Vanilla Jasmine

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Black Tea
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Jasmine, Vanilla
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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76 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am having a big day today… -Yearly performance appraisal meeting at work -My big 13 page paper gets returned at school Eeee! I need a happy tea, a comforting tea, and caffeine!!!! This tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am adding this to my cupboard, because I received a beautiful washi paper tin of this from JacquelineM last week! EEEEE! Tea party is always a little…well, probably not what you expect. For...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown no. 52 of the year 2014. A sample; another of the Golden Moon teas that I couldn’t quite make up my mind about after the initial taste-through of the 31 tea sampler. I notice that Adham...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon is one of those tea companies that I’ve wanted to try tea from for a while now, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. Until today! Thanks to JacquelineM I have a sample of one of...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

Two classic, fragrant teas come together in this exotic Vanilla Jasmine Tea blend. Aromatic and complex, our Vanilla Jasmine loose leaf tea makes a special dessert tea best served with pastries and fruits. This bestseller Vanilla Jasmine Tea is delicious prepared hot or iced.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

76 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

I am having a big day today…

-Yearly performance appraisal meeting at work
-My big 13 page paper gets returned at school

Eeee! I need a happy tea, a comforting tea, and caffeine!!!! This tea fulfills all of my prerequisites!! Jasmine = happy, vanilla = comfort, black/green tea blend = caffeine!

I simply adore this tea. I love the flavor, I love that it’s perfect without any additions now that I lowered the water temperature a notch, and I love that I’ve never found any tea flavored quite like it. Three steeps of happiness, comfort, and energy :) I’m ready to face my big day!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Good luck today – I know you’ll rock!!!! :D


Break a leg!


Good luck!!!


That jasmine tea is magic! :) Good luck!!


Hope everything went well!


Thanks everyone! I got all excellents on my performance appraisal and an A in my paper!! Yay!! and phew – that was nerve wracking to all be in one day!


Yay!!! Congrats!! :)




Hooray!!!!! :D

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3501 tasting notes

I am adding this to my cupboard, because I received a beautiful washi paper tin of this from JacquelineM last week! EEEEE!

Tea party is always a little…well, probably not what you expect. For example, for reasons that are too involved to explain here, we are required to say “Speaking of naked…” at least once during the conversation. Last week, it was discovered that two people in attendance love Taco Bell, so we agreed to have Taco Bell for the beginning of tea party!

What do you serve with Taco Bell? It is really hot, and I thought, "Perfect! I will serve Vanilla Jasmine iced and lightly sweetened, and it will be like having a root beer, but we still will not have caved and served soda! "

My first student’s mom got to enjoy this tea hot with me while she waited for her daughter.

I iced it for tea time and it was so good! My guest really liked it and said it reminded her of root beer. I have also heard it compared to cream soda. Both are pretty close to the taste you get. This tin will be gone very soon now that we know how good it is iced!

For the inquisitive, you may have the explanation. I lent the movie “St. Yves” to my guest a long time ago. She is retired and she and her husband live alone, but out of habit and as a parent I did warn her that there is a scene with brief nudity but nothing too raunchy. Later in the tea time, she interrupted conversation with, “Speaking of naked….” and proceeded to talk about the movie “The Aviator.” My daughters were so startled to hear her say that, they burst out laughing and couldn’t stop. It is rather unexpected from a dear, sweet, great grandmother! She is anything but grandmotherly though, being a real techno geek who likes to drive FAST!

Thank you, Jacqueline! Everyone who comes to tea at my house regularly feels like they know you already!


I love your tea party day stories and dearly wished we were a few hundred miles closer! I would bring gummy, chewy fried rice noodles. Pair something with that!


Challenge….ACCEPTED!! :)


Great story! Thank you for sharing! Speaking of Naked – this tea sounds really yummy!


Awwwwwww! That made my…year! :)


:) yay! Hehe

Jim Marks

We used to have this running joke when I was an undergraduate. Our residential quad had several very long, very straight paths which intersected near the center. So you had a long way to see people approaching you on another path.

It emerged over the years that if you recognized who was coming along, you would time things such that just as you got close enough to them for them to begin to overhear your conversation you would interrupt whatever you’d actually be saying and start in with something like

“…so by the time the police arrived we weren’t technically naked, and thank God the sheep hiding in the bathroom didn’t make any noise until after the left… "

by which point you’d have crossed paths and your conversation would again be out of earshot.

People began to come up with some very interesting lines to use.


LOL! Nice one, Jim! I lived on a very similar quad, but we were not as creative…well, I bet the guys were, but we girls were not! Sigh. Lots of Frisbee playing in that quad…

Jim Marks

I still play frisbee, actually. It is weird to be playing ultimate with kids who are about as old as the number of years I’ve been playing the game.


Same here! I am not terribly good at it, and I don’t play ultimate, but hubby and I started back tossing it to each other when we were at the beach last month, and we are trying to teach the dog to catch it. We have one for us, a little doggie one for him, and for Father’s Day the dog gave him a hippy dippy crocheted cloth one from a store I found in Raleigh. The dog catches that one easily, and though it doesn’t go far, it is fun to throw and we can play in the front yard without worrying about hitting the cars with it. (Can’t play in the backyard! Too many big old trees, which I love more than I love my house!)

Jim Marks

Whole Earth Provision Co. sells those knit ones. They turn over very quickly, it seems, but maybe I could get the Lhasa to chase it…

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 52 of the year 2014. A sample; another of the Golden Moon teas that I couldn’t quite make up my mind about after the initial taste-through of the 31 tea sampler. I notice that Adham rated this very highly so I’m using his time and temp to steep instead of my original. 195 for 3:30.

I am probably very over-caffeinated at this point because I’ve been drinking black tea all morning, so I’m using this as a transition out of blacks (it has both black and green tea in it) for the day, but I wonder whether I’m so wired that something has gone wack-o with my smeller.

Sniffing the packet, my first thought was “lime sherbet?” My second was “bubblegum?” Which made me stop to think whether one of the flavors I taste in the flavor known as bubblegum is vanilla, because it certainly isn’t jasmine. But I think vanilla is part of that flavor? This wasn’t what I described smelling the first time around. The longer I sniff, the more I can differentiate the jasmine and the vanilla, of course. But a lot of other associations come along as well. Grape soda?

After steeping I get much more jasmine in the aroma than vanilla this time, though the associations continue. I mentioned crème soda last time, and I can see that, though I also get an impression of flavored fruit soda smell.

I am getting both vanilla and jasmine in the taste, more jasmine than vanilla like last time. The flavor is…. interesting. I like jasmine and I like vanilla, but together they don’t work together as well for me as they do separately. The aftertaste also leaves me with something of a Pepto Bismal association this time. Between that and the back of the throat grab from this mix that I mentioned the first time and that is happening on the second try as well, this is a pass for me. I’m bumping it down because I enjoyed it rather less than most things I’ve tasted in the past couple of weeks. Which is unfortunate because Golden Moon has so many other teas that I love to pieces.


i should try it sometime :D

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2201 tasting notes

Golden Moon is one of those tea companies that I’ve wanted to try tea from for a while now, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. Until today! Thanks to JacquelineM I have a sample of one of their teas that interests me most. Jasmine is rapidly becoming one of my favorite tea flavors, and I always love a good vanilla, so this tea definitely seems like it will be up my alley. The dry leaves smell variably primarily like vanilla or jasmine each time I stick my nose in them, but the other scent is always there as well.

Brewed, I get a lovely blend of the vanilla and jasmine notes in the aroma, with some slightly vegetal tea notes as well. Neither seems to really reign over the other, instead they each bring out complementary notes in the other. An early sip while still very hot (too hot for me to actually really pick up in my handleless cup), yields a satisfying blend of both flavors: jasmine at the top, a solid tea base providing the bulk, with the creamy, rich vanilla underlying it all. Cooled a bit, the flavor is much the same, although I feel as if the jasmine is fading away somewhat and I’m getting a somewhat weakly flavored vanilla tea. I think I’ll be experimenting with brew times/temps with this one (fortunately I have enough to do so thanks to JacquelineM!), as between all of the tasting notes on here there is quite a variable range. Still, a very nice tea and I’m glad I finally got to try a Golden Moon tea!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I love this one! I got mine from Jacqueline, too!

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176 tasting notes

Instead of buying the whole Golden Moon Sampler for $20, I purchased only those teas that I was interested in and saved $11. This was one of those teas. I love vanilla and I love jasmine, so I’d be telling a lie if I said I wasn’t excited about this one.

The smell is intensely vanilla. It’s an intensely creamy vanilla smell, like vanilla bean ice cream or the vanilla extract I use when baking cakes to decorate. The jasmine is there, but only slightly. It is tantalizing my nostrils.

This is wonderful! For a black tea, it is surprisingly light. I should mention that I’m drinking this after it has cooled down significantly; I was making some iced tea for my mother and forgot that this was waiting for me on the table. I actually don’t taste a whole lot of tea in here – it’s mainly just that extremely creamy vanilla with some jasmine on the tail end. There isn’t a whole lot to say about this. It is a very simple tea. Simple, but high quality and soothing.


Hah! That would probably have been a better plan…but I’m a sucker for sampler sets, what can I say?


I usually buy samples of teas i’m interested in too, I like that I can try more teas and it won’t hurt my pocket quite as much :)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Funny i just bought the sampler set from them yesterday and I am waiting for it. I too am a sucker for sampler sets


$20 for 32 samples is still an excellent value, so don’t be too hard on yourself!


I like the way you think…there are several teas in the sample box that I would not be really interested in…I have yet to place my order, but soon when the cupboard thins out a bit:)


But you might find teas you ordinary wouldn’t have liked! Like I wouldn’t have gotten the chai or the tippy earl grey, but both are pretty decent for the price.

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260 tasting notes

GM Sampler | Tea 1 of 31

Sampler Picture 1 |
Sampler Picture 2 |
Vanilla Jasmine |
L’Entire Set [Which Shall Be Updated Accordingly] |


Or, rather, it beganneth about a long while ago. I’m going to be writing the first leg of this from notes since I was a bad logger. [This makes me think of lumberjacks. Which makes me think of Monty Python. Suspenders and a bra! I should mention that I’m cresting on a bit of a caffeine high at the moment.]

The tea smelled distinctly, unmistakably, of jasmine and vanilla. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how it was going to taste, but I didn’t buy this sampler so I could smell the tea and dump the cup.

So, I drank. And, it would have been more surprising if I hadn’t read the other tasting notes, the jasmine was hiding in the wings on the taste. I mainly got vanilla, which is not how I would have thought this all would have gone down, but it’s not to say it wasn’t pleasant.

The vanilla taste was rich and a bit creamy. It reminded me of these lollipops my family gets sometimes when we’re near a See’s [which used to be a mainly west coast deal but I think has spread across the country with some success] that are vanilla flavored. [For the record, vanilla and butterscotch lollipops = good. Chocolate = meh.] I like those lollipops, so it probably goes without saying that I enjoyed the vanilla aspect of this tea, but I’m going to say it anyway. I liked the vanilla.

The jasmine came gliding out right as the tea was exiting my mouth to whisper its presence, leaving a very light, floral aftertaste to the vanilla. The entire thing was kind of strange, but there was something about the way that the vanilla and the jasmine played off one another that made it work.

A small note: while it was still hot, I didn’t find this tea very good. It stifled the jasmine and drowned out the sweetness in the vanilla, so I’ll gently advise to wait until it tips towards lukewarm.

Overall, I’d call this a win, but I think I’ll wait to see whether I want to order more until I’m done with the sampler.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec

WAHHHH! I love your pictures of the sampler! SO. PRETTY. And yay that you enjoyed this one so far!


I love your photographs!

Tea Savant

Now THAT’S a tasting note. Gosh…I’ve got a lot to improve! Thanks for the time and effort.


*sings * I am a lumberjack and I’m okay….


Well done!


Considering what Michael Palin likes to wear (Lumberjack verse 3) … I can see him drinking something like this :o) Thanks, all: I’m going to be singing that to myself ALL DAY LONG!


@teaplz Hahaha, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do with the rest of y’all. I’m about 5 deep.

@JacquelineM @TeaEqualsBliss Thanks so much!

@Tea Savant HAHAHA not at all, I’m just verbose. But thank you! [You should take a gander at some of the things that angrboda and teaplz have written – they’ve beat me on thoroughness quite a few times.]

@Jillian I sleep all night and I work all day!

@Heyes Thank you!

@gmathis HAHAHA, too true!

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158 tasting notes

I was feeling sort of like spoiling myself a minute ago. I’d wanted to save this to pair with some sort of dessert, but then I started putting my gym clothes on and thinking ‘I really do not want to run today’, and decided once my shoes were on that I was going to banish this morning’s overdose of Earl Grey with a cup of something indulgent. I’m a wee bit concerned that the cup is going to be too strong…it seemed like a greater quantity of leaf than the rest of the single-serving 2-cup sample packets have had in them. I assumed this was a result of the jasmine or something, so I went ahead and brewed it anyway, but now I’m not so sure.

It definitely smells like…cream soda. Cream soda with something else in there, and I’m not quite able to think of what the ‘something else’ is. …grape? That seems a little odd. Maybe that’s just something the jasmine is doing in my nose.

I have no trouble whatsoever getting jasmine out of this aroma. The vanilla is easy to find, but the pair of flavors are both so balanced that pulling them apart is something I’m finding difficult to do. I feel as though the jasmine wins, though. If this were a jasmine-vanilla cage match, it would go five rounds, probably involve a lot of grappling, and jasmine would win by virtue of just being on top the longest.

No, maybe we have to scratch that. Jasmine wins in the nose, vanilla wins on the tongue, coasting in for a surprise finish that I think must be aided along by the black tea, which shows up through the floral jasmine unexpectedly. There’s a nice sweetness on the finish.

As it cools, the jasmine is making an effort to reclaim the title. I suspect if I let it cool even further there would be more upsets in store, but as with most long bouts involving lots of grappling, I feel compelled to chalk it up on the board as an even match and change the channel.

As with most sweet teas, I’d be curious enough to try it iced. I could definitely drink this more often than I think I want to drink plain jasmine tea; the vanilla brings a fuzzy warmth that the jasmine — which I find can be a bit cloying, at times — benefits from.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m excited about this one. I love jasmine, but have never had it mixed w/ another flavor before.

Harney & Sons The Store

Jasmine tastes really good with Peach. I once steeped a jasmine concentrate to make simple syrup, and used it to make a Peach, Banana, Jasmine sorbet.. to die for!


That sounds divine. The only thing I ever make simple syrup for anymore is mojitos.

Jasmine-peach mojitos…hmmm… >.>

Robert Godden

Try making it really strong – lots of tea and a normal length steep – then freeze in a flat silcone baking tray. Break up the shards and insert in good, real vanilla icecream. I’ve done this with similar teas. mmmm


…man. I am going to be spending a lot of time in my kitchen very soon, I can already tell. These ideas are all so good. Maybe I can freeze it in my special, incredibly geeky silicone trays for extra cool points:


Robert, the granita sounds amazing- but I’m not sure about mixing it w/ ice cream. I like both- but not together.


@ sophistre – SWEET! I have the ice luge, ice shot glasses and the Ex Voodoo Knife block in black. I’ve bought way too many items from Perpetual Kid. LOL! It’s such a cool site.


Ice cube shapes shouldn’t make me as happy as they do, I know. But they DO. Little cranberry-juice space invader aliens and jolly roger skulls and crossbones floating in lemonade ftw.

Robert Godden

I should have mentioned adding a little sugar
Here’s another one – make the tea, remove the leaves, place in twio saucepans, add tiny slices of rhubarb to one pan and thinly sliced, chopped pear to the other. Cook for a few minutes. Mix some gelatine with cold water and add to each, then decant into shot glasses. When the jelly has set, add a whirl of whipped cream with real vanilla to the rhubarb ones, and whipped cream with real cocoa to the pear one. Then, amaze your guests with a tray of dessert!


I’m so glad someone else thought “cream soda” – that was exactly my thought!

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4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: I had this a while ago, and last time the green tea in the Steepster description tricked me, but this time, I guess my palate has changed enough to know that this is a black tea. I checked Golden Moon’s site just to be sure. Last time, I let the water cool way too long and there was hardly any vanilla, jasmine or black tea flavor. This time must have been perfect (I waited for the water to cool about 10 minutes) because there was definite vanilla sweetness and a hint of jasmine that seemed to hit the roof of my mouth. The black tea is tasty! It must have been very week last time steeped at green tea temps. I will up the rating now and also change the steepster description. I have enough for one more cup after this…

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6768 tasting notes

My first cuppa the day! YAY!
Tea makes (or breaks) ones day…I truly believe that! LOL


I totally agree!



Tea Savant

Hopefully it always makes one’s day. It takes a poor tea to ruin one (but it is possible I’ll grant you!)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Agreed to the third power. A cup can nearly always make me feel better if I relax and focus on drinking it. But not getting a cup in the morning can leave me cranky.

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911 tasting notes

Today has been a pretty rough day but thanks to takgoti and teaplz I’ve finally gotten in a good enough mood to feel up to making comfort tea. At least I hope this will be comfort tea. Here’s hoping.

Larger sample size for this one – looks like I’ll be able to try this one twice! The leaf smells pretty cool but rather different than what I was expecting because I get a distinct cream soda smell from it I was expecting the jasmine to be the strongest flavor but it looks like the vanilla wins.

The tea looks pretty light – kind of a dark cider color… maybe I should have done a little longer? But I’m impatient. So I didn’t. Smells nice though. Not getting cream soda anymore (which is a bit sad but ultimately okay because I’m not sure if I’m ready to drink cream soda tea), but there seems to be some chocolate smell in there tucked under the vanilla. Or maybe a cocoa scent is more accurate. It does smell good. Vanilla (homemade-ice-cream vanilla, not high-and-sweet-vanilla-cake-from-a-box vanilla) with that cocoa note peaking out and then a soft floral of the jasmine on the tail end. It makes me want to eat s’mores. I’m nervous now because I’m afraid the taste will be a let down. This just smells SO good. I can’t see how the taste won’t be a let down.

Okay, it’s not a let down but it is definitely tastes different than it smells. Smell-wise I get sweet and sweet and a little rich and sweet. The taste is a little darker. The tea is more evident. And the aftertaste is back to a bit of sweet vanilla cream soda (but not as strong as was in the smell of the dry leaf). But sipping this is a pretty awesome experience. The taste changes and expands as it hits my tongue. At first, it is a darker, almost graham cracker taste (sorry – the s’mores association is stuck in my head), or maybe even caramel. But then the second I swallow, the taste lightens and expands – first with the vanilla and then with the jasmine. I still can find some similarity to cream soda, but it’s pretty neat and not overwhelming (and this is from someone that doesn’t like cream soda).

I’m a bit curious as to how this would be with sugar, so for the last half of my cup, I’m going to sprinkle a little in. And apparently I’m going to put a little in my keyboard too. Oops. The sugar shortens the taste expansion a bit and makes the similarity to cream soda more evident. The dark taste at the front is muted and I almost instantly taste the vanilla. And that vanilla taste seems to continue a bit more to cover up the jasmine. The sugar also adds a slight aftertaste that makes me think eventually I will need either gum or water to cleanse, but prior to the sugar addition, the tea left me with a pleasantly clean and light jasmine aftertaste. Ultimately, I prefer this without sugar but neither way is bad.

This reminds me a lot of two of my favorite flavored teas, SerendipiTEA’s City Harvest Black and Colonille. I’d rank this as number three in that group, which is pretty good company to be in. It’s distinctive enough that I don’t feel like I might as well drink one of those other teas but similar enough in the nicely flavored vanilla and chocolaty tones that I do group them together.

So yeah, different than what I was expecting from the smell but honestly? The difference is good. Sure, it’s not quite like eating s’mores but the depth of flavor this tea has is really nifty. Less like candy and more like comfort tea. An easy 4/5 stars for me.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

Whoo! Yay! Score another one for GM. I can’t wait to try this one, as it sounds absolutely delicious! I’m glad that the vanilla and the jasmine get equal playing time. I just had an AMAZING cup of the Almond Cookie you sent me, so review is coming ASAP!


Oooh, try this one soon! I want to know your thoughts on it! And yay almond cookie!


I’d like to try this one at some point!


Huh. That sounds good. I don’t think I’ve seen someone try to do jasmine and vanilla together but I can see that working really well.

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