Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Marshmallow Root, Organic Flavours, Popped Rice
Creamy, Marine, Marshmallow, Popcorn, Salt, Savory, Seaweed, Sweet, Toasted Rice, Vanilla, White Chocolate, Cream, Hot Hay, Oats, Sweet, Warm Grass, Toasty, Vegetal, Butter, Grain, Malt, Pastries, Rice, Rice Pudding, Tea, Toasted, Green, Burnt, Decayed Wood, Earth, Nutty, Roasted, Grass, Hay, Autumn Leaf Pile, Dry Grass, Nuts, Burnt Food
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by beerandbeancurd
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 4 g 13 oz / 385 ml

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224 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Indulging in a celebratory cup (or rather, travel mug)-ful of this one! What am I celebrating, you ask? Why, snagging another pouch of this! Haha. Anyways, it’s delicious as always. Nice and...” Read full tasting note
  • “More cold brew for me. This batch definitely tastes better that way. Not as sweet and more toasty rice for the win. I’d like to finish a bit more tea before going back to the Island so there would...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love this tea so much. I have the non-vegan version… and after having tried the vegan version, I can say that this one is much better. Sweet, very marshmallow treat-y. Yum Yum Yum!” Read full tasting note
  • “I finished this one recently. I’m sad to see it go :( I just realized what a great transition tea it is for the Fall. It retains some of the lightness that I tend to crave in Spring/Summer tea...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Part of Our Permanent Collection of Teas!

This is one of our all-time favorites here at 52Teas – not just ours – but our customers too! It’s so special that it’s earned a place in our permanent collection.

A sweet, roasty-toasty Genmaicha blended with marshmallow root & natural flavors to recreate the taste of those little squares of crispy rice cereal and marshmallows that we all know & love. It’s a cuppa yum! Oh – it’s also VEGAN, organic, gluten-free, allergen-free & all-natural!

organic ingredients: green tea, popped/toasted rice, marshmallow root & natural flavors

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

224 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Indulging in a celebratory cup (or rather, travel mug)-ful of this one! What am I celebrating, you ask? Why, snagging another pouch of this! Haha.

Anyways, it’s delicious as always. Nice and comforting. Perfect for drinking while writing a thesis.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec

this stuff is soooo good!

Emily M

I have some of this on the way. Can’t wait to try it!


Well, you’ve really gotta be on the ball for some 52teas blends. I happened to be online when the teas were released, and saw the email, so I was able to jump on it immediately. I think this one sold out in mere hours, so it’s really tough to catch!


The latest re-blend of Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish sold out in less than 12 hours. I’m so pissed. I waiting 2 years for a re-blend of that tea, and I freaking missed it. :(


Damn – if I had known + had contact info for you, I could have let you know! I watched the numbers drop all evening, but didn’t buy any for myself as I just don’t need another tea… (that I’ve already tried courtesy of Azzrian).


I haven’t been watching the 52teas e-mail updates as closely because my wedding is less than 5 weeks away. So, I can’t really spend money on tea. But for THAT tea, I would have made an exception!! Oh well. It looks like I might be able to score a bag from another Steepsterite. :D

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1792 tasting notes

More cold brew for me. This batch definitely tastes better that way. Not as sweet and more toasty rice for the win. I’d like to finish a bit more tea before going back to the Island so there would be less to take back! Cold brewing takes care of that.

Ok, off topic, but what should I make of this? I got accepted into university residence for the fall. Sounds great, right? Especially with one year to go, it would sooner make sense to do that then to have to buy all new furniture (since my previous roommate provided the furniture in the current place I’m in). I read the contract, and lo and behold, they kick you out for three weeks around Christmas/Winter break. Whaaaat? Where does a person go if you are supposed to stay and do your research? Or have a job? Or if you’re an international student and can’t go home? Apparently if you’re caught on the premises they can evict you or something. So this may be a deal breaker. I mean, has anyone ever heard of such a thing before?

End slightly perplexed rant.


I have heard of this happening at several different universities. They don’t want to staff the place or want to do minor renovations and such while the population would naturally be low anyway. It sucks for those who actually need a place to stay.


Wow, well in a way, it doesn’t surprise me since you’d think other universities must be doing this too. Just that the other universities I attended didn’t do this, and friends who have attended others yet never ran into this too. It’s rather irrational.


My university did that. You had to be out 24 hours after your last exam. I hated that. I paid the same as everyone lse but had to leave earlier because of my exam schedule. I was lucky enough to be able to go home but others had trouble finding accomodations. Maybe they will arrange something if you talk to them.


The same 24 hour rule applies here too! I was thinking about that, how it’s unfair to students who finish early but pay the same. I don’t even have exams as a grad student, but have papers to write, so huh, they’d still expect you to leave as soon as exams start even though you may have a paper to finish off. I’m thinking of not even bothering at all, because I have no idea how my research will go and how long I would need to stay.


Yeah, all of my dorms were like that (although it wasn’t tied to your finals but rather a specific date for everyone). They don’t want to staff a whole big dorm for one or two people staying in it since most dorms have a front desk attendant and such. For international students and students who couldn’t leave there was one dorm that stayed open and had extra rooms that you could stay in for 3 weeks.


I’ve heard of that too, and while that makes sense for undergrads, it definitely does not for graduate students! My only suggestion is to ask and see what can possible be done about it. Maybe they have a single dorm or something like Dinosara is referring to.


It usually depends on the dorms. At UBC there is year round housing for students with disabilities, graduate students, international students, and just students who want a place to be “theirs” while they’re in school. It costs more, but they’re really nice. A friend had one for a while.


Wow, thanks for all the feedback! I completely understand that they’d want to cut staffing during that time, but Kittenna, for sure, it’s not very compatible with grad student life/responsibilities. Glad to hear that UBC offers year round housing, just like U of A. I just really feel bad for the international students.

I think I’ll pass and look for an apartment off campus or something.

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4843 tasting notes

I love this tea so much. I have the non-vegan version… and after having tried the vegan version, I can say that this one is much better. Sweet, very marshmallow treat-y. Yum Yum Yum!

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357 tasting notes

I finished this one recently. I’m sad to see it go :( I just realized what a great transition tea it is for the Fall. It retains some of the lightness that I tend to crave in Spring/Summer tea with the green tea base, but has the dessert-like sweet flavoring on top of a roastiness that I gravitate towards in the Fall/Winter. A definite restock for my cupboard.

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525 tasting notes

This tea gives and gives! I had this tea cold brewing in the fridge. I’ve been drinking from the pot and just topping it off with more water. I must have had 4 or 5 glasses by now and the leaves are still giving flavor into the water. As a result, my pot of tea is still full! It’s like that magic pot with the unending pasta that floods the whole town with food.

Very nummy tea. I’ve been sort of saving it, but I’d hate for it to go stale and be ruined so I’m drinking some now.

Also, unrelated, but it’s fun so I thought I’d share. I went on a foraging tour this weekend with my family. Lots of fun! If you live in or near NYC or Westchester, I totally recommend going on one of these tours. You learn about the “wild” food growing all around you disguised as weeds! I got a bunch of oyster mushrooms and burdock root! Very tasty!

He even showed us a few plants that would be good as teas with some supposed medicinal value. My friends tell me that I can now be of use during the zombie apocalypse. :D


Wow, we all need that information for the zombie apocalypse! My older kids said they are going to hole up in a Walmart. It has food, water, bathrooms, and guns and knives. But not everyone can get to a Walmart. So we need to be able to identify those shrooms!

Daisy Chubb

Good plan! My first instinct would definitely be a Walmart or Supermarket, but I’ve read too many Stephen King books so I would be afraid of the OTHER people that went there too! haha


Yeah, I was thinking Walmart or Costco, but there’ll be lots of other people there who you will probably have to compete with for food. I’m small and weak! Better to be able to fend for yourself out in there just in case. :D

Daisy Chubb

Absolutely! :D


Wouldn’t the zombies go to Wally world too? I am staying in the country… Not telling you where in case you get turned.


Thanks for the vote of confidence! I’ll definitely look out for you when I get turned. :) Just gotta hunt down the scent of delicious tea brewing! Which I’ll likely be doing anyway…


:) Gentler, kinder, tea drinking zombies. Probably a TV series in there.


We will get gmathis to do the script. She has a zombie bunny for inspiration…


Yep! It’s now guarding our new shed. You know, I really need to name him…


Mercuryhime: I also love your friends’ implication….NOW you will be useful, as if you wouldn’t have been before! I wonder if we could bait the zombies with some Sleepytime or Kava tea? Then, K S, we would truly have gentler, kinder zombies!


Haha. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much useless. I have no hand eye coordination and can’t run fast or do a pull up. I cant even play zombie shooter games because i find them too scary. My only hope is that stronger people will protect me for my food finding skills. No guarantee they won’t use me as bait in a momens of panic though. Hmm. Gotta work on my aim…


Mercuryhime: gather poisonous mushrooms along with the edible ones. Tell you friends that you will not tell them which is which. They will have to keep you alive or risk death by poison mushrooms. BTW: did you know that many settlers of the American frontier died from eating turtles that had eaten poison mushrooms? Turtles are unaffected. Mention that little factoid with a gleam in your eye, the meet us at Walmart as quickly as you can!


Ashmanra, you are awesome! I didn’t even know turtles ate mushrooms! I did learn that settlers had died from “milk sickness” because their cows were eating a native plant that didn’t affect the cows but sent a poison to the milk which killed people. They couldn’t figure out why sometimes milk was poison and sometimes not. Witchcraft! Or white snake root. :)

Walmart fortress!


Mercuryhime, in an attempt to redeem myself and more importantly to help you survive the apocalypse –


Thanks KS! I dont think you need redemption but I appreciate the sentiment. :) fun link! I actually received a zombie survival handbook or something for Xmas last year. It was a best seller I think. It will undoubtedly become my bible.

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1445 tasting notes

Nom nom nom… If this is only half up to pair with the original blend then that must’ve been a pretty fine dessert tea.

The bag has a bit of a funky aroma but, in my opinion, it is largely overshadowed by the delicious syrupy sweet smell of gooey marshmallow (root). The liquid and bottom of the cup smell sweet too, but the flavour doesn’t quite reach that point of sugary ecstasy promised by the scent. The finish and aftertaste try to fulfill the sweetness but it’s only an impression. The first half of this cup tasted mostly of plain genmaicha before I hit marshmallow (drinking it too fast maybe).

I’m going to add some real marshmallows to the strainer next time and see how that goes. I assume it will be a mess and likely result in a massive sugar overload. Fun, fun, fun.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 15 sec

I was thinking about stealing marshmallows from my della terra s’mores and doing the same thing. It’s so close to being amazing, but just doesn’t quite get there on its own.


Did you see Frank’s post regarding odd smells? He suggested letting it air out a little to see if that helps as he may have bagged them too quickly.


I did see that. I let this one air out for most of yesterday and my room smells like marshmallows and sugar. I think it helped a little but there wasn’t much funkiness with this one to begin with. It’s the S’mores Genmaicha that I need to give another chance. :)


Also, I originally had two bags of this one and have already gone through one of them. I’d probably order this one again if reblended, and buy my own white marshmallows for it.


Mmm… that sounds like it’d be pretty good.
I’d air out my S’mores Genmaicha, but for me the problem was just that the flavours were too mild.


I aired out and shook up some of the s’mores before sending it away and I have to agree with you- it’s too mild. I didn’t pick up any alcohol/chlorine that time though so that’s a huge plus! :)

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4341 tasting notes

Additional notes: Last of this one! I wanted to steep this half of the sample differently because I didn’t feel like I had the flavor quite right. It was astringent last time. So a teaspoon and a half leads to a sipdown. I let the water cool a while and tried my usual 52Teas steep time of 35 seconds and it was much better this time (as far as I remember). Though there wasn’t any actual marshmallows in my sample, there was plenty of marshmallow flavor. I will miss this one.

It’s 52Teas luck that I just finished this one though, since this is one of the teas I get a sample of when I donated $25 for the fundraiser:
SO getting a BIT more of this one was kind of a deciding factor! Yes, it’s only enough for a couple cups, but my tea collection really only needs a couple cups of each tea. :D


Do you know around what temperature you let the water cool to?


No I don’t, sorry. I know I let any green teas cool a long while though, rather than get astringent.

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541 tasting notes

How I still have some of this tea left is a mystery! I’ve mostly been squirling this away for special occasions. This tea has such a comforting smell in-bag. The itsy-bitsy popcorn pieces are too cute!
This was one of my very first flavored teas and will always remain on my list of favorites. I just wish I could get my hands on more!


It’s not actually popcorn… but popped rice. :)


I’m surprised this isn’t in the perm. collection, given how popular it is.


oh Mine had little white puffs along with the popped rice! O.o extra treat? Are both the white and brown puffs both rice?
I’m actually really surprised too. I think I mention that it should be every time I log it.

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15596 tasting notes

Sipdown and that was a giant cup of no thank you. I tried airing i out but it didn’t help.


Oh really?? I thought you liked this one?


I did…but i think the reblends are just not right. I’ve lowered the rating because on some level, while airing out the bags appears to have helped some folks, i think consistency and time should be taken when reblending and sending out tea. So until/unless i have a batch that is back to the deliciousness that it was, i don’t feel fair letting it sit at a higher rating. If that makes sense.


Aww that’s too bad, but I think that’s fair adjusting the rating. I just ordered more from the latest batch so I hope it will be better. The one he made back in the fall was fantastic.

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1118 tasting notes

Yum. Toasty rice and lots of marshmallow. This was exactly what I need to keep me from snacking all morning.

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