. I would rule out black tea all together. I think he would go green or white. His logical side would be fascinated by complexity. My two choices would be Silver Needle white, or Dragon Well green. He is vegetarian, and while the white tea is subtle and meditative, I lean towards Dragon Well for its heartier layers of vegetal goodness. So in honor of Spock I lift up multiple cups today.

I mentioned this to a co-worker who just turned and walked away. Halfway up the hall he stopped, turned, and said, “I think his mother’s human side would come out and he would just drink Lipton black tea.” Say it isn’t so! Oh, wait do I detect sarcasm? I suspect he wasn’t taking this seriously. I do give him credit for trying to assimilate all aspects of the equation into his reasoning but that is specifically why I made room for the possible inclusion of Jasmine Dragon Pearls. Wasn’t that obvious?

To my fellow geeks that are still with me – this is true for northern hemisphere dwellers, not sure it all applies below the equator. This is for April 2012. Go outside tonight just after the sun goes down. The bright ‘star’ high in the western sky is Venus. Below it near the horizon and much dimmer but still bright is Jupiter. Easily seen even in twilight. As it gets darker turn East and high in the sky, the moderately bright red ‘star’ is Mars. Now turn southwest. The three stars in a row are Orion’s belt. The bright red star above it is Betelgeuse (beetle juice) and below the belt is Rigel. It’s actually a double star. Close to the belt and on the Rigel side is a fuzzy patch that you might interpret as a star. This is the Great Orion Nebula. Later this summer you can see the Andromeda galaxy with your naked eyes. It is bigger than the moon and you have never noticed it because it is fairly dim and doesn’t look like the pictures.

See, I am not just another pretty face. I know stuff.


Wait I thought somewhere I read that Spock DID drink tea – or was that someone else?


Captain Picard drank tea. He liked Earl Grey. Hot.


I went to see the stars at Rocky Mt. National Park last Summer with a gazing group…unfortunately I was almost blind at the time…but my grandkids loved it. 9,000 ft. high and clear with some big telescopes! Now that I can see I want to do it again!!!


@Bonnie, I want to go with you! I have been to star parties where there were 18" diameter scopes. I can’t imagine being out under pristine skies with even our moderate 8" scope. Stupid light pollution.


Excellent and irrefutable logic. (I haven’t noticed yet … if Sheldon drinks tea, what kind does he drink?)


If you own an. iPad, one of my favorite apps is GoSkyWatch. Hold it up to the sky and it tells you what you are looking at, and there are other features as well. I LOVE it!


@gmathis, I have noticed them making tea often on BB. Sorry to say it appears to be bagged Lipton. Amatuer nerds.

Terri HarpLady

I know this post is 2 years old, but I just read it for the first time, & I love it! I’m thinking Spock would be definitely a green tea & raw puerh (the older the better) kind of guy.


I like the way you think. Two years to think on this – he probably would really drink some Vulcan herbal concoction. I just want to believe otherwise.

Christina / BooksandTea

This is exactly the sort of thing I do sometimes, though I try to think of book characters that certain teas remind me of, as opposed to TV/film. Leads to fun tea reviews that way.



Terri HarpLady

I tend to visualize musical ensembles, LOL.


Missing you, K S, as I drink this tea tonight and read your tasting note from so long ago. How is your view of the stars now? Amazing, I bet.

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3011 tasting notes

Needed something gentle. Talk about severe storms headed this way has gone on for several days and has rubbed my nerves raw. I may have to break down and pay a visit to the storm shelter builders about digging a hole in our backyard…

This is wonderfully gentle, a nice sweet cereal flavor, but not so light it leaves you searching for something to taste. Trying a second steep as I write this…very pale, taste buds have to work a little harder, but still OK. Its mildness is very soothing.

C’mon storms, get your work done here and move on. I could use some sleep tonight.


“…searching for something to taste.”

I love that turn of phrase!

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3518 tasting notes

I positively ache tonight. I took a nap this afternoon but still feel so tired. It is hot hot HOT here and I have been walking with my neighbor several mornings a week, but the past two times my legs felt heavy. Hubby is sick, came down with fever and chills yesterday, and I am hoping that isn’t what is happening to me!

I should have gone to bed but I needed a little space for my head to clear. I decided to use a gaiwan tonight to really force myself to focus on the tea. I am also hoping it will blast all the pathogens to smithereens.

The dry leaves had that strong chocolate scent that blows my mind. How does green tea smell so much like chocolate? The first steep – no rinse – is chocolatey, floral, and grassy.

Steep two – I fumbled and burned my fingers. In the hoopla, this got a little oversteeped,but I didn’t want to pour it out. It literally tastes like grass and burned toast, but the most amazing super sweet aftertaste followed every swallow. I am so glad I didn’t miss out on this aspect.

Steep three – shorter, grassy and floral with a mineral taste. A little earthy. A little roasty.

Steep four – keeping this steep short and feeling like an athlete in training as I watch my hand while pouring the tea. I thought I was pouring to the middle, between the spots where I grasp the gaiwan, but I see that somehow my wrist angles the flow toward my fingers. I must concentrate on aiming more for my thumb, which will put the flow right where it needs to be. I am beginning to feel the position that I see when I watch a video of a tea master pouring. There is a lingering burnt wood taste in my mouth. I’m lovin’ it. Or… toasted walnuts! Yes! After I swallow the last sip, I feel like I am tasting confectioner’s sugar in my throat, like I have just eaten a Sweet Sixteen doughnut. (Or “donut”, as Susie Dent claims we Americans spell it.)

Steep five – Shortest steep and sweetest flavor yet. Don’t know if I am exhausted or getting a little bit tea drunk. Though sweet, the woody and grassy notes are still there with the roasted toasty flavor. Aftertaste is a little grassier.

Steep six – dogs barking. Checked outside. Oversteeped again. Toasted walnuts!

Steep seven – short again, and floral up front with grassy following. Toasted walnuts present but subtle. Aftertaste still lingering very nicely, more floral now with mineral notes.

I read the note by K S before drinking this, and miss him being on here terribly. Rest in peace, friend. Enjoy the celestial star gazing.

Then I read GMathis long ago note about the storms coming through, and here we are in the midst of terrible storms in the mid-west tonight, and I knew that not long after that note GMathis would lose her home to an F5 tornado. She and her family were safe, thank God. ETA: I had my timeline wrong. It was not long before she wrote her note on this tea that the Joplin tornado occured.

We’ve been through a lot together here on steepster. I hope we can keep meeting here.

And now we can look forward to tales of the new babies (Hi, Sil and Kittena!) and students
taking exams (thinking of you, Martin, and saying a prayer for those finals!) and all of life revolving and churning, while we sip our tea all over the world…together.

Probably tea drunk. Crying in my cup. Love you guys.

Martin Bednář

I was reading this tasting note in a bed on my mobile. I liked the description of tea. But then you hit me with thinking all the people here.
I don´t feel very often that somebody cares about me. But so many people do. Thank you for this note.


I hope everyone sticks around as well. K S , I miss him too. Didn’t know about GMathis but I will add them on the list. As well as you and your hubby. Hope you both get well soon.


Mrmopar: I was wrong. The Joplin F5 tornado was actually not long (about a year?) before she wrote her note on this tea. I was referring to an old event because I was reading the older tasting notes on this tea. Prayers still appreciated! Stormy weather is still nerve wracking for those who went through the big ones, and hubby has a ways to go in his recovery from the bug!

Martin: Yes, you ARE cared for! Praying that today especially, you feel it and see it.


Your sensitivity to the people around you amazes me. Much respect to you, ashmanra, and I give my love for all those mentioned in your note.


Our pastor reminded us on Sunday that we shouldn’t fight painful things because of what they take away; we should take them on because of the strength they ultimately provide. (James chapter 1 should you care to check it out scripturally.)

We had another white-knuckle night last night with some quality time in the garage storm shelter. Sirens; rotation about a mile north of us. All is well this morning other than some sleep deprivation. As if the storm adrenalin didn’t have me on overdrive to begin with, an XL spider climbed up my leg!

Martin, ashmanra always beats me to the encouraging word. But you are among kind and caring strangers here. May you trip over a little joy today!


Gmathis: I have discovered that a lot of my anxiety and stress issues have been coming from trying to control everything to prevent pain coming into my life. CS Lewis said that grief is the price of love. I think I have that right. I agree with your pastor. Fighting pain doesn’t work. Acknowledging the pain and finding out what it means and how we go on, that’s the thing! We get stronger. Then we can help other people. Martin quoted, “Love will always win.” Indeed, love never fails.


Derk: thank you! You amaze me, you awesome person, you!


Lovely tasting note! Precisely why Steepster needs its strength back!


Beautiful post, Ashmanra. We need more of this in the world, but I’m glad we have it here in Steepster. <3


Tea-sipper and Kawaii433: We do have a beautiful community here. I appreciate you all so much. I hope the site continues!


Yep, appreciation all around. :D


This is the reason I want this site to keep going. We pray and have encouraging words for those who need the strength.

Martin I just put you on the list as well. I hope your days become better.


What a touching post! I’m going backwards reading tasting notes to catch up on all the things (hence my commenting on months-old notes!), and this note made me think (again) about how much I love this community, and how wonderful everyone is here.


Kittenna: ❤️ It’s a good place to be!

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2201 tasting notes

I was excited to get this one in my sample box because I recently tried a different dragon well and really enjoyed it. I am happy to say that this one has lived up to my expectations.

Thanks again to Teavivre for the extremely generous sample of this tea. There’s so much in the pouch! The leaf is bright and smooth, and it smells a bit grassy and a bit nutty and a touch buttery. Steeped, that lovely chestnutty aroma comes out, which reminds me so much of chestnut sweets from a chinese bakery. The liquor is a very pale yellow, only slightly darker than the white of the mug, yet it’s still a flavorful cup. Smooth, lightly grassy, but also nutty and sweet, this tea has a lot of dimensions to it. A really really tasty cup.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I am curious, what kind of water to leaf ratio did you use?


I used about 2 tsp of leaves for 12oz of water, but I feel like I could have gone with a little more leaf.


I loved this one so much I bought it on my first order.


This is a fave of mine, too. Since it is a fluffy tea, I probably went with 1 1/2-2 tsp per cup. I have a feeling it would weigh about right at this ratio.


Thanks all, mine still seemed kind of bland and watery so I might need to use more leaf.


Anxiously awaiting my Teavivre samples now, this being one of them. :)

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985 tasting notes

Tried an experiment today.

Apologies before you read further, because in some places what I did might cause a pretty good uproar.

I made this iced. I thought it would be fabulous. Not so much. All of the things I love about this tea are enhanced with the warmth.

Note to self: Reserve the pricey Premium Dragon Well for hot tea in the future. It tastes so much better that way.
Thank you for remembering!

Also, this makes me think that I will only like herbals or black teas iced. I might try a flavored green at some point.


I use less expensive (such as tropical tea company) green teas for iced – their strawberry green does well. I don’t fault you for trying this though if we don’t try things we will never know! :)


I make gunpowder green and add mint leaves over ice (Moroccan Mint) and actually crave it at times…


and no judgement from here either, you don’t know if you don’t try…


I try every thing iced. I figure it’s a good way to push the parameters of each tea to find out how I like it best. So I raise my beaker to you!


Green with peppermint (steeped correctly, then chilled) is very nice. We salvaged a peppermint plant from House that Was that is bearing huge leaves right now. I’m drying them for summer experiments, but the dried-leaf aroma isn’t very strong. Any mint-drying experts have any advice?


I know some of us are not tea purists, but iced premium long jing is kind of a pearl clutching moment for some.


I’m very fond of flavored greens iced, especially jasmines (though never use the pearls of course! :D)


I do have a jasmine green (Chung Feng) from Le Palais des Thes. I might have to try that one iced next.


+1 jasmine green iced…

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6119 tasting notes

Delicious, delicious tea-for-breakfast yesterday morning. I think this and other dragonwells may become my go-to first thing in the morning teas, because they sit so much better in my stomach than flavoured blacks which sometimes edge towards astringency (Laoshan Black and Premium Taiwanese Assam are good too, but more limited in their supply in my cupboard at the current time). Anyhow, it was great in the travel mug yet again, all rock sugar and chewy vegetal. I deliberately overleafed to give it a stronger flavour, which was quite successful.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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294 tasting notes

After a wonderful dinner I was in need of tea. Today already I drank 3 different black teas (I only reviewed 1) and decided to have something green. And this was my choice. A wise choice I might add. The aroma of the dried leaf is heavenly. It gave me an indication of what was to come. I brewed this in the Gaiwan. The flavor was as good as Long Jing gets and I’ve had many. I was imagining high foggy mountains with lush old growth evergreens. The flavors lingered in my mouth for what seemed like an eternity. This is a top flight Dragon Well.


I like that kind of flavor profile. The misty green pools of sweet water.

Charles Thomas Draper

Yes Bonnie. It was sooo nice…


«high foggy mountains with lush old growth evergreens»… I will stay in that place for a while, beautiful picture you’ve painted.

Charles Thomas Draper

Thank you TeaFairy. Welcome back….

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1220 tasting notes

I have been craving Dragonwell so much lately. I’m going to blame a work test (100% aw yissss) so I came home last night and made myself a pot. And of course when I wanted to write the note, Steepster was misbehaving with the kettle so I completely forgot until now (blame a nap followed by the creation of these

I only steeped it for a minute and I really wish I had for longer :( but that is okay, it was still tasty. I hadn’t had this in so long that when I’m describing it as chestnut in writing I realized I really didn’t remember what that actually tasted like. Still came through even with the lighter steep. There are definitely mineral notes too.

I need to get through this one and then also try the Dragonwell I bought for cheap at the international supermarket. I have a feeling this one will win out though, just in color alone it’s superior. And given I’ve had this for months now, that’s saying something I think.


I’m having issues with this one. When I steep it past a minute it’s very astringent. I didn’t think it would be that bad..

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I always steep Dragon Well at 1 minute for the first infusion and add 20 seconds to each after that. They do seem to get astringent past 1 minute.

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2816 tasting notes

I am enjoying this tea today courtesy of Teavire – thank you

I used slightly more leaf today than I had before (more along the lines of 2 tsp/1 cup and the results were more to my liking. I also steeped it for three minutes. Now I am picking up more of the gentle, nutty notes. Raised the score a few points also. Sorry for the short note, must be leaving home soon!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Scott B

This is good tea.


It is, but dragonwells in general are just not my favorite type of tea. I’m a bit biased. :)


They sent me a sample of this months ago and I had to order a big bag right away!

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863 tasting notes

This has to be one of my favorites from Teavivre. It is so very vegetal, light and clean.

When I scrape together the money for an order, this one will definitely be included!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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