(Looks around for Anna.)
I’ve been wanting to try this for a while but every time I think about it I realize it will be a first note and that means more systematic paying attention, and then I realize I don’t have time to really give it that sort of attention. I really don’t have that time today either as I’ve been on calls all morning for work and now have to drive down to the office, but I am REALLY in the mood for a flavored green tea and this one was calling to me.
The leaves appear to be sencha, delicate and flat and on the light green side of the green spectrum rather than the tubular, curly and darker green like typical Chinese green leaves. I suppose this shouldn’t be surprising as I believe Lupicia is a Japanese company? I don’t like to think about what will happen when my Japanese stash is depleted. I’m not convinced I want to buy any tea from Japan post-reactor meltdown.
There’s a wonderful tart-sweet grapefruit smell to the leaves in the packet. Now that I look at the packet again, I realize I may have screwed up the steeping. It says to use boiling (!) water, and I steeped as I usually do with greens, 175 for 1:30. The liquor is a light greenish yellow and has a buttery green tea smell. Really not a lot of grapefruit in the aroma.
But the same isn’t true of the flavor. This is incredibly refreshing, like a splash of cold water over your head, except that it’s hot and in my mouth. I know, sometimes the world doesn’t make sense. I expected tartness, but I don’t really get it, though I get a really interesting aromatic finish and aftersip that’s cooling in the mouth. I taste grapefruit though it isn’t as strong as I would have expected given some other Lupicia flavored teas I’ve had, but perhaps that’s what makes it pleasant. It tastes very much like a green tea with a bit of grapefruit essence. Sort of like those flavored waters with just a hint of fruit flavor in them, only instead of water it’s green tea. There’s a tad of bitterness that floats in and out but not enough to make it unpleasant.
It isn’t as wonderful as the white melon, but it’s quite nice. I’ll try it according to package directions next time and see what that does.