Grapefruit Dragon

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Grapefruit, Smooth, Sweet, Broth, Peppercorn, Tangy
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 377 ml

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83 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sooooo good! Had this today as well as it had been a long time since i’d had a chance to sit down and enjoy MY grapefruit tea. I’m so impressed with how much this tastes like grapefruit. It was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Buttery Dragonwell and citric grapefruit together!? I must be dreaming because this is too good. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for existing! This is my new favourite tea. The beautiful dry leave...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown of this one too. Wow. This is an old sample from CrowKettle, so I know the tea isn’t at it’s prime. Still, it’s so interesting. With the grapefruit flavour and age, it’s almost savoury. In...” Read full tasting note
  • “Uggg tired! I did lots of canning today! Yesterday was 30lbs of tomatoes – diced tomatoes, pizza sauce (with roasted tomato) and a couple jars of salsa. Today was watermelon jelly and chunk...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Grapefruit Dragon has an Organic Dragon Well base that originates from Anhui, China. At the beginning of the sip, the grapefruit is almost immediately noticed then the mellow sweet marine notes of the green tea appear. Towards the end of the sip, more intense natural grapefruit notes produce a slight tartness that tingles the tongue. The grapefruit flavor most resembles pink grapefruit or perhaps a gentle white grapefruit. With a little brown crystal sugar the grapefruit flavor is much sweeter and juicier with only minimal tartness and somewhat resembles a Grapefruit Brulee but sweeter.

Ingredients: Organic Dragon Well, Safflower, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F degrees

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83 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

Sooooo good! Had this today as well as it had been a long time since i’d had a chance to sit down and enjoy MY grapefruit tea. I’m so impressed with how much this tastes like grapefruit. It was totally worth the wait to finally get this one from Stacy. I’m not sure she’ll ever really want to tell me about upcoming teas though with all the poking i did in anticipation (is it done now? how about now? now? when will i have it? naaaaaaaaooooooo!) :) I highly reccommend this to anyone in search of a grapefruit tea. So good!

Butiki Teas

The poking is good sometimes. This really wasn’t a priority for me until I got the extra nudge but I think it turned out pretty fantastic.


haha. I like to think the strawberry rhubarb will rival the fantastiness of this one. at least in my head it will. :)

Butiki Teas

So far so good. I love it with the bunny grahams and tomorrow I should be able to taste the other blends that I’ve made.


WOOT! now i just need to find a way to simultaneously drink all of my stash down, while still taking the time to enjoy it and have all your tea arrive at your place so that i can place a mundo huge order to re-stock all my favs from butiki teas lol

Butiki Teas

Now that sounds like a challenge!


this sounds so good… though I can’t picture grapefruit!


IB…you haven’t tried this yet?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!!


nope not yet!


jesus woman! remind me when we get together. If you like grapefruit it’s delicious!


I didn’t know you had any left! sweeet :D


it’s in my cupboard :P MINE is up to date haha


mine is… 92%! lol

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1445 tasting notes

Buttery Dragonwell and citric grapefruit together!? I must be dreaming because this is too good. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for existing! This is my new favourite tea.

The beautiful dry leave scales have a very potent sour grapefruit smell and they initially both excited and worried me. After steeping, the scent becomes less tart and more like a sweet white grapefruit. The flavour is exactly that, with a smooth and delicate and restrained vegetal base. It’d like I’m consuming the most divine grapefruit to ever step foot inside a cup. Yes, I’m aware that grapefruits don’t have feet that we know of… Second steep was equally amazing.

Third steep sees a toning down of the sweet grapefruit and a greater focus on that buttery vegetal Dragonwell that I enjoy most of all. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a tea so dearly. I’m extremely pleased with myself for randomly choosing to go with 1oz of this.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec

Really good! Hope it stays around long enough for me to buy some!!! End of month!


Is there going to be a sale or a discontinuation of Butiki teas anytime soon? I’m in the paranoid, clingy “quick to jump to conclusions” stage of my relationship with this tea.


Bonnie….I can’t see this one going away anytime soon. Stacy would have a revolt. If you’d like, I’d be happy to send you some

Butiki Teas

Bonnie & CrowKettle-This one is around to stay. We have a few teas that will be leaving but they are not very popular. I believe the only flavored teas leaving us will be the Exotic Pear (in favor of a caramel pear), peach oolong (in favor of a peach beer tea & possibly a peaches and cream tea), and possibly the mint oolong.


oooh peaches and cream….caramel pear!

Butiki Teas

Sil-Coming soon-ish.


haha i won’t harass you this time stacy…. i’ve already got like 10+ teas to order from you SOOON :)

Butiki Teas



Thanks for letting me know! I’ll keep my eye out for those new pear and peach additions. They sounds amazing. :)


Oh no! My mom really likes that mint oolong!


Kittenna – ill be placing an order with Stacy at some point so let me know if I need to stock up for your mom haha

Butiki Teas

CrowKettle-No problem! Thanks :)

Kittenna-The mint oolong is not definite and if it is removed it won’t be for a while.

Also, the Vanilla Cream Honeybush will be taken down this week.

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2291 tasting notes

Sipdown of this one too. Wow.

This is an old sample from CrowKettle, so I know the tea isn’t at it’s prime. Still, it’s so interesting. With the grapefruit flavour and age, it’s almost savoury. In With Open Eyes, the same base tea is sweet and buttery.

I like it both ways, although green teas are not my favourite, especially when savoury. The dragonwell that Butiki stocks is just really nice.

I think I’ll add the tiniest bit of salt to this, and savour it that way. :)

OMG, tea people. This is so freaking cool with salt. Just a tiny bit. Try it.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec
Butiki Teas

Hmmm, salt. Very interesting idea. Glad you like the dragon well base! I tasted a lot of dragon wells before I settled on that one. :)


Sometimes I like a little salt on my grapefruit instead of sugar, so I thought I’d try. I think it’d be even better if it were a fresh blend, but I’ve had this since March and I know CrowKettle had it even longer. :)

Butiki Teas

Huh, I’ve never tried salt. I will have to try that with the next grapefruit. Oh boy, that is a long time for a sample. That sample has our old Dragon Well. We switched this year. Dragon Wells I tend to switch farms every year.


Haha. I know. She gave me 3 servings well-sealed in your foil bag, but it is old. I like your new dragon well too. I think it’s butterier, but that might be the age of this one talking. :) My problem is I don’t reach for green teas. I should have had this all drunk up way earlier this year.


I have some too…I’ll try it.

Butiki Teas

I’m the same way. These days I’m rarely in a green tea mood. I mostly go for black teas. I used to be all about green teas but I tend to cycle and I’m stuck in a black tea cycle.


I’m trying to drink one black, one green and one herbal every evening I’m home. Tonight I’ll manage an extra!


Now on my list to drink tomorrow.


Ooh, and you have the new one MissB. I hope it’s awesome. (Seriously, a tiny tiny bit of salt. Taste. Add more if needed. I’ve accidentally over-salted teas before.)


That doesn’t actually surprise me, salt with citrus drinks, it can go really well. At one of the restaurants I used to go to in Jaipur they used to offer the option of having Lemonade made with salt. On really hot pre-monsoon days it was preferable to sugar.


That sounds so good! One of my friends in high school was from the Philippines, and would bring a lemon with salt for lunch. :) It’s where I got the idea. If you get a really juicy ripe lemon it’s good, but the lemons we usually get here are SO sour.


Yes, that batch of Grapefruit Dragon was from last November! Love the salt idea; I’ll have to order more and give that a try.


Oops. Year old dragonwell.


I’ll save you some of my new stuff so you can compare!


Woohoo! Thanks MissB. :) Just 1 tsp will do. I have so much tea, and more coming soon!


I had some from her as well, and I was quite surprised that I did actually like it. The base is what made it.

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1271 tasting notes

Uggg tired! I did lots of canning today!

Yesterday was 30lbs of tomatoes – diced tomatoes, pizza sauce (with roasted tomato) and a couple jars of salsa.

Today was watermelon jelly and chunk pineapple. Both were a little stressful as we ended up with more product than what the recipe said! But oh man, that watermelon jelly tasted fantastic before I processed it – like magic!

Anyways, I was working on this tea while I was working at cleaning, chopping fruit and making syrup. I went with 175 for 3 minutes and the tea came out a little sweeter and mellower than I remember! Great perky flavored tea to have while working.

I really wanna make tea jelly sometime, but need more jars and some time to experiment.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Wow! Canning is such a lost art. Growing up, had to help Mom, but never got much more advanced than dill pickles.


I have never made pickles, and there is a specific recipe called lime strips that is AMAZING with egg salad. I need to learn to make those pickles. It was my mother’s recipe and she never made them – just had the recipe. A friend makes them and used to bring a bunch when she came to visit but she doesn’t travel much anymore. I have only canned peach preserves, pear preserves, grape hull preserves, and grape jelly.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I got this tea from them a few days ago! I can’t wait to try it! :D

Terri HarpLady

I applaud your hard work! I haven’t done much canning, although I’m thinking I should can some of my San Marzano tomatoes this year. I roast & freeze bags of them. I do a lot of cultured veggies too, right now I have dilly beans, dill pickles, & little onions each incubating in their own jars on the counter. I’ll probably pick enough cukes to start another jar of pickles this week.


Wow! good for you! :)


Woohoo canning! My tomato harvest has been weak this year. I think we have a soil fungus :( I love to can tomatoes though, and pickle stuff and make jam! <3

Terri- my husband has been lacto fermenting various veggies lately and I LOVE it. Is that what you do too?

Oolong Owl

Here’s a picture of what I canned this weekend:

I wanna do a tea jelly, but I’m out of jelly jars right now.

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1792 tasting notes

I’ve been feeling like green tea lately since flavoured blacks (and maybe with milk) don’t appeal to me right now. Probably due to the chocolate I’ve been rewarding myself with over the past few days.

So I thought I’d give this another try and it’s still a little sour. I don’t get the buttery nuance that peeps keep talking about, but it does taste vegetal, and the grapefruit is too delicate to compete with the base, I find. Maybe I just suck.

But FWIW, I’m sure Dragon Wells aren’t my thing at all. Although With Open Eyes is awesome.


Can’t have the water too hot. I always forget.


I know, I always keep an eye on that. Oh well.

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470 tasting notes

As you may know, I am on the quest for the perfect grapefruit tea. There are a lot that I love, but many of them have other flavors added that while they do go well with grapefruit (like Zen’s Orange Grapefruit) prevents them from being the one. You know, the one tea I’ll give my heart to and we’ll run away and live happily ever after in a castle by the sea in France. Uhh I really like grapefruit. And I also love Butiki, so I have been eagerly awaiting this tea for months, as soon as Stacy announced she was working on it! Of course tragedy struck and I shipped my order to the wrong place so I was supposed to get it LAST Tuesday but had to wait until yesterday when I could take a trip up to my parent’s house. Stupid paypal, why do you default to my billing address! Depriving me of tea!

In any case, I was ridiculously excited to open this one up and made everyone around me smell it including… one of my cats. My little girl (well, she’s my mom’s cat, but we handraised a group of kittens from 10 days old so I consider the three of them “mine” haha) LOVES tea leaves and was very fond of this blend. She’s always trying to eat them but I think the citrus prevented her this time, though she did take a big whiff. The smell is delicious, like fresh grapefruit. It’s not as strong as I assumed it would be, very subtle and nice.

I cold brewed this one because, come on, I can’t drink grapefruit warm! It’s like… a travesty against all that is natural. Grapefruit must be ice-cold with just a teeny teeny splash of sugar. I can’t drink sweetened grapefruit juice to be honest, it has to be the regular stuff (which no one else in my family will drink haha), BUT I did put a pinch of sugar in as this was brewing, just to bring out all the flavors.

Oooh man, this is grapefruity heaven. Sweet, tart, citrusy. And nothing else is competing with it, so it’s all grapefruit all the way! Well, of course there’s a lovely dragonwell base which adds some interesting nuttiness and grassy freshness. It’s perfect, sweet grapefruit. Ruby grapefruit! The tartness is right on point, not overpowering but also still there. In my book, grapefruit teas need a little bite. They’re just not right without it! And this is perfection. Oh grapefruit tea, I’ve found you! Never leave me! Thanks so much to Stacy for coming up with this amazing concoction. If you like grapefruit you NEED to try it. But no I won’t put samples of this in a swap, it’s mine, all mine, bwahaha! One of those treasures you guard carefully and savor every last leaf.


Yay, glad to hear you love this one!


You are crazy and absoLOOTly right!


i want me order!!! BAH!


I got a sample of this I need to try. :)


I have a feeling there will be a ton of reviews for this one soon haha.

Oolong Owl

woot, can’t wait to try this one! I have it, but waiting for the right day

Butiki Teas

Alphakitty-So glad you are enjoying this one! :)
Sil-I hope it arrives soon! crosses fingers


Stacy – no worries.. i’m just anxious :)


What an entertaining tealog! love it!


I’ve had a sample (thanks Stacy and loved it!)


Thank you canadianadia! ^^


So you found It? That means there is yet hope for me and the Perfect Vanilla Black. Sounds like we’ve had similar ways of going at it, knowing exactly what it should be like when found but being unable to find it.


Yes, I’ve been questing for this tea for quite a while! It’s great to finally have it, I enjoyed my other grapefruit teas but they just weren’t “the one.” If you’re looking for the perfect vanilla you might want to ask Stacy at Butiki for a custom blend—she has a way of capturing just exactly what you want!


I was just about to say that unfortunately for reasons of geography and shipping, Butiki is out of my reach. Which alone means that no matter what she came up with, it couldn’t be the Perfect One. For Perfection easy availableness is crucial. However, when I went to check, so as to avoid potentially making a fool of myself, it transpired that the shop may not be unavailable to me, although it does require a bit of research for actual shipping fees.

Butiki Teas

Angrboda-If you ever have any shipping questions feel free message us for a quote. For international orders, we only charge $1.00 above the cost that USPS charges us to ship the package and that is for PayPal fees, box & shipping supplies, time, gas, etc.


Yes, that’s what I gathered. I’ll probably have a look through later and compose some sort of imaginary order, so that I know what weight amount I would potentially be going for and see what that would come up to.

Did you change it recently, though? I know I looked earlier and I could have sworn it was North America only at the time.

Butiki Teas

Angrboda-Nope, we have always accepted international orders. Also, if you would like to estimate a little on your own our shipping packaging usually weighs about 6oz (for most orders) and here is how to calculate the price: We usually use First Class International because it is the cheapest.

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676 tasting notes

Thank you Stacy (Butiki) for this sample tea!

(I’m Whispering…
…..we all know how good Stacy is at creating tea’s that
not nasty and artificially flavored…the really special tea’s that we love! Shhhhh, listen up!…..
…..This one is my favorite Butiki Tea Flavor of all!)

I want a pound of this tea already. I ONLY HAVE A SAMPLE! STACY!

The wet leaves had the softest aroma of green beans and sweet grapefruit as though the clock had been turned back and Spring was here once again.

I had just enough tea leaves for one precious mug full.

I took a sip of the pale yellow liquor and was amazed at the restrained taste of the grapefruit next to the more robust but smooth savory bean flavor. This was a juicy tea.

I added a little sweetening (as Stacy suggested) which brought more of the grapefruit flavor to the forefront, still perfectly complimenting the savory base flavor of the tea.

I used to make a grapefruit salad years ago with ruby grapefruit, carefully removing segments of ice cold fruit from it’s membrane, then mixing it with chopped avacado, salt, olive oil and lemon. The acid and sweetness of the grapefruit with the smooth creamy avacado were perfect compliments to each other. (It was an 1980’s popular California salad.)

This tea embraced that idea of combining crisp grapefruit and the creamy savory tea in a similar way. It worked really well!

There was that Umami thing happening in my mouth when I added some sugar (but without the bitterness, and the sour was just the normal grapefruit tang).

Yes, this was/is the best flavored tea in my Butiki book! It hits all the marks for me! Bravo Stacy!!!


oh man this makes me SUPER excited to get my teas already!!! Stupid living in canada taking forever! I’m so ready to place another order with Stacy but since I know i’ll be picking up larger orders, I want to try and get them all in one go…plus i really shouldn’t order anything more until i get back from vacation with the timing of shipments.

I couldn’t even tell you WHY i’m so excited about grapefruit tea….it’s not my favourite fruit but the idea of grapefruit tea just makes me happy…


oooh, I am getting a sample of this soon!

Terri HarpLady

Nice review, Bonnie. That salad you’re talking about is still very popular here in the Maplewood area of St. Louis, at least in this house! Grapefruit and avocado were made for each other!

Butiki Teas

So glad you are enjoying this one Bonnie! Mmmm, that salad sounds amazing. Avocados are one of my favorite foods.


Lot’s of people taking certain medications can’t have much GRAPEFRUIT, it increases the potency of the med. ME for instance. And I’m allergic to BEANS! This tea allows me to indulge in two! favorites without worries or illness!!! So wonderful! Yeah Tea!


I’ve never heard of the grapefruit salad but it sounds delicious! I love grapefruit, although it is a pain to eat.

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6119 tasting notes

Hmm, perhaps I should have saved that lapsang souchong for last…

Anyways, brewed this sample from Stacy at Butiki up tonight for fear that it would lose its grapefruity flavour… WOW! Definitely not! This tastes like straight up grapefruit juice, alongside a delicious and delicate green. Dragonwell is the perfect base here! Funnily enough, this is making my tongue tingle just like sour grapefruit juice does! Neat!

Grapefruit isn’t reeaaallly my thing, but this is a fabulously done grapefruit green, in my opinion! Another bang on tea!

ETA: So, the second infusion (same parameters, less water) was pretty darn delicious. So much real grapefruit flavour; I can’t get over it! Third infusion, today, still is grapefruity (which is crazy for most flavoured teas, but typical of Butiki’s!), but there’s a bit of a weird flavour lurking in the background. I suspect that that’s more likely due to the length of time the leaves have been sitting than the tea itself… so even though there was still a grapefruity aroma to the leaves, I threw them out. So, so glad I got to sample this one! IMO this would be a perfect substitute for a grapefruit juice addict trying to cut down on calorie-laden juice.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Oh man, I really need to get this. I love grapefruit green teas! Is the Dragonwell really grassy?


CHAroma – it’s really not grassy at all just a delicious delicious grapefruit tea


Yeah, the dragonwell is definitely there, but grapefruit is the predominant flavour. By far. And I’d say the dragonwell is more… boiled vegetal-y than grassy.

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4843 tasting notes


Another tea from the W-O-D.

I am so glad that I decided to order this tea. It is so good. I often mentioned in my grapefruit green tea tasting notes that I was on a quest to find the right grapefruit green to rival my experience at Tohono Chul Park in Tucson, I had actually found that ACTUAL tea but somehow it just didn’t taste the same when I got it home. Maybe it’s the water temperature, maybe it’s the water itself … or the amount of leaf they used in the teapot … Who knows? All I know is that somehow, that grapefruit green tasted amazing at Tohono Chul Park but only tasted good, even really good, but not amazing when I brewed it at home.

A couple of months ago, I found a grapefruit tea that finally satisfied me enough to declare the search for the grapefruit green over, but, as I tasted this tea, I realized that it may have been premature to declare the search over … or at least, that I had found another grapefruit tea that was just as good if not BETTER than the grapefruit green – and yes, I think that this one IS better than the grapefruit green – at Tohono Chul Park.

The grapefruit flavor is so true to the fruit, but it has a sweeter flavor. There is definitely the tangy bitterness from the grapefruit too. After I sip this tea, the flavor that is left, tingling in my mouth in the aftertaste, is similar to the sensation I’d experience if I were to have taken a bite of real grapefruit. Amazing!

The Dragon Well works great with the flavor of the grapefruit, it imparts a slight sweetness and vegetative tone that works quite harmoniously with the flavor. Very enjoyable, this is one I’m really glad that I have in my stash now.


Ohhhhhhhhhh! Grapefruit!


i am SOOO glad you enjoyed this! If Helena gets GMS, this might just be my tea after harassing stacy about it for months. It’s a good thing she’s forgiving! I really think this captures grapefruit pretty damn fantastically!

Butiki Teas

So glad you are enjoying this tea!

Sil-This is definitely your tea. Hahaha. I pushed it to the top of the list after your friendly reminders. :)


Ooo, putting this on my xmas wish list


Gravitea oh man doooooo iiitttttt!

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1598 tasting notes

Ooh. Very nice. It really really tastes like grapefruit. All fresh!

I bet this would be great in the summer. Also if it were iced. I’ll have to get this again sometime.

Because seriously, it really tastes like grapefruit!

Last sipdown for tonight.

2 min, 45 sec

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