Still here with my grandmother…
I smelled the tea leaves of Butiki Tea’s latest Oolong, attempting to savor the scent before the taste.
They smelled particularly like PEZ candies and I could almost taste it in my mouth already.
Grandma poured some in my cup and handed it to me.
The color was a fading golden-yellow, promising to be smooth and silky when I drank it.
I smelled it once more, savoring the candied and flowery smell (no wonder ‘flowery’ was in the name) and finally took the first sip.
A wide grin spread across my face.
Yay! It tasted just as deliciously as it smelled! Hallelujah!
I then added sweetener and the flavor got serious.
It was so perfectly sweet and the taste of pineapple had gotten to work!
A blast of juicy pineapple exploded in my mouth and my taste buds rejoiced as a dendritic zest zinged and zanged my tongue and then quickly disappeared as I swallowed.
Just as it had promised, the Oolong was silky and sleek when I swallowed it.
It was as if I were drinking sunlight.
Hurrah! The tea was a success! Thank Butiki Teas for creating such a flavorful experience in a cup!