This tea gives and gives! I had this tea cold brewing in the fridge. I’ve been drinking from the pot and just topping it off with more water. I must have had 4 or 5 glasses by now and the leaves are still giving flavor into the water. As a result, my pot of tea is still full! It’s like that magic pot with the unending pasta that floods the whole town with food.

Very nummy tea. I’ve been sort of saving it, but I’d hate for it to go stale and be ruined so I’m drinking some now.

Also, unrelated, but it’s fun so I thought I’d share. I went on a foraging tour this weekend with my family. Lots of fun! If you live in or near NYC or Westchester, I totally recommend going on one of these tours. You learn about the “wild” food growing all around you disguised as weeds! I got a bunch of oyster mushrooms and burdock root! Very tasty!


He even showed us a few plants that would be good as teas with some supposed medicinal value. My friends tell me that I can now be of use during the zombie apocalypse. :D

Show 13 previous comments...
ashmanra 13 years ago

Wow, we all need that information for the zombie apocalypse! My older kids said they are going to hole up in a Walmart. It has food, water, bathrooms, and guns and knives. But not everyone can get to a Walmart. So we need to be able to identify those shrooms!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Good plan! My first instinct would definitely be a Walmart or Supermarket, but I’ve read too many Stephen King books so I would be afraid of the OTHER people that went there too! haha

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking Walmart or Costco, but there’ll be lots of other people there who you will probably have to compete with for food. I’m small and weak! Better to be able to fend for yourself out in there just in case. :D

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Absolutely! :D

K S 13 years ago

Wouldn’t the zombies go to Wally world too? I am staying in the country… Not telling you where in case you get turned.

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I’ll definitely look out for you when I get turned. :) Just gotta hunt down the scent of delicious tea brewing! Which I’ll likely be doing anyway…

K S 13 years ago

:) Gentler, kinder, tea drinking zombies. Probably a TV series in there.

ashmanra 13 years ago

We will get gmathis to do the script. She has a zombie bunny for inspiration…

gmathis 13 years ago

Yep! It’s now guarding our new shed. You know, I really need to name him…

ashmanra 13 years ago

Mercuryhime: I also love your friends’ implication….NOW you will be useful, as if you wouldn’t have been before! I wonder if we could bait the zombies with some Sleepytime or Kava tea? Then, K S, we would truly have gentler, kinder zombies!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Haha. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much useless. I have no hand eye coordination and can’t run fast or do a pull up. I cant even play zombie shooter games because i find them too scary. My only hope is that stronger people will protect me for my food finding skills. No guarantee they won’t use me as bait in a momens of panic though. Hmm. Gotta work on my aim…

ashmanra 13 years ago

Mercuryhime: gather poisonous mushrooms along with the edible ones. Tell you friends that you will not tell them which is which. They will have to keep you alive or risk death by poison mushrooms. BTW: did you know that many settlers of the American frontier died from eating turtles that had eaten poison mushrooms? Turtles are unaffected. Mention that little factoid with a gleam in your eye, the meet us at Walmart as quickly as you can!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Ashmanra, you are awesome! I didn’t even know turtles ate mushrooms! I did learn that settlers had died from “milk sickness” because their cows were eating a native plant that didn’t affect the cows but sent a poison to the milk which killed people. They couldn’t figure out why sometimes milk was poison and sometimes not. Witchcraft! Or white snake root. :)

Walmart fortress!

K S 13 years ago

Mercuryhime, in an attempt to redeem myself and more importantly to help you survive the apocalypse – http://www.ehow.com/how_2086530_destroy-zombie.html

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Thanks KS! I dont think you need redemption but I appreciate the sentiment. :) fun link! I actually received a zombie survival handbook or something for Xmas last year. It was a best seller I think. It will undoubtedly become my bible.

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ashmanra 13 years ago

Wow, we all need that information for the zombie apocalypse! My older kids said they are going to hole up in a Walmart. It has food, water, bathrooms, and guns and knives. But not everyone can get to a Walmart. So we need to be able to identify those shrooms!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Good plan! My first instinct would definitely be a Walmart or Supermarket, but I’ve read too many Stephen King books so I would be afraid of the OTHER people that went there too! haha

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking Walmart or Costco, but there’ll be lots of other people there who you will probably have to compete with for food. I’m small and weak! Better to be able to fend for yourself out in there just in case. :D

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Absolutely! :D

K S 13 years ago

Wouldn’t the zombies go to Wally world too? I am staying in the country… Not telling you where in case you get turned.

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I’ll definitely look out for you when I get turned. :) Just gotta hunt down the scent of delicious tea brewing! Which I’ll likely be doing anyway…

K S 13 years ago

:) Gentler, kinder, tea drinking zombies. Probably a TV series in there.

ashmanra 13 years ago

We will get gmathis to do the script. She has a zombie bunny for inspiration…

gmathis 13 years ago

Yep! It’s now guarding our new shed. You know, I really need to name him…

ashmanra 13 years ago

Mercuryhime: I also love your friends’ implication….NOW you will be useful, as if you wouldn’t have been before! I wonder if we could bait the zombies with some Sleepytime or Kava tea? Then, K S, we would truly have gentler, kinder zombies!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Haha. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much useless. I have no hand eye coordination and can’t run fast or do a pull up. I cant even play zombie shooter games because i find them too scary. My only hope is that stronger people will protect me for my food finding skills. No guarantee they won’t use me as bait in a momens of panic though. Hmm. Gotta work on my aim…

ashmanra 13 years ago

Mercuryhime: gather poisonous mushrooms along with the edible ones. Tell you friends that you will not tell them which is which. They will have to keep you alive or risk death by poison mushrooms. BTW: did you know that many settlers of the American frontier died from eating turtles that had eaten poison mushrooms? Turtles are unaffected. Mention that little factoid with a gleam in your eye, the meet us at Walmart as quickly as you can!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Ashmanra, you are awesome! I didn’t even know turtles ate mushrooms! I did learn that settlers had died from “milk sickness” because their cows were eating a native plant that didn’t affect the cows but sent a poison to the milk which killed people. They couldn’t figure out why sometimes milk was poison and sometimes not. Witchcraft! Or white snake root. :)

Walmart fortress!

K S 13 years ago

Mercuryhime, in an attempt to redeem myself and more importantly to help you survive the apocalypse – http://www.ehow.com/how_2086530_destroy-zombie.html

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Thanks KS! I dont think you need redemption but I appreciate the sentiment. :) fun link! I actually received a zombie survival handbook or something for Xmas last year. It was a best seller I think. It will undoubtedly become my bible.

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I came from a tea drinking family, but I never appreciated the different qualities and varieties of tea until older. All that time wasted! But I guess I needed to be mature enough to appreciate the tea experience. :)

My favorite teas are green oolongs and white tea. I also love greens, especially gyokuro. I have a huge appreciation for rooibos and honeybush as they are often that only thing I can drink in the evening. I am a relatively new convert to black teas. This is unfortunate for my wallet but extremely wonderful for my palate. :)

In any case, I have a love for both flavored and unflavored teas. They are different experiences for sure, but both enjoyable. I find that it often depends on my mood.

I am on a quest to find a tea that will win my husband over. I think I’m making some headway…

My profile pic features my two lovable puppies, Mr. Snuggles and Sr. Caliente.


NYC / Westchester

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