Diamond Jubilee

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Flavor, Natural Bergamot Oil
Bergamot, Citrus, Grapefruit, Citrus Zest, Fruity, Lemon, Perfume, Artificial, Citrusy, Orange, Smooth, Astringent, Brown Toast, Caramel, Cream, Earl Grey, Lemon Zest, Tart
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by SimplyJenW
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 16 oz / 464 ml

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58 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Tea of the afternoon….. Of course I could not resist this one. Part of the whole reason for my horrible experience trying to order online with a long standing English company over the holidays was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Y-U-M! I am tasting a lemon drop Earl Grey Supreme. I know this is supposed to be grapefruit essence, but I taste a sweet, delightful lemony flavor plus all the flavors I know and love from EGS....” Read full tasting note
  • “A friend came to tea at my house, got hooked on tea, and just had me order a huge box from Harney and Sons for her! Today it was my turn to be Invited to tea, as I delivered her new stash. She...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am neither a huge fan of Earl Grey nor of citrusy teas. However, despite both those things being present, this is hitting the spot today! The black tea predominates and the other stuff just...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

In 2012, Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee. To celebrate her 60 years of rule, we created this blend specially to honor the Queen and her achievements. Inspired by Earl Grey, our Diamond Jubilee blend combines black teas with the lemony flavors of bergamot and citrus-filled grapefruit essences for a light yet complex twist on the Queen’s favorite tea. Brisk, refreshing and fragrant, Diamond Jubilee happily stands on its own or can be taken with a splash of milk.

Historic Royal Palaces is an independent charity that looks after the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, the Banqueting House, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace and Hillsborough Castle.

Black tea, silver tips, natural bergamot oil, grapefruit flavor.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

58 Tasting Notes

790 tasting notes

As SimplyJenW noted, the tin is beautiful! A keepsake for sure.

The floral notes when opening the tin are very powerful and the grapefruit smell is also very noticeable.

The tea is very much like a Lady Grey but with more citrus and a stronger floral component. If you don’t care for Lady Grey, chances are good that you won’t like this much. Lucky for me, I love Lady Grey. :)

My regret, also like SimplyJenW, is that this is only in sachets. Loose leaf would be great to try so I can portion my own and experiment. I guess I can do that anyway, just have to open the sachets, hm? :)

I didn’t sweeten but it would handle it well, I think.

I am still undecided if I will be adding this to my “always restock when low” list but I would not hesitate to recommend to friends.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Love! & Agree! :)

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1184 tasting notes

This is another sample from Lala!. Thanks again!
I really enjoy earl greys and this one is no exception. It is citrus and delicious!
Boiling for 4 minutes
I would probably rate this 90

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166 tasting notes

My favorite Earl Grey thus far has been Harney’s Earl Grey Supreme so I was very interested in trying Diamond Jubilee which is a skillfully blended Earl Grey with a twist. This selection has a hint of grapefruit essence, which is a wonderful addition to the black teas and citrusy Bergamot. I initially steeped it for 4 minutes, but preferred it at 3 1/2 minutes. I liked it a lot warm, but also think it would be very nice cold, and I recommend it to Earl Grey lovers.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I love this one!

Donna A

Had this again this evening. Really nice with the subtle grapefruit addition.

Donna A

Realized that I still had a little Diamond Jubilee left. Though I drink mostly unflavored black teas, this is definitely one I’ll buy again. The grapefruit notes are very appealing. Though it is different than Earl Grey, if you like Earl Grey, you should try this. There is free shipping on H&S for gifts in US today.

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1118 tasting notes

Thank you, Dinosara for this sample!

This is a lovely Earl Grey. The addition of grapefruit adds a brightness to the tea that I enjoy. All of the flavors are present but subtle. None of the flavors jump out at me. Instead, they all kind of quietly mingle together in a really delightful way. This one could certainly find a space on my pantry shelf.

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694 tasting notes

Holy citrus! Now this has some tang. Probably not the best night time tea to try, but I just couldn’t wait after reading bluebelle’s tasting notes about this one. I really like it. It seems I alternate getting a tease of the bergamot and then the grapefruit. The grapefruit adds a bit of a sweet to the tea while the bergamot adds the spicy citrus.


Haha, glad I inspired you!


This is one of my fav EG

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814 tasting notes

i’ll be honest. i can’t remember this cup.
i’ll have to try again.
but i’m still counting it as “drank in 2013”. i’ll just amend my note at a later date.

(sorry for clogging your dashboards up with my catch-up notes from yesterday. the holidays can be hard.)

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358 tasting notes

I’m rather late to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee, but better late than never, right? Tasting one small cup of this and then passing the rest of the sample pack on to Mercuryhime for our book club swap. :) Even though I like Earl Greys, I think that I tend to not pick them as often because I feel like a lot of them taste the same, or are way too overdone on the bergamot. I can already tell that this Diamond Jubilee tea is different – the bergamot is very soft and it smells sweeter than a normal Earl Grey. I know there is grapefruit in this blend, so maybe that’s what causing the sweetness in the aroma. The flavor is a lot less intense than I expected, but in a good way. There is a light, sweet citrus flavor and finish. At the end it’s malty with a little bergamot. I’m not tasting any of the grapefruit, just an overall sweet citrusy flavor that is wonderful. I sure do hope Her Majesty drank some of this wonderful tea to celebrate her anniversary!

-Dry blend has medium black and brown tea leaves and twigs with fuzzy long green tea leaves.
-Dry leaves smell like sweet bergamot. Tea liquor aroma is of malty black tea and fresh lemony bergamot.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy medium orange brown color.
-Light sweet citrus flavor and finish. Malty bergamot aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. A delicate cup. Muted bergamot flavor with a hint of sweet citrus.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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39 tasting notes

I do not often like to stray from ‘pure’ teas into the realm cross-bred or sweetened teas, but my reward circuit lights up when I read the word grapefruit – such a satisfying flavor in teas.

This is simply a majestic tea. I find it wholly unbelievable that any Earl Grey aficionado would not applaud this blend – the grapefruit addition makes it delectable. Steep it as any EG and you are all set to enjoy a good to the last drop treat.

Fortunately, this is available now in loose leaf, and I picked up 1/4 pound at H&S Soho location. Since this is a great tea to share, I wonder how much of that amount I’ll actually consume…

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I bought a pound to split with a friend, and then sent a big Baggie of it to N. Ireland to my daughter’s boyfriend. This one really is great for sharing…everyone seems to like it!

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493 tasting notes
This is nice EG, grapefruit notes make it bright. no chemical smell or taste.
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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103 tasting notes

Gorgeous silver tips! Really nice. Of course I love Harney earl grey anything.

I am really disliking the holidays this year. I wanted to go see Nadastrom in DC tonight, but even thinking about driving to DC is giving me a headache. So I’m going to drink beer? That I won’t spend too much money on? (not likely) But tomorrow is running, the free fine arts museum, my favorite cafe, and new Sherlock. Fanfic on my Kindle. I can’t complain about that. May next year bring the rebirth my yoga teacher keeps talking about hahaha.


hahaha that is the best summary. bring it yoga teacher!

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