Dream On (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Chamomile, Licorice, Sweet, Citrus, Effervescent, Elderflower, Floral, Hay, Honey, Lemon, Oats, Orange, Smooth, Tart, Citrus Zest, Fennel, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Rosehips, Flowers, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 421 ml

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Getting enough sleep is the key to everything. You’ll have more energy. You’ll have more patience. Your jokes will be funnier. Everyone will love you. Which is where Sweet Dreams comes in. A delicious blend of sleep-inducing chamomile, lemongrass, hibiscus, licorice, lemon, orange and rose petals, it has everything you need to drift off into dreamland – and stay there all night long.

Ingredients: Chamomile flowers,Read more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

68 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Last cup for the night, back home after a good weekend, and have my kitty back :) so off to bed, because a busy Monday is ahead tomorrow, lots to do at work from last week, so it will be a crazy morning. Hopefully this gives me sweet dreams tonight, it’s definitely not my favorite chamomile herbal, but I liked the name tonight haha. See previous notes on this tea!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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516 tasting notes

Dear Steepster friends who say they are freezing:
It is currently -49 C with the windchill in Regina, SK. Trade you spots? (Except you, Faith :D )
Sweet dreams!

Thank goodness for hot tea!

Show 10 previous comments...
TeaBrat 13 years ago


Cattibrie 13 years ago

OMG. I would never leave the house and would drink tons of tea. Stay warm.

Cheryl 13 years ago

This proves my point (to myself) to not complain (because it could always be worse)…lol, stay warm!

Lindsay 13 years ago

I hear ya. I don’t miss Edmonton for those lovely -50 degree windchills. Its like -10 in Vancouver atm and I am so cold I don’t know how I lived in the prairies for so long.

Plunkybug 13 years ago

Oh my…we’re having fun with our 5-10 cm of snow in Victoria, and it is supposed to get to -3C tomorrow, though it is -1C at the moment. It was -4C the other night. Though our newspaper website says it is -4C right now. So I dunno, but not tradesies! :P

Uniquity 13 years ago

Oh my God. It was minus 26 here the other day (with windchill) and I wanted to cry. I may be Canadian, but I do NOT like to see it that cold out!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

It gets to -30c every once in awhile in Toronto but I just hide in a cup of tea and never go outside. and atleast our pipes don’t get frozen those days.
We’re having an especially mild winter this year on our side. Makes me worried about global warming

Faith 13 years ago

Haha, you got that right! Makes me wonder why we don’t hibernate here… we really should.

Uniquity 13 years ago

Our winter has flip-flopped. monday was -26 (and a pipe did freezer and burst at my work, which meants we got to be evacuated and stand in the cold for an hour ebfore being sent home) but today it is +9. Wild changes in temperature, very unusual.

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

I’ve experienced -45 F in Alaska without any wind chill (there was almost no wind
where I lived). But -49 C wind chill takes the cake (I think degrees F and degrees C meet at -40)! I personally enjoy the cold, but I don’t like the wind (‘cause you can’t really keep the wind form getting into all of those cracks and crevices no matter how you dress). I like it to be at least cold enough so it can snow (which doesn’t happen as often as I like where I currently live). The cold is just another good reason to drink hot tea! So here’s to staying warm with tea!

ashmanra 13 years ago

I won’t trade spots but if you want to come thaw, stop by! We were 62 degrees yesterday, but a cold front came in (ha ha) and it is only 52 today. We have lots of tea to warm you up!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Hooray! Sounds good – hey, we’re living! You know what, it’s been a fairly mild winter so far and I’m very grateful for that :) Also, many many layers. Although I wish SK had snow days, it’s my last winter here so I will count my blessings!

And yes Faith, hibernation should be mandatory :D

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94 tasting notes

Finally having day 8 from my advent calendar. I can’t believe that I opened the wrong day when I knew about the gold tree covering the 1 of the 18. ARGH.

Oh well. This is a great tea for tonight because I am having problems falling asleep tonight. My little guy turns 3 tomorrow (today actually since it is after midnight) and we just finished putting all the balloons on his floor and the streamers on his door and I am just so excited for him to get up and see it. I hope he thinks it is cute and starts his day off right. Birthday’s should be exciting and he gets gyped with it being so close to Christmas. Still can’t believe he is 3.

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Indigobloom 13 years ago

aw, happy birthday to the cutie!! xx

Faith 13 years ago

My baby girl will be 1 on Christmas Eve, she’s going to hate us when she’s older…

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Aww… That sounds amazing! I agree that birthdays should be exciting. He must have been super happy! : )

Cattibrie 13 years ago

He was so excited. Loved the balloons but didn’t quite get the concept of breaking through the streamers to get out of his room. We talked him through it and he told everyone he saw today what his elf did. So cute.
Faith my wee man was due on Christmas Day so I was so excited to have him a week early. But there were 6 kids born on Christmas Day that year. Just make sure she has a special day and if not move it like many others have done. Happy 1st Birthday to your little girl.

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1184 tasting notes

Bam woke up this morning with a full blown cold. What the heck???? I still have some taste buds left, so that’s good. I received this as a gift and though it would feel goo on my sore throat. I was right, that licorice really does soothe the throat. And then I had a nap and seemed to help me get to sleep so that’s a plus. The taste is ok. I was mostly drinking this to make me feel better and that is what I am basing this rating on….it did it’s job.

Side note: I am fairly certain I have reviewed this before but my notes seem to have disappeared. Oh well

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292 tasting notes

This is my very first experience with chamomile. I have been so busy lately, tonight I am so looking forward to a good, long sleep. So I wanted a nice, relaxing tea before bed.

Courtney sent me a sample of this one, quite a while ago. It smells atrocious to me, like wet fields or something. Steeped, it’s much less fragrant, and actually quite palatable. I am definitely not going to steep these leaves again, even though I know the second steep would probably be the one I would prefer… but there is another cup left in the bag, and I will probably have no trouble drinking it.

I am feeling quite relaxed, so I guess it did the trick.

4 min, 0 sec

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Chamomile takes the lead with lemon notes playing in the background.

Liquor: Yellow-pink with aromas of chamomile and lemon.

Flavour: Chamomile, lemon and fennel combine to make this complex blend round and satisfying. The cup is naturally sweet due to the licorice and has a nice citrus finish.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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87 tasting notes

so this is day 7 of my new teas and first of the day …. trying this tea as a sample from Davids tea but it has everything people sugested to help with my anxiety.. Right now im just laying in bed counting the moments for my husband to come home…
This tea is actually really good and i can taste the orange and lemon and even though im drinking a sleepy tea at 4 pm i think its helping calm me … its very nice and i think buying a bag of this would be worth it ..

KeenTeaThyme 12 years ago

This is one I’ve wanted to try as well. Sounds tasty!

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129 tasting notes

Last cup for the night.
Taste the chamomile, licorice, and fennel…
The hibiscus is faint, as it should be for a nighty-nite cup…
lemon & rose petals are at the end of the sip for me.
This is a very nice chamomile blend.

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863 tasting notes

Well since my other DAVID’S sample went less than ideally, I figured I’d just dump it and give this one a shot in the hopes it will get me to bed sooner.

The power is flickering here because it is so windy outside, so I’m glad I’ve got something i hot to drink.

I haven’t really had chamomile that much, but my grandmother loves it. In fact I think the only time I’ve ever had it I was at her house. She is very fussy about how she likes her tea prepped – she uses a HotShot to brew up the water, then steeps the bag (always Celestial Seasonings, from what I remember) for the length of the cup, and adds an ice cube to get it to cool down because she’s too impatient to wait those few minutes and let it cool down on it’s own. It’s funny what memories get triggered, sometimes.

Anyway, chamomile has an immediately recognizable smell, but at the same time, it’s not one that is particularly memorable to me, either. I couldn’t tell you what it smelled like without it being directly under my nose, in any event. Just – floral. And like it would be good with honey. But in this case I have an extra tang of hibiscus pinking up the liquor and adding an interesting complexity to the scent.

I’m surprised, but I really really like this! I think it’s the hibiscus that’s doing it, too. There’s just enough to be noticeable, but not enough that I’m tasting that overly drying, metallic note. I think I taste the lemon/citrus addition as well, but thankfully no licorice – that really isn’t my thing.

Now if this sucker manages to get me sleepy on top of tasting good, I’m pretty sure an order will be in my future. Yay for pleasant surprises!

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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218 tasting notes

This was a sample tin from the advent calendar last year. I have a little left, should probably finish it! It was tasty, and did what was on the box, but to be honest, and bit unremarkable. I have some organic straight chamomile, and I think I prefer it straight. A nice blend though.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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