Banana Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Tannin, Toasted Rice, Toasty, Vegetal, Banana, Coffee, Marshmallow, Rice, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted, Green
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 13 oz / 384 ml

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44 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Homemade Advent Exchange Tea #13 I enjoyed this as a latte with a splash of soy milk in my second cup (1st steep was a plain cup without milk). I think the milk is a really nice addition to a...” Read full tasting note
  • “TTB Review #48: This tastes like a cup of coffee! Lots of interesting things going on here, from the toasted rice (which I think is where I’m getting the coffee notes) to the subtle notes of...” Read full tasting note
  • “AJRimmer Advent Day 4 I honestly wasn’t super excited when I saw this one, as I’ve tried some of the 52Teas marshmallow treat genmaicha blends before and found that the genmaicha flavor took over...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another awesome tea sent from VariaTEA! I haven’t had a genmaicha in years. The scent definitely has banana. The initial sip has banana, very much like a banana chip. There’s a subtle creamy aspect...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

I’ve never had a banana Marshmallow Treat – I don’t even know if such a thing exists. A quick google search yielded no results that appeared like banana marshmallow treat squares but I’ll admit that I really didn’t look very earnestly for it, mostly because I would think that the banana would be too slick and slippery and wouldn’t stick to the marshmallow which binds the crispy rice cereal together. I would think that banana would really mess up the chemistry that goes into the crafting of a marshmallow treat.

Then again, since I’ve never actually had one (and thus, I’ve never tried making one) I don’t know for certain. Perhaps it could be made with freeze-dried bananas (like the ones that I put in this tea blend) without much trouble.

Anyway, that lengthy introduction is my way of saying that this tea wasn’t inspired by something I’ve actually tried but something I’d love to try should I ever be so fortunate to find such a confection. What inspired me is my appreciation for fresh, sliced bananas atop my crispy rice cereal. One day while eating a bowl of cereal, I thought, wouldn’t a banana flavored crispy rice treat be awesome? At some point very soon after that, my thoughts turned to tea (as they often do) and I decided that I MUST create a Banana Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha.

And so I did!

I started with my organic matcha infused genmaicha and added marshmallow root and freeze dried bananas. It’s a cuppa yum!

organic ingredients: green teas, toasted rice, freeze-dried bananas, marshmallow root and natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

44 Tasting Notes

2983 tasting notes

Homemade Advent Exchange Tea #13

I enjoyed this as a latte with a splash of soy milk in my second cup (1st steep was a plain cup without milk). I think the milk is a really nice addition to a genmaicha, despite being unconventional. I got lots of green tea and toasty rice, but the banana and marshmallow must have been overwhelmed. I couldn’t taste much in the way of banana and I couldn’t taste vanilla in the plain cup. Still a nice tea, but it didn’t live up to its name like I hoped.

Flavors: Tannin, Toasted Rice, Toasty, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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174 tasting notes

TTB Review #48: This tastes like a cup of coffee! Lots of interesting things going on here, from the toasted rice (which I think is where I’m getting the coffee notes) to the subtle notes of banana. Really I’ve never had such a coffee-esque cup of tea before. Very unique and worth trying at least once.

Flavors: Banana, Coffee, Marshmallow, Toasted Rice

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986 tasting notes

AJRimmer Advent Day 4

I honestly wasn’t super excited when I saw this one, as I’ve tried some of the 52Teas marshmallow treat genmaicha blends before and found that the genmaicha flavor took over in a way that I didn’t love. But this one was a lovely surprise! The rice was present but not too strong and there was a beautiful sweet, natural banana flavor that I really enjoyed. Another one I’m so happy I got to try and that I’d gladly drink again!

Flavors: Marshmallow, Rice, Smooth, Sweet

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1396 tasting notes

Another awesome tea sent from VariaTEA!

I haven’t had a genmaicha in years. The scent definitely has banana. The initial sip has banana, very much like a banana chip. There’s a subtle creamy aspect and a hint of sweetness. I did re-steep this and it’s just as tasty. Even if some of the added flavours are lost, the genmaicha itself is great. I’m going to do a third re-steep as well.

First steep 2 minutes
Second steep 3 minutes, 30 seconds

Overall, really enjoying this one. Thanks VariaTEA!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

Hahah yeah! I polished off the 4oz. container from H&S years ago and because I wasn’t on Steepster, just never re-ordered from there or anywhere else! Crazy, I know. I just stuck to my black teas and was happy as a clam!

Martin Bednář

I never thought that there is an idiom “being happy as a clam”. I have to remember it! We use “happy as a flea”. LOL!

I think I would enjoy this tea as well though!


Hahah I love it! I think it’s because I’m from the east coast? It’s something we always say Martin! My grandmother also says “happy as a lark” too!

Cameron B.

I’ve definitely heard “happy as a clam” many times here in the States. Lol, I love “happy as a flea”! XD


I love this blend. Probably one of the better banana blends that she has made.

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2573 tasting notes

This is a 52teas genmaicha, so of course it’s good! There were very few banana pieces in my whole bag, but I made sure to include some in my mug. Unfortunately, I taste nothing except regular genmaicha. What might work is to remove the genmaicha after the proper steep time, but then keep the banana pieces in for 20+ minutes. I like to give my herbal banana teas an extra long steep. Well anyway it’s a pleasant, toasty tea, but not banana at all.

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379 tasting notes

Yummy Genmaicha. It’s very similar to the other Marshmallow treat Genmaichas from 52Teas but now I think this is my favorite because of the bananas. :D Just like I love their pancake breakfast but my favorite is the one with bananas. ^^

Flavors: Marshmallow, Toasted Rice

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1962 tasting notes

12 days of Christmas, day 2! I freaking love banana teas, and found this to be exceptional. The banana is prominent, and really well balanced with the the marshmallowy goodness. The toasty genmaicha balances the former 2 flavors really well. Was so sad when I finished this cup. I very much wish I could purchase more of this!

Flavors: Marshmallow, Toasted

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

There will be some of the 12 Teas remaining after the holidays (which will be posted to the website on the 26th). However, since you purchased the box, you can pre-order the remaining quantities prior to the 26th by emailing me to let me know what you’d like. Quantities are VERY limited, and there are a couple of teas that there are NO remaining quantities.

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6119 tasting notes

(52teas (Anne) 2022: 207)

Found an old packet of this; it pre-dates the birth of my son (Oct 2018) so I think it would have to be the original 2016ish blend of this tea (I had previously found an unopened packet of this as well; I’ll have to check to see if they actually look to be from the same batch). Anyhow, you’d never know it was verging on six years old except that the banana is pretty light: it’s delicious. Creamy, marshmallowy, toasty and decadent – just needs more banana and it would be perfect. A nice find!


Are we in an alternate timeline right now? Because I don’t see how it can be four years since your son was born…wow. Time flies.

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448 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure this is from last year’s Christmas sampler, so this is likely getting old. It’s almost gone, so I’m working on using it up. I don’t remember what this was like back when I first tried it. Currently, the sip starts out with some candy banana flavors with just a hint of grass, kind of like someone dropped the candy on the ground, then picked it back up and gave it to me (not in a bad way lol). The more it cools, the more I lose the distinct flavors and end up with a general savoriness.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1779 tasting notes

Summer is here and I’m switching back to cold steeping in the fridge for iced tea! Last night I put the rest of this in my pitcher and woke up to an awesome cup waiting for me. It was good plain, but I love a little soy creamer in it to amp up the creamy notes. The banana is there, but not overpowering. The rice adds a distinctive rice crispy flavor and with creamer the marshmallow is more full. I drank the whole cup and went back to my pitcher for seconds. This pitcher isn’t going to last the whole day or even half if I keep up this pace.


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