77 Tasting Notes

drank Carqueja by Vale Aromático
77 tasting notes

Last brew, another tea out of my shelf!
Brought it to work in a jar, as my usual drinking vessels are in the washing machine; my mom was shocked when she saw me leave with it
But it’s super practical! Easier to wash than most bottles, and if you forget it somewhere, it’s not like you’ve paid for it (this was a jam jar :D )

We’re in that time of year where it’s still cold outside but it’s really sunny, so an herbal tea really hits the spot — light taste for the coming spring, but warm so we can warm up as well :)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Mason jars are my container of choice when the weather gets warm!


A neighbor came and helped us with laying sod in the yard. He has been trying to find a green tea he would like and failed. I shook up some matcha with ice and cold water in a mason jar. He loved it so much I sent him home with a mason jar full as well as the rest of the tin (nearly full) of matcha. It was the perfect vessel today!

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drank Carqueja by Vale Aromático
77 tasting notes

the sun came out today, and this tea is reminding me of when I’d sit down in the sun with my grandmother
We wouldn’t drink tea or anything, it was too hot for that, but the smell of the air is exactly what this tastes like
hot wheat from the fields, with something sweet mixed in; the unquestionable scent of rural settings

grief gets easier with time, but it gets harder as well

Flavors: Honey, Wheat

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

What a lovely memory you have! I wish I had had grandparents in my life. I hope my grandchildren will have some nice memory of me for when they are grown.

I agree about grief. When we bought a house next door to my mother, my heart ached horribly missing my father who had died five years earlier, and that was when the grief was the worst. I thought of all the things we would have done together as neighbors, like planting tomatoes and building the fire in winter. I still miss him!

Sofia Vaz

Ashmanra (may I call you Ash?), I bet your grandchildren will have wonderful memories of you! <3
As my grandma used to say, you are two times their mother ;)

(now he may not plant tomatoes with you, but you can plant them for him, in his honor; what would summer be without fresh, home-grown tomatoes?)


Sofia – I don’t mind if you call me Ash, but that is actually my husband and I am RA! That is even shorter so you can call me that! :)

My dad would be so proud of our tomato crops! We always have lots. We are not so great with cucumbers, but this year we are going all out and planting beans and peas as well. We always have herbs and usually sweet peppers, too. I am looking forward to gardening this year as we have added space.

Sofia Vaz

it’s always great to have herbs! Just not mint, everyone I know who has planted mint now has a mint problem

(sorry for using the wrong name, RA!)


I have heard that about mint! The only time I grew it was decades ago and it was in a raised bed and it didn’t really thrive. My oregano is trying to behave like mint, so when extra plants come up from seed I dig them up and share them with fellow gardeners. The bees just adore it!


We have so many tree roots in our yard, we even killed off mint when we tried planting it in the ground. However, it thrives in our container garden and tries to sneak into the other pots.

Banana peppers do well in a large container, but on a whim, I’m also trying one red bell pepper plant this year. We’ll see.

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drank Carqueja by Vale Aromático
77 tasting notes

plain, the kind you won’t get tired but also will probably not reach for

Flavors: Honey, Wheat

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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goodbye, my dear friend, you were a great tea :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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this is probably going to be the last time i bring this tea to work, which is a shame, but there are more teas to be had :D

the next one will probably be the herbal I talked about, that way I can cut back on the amount of caffeine I drink throughout the day :)
(also OCD says I MUST drink the one closest to its expiration, and honestly I have bigger fish to fry in terms of energy, so….. I’ll let my OCD decide this time)

On a personal note, my country had elections and it seems that the new government does not care about science and research, which is great considering that my career in that field is about to start… :)
But as my mom’s godfather always says: what is ours will be ours (in English it sounds weird, but it’s something along the lines of “if something is meant to be for us, then it will happen, no matter what”; it’s just a saying, but it always gives me hope)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I like that saying!

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my stash of this tea is almost over, which is a shame :(
I’m getting to the point that my tin needs to be at an angle so I can get the tea with a spoon, which is super awkward
however, I’m excited to get another one in my weekly rotation! probably going to go for my Lady Grey, which I’ve been neglecting… or maybe go to whatever is closest to expiring?
On one hand, I like having caffeinated tea during the morning, however, my oldest tea is herbal, and I REALLY don’t want it to go bad….

choices are hard!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Sipdown dilemmas are real! Make a pitcher of iced tea with the herbal for lunches and suppers perhaps?

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drank Snore & Peace by Clipper
77 tasting notes

Finished my box yesterday night and didn’t even realize I hadn’t logged this yet!

This is a pretty standard night tea, I found the taste pretty standard and almost boring.
It’s not offensive at all, but I’ve found other teas that both taste and knock me out better

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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okay, I stand corrected, the 3min steep is the optimal time for this tea (yay scientific method!)
this tea is incredibly heavy on the cinnamon, has a smooth black tea base and there’s… something? that sort of clings to the tongue in a pleasant earthy-acid way — reminds me of the way hibiscus has a very specific taste!
it’s an overtly winter brew, and I wish they had more teas they made specifically for each season; alas, not all seasons have a ‘magical’ (consumerist) … vibe, I guess?

(on a personal note, my advisor FINALLY started reviewing my thesis, yay! enjoying this tea as I listen to the new Capitão Fausto album and continue trying to find stuff to cut to send my work to a conference as well)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

That is great news on your thesis!

Sofia Vaz

thank you so much ashmanra :) it sucks to deal with all the corrections, but hopefully I won’t have to hound the man in the near future

Martin Bednář

Sofia Vaz — at least your advisor is reviewing it, unlike mine :/ (bitter memories a year back)

Sofia Vaz

ooooh Martin, I feel you; I had to wait for my advisor to move for three whole weeks (!!!) and this is the second time I’ve written my thesis in its entirety, the other time I had to keep reminding him for two weeks as well
(to note that I had to rewrite because, in his words, the thesis lacked orientation; funny to hear that from your advisor, which in Portuguese is orientador, AKA he who gives orientation)

I understand advisors are busy people but…… do your job please? ADVISE US!!

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drank Earl Grey by Ahmad Tea
77 tasting notes

although letting this tea cool down for 45min helps, letting it steep for 2min is entirely too much for me; although a much nicer black tea base than what I first tasted (half of a box ago?), it still lacks the citrus-bergamot-fresh thing

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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