Orzo Caramel & Honey

Tea type
Food Tea
Barley (Roasted), Marigold Flowers
Caramel, Coffee, Wheat, Roasted, Sweet, Burnt Sugar, Grain, Roasted Barley, Thick, Butter, Cocoa, Earth, Honey
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 14 oz / 424 ml

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49 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Uhhhh, this smells strongly of a delicious, delicious coffee drink that would upset my tummy. O.o Have to say that I was a bit apprehensive to try it, but my apprehension nearly always is...” Read full tasting note
  • “nomity, nom nom…had a cup of this tonight and i am sooo happy with the dark, deep, roasty, caramel, delicious notes that it’s ALMOST enough to make up for the extended week i’m going to have, as if...” Read full tasting note
  • “brewed 1 tsp in 6oz boiling water for 5 min, then added about 2 oz vanilla almond milk. Mmmm tastes much like coffee to me – roasty, a bit nutty, but also with a hint more sweetness than the...” Read full tasting note
  • “1 tablespoon for 375 ml Burnt aroma. Burnt food taste. Mild caramel sweetness. Smooth. The flavour becomes more tolerable as the tisane cools. The lingering aftertaste is a coffee (maybe burnt...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Orzo scented and flavored with caramel and honey yields a deep, full-bodied texture and taste with a mild sweetness. Excellent with milk or any alternative dairy substitute.

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49 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Uhhhh, this smells strongly of a delicious, delicious coffee drink that would upset my tummy. O.o Have to say that I was a bit apprehensive to try it, but my apprehension nearly always is outweighed by my curiosity, which is what happened this time, so I ended up with yet another sample from Sil! This seems to be a trend for tonight, haha.

Ok… this seriously tastes like a freaking cup of delicious sweetened, creamy coffee! Like a low-cal version of a latte, sweetened cappuccino….. AHHHHHHH! This is amazing!!! I wasn’t expecting the sweetness; I was expecting something more bitter, but no. This is naturally, deliciously sweet. I’m definitely not one of the coffee-haters; I actually adore the aroma and flavour of coffee (well, when it’s doctored with copious amounts of sugar/milk). My problem was that it upset my stomach, and also, that I couldn’t drink it without the high-calorie additions. So this is nearly perfect – amazing flavour (I bet a touch of milk/sugar would even improve it more!) and no tummy issues… only problem is that Lupicia doesn’t ship to Canada. A problem that i will somehow solve, haha.

Anyhow, I am thoroughly impressed with this one, and hopefully will get the chance to re-stock it someday. YUM!

ETA: Re-steeped twice in less water. Still tasty.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Orzo? Like the little rice shaped pasta that is popular in avgolemono (Greek egg lemon and chicken) soup?


Sold! I’m adding it to my someday shopping list!


Kittenna – oh yay! I’m glad this one was good. I’m still chuckling a bit at all of our faces when we opened it and smelled it heh.


weird my comment didn’t add. Anyway i’m glad this one was a successful experiment. barley tea! wheee! still chuckling at everyone’s face yesterday when we opened it to smell.


..and now it’s there lol silly steepster


Heather – I assume that’s what they’re meaning? But I could be wrong. I didn’t purchase this one and haven’t really researched it! (Also btw, I adore avgolemono soup; it’s actually part of my “birthday meal”, haha.)


orzo is italian for barley. it’s barley tea. :)

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15631 tasting notes

nomity, nom nom…had a cup of this tonight and i am sooo happy with the dark, deep, roasty, caramel, delicious notes that it’s ALMOST enough to make up for the extended week i’m going to have, as if last week wasn’t bad enough…RELEASE WEEKEND! woot woot! incoming full day saturday of “suck.” and 4 more days to “enjoy” before we get there lol. good times!


These orzo teas have me intrigued…


Release weekend? :O You need to head back to BC and hide!


yeah… last one for a bit until July…but it’s going to be a long one. Plus testing tonight, and trying to catch up on things so i’m organised. 18+ hrs last week in OT….this week will be closer to 25 wheeeeeeeee!

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2977 tasting notes

brewed 1 tsp in 6oz boiling water for 5 min, then added about 2 oz vanilla almond milk. Mmmm tastes much like coffee to me – roasty, a bit nutty, but also with a hint more sweetness than the burnt/bitter flavor that often comes with coffee. I’m so glad to finally try this!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec



Orzo! WOW!!!


I actually think I may have used too much – 3g is probably less than 1tsp since this is small, dense, and heavy. I suddenly found myself wishing for the digital spoon scale everyone’s been talking about in the discussion board! I will probably use half as much next time, as it tastes pretty strong to me!


This might be a dumb question, but do you mean to say that you’re steeping orzo in water? As in the cross between pasta and rice?


Wikipedia to the rescue again (I knew I wasn’t drinking pasta, but wasn’t sure exactly what I was drinking, since the Lupicia package is all in Japanese):
“Caffé d’orzo (Italian for “coffee of barley”), often shortened to simply orzo, is a type of hot drink, originating in Italy. Orzo is a caffeine-free roasted grain beverage made from ground barley."
More here, apparently there’s a Spanish version that’s more like tea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caff%C3%A9_d%27orzo

PS – “Orzo” is the Italian word for barley. So I guess the pasta is called that because it is roughly similar is size/shape/texture?


Now this sounds like an odd tea- soo, does it taste like those roasted rice- green teas?


it’s a much darker roast – genmaicha tastes toasty and malty, but the rice still comes through, and it’s blended with green tea. This is much finer (ground?) and darker — I wouldn’t know it was barley by looking at it. This particular blend tastes more like coffee, and has no tea in it.


thank you, i was imagining rice and tea too!

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon for 375 ml

Burnt aroma.
Burnt food taste. Mild caramel sweetness. Smooth.
The flavour becomes more tolerable as the tisane cools.
The lingering aftertaste is a coffee (maybe burnt coffee) flavour.

Second infusion at 5 minutes. Dilute flavour. Burnt flavour still present.
Lingering aftertaste is smoother- tastes more like coffee without being burnt.

Rating: 60

I may have to alter the infusion parameters.

Thanks to Sil for sharing!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Kittenna seemed to like it (I havne’t tried it yet) so maybe she’s got some ideas on steeping it.


Hmm, nope, those are the parameters I used and I loved it! I like burny things though. I do like coffee though, it just needs sugar/milk for me to tolerate it (although the tummy won’t tolerate it at all, which is why I don’t drink it usually).


The name of this tea keeps catching my eye. I keep reading ouzo instead of orzo. Ouzo tea would be delicious :)


Ewwww, I hate black licorice! :P


Mmmmmm black licorice…..mmmmm

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1271 tasting notes

I snagged this tea while at Lupicia. Was nice as they had samples and it was easy to sniff each tea before buying.

DRY: Smells very roasted and sweet. The tea is in small chunks with lumps of dried strawberries. I actually was intending to get the Strawberry Orzo, but this one smelled better as it had caramel and strawberry scent!

The packaging is a “limited package” which turned out to be a bag around their typical package. Kinda wasteful and I rather not of had the extra bag around it, as I’m just gonna lose or toss it. The package also did not have english steeping instructions, so I had to look those up.

STEEPED: WHOA, this looks like coffee! Pitch black with a hint of brown. Smells dark roasted and rich.
FYI, this was a PITA to get out of my Steeper – the fine chunks of this tea clogged up the filter, pouring the tea very slowly. Next time, I’d go for a tea bag or steep in a tea pot with filter. Probably want a good filter though.
Upon closer inspection, small bits got through the Steeper filter, but one can only see it at the dregs.

TASTE: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! UUGGGG! YUCKYUCK! Bitter, strong roasted, malty barley flavor. Not actual coffee flavor, but this tea is on the same level of strong, roasted bitter flavor. Bit of sweetness at the end like honey and caramel. Aftertaste of coffee and strawberry.

With rock sugar: same bitter taste, but sweeter. Pour out!!! Maybe I went too heavy on the tea?

Doctored heavy with milk and honey: becomes a weird grey brown colour instead of a typical light brown coffee colour. Okay – this is good. Or am I saying that because this is drinkable? Hmmmm. It’s creamy, with a berry taste. Bit of roasted caramel and chocolate essence. Actually pretty good caramel flavor. Okay – this is good!

COMMENTS: WARNING! IF YOU HATE COFFEE RUN FROM THIS TEA or be willing to have something only as lattes or doctored with milk and sweetener!
Straight up, this is awful stuff, says this tea drinker. Seriously. I’ve utterly disliked only a few teas (Adagio’s “Toasted Sesame” of bitter death and DavidsTea’s “All the Raj” of vinegar) and this would be up there. I’d say like a 35 or 45 rating.
With milk and honey, actually pretty good. I’d have it again and finish the bag. I’d put that at a 80 or 85. I’m just gonna put the tea rating in the middle.

I’d love to show this tea to my coffee drinking friends. Actually, this might the tea they are looking for. No caffeine, tastes good (I’d drink this over coffee), interesting and delicious blend of flavors. This has got to be the closet coffee tea experience I’ve had.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

haha this makes me want to dig out mine to try it. still haven’t gotten around to doing so.

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24 tasting notes

This is one of my favorite teas! The earthy aroma of the barley mixes great with the sweetness from the caramel and honey flavouring. when brewed straight it has a similar taste to coffee but not as strong or potent. Add milk to it and it is heaven! The main thing that i love about this tea is since it is a barley tea it doesn’t have caffeine so i can drink it anytime during the day. I can also give it to my little brother and my baby cousins too. I recommend this to anyone and everyone!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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612 tasting notes

Whoa, dry and brewing this smells like sweet coffee. Husband thought it smelled like pralines. Brewed it’s quite surprising—deep dark oily black, with some thin sediment rimming the cup. Made me worry it’d be harsh and burnt tasting or bitter, and there is a toasty thing going on (unsurprising as it’s barley-based), but it’s not a bad thing at all, to my relief. Sweet and caramel-y and yeah, like coffee but with much less body, a cleaner taste. There’s a light earthiness too that isn’t usually in coffee, and I like it. Thought based on the description it’d * need * milk, pleasantly surprised it doesn’t, though I can see how that’d probably add texture and richness. Great to have this at my disposal as a late night kinda-coffee-like sweet treat.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

i really like this one. It’s true that it’s a little like coffee but sweet :)


Yeah! I’m really enjoying finding satisfying “teas” I can drink late at night that don’t feel like cop outs, because I do most of my tea drinking right before dinner and then yeah, after dinner, and that is a recipe for disaster in terms of falling asleep on time. I also always liked to drink coffee at night too, back when I drank it more regularly, so this is a very useful addition to my stash! I love Steepster for turning me onto it. (:

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47 tasting notes

This smells amazing. I give extra points for being caffeine free, because I was looking for a night time tea that is not rooibos or chamomile. I used to drink plain chilled orzo like water when I was young (though it was slightly different being an Asian variety), but I came to like flavored versions. It reminds me of light to medium coffee, but not in a way that’s offensive to those who don’t like coffee. People have suggested that it goes well with milk too, so even better. It’s a very comforting cup.

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4348 tasting notes

Just a quick note, as I wasn’t really going with parameters. I wanted to try this one and never had orzo before… it is JUST as I imagined it would be… it’s like a dark cup of coffee with none of the negative qualities of coffee. It kind of reminds me of ripe puerh? Also no caffeine. I bought some from Cameron B (thank you!) but I just knew I SHOULD have stocked up on a pouch or two of their orzo blends …. they were calling to me. haha.

Edited to add: I steeped the second steep for quite a while to see what would happen. It’s a bit more brisk than a ripe puerh would be. But in the after taste that lingers, it tastes a bit like the burn on a roasted marshmallow … which I love. (when I was a kid and impatient roasting marshmallows – just shoving the marshmallow in the flame… that kind of burnt) :D

Mastress Alita

Burnt is the only way to eat a toasted marshmallow. I also liked my hotdogs with a nice crispy black layer, too.


Oh good, I’m not the only one who likes burnt. The only hotdog I ever ate cooked over a fire was when I was a kid… was burnt on the outside and froze in the middle so….. an interesting meal that was never repeated. haha

Cameron B.

I like my campfire hotdogs charred, too! :D

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52 tasting notes

So lately coffee has been on my no list – too harsh to drink without my stomach complaining – but since this is heralded as an almost-perfect replacement I had to give it a try (and receiving a pouch of it as a gift didn’t hurt matters, either).

Dry it smells almost cloyingly sweet, you can see some petals intermixed and it makes for a lovely little view, if you’re into tiny dark balls instead of luxuriant leaves. My one complaint is that the dry mix is terribly dusty and I actually spent some time shaking it over the sink once it was in the strainer to try to de-powder it.

It brews up beautifully dark, pitch-black and with a scent that’s in the same suburb as coffee…but definitely not close neighbors. The taste is familiar in a way I can’t place – dark like coffee, but with the emphasis landing on a roasted flavor instead of acidity.

It reminds me of the waffles at Waffle House when they’re just slightly overcooked; an almost-malted sweetness overtop a flavor that’s within walking distance of burnt.

If I didn’t know that this wasn’t coffee I’d be inclined to believe that someone had just made a thin pot of it and let it sit for a minute – and I say that in the most flattering way. I doubt this will be a daily drinker for me, but it was a good experience and it’ll do well to fill that gap when the coffee cravings hit.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
Mastress Alita

Mugicha works well for me, as far as flavor, and I actually prefer the unflavored ones. Just plain ol’ roasted barley. I prefer to drink it iced and usually cold steep it overnight and then drink it the next day; really tasted like a cold-brewed coffee, but lacking that acidic bite. Love that stuff. Orzo is also from barley so I’m sure that’s why it has that similar flavor. But Mugicha isn’t dusty/powdery.


Oh, nice – I’ll have to look into Mugicha as well. :)

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