Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Apricot, Butter, Cashew, Cream, Honey, Malt, Mushrooms, Peach, Sweet, Vanilla, Wet Earth, Bread, Hazelnut, Nutty, Roasty, Creamy, Raisins, Apple, Apple Skins, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Earth, Smooth, Spices, Orange, Broth, Citrus, Cranberry, Dried Fruit, Licorice, Medicinal, Nuts, Spicy, Walnut, Wheat, Wood, Plum, Stewed Fruits, Thick, Metallic, Mineral, Sour, Tangy, Fruity, Loam, Raspberry, Chocolate, Coffee
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Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 7 g 5 oz / 140 ml

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From white2tea

Cream was pressed in 2016.

A thick, yet balanced ripe Puer with heavy soup and an engaging fragrance. Menghai style character shows through strongly, even though this is a fairly fresh cake. Drink now or age for the future.

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17 Tasting Notes

26 tasting notes

It’a decent puerh, but nothing else or original.

I want to taste it again to understand more of it’s potential

Costs: 0.26$/gr

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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231 tasting notes

This was a very nice shou from W2T, especially at this price point! The feel of the tea in my mouth was like velvet or melted dark chocolate. The flavor went from fruit-forward to more nutty, honey, and sweet flavors. Fairly subtle flavor profile overall, but absolutely no bitterness. Astringency is mild and soothing.

Not much of an aftertaste in my opinion. I went for 12 infusions with this tea and it certainly could have gone at least a few more. The flavor was still potent at infusion 12.

I think I need to sit with this tea a few more times to really hone in on my final opinion of it, but I certainly like it. I think I like the 2016 Fade I tried from the same W2T order yesterday better. More complex and better mouthfeel to me. But this tea is still quite nice!

Edit: After reaching the end of the sample, I’ve fallen deeper in love (like?) with this tea and have purchased a whole cake :).

Dry leaf: mild, lightly malty smell.
Wet leaf: wet earth, mushrooms.
Flavors: apricot, butter, cashew, honey, sweet, peach, vanilla.

Flavors: Apricot, Butter, Cashew, Cream, Honey, Malt, Mushrooms, Peach, Sweet, Vanilla, Wet Earth

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259 tasting notes

This is my first official White2tea puerh! (that I’m trying on my own/not from a swap). I really love puerh and it’s not something I get to have often so for a little treat I got myself some a few weeks ago and I had to try this one as soon as I opened the box. It’s creamy, hazelnutty, and smooth with just a touch of vanilla. I’m thinking I may need to order more than 25 grams next time, perhaps 50? Even if I love a tea I don’t think I’ll get full cakes of any of them because I don’t get the time to relax with puerh as much as I’d like and I don’t want it to just sit around.

Flavors: Bread, Cream, Hazelnut, Honey, Nutty, Roasty, Vanilla

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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64 tasting notes

This has become my go-to special occasion shou, I should probably order more. Worth leafing hard because the flavor is subtle but delicious: very little bitterness, some hazelnut-vanilla kind of sweetness. As promised, the texture is impressively thick and creamy. I think it’s often the texture that elevates a fancier shou above a cheap one. This tea makes for a great session in a small teapot but is washed-out and underwhelming in a thermos.

Flavors: Creamy, Nutty, Raisins, Vanilla

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379 tasting notes

One hour sleep last night bleh.

It’s very clean, no fermentation notes, earthy. It was mellow and somewhat light until the 5th infusion then it became rich, thick and creamy buttery mouthfeel. The dark liquor smells of apple cinnamon and earth. Throughout the infusions, there were no particular notes that really stood out, it’s like they said, it’s pretty balanced. With the earth, there is some dried fruit. I didn’t get the bananas but got a little citrus and apple. I noticed some cinnamon and spice notes but they are subtle as well. Towards the end, it did get more peppery. It’s good and I can’t call it ordinary nor can I say extraordinary. I think it would be a good daily tea, during work when you want something tasty but do not need the focus.

Yixing gaiwan, 6g, 110ml, 212°F, rinse, 12 steeps, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 1m, 1m30s, 2m, 3m

Flavors: Apple, Apple Skins, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Creamy, Earth, Smooth, Spices

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 4 OZ / 110 ML
Show 6 previous comments...
ashmanra 6 years ago

It must be going around. Both I and my next neighbor have been complaining of sleeplessness, not normally a problem for me. Hope you enjoy some refreshing rest soon!

Kawaii433 6 years ago

Thank you ashmanra, you too!

tea-sipper 6 years ago

ONE hour?!

Kawaii433 6 years ago

Tea-sipper, yup, sucks >.<. I tried to sleep, was tired, but just wasted my time so got back up. My fitbit said 1 hr so I must’ve fallen asleep for a bit. Hopefully, that means I’ll fall asleep early tonight :P. hehe

tea-sipper 6 years ago

Well, I hope you sleep better today

Kawaii433 6 years ago

Thank ya <3

Kittenna 6 years ago

Yikes! I used to have reasonably bad insomnia (I think anxiety and poor sleep habits were the culprits), and I found that listening to ASMR videos on YouTube both calmed me and distracted me from thinking about how I couldn’t sleep, which helped the process immensely. At present, though, I’m so overtired with the baby that I usually have no problem.

Hope you get it sorted out!

Kawaii433 6 years ago

I’ll go check that out. I used to listen to sleep mpgs on my phone, that helped but I don’t have that app on my phone anymore. Thank you Kittena. :)

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240 tasting notes

5g in 500mL tea thermos, grandpa style. Strong honey, orange, fermenting bread dough, and earth aromas. I like this one, it’s rich, smooth, silky, and has lots of good well-fermented flavors going on. The energy is even, focusing, and balancing. My one quibble might be that it doesn’t have a lot of endurance. Usually, I can get two respectable grandpa-style steepings out of a shu and this one didn’t have much to offer in the second steep. Otherwise, enjoyable.

Flavors: Bread, Earth, Honey, Orange

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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1025 tasting notes

This ripe pu-erh has medium body and is super easy to drink with little to no fermentation notes. Its highlights are the nuanced aroma and thick creamy mouthfeel.

The smell is quite light but has a lot going on. At first, it is sweet and woody with some hints of dried cranberries. I imagine sitting in a clean mountain cottage in the midst of the winter with dry wood burning in the fireplace. Later on throughout the session, other notes like brazil nuts, banana, chicken broth, cinnamon, black pepper and licorice appear in moderation.

Taste-wise, it is mellow and quite well balanced. There are some slightly unusual flavours, like citrus, wheat, roasted sunflower seeds and walnut skins. Overall, it has decent sweetness and medicinal qualities.

The aftertaste is somewhat spicy, slimy and not astringent at all. It is somehow muted but actually quite long. Mouthfeel is creamy and slightly oily, thick and a little dry in the finish.

Flavors: Black Pepper, Broth, Cinnamon, Citrus, Cranberry, Dried Fruit, Licorice, Medicinal, Nuts, Spicy, Sweet, Walnut, Wheat, Wood

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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70 tasting notes

I just love this, so thick you can almost chew it. Cream? It certainly has a creamy mouthfeel but tastewise I can find no dairy products present. For me the taste is sweet and syrupy with lots of stewed fruits like apples and plums. But what about the traditional wet soil and wood and mushrooms and all that funky stuff you might be asking? Well, either I’ve suddenly become accustomed to the quirks of shou pu’er, or, and this certainly sounds more plausible, this is just some damn fine tea. I know it took me only 4 steeps to add it to my wishlist so make of that what you will.

Flavors: Apple, Plum, Stewed Fruits, Sweet, Thick

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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47 tasting notes

This is a nice ripe with a creamy mouthfeel and a reasonable amount of sweetness. I enjoy it.

4 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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226 tasting notes

So I and my friend are tried this tea for the first time. After the first couple of steeps she asked me what is the name of this puerh. I told her that it was Cream and that it is supposed to be creamy. We looked at each other perplexed because it was anything but: this tea had a pronounced mineral, metallic and tangy taste. Not a bad taste but no hint of creaminess present.

After the third steep my friend started claiming that she felt a hint of creaminess but I was certain that she was imagining things. But the fourth and all the subsequent steeps – OMG, so smooth and so creamy with a looong creamy aftertaste! A bit of earth too.

All in all, I liked it, especially since I like creaminess and I did not have any other tea that creamy. And it is fun to observe the change from the metallic tanginess to the all-encompassing creamy goodness.

Flavors: Cream, Earth, Metallic, Sour, Tangy

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