Mother's Little Helper (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Cornflower Petals, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rose Hips, Valerian Root
Chamomile, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Floral, Lemon, Mint, Apple, Dry Grass, Fruity, Herbaceous, Hibiscus, Honey, Menthol, Musty, Sweet, Tart, Earth, Flowers, Herbs, Medicinal, Tea, Lemon Zest, Tangy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by B
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 20 oz / 585 ml

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210 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I needed this tea tonight and was feeling super lazy, so I put it in a teabag and made it (my metal steeper still has sichuan caravan to drink tomo in it). The flavor is still pretty good, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, so I’m probably just the biggest whiner ever but I cannot handle not getting enough sleep. That’s the surefire best way to grump me up, and I gotta say that at 5:20 AM, with only 1 hour of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sooo for some reason I don’t have a rating on this tea when I know I have reviewed it a few times. Welp! Here’s my rating! haha I used 1 tsp instead of my usual 2 tsps. It tastes soo much better...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (158) Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this with me. This tastes like a typical herbal tea, minty and nice but not something I ever crave. For that reason, it won’t be a restock but it is...” Read full tasting note


The great escape

Need a little relaxation? Try running for the shelter of this mother’s little helper. It’s got organic valerian (aka “nature’s Valium”) to take the edge off your 24/7 reality. Plus there’s chamomile, peppermint and lemongrass for an added dose of tranquility. And pretty blue cornflowers just to make you happy. One sip and you’ll feel like you’ve spent the day at a spa. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: peppermint, lemongrass, rosehips, Fair Trade Certified hibiscus, chamomile flowers, valerian root, cornflowers. With natural peppermint flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

210 Tasting Notes

3 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this a lot at bed time. It has valerian in it, which is great for putting one to sleep. Straight valerian smells very….pungent, but MLH somehow manages to avoid the smell. Maybe it’s because valerian is fairly low down on the list of ingredients? As others have said, it’s a very pretty tea – there’s lots of colours and flowers.

I have a 100g tin at home and a smaller bag at the office in case I need to destress, and I’ll definitely repurchase when I use it up. The taste isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s perfectly acceptable, and I drink it for the effects rather than the taste.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I love Valerian! It’s on my list of favorite herbs. I don’t tend to keep the herb around, as the aroma takes over the place, but I do keep the tincture around & often add it to my evening blends.

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165 tasting notes

If I was a mother, I would definitely stock up on this tea; but even now as a student, I plan to do so! I had this one iced and it was one of the most refreshing teas from David’s Tea I’ve had to date. It has a really strong smell which the mint dominates and the mint definitely comes through in the taste as well. The mint is cooling and I found that really nice when iced. I have yet to try warm but definitely look forward to doing so soon. I’ve had a really busy month and finally with the worst of it behind me, I just felt like I needed a “Me day”. This tea was on the menu today and halfway through the cup I caught myself beginning to yawn and get drowsy…I don’t know how much valerian was in this but it definitely worked for me! I love that this tea is caffeine free and will definetely reach for this next time I have trouble sleeping or just want to relax! When I finish the 20g I picked up I will absolutely pick up a tin of this!

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14 tasting notes

This one is my best friend!

I really have a lot of trouble sleeping and this one helps me a LOT!

Just don’t steep it too long, you’ll get too much of the taste of the valerian, which is not nice.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Valerian is super smelly.

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125 tasting notes

I finally gave in and bought 25 grams of this tea to try. Decided to make a cup shortly after, and WOW is this ever the perfect evening/before bed tea. The smell is amazing, but I have been missing mint in my regular tea routine for some time now so I am bias.

This tastes like a traditional herbal tea, but better. It’s minty and sweet, and really does calm you down. I didn’t add any sweetener to it and it still tasted amazing. Others are right, you cannot resteep this one, but that is true of most of David’s herbal blends.

I had 3 cups last night and have a feeling this will become part of my evening routine this winter. If you are looking for something soothing to have before bed this tea does the trick.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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237 tasting notes

I’m a big fan of wellness teas, but there aren’t many delightful tasting ones.

I was told at the store that it would not be good to drink this during the day because it would put me to sleep.Being a fan of and having used Valerian root in the past I was looking forward to a improved wellness tea with some drama that works.

Feeling tired but not tired enough I finally decided to try this,though I have many other sleepy time teas that work perfectly well in my cupboard..I just needed to know there was a tastier alternative.

I also do not care for peppermint teas so this was another taste test.

After having steeped it’s a gorgeous red color.

Oh my goodness what a revelation.I actually like the mint taste and the tea is delicately sweet with a really nice warming aftertaste and the lemon flavor is perfectly light and tart.Tastes like a light refreshing and relaxed fruit tea with a kick of mint and lemon.

I do not believe in wasting tea even the bagged kind so I will finish all my sleepy time stock or gift it and just get this from DAVIDsTEA from now on for those nights when I need a lot of help to get to sleep.

7 min, 0 sec

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7 tasting notes

I worked the midnight-8am shift all summer, sooo when the sun was coming up, I was needing to go to bed. This tea did exactly what it promises… it calms, relaxes, and makes it easy to fall asleep quickly. For me, the flavour is not the greatest, mostly because it is a little minty, but at the same time bland, but the benefits certainly outweigh this!

Maxime-Daniel Friðrikson

Hum! This may be a good thing to broke insomnia during weird times!


it is! …. but i found that the more i drank it to sleep, the less effective it was, so i stopped drinking it for awhile, but now i’m good with it again!

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38 tasting notes

my all time favourite go to bed Tea….it seems to balance myself everytime i drink this…i always wake up stable….not in a dread or too perky…just awwwwhhhh, alright… :) . i totally recommend this to anyone to try, the peppermint is a nice touch as well. overall very nice.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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13 tasting notes

I put this in my brand new travel mug (thanks to the girlfriend) this morning. Unfortunately the walk to work was too long of a time for the tea to steep so it was a little oversteeped.

It was still good, quite relaxing, I don’t know if it is the hot tea warming me up or it is the actual tea but I find it very relaxing.

If you do not like floral teas then this is not a tea for you, if you do then it is a must try! One of my favorites.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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27 tasting notes

Not a bad tea, but all I really taste is the mint. There’s subtle valerian and camomile, which is actually nice, because valerian especially can be quite overwhelming. I like the flavour and the aroma of this tea, but I don’t find that it relaxes me at all. I’ve tried numerous “sleepy teas” and this is probably one of the least effective. I’ll finish my tin but I wouldn’t buy it again. I always brew this one for 10-15 minutes because you need more time with some of these herbs. Really, I don’t mind the flavour, but it’s not like minty teas are hard to come by.

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I love it at night. Maybe not the best tasting but definitely relaxing. It does helps me sleep at night. It has found a permanent place in my collection.


That’s awesome Gabriela. And with the relaxation/sleep teas, I think it just depends on the person. It’s great that it works for you, it just didn’t do much for me. Of the dozen or so relaxation teas I’ve tried, this is defniitely one of the tastiest. Just not the most effective.

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49 tasting notes

I bought the “relax” tea sample pack from David’s tea the other day and so far I’ve only tried 2/3 of the tea but HOLY CRAP! I love this tea.

Its funny cause I don’t like peppermint in tea. It’s always tasted like “toothpaste water” to me. But I had a craving for peppermint today and I remembered that this tea had peppermint in it so I gave it ago and SWOON fell in love.

Even the smell of this tea is relaxing. I’ve almost finished my cup and my eyelids are getting heavy.

For those of you wondering about the flavour of this tea, I mostly just get peppermint from it. There must be something about the flavour that is balancing well with the peppermint, as I don’t really like plain peppermint tea, and I am thinking that it is the chamomile, but very subtly so. If you’re hoping for some other kind of strong flavour in this tea, like lemongrass, don’t go for this cup.

Update: Had another cup of this tea last night and this time picked up a lot of hibiscus in the flavour. Not sure if there was just more hibiscus in that scoop or if I steeped it a lot longer. I preferred it better the first time, as I’m not a big fan of hibiscus, but it was still pretty good, and still knocked me off my feet.

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