Geek Steep S1E19 – Frankenstein (Novel)
The penultimate episode of season one!
This is the first proper “book” we did for the season, and boy oh boy am I glad we put it at the end of the season because this was the biggest time commitment that any of our Geeks took this season. If we do another full novel for season two, you can best bet it’s gonna be one novel and it’s gonna be near the end of the season again.
This was Marika’s choice of episode, but I’m glad she picked it because Frankstenstein has been on my reading list for years. Spoilers for the episode, but I loved it A LOT and I had a ton of fun with my tea pairings while reading. This, however, was the tea I drank while recording and I really liked it too! My favourite thing in the novel with the extensive use of weather both as a symbolic representation of the character’s emotions/mental state but also as this beautifully crafted way of setting ambiance and highlighting the significance of plot events. Like, I could wax poetic about the use of weather in Frankenstein for paragraphs.
So, I chose this as a way of honoring that element of the novel that I loved so much. I also debated DT’s “Electric Lemonade” for other symbology related reasons but this was just more perfect…
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Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.