The Queen's Diamond Jubilee (Commemorative Blend) 1952-2012

Tea type
Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Another Sipdown from NofarS, thanks! This is a tasty blend, & a pleasure to drink today while I was driving around St. Louis, trying to find a few parts I needed to repair my range hood, which...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown! this (and likely most of my sipdowns today) comes to me courtesy of terri but originally from NofarS so thank you both for the lovely teas! I love this. I wasn’t expecting much when i...” Read full tasting note
  • “This blend has gradually grown on me. It’s somewhat Keemun-y smokey flavor is comforting for an afternoon brew, and the astringency is easily avoided with a dab of sugar. A nice staple brew.” Read full tasting note
  • “I picked this up on my vacation last week. First I want to say I love Twinings tea, always have and no doubt always will. Twinings got me started as a tea person and while I have branched out to...” Read full tasting note

From Twinings

This perfect blend of loose whole leaf tea combines the rich malty second flush Assam from the Brahmaputra Valley in North Eastern Assam with the smooth, mellow Yunnan from South Western China.

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13 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Another Sipdown from NofarS, thanks!
This is a tasty blend, & a pleasure to drink today while I was driving around St. Louis, trying to find a few parts I needed to repair my range hood, which must have been installed in the Great Depression.
The parts were eventually found, everything works now, the filters have been replaced, & the whole thing is now cleaner than it ever was!
This tea is a tasty blend of both Assam & Yunnan teas, which are my favorite teas to enjoy, so sipping on it while I drove around helped my day along immensely.


Ha, I think my stove is that old as well. ;)

Terri HarpLady

I got a new stove last week, which I am loving, but the range hood is mounted under a cabinet on the kitchen wall (above the stove). My house was built in the late 1890’s, & I’m hesitant to replace the hood because the walls can be a little crumbly. Anytime I drill a hole, I run the risk of having to break out the spackling compount, or worse! But I love this house, so I figured if I can fix that old hood, I can use it! :)
It was made back in the day when things were made to last! We (Tony mainly, lol) replaced the light switch, which only worked if you held it down, the filters, the light fixture, & the fan was rubbing on something, so he straightened that out too. My wonderful man! I scraped away a lifetimes worth of grease.


no idea why Twining doesn’t commercialize this one in France, maybe they are thinking we’re not interested because we cut the heads of our king and queen…

Terri HarpLady

Nice reply! LOL!

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15618 tasting notes

sipdown! this (and likely most of my sipdowns today) comes to me courtesy of terri but originally from NofarS so thank you both for the lovely teas!

I love this. I wasn’t expecting much when i opted to brew this today because i think i have this weird mindset that twinnings = not for me. However, the utter smoothness of the tea caught me off guard. I drank the first cup up so quickly, i made a second cup just to be able to enjoy it a bit more. It’s not one of those punch you in the face to wake you up in the morning teas, nor an overly malty tea..for me, it’s what an everyday cup of tea should be – utterly pleasant to drink :)

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, I think the twinings teas we get here in North America might be their cast offs to the stepchildren, lol. They must keep the Good Stuff over on the Continent.


too bad we can’t just pop over there one weekend for like the biggest tea buying extravaganza ever… london and paris GO!

Terri HarpLady

In my dreams!


I checked out that Twinings link you had in another note, and OMG. The signature blends look LOVELY. I’m tempted to find a shipping quote, even though it’s probably only within the realms of dreams right now. They courier, rather than post.


And it’s only £15 delivery to my place on £60 of tea. That’s 2×100g signature blends. More of a special treat than an every day thing, I think. :)

Terri HarpLady

so how does that translate to american dollars?


Well, I’d be translating into Canadian. :) I usually double it as an estimation, but the currency converter says it’s CAD$125 today. Not as expensive as teas from the Urban Tea Merchant (TWG), but close!

Terri HarpLady

Ouch! Guess we won’t be buying that one, LOL.


That is for £75. Two of the teas plus shipping. I didn’t check how much shipping would be for one tea. I figured if they’re couriering, might as well go for, uhh, broke. :)


I’m telling you guys…someday….weekend in the uk for me….someday. After all I have like 8 weeks of vacation to use up lol just have to find the money heh

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423 tasting notes

This blend has gradually grown on me. It’s somewhat Keemun-y smokey flavor is comforting for an afternoon brew, and the astringency is easily avoided with a dab of sugar. A nice staple brew.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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120 tasting notes

I picked this up on my vacation last week. First I want to say I love Twinings tea, always have and no doubt always will. Twinings got me started as a tea person and while I have branched out to many different types of tea, this company holds a special place for me.
I am an undisputed fan of black teas. Especially Assam. Pairing the Assam with Yunnan takes the malty edge off, and makes for a more refined and regal cup of tea. Remaining true to English tea heritage, the Assam is present, just tempered a bit in honor of the Queen. It steeps up the color of coffee and lingers long on the tongue post sip. A hint of maltiness at first descends to a mellow, easy Yunnan finish. My only regret is that I bought but one tin in blue. Should have purchased the pink and green as well.
Long live the Queen!

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95 tasting notes

So I was wandering around London and I came across the original Twinings merchant store, from 1706! Inside they have a little bit of a museum and of course a fairly awesome store, and the tea lover in me was in heaven! Even though I don’t usually drink Twinings, I can recognize their importance in tea’s history!
Anyway, in all honesty, I bought this one because it comes in such a pretty tin, and I really like pretty tins…I wasn’t expecting to be a huge fan as I rarely am of blacks that are not super fruity or super chocolatey, but in my loose-leave deprived state I got a lot of enjoyment out of this cup! It is a mild and smooth black with a yummy malty finish. No astringency (which I can’t stand in a black), just good old yummy tea!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

I know Twinings is a popular tea, mainly because it’s accessible. Being on every supermarket shelf, it’s obviously difficult to compete in popularity with less available and more expensive teas. They also market themselves in a nice way so consumers believe the tea is somehow better than average.

I bought this commemorative blend purely on the packaging. I liked the tin. I don’t usually drink tea bags, but these were paper wrapped and being a blend of assam and yunnan, I thought it couldn’t fail to be palatable. I was wrong. It was bitter, almost poisonous. My husband and I tried to drink it, we persevered before throwing the two cups down the sink and starting again with an assam and darjeeling Irish blend from Kusmi instead.

This tea (and Twinings tea in general) is instantly very dark in colour when hot water is added – I assume due to fannings/tea dust.

It was comparable in price to tea from Fortnum & Mason, making me question why I even tried it. I was a fool for being tempted by the nice commemorative tin!

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10 tasting notes

Bought it because I was in a cute British store in my hometown, as the birth of the royal baby was being announced. The packaging is adorable, like seriously, the cutest tea packaging I have in my pantry. I love this as an afternoon tea, as the flavors are pretty strong first thing in the morning.

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102 tasting notes

Enjoyable as either a morning or afternoon tea, I’ll enjoy this while my stock lasts.

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6 tasting notes

Brewed in gaiwan, straight, damn tasty. Someone was kind to share her souvenir from London. I can’t believe its Twinings. Now where can I get it in the Colonies!

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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