Flowery Pineapple Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Citrus, Flowers, Orange, Sour, Orchid, Pineapple, Cream, Orchids, Sugar, Candy
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180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 378 ml

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From Butiki Teas

This light delicate tea pairs our premium Wen Shan Bao Zhong with a light pineapple flavor. The buttery and orchid notes of the oolong as well as its light body marry well with the pineapple flavor for a well-balanced soft tea. Without sugar this oolong has a wonderful light natural flavor but add a little brown crystal sugar for a stronger yet still natural pineapple flavor.

Ingredients: Wen Shan Bao Zhong Oolong Tea, Organic Freeze-Dried Pineapple, Organic Calendula, Organic Pineapple Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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128 Tasting Notes

84 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample, Stacy!

This one is really tasty. It has a very fresh pineapple taste.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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116 tasting notes

Mmm delicious pineapple tea. Very true to flavour and the oolong still can be tasted.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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336 tasting notes

This is one of my favorite Butiki blends and one that I often drink after dinner. It has an incredibly light and clean taste, and smells like a combination of orchids and a warm summer breeze.

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21 tasting notes

Stacy, thank you for the sample!
It’s 80 some degrees in Michigan right now at 8:00 in the morning, summer has officially arrived! To celebrate, I wanted to start my morning off with a summery tea. I decided to try the Pineapple Oolong sample that came with my Butiki order.

The aroma has a nice hint of pineapple with some floral notes. The combination of the pineapple and orchid is simply delightful in this tea. I don’t even usually care for fruity or floral teas! I love the bit of pineapple flavor that is left on my tongue after sipping. I might be crazy but the combination of flavors is giving me an almost peachy after taste. It’s light and fun, the perfect summer tea.

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13 tasting notes

Had this earlier today. I was amazed by how clear the infusion was, at first I was a little concerned that nothing had happened, haha.

This was pretty good. It was nice and refreshing. Didn’t blow my hair back with an intense flavor, but it’s light, delicate. It’s there, but very subtle, like the smile of the Mona Lisa. It does indeed taste like pineapple, and a little flowery, but definitely more pineapple than flowery, which is the right flavor balance IMO.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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30 tasting notes

Very tasty tea – natural pineapple flavouring. I think I would enjoy this one more cold as it is kind of like hot pineapple juice which I find a bit strange. Still tastes very nice.

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1113 tasting notes

Hmmm… I have had two different sessions with this tea in the last week and I have yet to get anything past a mild fruitiness. Nothing really striking me as pineapple in this tea… is it possibly older than I am thinking it may be?

I like the green oolong strands as I know they brew a fine liquid :)
The flower plays well off the oolong in the low ratio that it is presented in.


Mine is starting to fade taste wise :/

Butiki Teas

Some of the delicate fruit flavors really start to go quickly. It’s at least 8 months old at this point, since we have been closed for about that long. I usually recommend fruit teas to be drank within 6 months.

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5 tasting notes

I received a nice sized sample from Nicole, thanks! I love the aroma of this tea much more than the taste, though the taste itself is great. There seems to be a certain flavor that I don’t care for, but the pineapple tropical taste is more apparent. Or, maybe I haven’t tried enough oolong teas, yet.

First sniff, the tea smells like your’e on a tropical island. The tea is light and pleasant for the most part. I need to give it a few more tries to see if my mind has changed.

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313 tasting notes

For the past couple months, I’ve basically repeated the words “wedding dress” to myself every time I’m tempted to just go eat mac n’ cheese for lunch instead of edamame because everyone wants me to do everything at once and my salary band does not remotely justify this level of pressure. Wedding dress, I tell myself as I succumb to another packet of biscuits because THEY’RE RIGHT THERE ON MY DESK ALL THE TIME AND I DON’T EVEN LIKE THEM ANYMORE BUT THEY’RE THEEEEEEEEEEEERE. Wedding dress, wedding dress, wedding dress.

I have to fit into this thing on Saturday. I’m pretty sure any pretense of trying to eliminate any of my abundant lumps can be thrown out the window now. Surely it is so. We’ll both make a concerted effort to fit into those too-tight jeans as newlyweds. Honest to gosh, we will.

But first, I really want mac n’ cheese for lunch. There’s kale in it. Surely that counts as one of my five-a-day. I had matcha and rice milk for breakfast.

But I digress. I thought I’d tried this one already, but apparently I hadn’t, and what a very pleasant surprise it was! Like boom, pineapple and juicy and sweet-floral with a luscious, soft mouthfeel. It’s going to take all the willpower I have not to scoff the entire bag of this pretty quickly. It’s gorgeous. I’m so glad I get to try it.


saturday! OMG!!! congratulations!!


Congrats! I hope it all goes well, and once the wedding dress is no longer a worry, spoil yourself thoroughly with delicious food :)


Pre-congratulations on the wedding, Sami!

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737 tasting notes

So like…everyone that has reviewed this tea says how sweet and pineapple-y it is. But I didn’t really get any of that when I tried it. 0_0 The Cookie Lady generously sent me a sample because I’ve wanted to try this for so long! I was ridiculously excited, all up till the moment I actually tried it. xD
The Dry leaf and steeping aroma was a good sign, but I was not willing to believe it was all citrus-y. I just wanted to think it was like everyone else’s experience. D:
But sure enough the mail flavor I got was citrus xD Just my luck!
I pulled through that in hopes I’d get more than just citrus. Kinda got some flowery notes too, which I guess fit the name. But the citrus ended up getting to me and I gave up :(
Wish I’d have liked it, I really wanted to. Didn’t taste like pineapple to me at all. :( What a shame. :( Thanks for the sample though, The Cookie Lady! I’m really glad I got to try it still, even if I didn’t like it!

Flavors: Citrus, Flowers, Orange, Sour


Aww, it happens!


eww pineapple tea :( i wont be trying this. thankyou for the head’s up


booo that sucks. this is actually my fav pineapple tea… :(


And I really like pineapple, so it’s sad for me. XD Now my quest must continue to find a good pineapple tea.


have you tried the lupicia one? (it has coconut though, which is why it’s second in line after this one for me) also…den’s tea is supposed to have a kick as pineapple sencha…but i haven’t tried it yet…need to get it in a swap first.


I have, Sil! I like it…but I have wanted to find one that the pineapple is the main flavor. Doesn’t feel like the main flavor in Lupicia. :S I forgot Den’s Tea has that one, I’ll have to look at the notes!

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